The Cybernetic Brain
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training by punishment
as ultrastable machines
war among
Wiener's description of
world of
Hovenden, Valerie and Feathers
How Buildings Learn (Brand)n
Howarth-Williams, Martinn
"human potential" movementn
Human Use of Human Beings, The (Wiener)
Humphrey, Georgenn
Hurricane Katrina
Hutchinson, Evelynn
Huxley, Aldousn
The Doors of Perception, –nnn
Heaven and Hell,–
Walter's influence on
Huxley, Francisn
altered states of matter and
art and
Beer and
Craik onn
new music andn
robotics and
spirituality and
"tortoises" and
hypnotism. See trance
hypoglycaemic therapy
Ichazo, Oscarn
icosahedron figure, ,nnn–
In C(Riley)
industrializationn. See also
factory automation systems
information technology n
information theory
infosettic consciousnessn
initiation ceremonies
Institute for Advanced Study
Institute for Contemporary Arts, Londonnn
Institute of Phenomenological Studies
insulin shock. See also shock
intelligent design
"Interactions of Actors" (Pask)
International Publishing Corporation
international relations, cybernetics and,
–. See also politics,
cybernetics and
Interpersonal Perception(Laing, Phillipson, Lee)
Introduction to Cybernetics, An (Ashby)nn
It's Gonna Rain (Reich)
Jackson, Donn
James, Williamn
Jonckheere, A. R.n
Journal of General Psychology,
Journal of Mental Science,nn
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, n
Kac, Eduardo, ,
Kamiya, Joe
Kauffman, Stuart
"articulation of parts" explanation
At Home in the Universe,
life and careern
mathematical researches ofn
work on complexitynn–
Kesey, Kenn
King, Cecil
King Crimsonn
Kingsley Hall, ,nn–n
Klüver, Heinrichn
"knowledge as detour" conceptn.
See also performative
Koolhaas, Remn
Kotowicz, Z.nn
Kresge College
Kripal, J.n
Kubrick, Stanleynn
Kuhn, T. S.n
Lacey, Brucen
Laing, Adriann
Laing, R. D., ,
The Facts of Life,
Interpersonal Perception,
life and career
LSD experiments
outsider status of
Pask andn
The Politics of Experience,–n
psychiatric work ofnnn–
Self and Others,
social basis of work
spirituality and
Wisdom, Madness and Folly,
Landau, Roy
Latham, John
Latil, Pierre de
Latour, Brunonnnn
Laughlin, R. B.
Laws of Form(Brown)nn
Leacock, Stephenn
Leadbeater, C. W.n
Leary, Timothynn
Lee, A. Robin
Lem, Stanislawn
Leonard, Allennann
Lettvin, Jeromen
Lewis, Briann
Lilly, Johnnnn
Linz Café,
Lipset, D.n
Littlewood, Joann
Living Brain, The(Walter)nn
Living Brain, The(cont.)
account of "tortoise" origins in
altered states discussed in
CORA discussed in
influence of
Living City installation, ,n
cybernetic equivalent, ,
Lobsinger, Mary Lounn
Lodge, Olivern
Logic Theorist program
Lorenz, Konradn
Lucier, Alvin, ,nn
Machina docilis,–nn
Machina labyrinthea,
Machina sopora,
Machina speculatrix,
MacKay, Donald
Macy conferencesnnn
management cybernetics
Management Science(Beer)
Mangle of Practice, The(Pickering) nn–n
Marcus, G.n
Marcuse, Herbert
Marcuson, Alann
Masserman, Jules
Masterman, Margaretn
mathematical researches
Mathews, Stanleynnn–
Matthews, B. H. C.n
Maturana, Humbertonnnn
Maxwell, James Clerkn
Mayfield, Barbaran
McCarthy, John
McColl, Ewan
McCulloch, Warren, ,n
Ashby and
Bateson and n
career of nn –n
cybernetics research described as "experi
mental epistemology,"
golem quote
"How We Know Universals,"
Laing's quote of n
as Macy Conferences chair
MIT research
phrase "the go of it,"
redundancy notionn
visit to Britain
McKenzie, Bobn
McKinnon-Wood, Robinnn
McKissock, Wylien
McLuhan, Eric
McLuhan, Marshall
Mead, Margaretn
Medalla, Davidnn
Medina, Eden nn–n
meeting protocol, team syntegrity approach
memory, dynamics of n
Mental Research Instituten
Meyerhold, Vsevolod
Michael X
Micro Man(Pask)
Mikardo, Iann
Miles, Suen
military applications
of AI
of cyberneticsnnnnn
of LSD n
Mind Benders, The(film) n
MIT Media Lab n
MIT Research Laboratory of Electronicsn
modernity, concept of. See also ontology of
AI research and
approach to "Black Box," –
cybernetics' rejection of
defined n
Heidegger on
Latour on
madness and
as noncompulsory
problems with
schizophrenia and
self's role in
in Western educational systems
mollusc shell patterns
Moog, Robert
Moore, Harryn
Moravec, Hans
Mosher, Lorenn
multistable systems
Murphy, Michaelnnn
biofeedback andnn–
composition as selection process
cybernetics and
feedback inn
Pask and
performer as learnern
for Airports (Eno) n
Music for Solo Performer (Lucier),
Musica Elettronica Viva Group
Musicolour machine, –,
functioning ofnn–
history of
indescribability of
influence ofn
logic diagram,
ontology of
Pask's description of
Naked Lunch (Burroughs) n
Namur conferencesnnn
NASA Mission Control
National Institute of Cybernetics
Nature, n
Nature of Explanation, The (Craik)
nature's computers
Negroponte, Nicholasnn
Neumann, John vonn
neural networks, research onnnn
New Age movementnn –n
New Directions in British Architecture (Landau)
New Kind of Science, A (Wolfram)
Newell, Alan
Newton, Isaacnn
See also strange performances and altered states
Nó, Rafael Lorente de
No Child Left Behind Actn
Noble, D. F.n
nonmodernist ontology. See alsoontology of
approach to "Black Box," –
approach to schizophrenia
automaton machines and
cybernetics' acceptance of
experiments inn
institutions for
madness and
meditation and
New Age movement andnn–
psychoactive drugs and
strange performances andnn
urban planning and
Notes on the Synthesis of Form (Alexander)
Notting Hill Free Schooln
Nuttall, Jeffnn
Ogilvy, Angus
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (Kesey)n
Ono, Yoko
ontological multiplicity
ontological theater
AI and
Archway as
in arts
biofeedback music asn
biological computers as
cause-controlled regulator as
cellular automata as
chemical computers
Colloquy of Mobiles as
concept of
cybernetic theater and
cybernetics as
dualist undermining as
EEG and
flicker and
homeostats as
homeostats at war as
Kingsley Hall as
Musicolour as
sixties as
teaching machines and
terrorism as
"tortoises" as
value of
yogic feats as
ontology (term)
author's use of
definition and importance of
ontology of becoming
ontology of knowability
AI research and
appeal of
"Black Box" and
brain and
control and
design and
dominance of
modernism and
as psychiatric approach
as scientific approach
ontology of unknowabilityn
as alternative worldview
"Black Box" and
"control" and
in cybernetic factory plan
design and
emergent properties in
exceedingly complex systems and
forward-looking processing and
God and
homeostats and
importance of
Kauffman onn
nature and
politics and
society and
toys' role in illuminating
world events and
Open University (OU)
Operational Research Group
operations research (OR) n
Oppenheimer, Robert
Osmond, Humphreynnnn
Ouspensky, Peter D.
Pangaro, Pauln
Parr, Geoffreyn
Parsons, Talcottn
participant observer
Pask, Edgar "Gar," –
Pask, Elizabethn
Pask, Gordon,
Adventures with Professor Flaxman-Low, n
An Approach to Cybernetics,n
"The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics,"
architectural tributes to
arts projects
Ashby and
Bateson and
Beer and
biological computing work
Calculator Saturnalia,
CASTE machine and
cellular automata research
Colloquy of Mobiles, ,–
control viewed by
"conversation" metaphor for cybernetics
cybernetic aesthetics of
cybernetic theater
cybernetics as hobby for
cybernetics described as architecture by
electrochemical "threads" experiments
epistemological reflections
factory management/sailing ship analogy
first name not used by
Frazer and
Fun Palace, –, n
influences on
"Interactions of Actors" theory
Laing andn
life and career
Micro Man, –
"Minds and Media in Education and Entertainment," –
Musicolour machine
"The Natural History of Networks,"
"Organic Control and the Cybernetic Method," –
"A Proposed Evolutionary Model,"
SAKI training machinesn
as second-generation cybernetician
social basis of cybernetics work
spirituality and
symmetric approach to psychiatric therapy
System Research company
Pask, Percy
Pasteur, Louisn
Pavlovian conditioningnnn
Pearce, J. C.n
Pebbles to Computers: The Thread(Beer)
Penny, Simonnn–
Perceval's Narrative,
performative epistemology. See also ontology of becoming
Ashby's CORA and
Beer's animal experiments
Beer's biological experiments
Brooks's research
cybernetics' embrace of
meditation and
Musicolour and
Pask's views on
in psychiatric treatment
sailing as analog for
"self" and
of "tortoises," –
perturbation theoryn
phase-space diagrams
Philadelphia Associationnn
Phillipson, H.
"photic driving." See flicker
Phumox projectn
Piano, Renzon
Picasso, Pablo
Pinch, T.n
Pincher, Chapman
Pines, David
Pink Floyd
Pinochet, Augusto
Pitts, Waltern
Planetary Collegiumn
Platform for Change (Beer)
Plug-In City
politics, cybernetics and
Beer's projectsn
"control" and
interacting systems
radical sixtiesn
world organizationsn
Politics of Ecstasy, The (Leary)n
Politics of Experience, The (Laing)n
Pompidou Centren
pond ecosystems
Poole, Elizabeth
posthumanist science and t
echnology studies
Potteries Thinkbeltn
power hierarchy
asymmetry vs. symmetry in
civil engineering and
interactive artworks and
in music composition
in organizations and governmentsnn
psychiatric treatment and
social feedback and
Pragmatism and the Meaning of Truth ( James)
pragmatist philosophy
Pratchett, Terry
"Presentation" (Walter)
Price, Cedricn
Price, Richardnn
Prigogine, Ilyannn
Principia Mathematica (Russell and Whitehead)
Project Cybersyn, ,–nn
Psychiatry and Anti-psychiatry (Cooper)n
psychoactive drugs
Bateson's views onn
flicker and
Huxley's views onn
in mental illness treatmentnnn–
research onn
sixties and
sixties counterculture and
technology of self andn
See also LSD; mescaline
psychology and psychiatry
adaptiveness concept in
altered states and
asymmetric approaches
aversion therapyn
Blitz-therapy method
concept of self in
cross-conditioning experimentsnn
cybernetics andnnn–
drug treatment
experimental drug research
Glasgow "rumpus room" experiment
"great and desperate cures," n
Kingsley Hall
madness seen as inner voyage
madness seen as maladaptation
madness simulations
madness's spiritual dimension
materialist school
sixties countercultural approachesn
symmetric approaches
Villa experiment
See also schizophrenia
Putthof, Haroldn
Pynchon, Thomasn
quantum field theoryn
"Question Concerning Technology, The"
Ratcliffe, Katherine
Ratio Clubnn–n
Recent Progress in Psychiatry,
recursivity, ,, , –n
Redler, Leonn
regulators, machines as
Reich, Steve
Reichardt, Jasiannn
"relevance conditions," –
requisite variety, law of
Research Laboratory of Electronicsn
revealing conceptn
reverberation of discussions concept
Riley, Terry
ring modulator
"risk society" concept
Robbins, Jimn
Robinson, Peter
AI research and
Allen robot
Colloquy of Mobiles and
cybernetics and
funding forn
as ontological theater
Pask's work
performative models
in sculpture
"tortoises" andn
Rockefeller Foundation
Rogers, Richardn
Rolling Stones
Rorvik, David
Rosenblueth, Arturon
Roszak, Theodoren
Rowe, Brian Lee Yungn
Roxy Music
Ruesch, Jurgen