Book Read Free

Ruin Me Please

Page 9

by Nichole Matthews

  “I am absolutely mortified. You heard us talking?” She groaned in embarrassment. “I thought no one else was about.”

  “Uh, well if you call what the two of you were doing talking, then yes. Hawksley did too. He was on the stairs when I was coming to dinner.” Poppy’s cheeks brightened just a little as she thought of their own encounter.

  “Why are you blushing?” Momentarily distracted from her own plight by the color flooding Poppy’s face, she looked closer. “Oh my goodness, something has happened between you and the duke.”

  Poppy grew more flustered with Freya’s scrutiny. “Quit trying to change the subject. We were talking about you and Durham. What is going on with the two of you? Passion that strong is not nothing.”

  “I am so sorry, Poppy.” She bit her lower lip to stifle her cries. “I cannot believe I have allowed Lord Durham to provoke me so. Please tell me I am not ruining your house party with the added dramatics.” She looked defeated. “I should have told you and Chloe as soon as the situation occurred but it was all so rash and I felt so stupid afterwards.” Freya sobbed. “I was devastated!” She cried. “Durham took advantage of me and it meant nothing to him, nothing at all,” she covered her face, her voice muffled as she talked into her hands, “I had danced with him at a few of the balls last season. I knew what kind of reputation he had but…” She looked pleadingly at Poppy. “You know what goes around isn’t always true. All I could think about was the rumors about Parker…” her voice trailed off with a piteous look in her eyes.

  To Poppy’s dismay, tears began falling down Freya’s cheek. She dabbed at her tears with a lace handkerchief as she turned towards the wall forcing a smile. “I will be fine. He is just one man out of many, right?”

  “I am beyond livid, but I cannot believe you would think my concern would be over a house party. I am thinking of you.” Poppy’s eyes grew wide. “I cannot believe that I did not know.” She squeezed Freya’s hand. “How did I not know?” She tried to think of all the balls and parties during the Season. “Was I just not being very observant?” Poppy questioned worriedly. “I feel so selfish.” Then she paused for a moment. “Wait a minute, what do you mean by took advantage of you?” It took all of her will to control the pitch of her voice as she practically shrieked her fists clenched in anger. “I will kill him.” She squeezed her fists together, her nails leaving half-moon prints in her palms. “No, I will get Parker to kill him.” She unclenched her fists and tapped her chin. “Wait, I will get Parker, Peyton, Declan and Seymour to kill him.” By the time she was done, she was breathing hard. “Well, Seymour may not want to mess up his cravat but the rest of them would probably do it. What do you think?” Her eyes were wide; her bottom lip caught between her teeth. “As a matter-of-fact, I’ll go right now…”

  Freya reached out and grabbed Poppy by her wrists. “No…no…no,” With her voice laced with humor, Freya interrupted. “It is not your fault Poppy,” Freya consoled with her usual calm manner. “Please don’t have him killed. That would definitely ruin your lovely house party.”

  Poppy chuckled.

  Freya started to explain, “It happened at the Elmbridge Ball, well actually, a little before then really…”

  “Wait.” Poppy held up her hand. “Chloe should be here for this as well.” Turning towards the other group, Poppy caught Chloe’s eye and discreetly waved her over.

  Chloe practically ran across the room to join them. “Oh, thank goodness.” She slumped, fanning herself dramatically. “If I had to discuss what colors best suit Lord Seymour for one more moment I would have had an apoplexy. I vow I have never spoken to someone who thinks more highly of himself. So very tiring indeed.” She crossed her eyes. “Puce? What utter nonsense. Honestly, the man has no taste. How is he so popular with all the women? I know he is an attractive man, but…” noticing the quiet, she turned a speculative look at both girls, a feeling of unease surfaced. “This looks grave. What is the matter?” she said, with a faintly questioning note in her voice, listening without further interruption.

  After moving to a semi-private area of the room, Freya rested against Poppy’s side for a moment. Taking a deep fortifying breath she began her story again, “At the Elmbridge Ball, Durham and I were waltzing. Remember how hot it was that evening?” A smile flickered. “We stepped outside for just a moment to cool ourselves and then he kissed me.” She placed an imploring hand on Chloe’s arm. “I did not intend for anything to happen, honest.” Freya hesitated. “It was so wonderful and so terrible all at the same time.” She sniffed. “Then the next thing I know, I walk in on him kissing Collette! Collette of all people?” Her hands flailed helplessly. “Every gentleman and I use that term loosely, has kissed Collette. I was completely mortified.”

  A look of satisfaction crossed her face for a brief moment. “I confronted him later in the ballroom and do you know what he did?” she asked. “He laughed at me.” She closed her eyes. “No, not just laughed at me, but he laughed at me in front of all of his friends.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I know I was the laughing stock of every gentleman’s club in London that night.” She shook her head. “I was so mad I threw my lemonade on him and stomped out.” Anger glinted in her eyes. “He has not talked to me since.” She shrugged. “No flowers, no notes of apology, nothing.”

  “What a beast,” Poppy threw out.

  “I cannot believe we missed all of this,” Chloe exclaimed, sharing a look with Poppy.

  “You were both home. Poppy you were sick and Chloe I think your Aunt Hettie was feeling ill as well,” she explained. “Remember when everyone had the flu?”

  “I am so sorry we were not there for you.” Poppy hugged her friend close. “What a wretch. I have known Durham practically forever. He has never seemed the reckless sort. I would never believe that he would play fast and loose with an innocent girl.”

  “I am just hurt and more than a little embarrassed,” Freya replied. “I was optimistic he was going to propose.” She rolled her eyes comically. “Goes to show you what a green girl I truly am.”

  “I could kick myself,” Chloe said through gritted teeth. “The one ball I miss, out of the entire season, this happens to one of my best friends.” Her eyes were shooting daggers at Durham from across the room. “Hopefully he will have the devil of a headache in the morning. He is downing that brandy like lemonade.” Giggling, she grabbed Freya’s hand and squeezed. “It would serve him right.”

  “I will do my best to find out from Declan what they discussed, agreed?” Poppy said seriously. “Maybe he found out more of what is wrong with Durham.”

  “Speaking of the duke—Declan, did you say?” Freya’s eyes gleamed with humor and forgotten tears.

  Dobbins picked that moment to announce dinner.

  Poppy was grateful for the interruption. “Wonderful, I am famished.” She attempted to alleviate some of the tension in the room. Freya was not speaking with Durham. Durham looked pitiable as he apparently was working on enhancing his foxed state with another tumbler of caramel colored liquid. Miss Harris seemed oblivious as she diligently worked on her needlepoint. Piper was discussing something apparently rather dull with Seymour, based on the look on his face. This announcement could not have come at a more opportune time.

  Chloe pursed her lips. “Do not think we will allow you to avoid this topic for long Poppy dear,” she warned.

  “Honest to goodness. You all know I am an open book. I am not attempting to avoid anything. Why would I hide anything from my two dearest friends?” Poppy rambled incessantly, smiling sweetly. “We must not allow dinner to grow cold.” Skipping ahead of them to the dining room, she laughed before calling over her shoulder. “Mrs. Hastings would be so upset and we would not want that now, would we?” She grinned over her shoulder at her friends.

  Taking hold of Parker’s arm, Poppy walked alongside of him.

  Declan hid a grin as he watched Poppy practically skip across the room. Well, at least she was wearing shoes tonight.

  “Sweeting, what are you up to?” He quirked his brow. “I could see you girls plotting and planning in the corner.” He patted her hand affectionately. “Should I be afraid?”

  “Oh pooh.” She wrinkled her dainty nose. “We were just catching up, silly. We have not seen each other in weeks.” She hit him softly on the arm with her fan.

  “Hey,” Parker said, rubbing his arm.

  Poppy rolled her eyes.

  “Hmmm…well behave, Poppy. You promised you would curb your hoydenish ways while we had guests. It looks like I already have one friend to watch over.”

  “Whom are you speaking of?”

  “Durham,” he stated without hesitation.

  Poppy peeked over her shoulder as the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, feeling the heat of Declan’s gaze, seeing the hunger in his eyes as they wandered greedily over her back. Poppy shivered, pulling her paisley shawl snugly around her shoulders.

  Parker looked down at the top of Poppy’s head. “Are you cold, m’dear?”

  “Perhaps, just a little.” Poppy met his gaze with a far too innocent look, smiling at her attentive brother.

  Parker pulled away from Poppy and turned to their small group of friends. “I believe we can all dispense with formalities while we are together. We will be dining en famille for the remainder of this house party so in the future we will not need to dress so formal.” He smiled as he looked around stopping at each one. “We have known all of you for years in some form or another. There is no need for us to stand on ceremony while at home. I’m in the mood for something more casual.”

  “Of course I agree wholeheartedly,” Poppy stated, smiling brightly.

  “We should all take this time to become better acquainted and forget past grievances.” Parker’s eyes stopped at each one in the room, stopping on Durham, he smiled. “Let us endeavor to have a pleasant meal and enjoy the entertainments that have been prepared for us during this house party.”

  Chloe spoke up first, “I agree. I would prefer to dwell on more pleasant topics, instead of whether I used an incorrect utensil or made some unforgivable faux pas with titles. I believe we all desire a holiday from the strictures of society.”

  All nodded and smiled.

  “It is unanimous then,” Poppy said. She smiled at Freya then turned her eyes longingly towards Declan. Letting out a loud sigh, she turned back and placed her hand on Parker’s arm. “I for one am starved. Let us enjoy the delicious meal Mrs. Hastings has prepared for us.”

  Once they entered the dining room, Poppy stealthily moved towards Durham and sat next to him. “Thank you, Durham. You are exceedingly kind.” She smiled up at him sweetly.

  “Lady Poppy.” He bowed shakily, grabbing the back of her chair to keep from tumbling over before he sat cautiously in the chair to her left.

  Poppy held back a grin at the comically relieved look that flittered across his face when he finally sat down.

  “I understand that the rest of your family is traveling over the summer?” She looked over the bowl of her glass, taking a fortifying sip of her wine.

  “Yesh,” he paused a moment to correct himself. “Yes they are,” Durham replied with a slur. “My Mother wanted to vishit…visit Italy again.” He attempted to speak clearly. “She is sho---so very fond of their countryside.”

  “I have always wanted to travel to the continent.” She sighed. “Perhaps one day I will have the opportunity.” She took a moment to covertly glance towards Declan, the corner of her mouth edged up in a fleeting smile.

  Even in his intoxicated state, Durham noticed who she was making calf-eyes at so he inquired. “How long have you known Hawkshley—Hawkshley—Hawk?” He looked confused as he slurred his words.

  Wrenching her gaze away, she smiled wryly. “Interestingly enough,” Poppy replied. “We met only this morning.” She noticed the glass of wine in front of him and asked, “Would you prefer some coffee or tea, my lord?”

  He had the grace to blush, then he replied, “Perhaps that would be best.” He slumped a little in his chair. “I may have had too much to drink already. I apologishe.” He rolled his eyes at his slurred words.

  She patted his hand. “It happens. You probably should have eaten more today that is all.” She waved over a footman and requested coffee and had her wine glass removed so as not to embarrass Durham.

  He mouthed the words thank you, and grinned.

  Poppy cared deeply for her friends and family, Declan could see it in everything she did. He saw her switch out Durham’s wine glass. He knew it was to help him avoid any further embarrassment. He watched her comfort Lady Freya. He saw her support her brother. It all seemed to come so easy to her. No artifice or playacting. His interest grew with each smile that crossed her face, each laugh that bubbled forth from her delicious berry red lips, and each mischievous glint from her sky blue eyes.

  “Have you known him long?” Poppy asked, sneaking another look at Declan.

  “All of us,” He inclined his head towards Ashford, Seymour, and Hawksley, “went to Harrow together.” He caught Declan’s eye. “Have you heard of hish...his many conqueshts? Always did have a devilish reputation with the ladies,” he said with smug delight.

  “Oh, do behave, Durham. Just because you have had a less than pleasant day does not mean I need to be the recipient of your bad humor.” She smiled as she patted his hand again. “You are deliberately attempting to provoke me by lashing out.” Laughter laced her voice. “I refuse to take the bait. I am sure the same could be said for all of you, so let us move on to another topic.” She patted his hand again. “Why do you seem so unsettled this evening?” She glanced at him shrewdly. “Or do I already know the reason?”

  “Cut chase, Poppy.” His eyes narrowed with a disgruntled look. “Declan already told me that you witnessed the disha---disagreement between Freya and myself.” He looked peevish.

  “Is there anything that I can do to help ease your spirits?” she asked genuinely concerned.

  He avoided the question with a mocking tilt to his chin. “Would you like me to serve you? This veal looks scrumptious.” His brow rose. “Would you care for some of these creamed peas?”

  “That would be lovely, thank you,” Poppy answered. “You know, I have it on good authority that Freya would be open to your suit,” she whispered behind her napkin.

  “I beg your pardon?” he blurted, nearly dropping the serving fork. His eyes goggled; glancing around to make sure no one witnessed his outburst.

  “Durham, I am just letting you know that you deeply hurt one of my dearest friends. That is all,” she said with a small frown. “Friend to friend, of course.”

  Durham gulped and stammered, “Uh, yes…I think I understand…of course.” Somewhat flustered. “Uh, thank you.” He shot a look at Freya, who just happened to be looking back at him.

  Freya stiffened and turned back to listen intently to Parker.

  “I swear my intention was not to hurt Freya. Promise you will not say anything. Swear to me,” Durham pleaded as he glanced around once more to make sure no one else could hear. “I love her.”

  Poppy gaped in amazement. “Is there truth in what you are saying, Durham?” The words burst out of her mouth, unable to stop her stare. “You really love her?” she whispered behind her hand.

  “Poppy,” Durham whispered solemnly. “I think I have loved her for a very long time.”

  “But that is wonderful news!” Poppy beamed. “Well then, what are you waiting for? And why are you arguing with her?” Poppy inquired.

  Durham didn’t answer.

  And Poppy didn’t press the issue further.

  “I believe I know how you can help redeem yourself.”

  “What?” Durham looked desperate. “I’ll do anything.”

  “Good.” Poppy smirked. “I could really use some help with a festival at Auntie Adele’s school.”

  With a deep frown, “Do I have a choice?”

  “You said anything.” Poppy sat bac
k with a grin.

  Supper was over so Poppy took full advantage of the lull in the conversation, stood and smoothed the wrinkles in her skirt. “Ladies, let us allow the gentlemen their port and cigars.” She gestured towards the door. “We will see you in the drawing room in a little while.”


  Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind;

  And therefore is winged cupid painted blind.

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream

  *William Shakespeare

  After the glasses filled and the cigars lit, Parker sat back and quietly watched his friends through narrowed eyes.

  “What the hell is going on in my house?” His glare encompassed everyone in the room. “We have not even enjoyed a full day of each other’s company as of yet and there is already some underlying drama taking place.”

  Durham stared at him.

  “First it looked like Freya was crying.” He glanced across at Durham.

  “A blush spread across Poppy’s face every five seconds.” He quirked his brow at Declan and shook his head.

  “And to top off this issue you are apparently having with Freya, Durham, you have some kind of a rage, depression thing going on.” Parker stared at him with a confused look on his face waving his hands in the air. “We are not leaving this room until I get some answers. I cannot. I repeat, cannot allow a bunch of lunatics free rein of my house. This is not a bawdy house. If you are unable to control your urges you might want to consider spending your summer elsewhere.” His tone was enough to cause any normal male to quake in his boots.

  “I am responsible for three innocent maidens,” he continued, holding up three of his fingers for emphasis. “Their parents entrusted them to my care for just a short little while.” He held his fingers together to emphasize the length of time. “They believe me to be a man of honor, a man of sound mind, a man who has a well-run household. I consider myself a man of all these attributes, as well.” He took a deep breath, then continued in the same easy manner as before. “These same parents who handed over their daughters to my care, these same loving and devoted mothers and fathers will not hesitate to string me up if anything untoward were to happen to their sweet, innocent little girls while they were under my protection.”


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