Esmerelda: A Rogue Enforcers Novel
Page 5
“Whatcha doing?” Charisma asks, standing at the door of my magic room.
“Who let you in?” I counter, my back still to her.
“Beast told me to come on in,” she replies. Since I’m now aware of her presence, I wave at her to come into the room so I can continue searching. “I gather you guys are taking off tomorrow to rescue Leigh and Ice.” My blood congeals when I think of the other possibility, that they won’t be alive by the time we arrive, but I push that thought back.
“Yes, so I have to get more stuff together since I have no clue what we might be facing.”
“Essie, do you need me to come too?” she asks, worrying her lip. She’s powerful in her own rights as a vampire, but will be better served staying behind to help keep everything else going so I shake my head as Beast said he’d reach out to Colton to let him know she wouldn’t be going this time and why. “Are you sure? I feel like now that you’ve got a mate, I hardly see you.”
“Charisma, we see each other every single day,” I remind her, pulling down some vials filled with crushed herbs that have multiple uses, including tea. Healing. Yes, I need to make sure I’ve got that stuff as well. “Besides, you’ve been busy training the young vamps. How’s that going?”
“Mindless zombies, Essie. Nothing but a bunch of mindless zombies,” she grumbles, setting each item I’ve pulled into my magic bag. One of the joys of my bag is that it has the ability to expand or contract depending on the number of items inside. Quite handy, that’s for sure, especially with this trip when the outcome is unknown.
“What do you mean?” I question. “They’ve been in servitude for years, only doing what Geralynn permitted, so of course they’re not going to know the ins and outs of being a vampire,” I remind her.
“I know, it’s just that they seem to be a bit slow to understand that here, they don’t have to ask permission for anything. The only thing we ask is that they avoid transforming around humans for obvious reasons,” she replies. “Every day, I have one or another ask me if it’s okay for them to go into town. We’re not prisoners here, we can come and go as we please.”
I stop what I’m doing and turn to face her. “Some of them have been held for so many years, they don’t know any different. It’s like those humans who have been kidnapped and held in captivity, they become dependent on their captors telling them every little thing, from when they can eat to when they’re permitted to sleep. Exercise some patience, Rissie. They’ll eventually get it; they’ve only had six months or so of freedom versus years of being in bondage.”
“I guess you’re right,” she says. “Wait, what’s with Rissie?” The sneer on her face has me laughing.
“Figured it was only fair since you persist in calling me Essie, you vicious vamp,” I tease.
“Whatever,” she grumps. “Okay, what else can I help you with? I think the men are gathering to discuss the plans so it’s just us right now.” I won’t be party to that meeting which is fine with me; Beast will ensure I have the pertinent information. I’m sure Landry and Connelly will be involved since they’re shifters but feel no animosity. We all have our place and role here.
“Do you know if Tabatha has arrived yet?” I inquire, putting the last few things into my bag. Once it’s closed, I roll it toward the living room, closing and binding my magic room after Charisma falls in step behind me.
“I think she’s meeting at the airfield,” she muses. “Let’s fix something to eat,” she exclaims, heading toward my kitchen. We work in companionable silence and soon have a huge pot of spaghetti going, thanks to the modern convenience of my freezer, where I had sauce with all the meats Beast loves frozen for just such a time as this. “I’m staying for dinner,” Charisma announces as the scent begins to permeate the air. “Smells too good not to.”
“You know you’re always welcome,” I reply, pulling out the ingredients for a salad. Cooking is soothing for me, almost like crafting a spell, so it takes little time before a salad is put together and in the refrigerator chilling. My tasks now complete, I pour each of us a glass of wine and head out to our back deck. Despite the sheer amount of people now living on the property, we all have privacy which is a good thing considering some of my favorite moments with Beast have occurred outside on our covered porch. While I’m not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, the last thing I want is anyone witnessing our most private moments.
I wave my fingers and music starts playing as we each settle into a chair, companionable silence enveloping the two of us. “Do you think they’re okay?” Charisma finally asks. “I know Maverick has been unbearable since you guys found out that Leigh and Ice were captured.”
“He loves his sister,” I reply. “Honestly? I think they are, but the sooner we get there, rescue them then return home, the better I’ll feel. It’s bad magic that’s being used, Rissie,” I murmur, shuddering as I recall the evil that wafted through the location spell I attempted.
“So that’s why you were asking about Tabatha,” she muses, glancing at me.
“Yes, I need her juice as well as mine to not only make sure everyone is safe, but also to help me with anyone else we might find there.” I don’t often waste thoughts on what happens to supernaturals when they finally die, but find myself hoping that there’s some kind of judgment like the humans claim because any supernatural who would willingly hurt their brethren, regardless of the actual breed, deserves to feel someone’s wrath, even if it comes from Mother Nature herself.
“You’re one of the strongest witches I know,” she says, “so if you’re concerned, that’s rather frightening to me.”
“I’m trying to err on the side of caution, Rissie. I mean, we have no clue what we’re facing, remember? But it stands to reason based on what we found out from the person we met with that others may be there besides the two who are important to us.” I don’t mention Burt’s actual name since I have no clue whether I should share it or not. I know the raccoon shifter was beyond paranoid while we were there; that, coupled with what I sensed for myself has me hesitant to share anything. If Maverick decides our community needs to know, I’m sure he’ll pass it around. I giggle when I think of the newsletter that Connelly started which deals with all the details that Maverick can’t be bothered to discuss on a day-to-day basis.
“What has you laughing?” she asks.
“The newsletter popped into my head for some bizarre reason. Who knows, maybe I’m more tired than I thought,” I admit.
“Well, if you and your mate weren’t burning up the sheets every night, you’d get your rest, Essie,” she teases. “You’re not exactly a spring chicken, you know.”
My brow arches as I shoot a glare in her direction, which has her doubling up in laughter. “If memory serves, you’re older than me, Rissie,” I sneer. “Better start using those night creams if you don’t want to scare off any potential mates.”
“Bite your tongue with that word, woman! Nope, no mate for me. I’ve never even entertained the thought I would have one.”
“Yeah, well I thought that very thing, remember? Yet Beast drove into our campsite and voila, look at me now,” I remind her.
“I really don’t think I have one,” she reiterates, her voice quiet as she stares into her glass of wine. “Surely by now, if there was one out there for me, he’d have found me?”
“I don’t know how it works, Charisma. Just know that you’re not too old for one to come your way, okay?”
“If you say so. I won’t hold my breath though because purple isn’t really my color,” she teases.
“Come on, I’m getting hungry. Let’s eat since it seems as though they’re still meeting. I’ve still got to pack.” Standing, I grab my now-empty wine glass and head back inside. This time, I do use my magic to quickly boil the pasta since hunger pangs have my stomach growling which makes Charisma laugh.
“And she wasn’t able to get anything more?” Mav asks again.
“No. She tried multiple t
imes but wasn’t successful. I’m just glad she was able to link to Leigh, so we aren’t chasing our tails trying to figure out exactly where they are,” I reply.
“Okay, well, Colton said he has contacts down there and he planned to reach out to them to see if they can get eyes on where Leigh and Ice are being held,” he says.
“Everyone packed?” Paxton inquires, looking down at what I presume must be a list on his phone.
“I’m sure Esmerelda is getting that together for us since we just got home earlier. Oh, by the way, Colton, that guy we met? Burt? He may find his way here. Kind of a strange fucker, if I’m being totally transparent, but he’d fit in strangely enough,” I advise. “And my brother, Baldwin, is headed in this direction as well. No clue when he’ll arrive but Kash, if you can keep an eye out for him, I’d appreciate it.”
“You got it. We’ve got a few empty cabins, so I’ll have Rowina and Charisma get it ready for him if that works for you?”
“Yeah. He may be my brother and I might love him, but there’s no fucking way I wanna live with his messy ass again. I kind of like sleeping in my bed and think Esmerelda would have me sleeping either on the couch or outside if he stayed with us,” I admit, which has the room filling with laughter. Baldwin is a few years, okay more like ten years, younger than me and he’s still in the bachelor mindset so where shit falls is where it stays until he needs it again. My mate would lose her mind living with him; my job is to protect her and keep her happy.
“So who are we meeting when we arrive?” Landry questions.
“A pod of caimans,” Mav replies. At everyone else’s look of confusion, he elaborates. “They’re like crocodiles, apparently, just smaller. Because we’re going to be heading down the Amazon River, they’re the best chance we have to get close enough to get the lay of the land.”
“We need to find out if there are going to be humans around because I suspect we’re going to have to shift at some point,” Connelly states.
“That’s where Esmerelda and Tabatha come in,” I reply. “They’re going to be protecting the area so that anything we have to do to save not only Leigh and Ice but anyone else they may have taken will not be observed by any humans.”
“That’s fucking wicked that they can do that,” Landry says, grinning. “I mean, we’re all pretty badass in our own right with the extra abilities we have in shifter form, but the fact they can make it appear as though we’re not there? Totally awesome.”
“I’ve not met Tabatha but if she’s half as powerful as my mate, I think we’ll be okay,” I state. Of course, I’ll always have Esmerelda’s back even if Tabatha ends up being more powerful than she is, but they probably know that already.
“She’s got mad abilities of her own,” Mav replies. “Kind of glad she and Esmerelda are on our side, y’know?”
“We’re really fortunate with what we’ve created here,” Maverick states looking around the table. “I mean, it may not have been what Colton envisioned per se, but it works for us and for me. That’s what’s important. Even all the new people that have joined us have helped us build a community that’s founded on mutual respect. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that when we’re gone on missions, they’re here to protect the property and keep shit going.”
“That’s why we’re here, son,” Kash states. “We have no problem overseeing things when you guys are gone, and this time will be no different.”
Mav’s voice is gruff when he replies, “Thanks, Dad. Okay, if we’re all clear about the plans, let’s all head home, finish packing if we need to then get some rest. We’re leaving at first light for the airport; time is of the essence since we don’t know what if anything they’re doing to our family.”
Mav nailed it with just that one six-letter word.
We’re not all bound by blood, in fact, most of us aren’t, yet we’ve created a unique, dysfunctional as fuck, family. A family that fights for one another but can also fight with each other. Well, at least during our sparring matches.
“I’m out then,” I declare. “Been a long few days on the road. See you in the morning.” With a wave that encompasses the table, I head toward my home eager to put my eyes on Esmerelda, eat, grab a shower then fall into bed. Hell, I’m so tired, my dick doesn’t even twitch at the thought within an hour I’ll be wrapped around my mate.
“Esme?” I call out once I’m inside, my boots kicked onto the mat that’s right inside the door for just that purpose.
“In the kitchen, sugar bear,” she replies. I take notice that our bags are sitting next to the front door and grin, knowing my woman has taken care of the repacking for both of us just like I suspected she would do.
As I move into the kitchen, I see that she’s already ready for bed, one of those flowing robe things she likes to wear swirling around her legs as she carries a plate from the microwave to the table. “Mmm, that smells good,” I state, sitting down. When she starts to move away, I take hold of her hand and pull her closer until I can kiss her. “Needed that first,” I admit when we finally break apart.
“What do you want to drink?”
“A beer. I’m sure you already ate but will you sit with me?” I ask when she sets an opened bottle in front of my plate. She nods then retrieves a wine glass, topping it off before she sits to my right, scooting her chair so close I can feel her knee pressing against mine.
“How was the meeting?” she inquires.
“About as you would expect,” I reply before I inhale a forkful of spaghetti. “Damn, this tastes wonderful, Esme.”
“It’s from the last batch I made,” she says, smiling at me. “I got us packed up, Beast.”
“I saw that. I hate you were stuck doing it on your own, sweetheart.”
“Charisma helped me with the stuff I needed from my magic room. The clothes? Well, I used my magic for that, sugar bear.”
I chuckle. If I had her abilities, I’d probably use my magic for every fucking thing I could, but she prefers to do a lot of things by hand. “You know that shit doesn’t bother me.”
“I feel like it doesn’t count as much if I don’t do it by hand,” she admits, shrugging.
“I think anything you do, whether you use your hands or wiggle your fingers, Esme, is taking care of us and it counts. It always counts,” I insist when I see the doubt cross her face. “I know we’re still new to this whole mate thing, but you won’t hear me complain about how you take care of not only me but our home.”
“You know I’m a sure thing, sugar bear, you don’t have to toss compliments my way,” she teases.
“Esme, I watched my parents growing up. Seeing their mutual love and respect for one another taught me that I wanted to do that same thing with my own mate, if I was ever blessed to get one. I’m speaking nothing but the truth to you. There’s nothing you’ve done that has disappointed me in any way, shape, manner or form.”
“Beast, I love you,” she whispers, tears shimmering in her eyes. “I never knew I would need a mate, a life partner, but I can’t imagine life without you in it. Promise me you’ll be careful tomorrow. I know Ice is your family, but I am too and hopefully, when the time is right, we’ll add to our duo.”
I sit there shocked. Children? We haven’t talked about that yet, but her words tell me very clearly that she wants that with me. More importantly, I want that with her as well. I want to see her rounded with my cubs. Then another thought crosses my mind and I ask, “Would they be shifter or witch?”
“Honestly? I have no idea,” she admits. “Maybe both, maybe one or the other. I’m not,” she hastily says when my gaze drops to her stomach. “I’d kind of like more time with it being just us,” she whispers.
Finished with my meal, I stand and grab the empty plate then proceed to rinse it off and put it into the dishwasher. Grabbing two cold waters from the fridge, I hold my hand out to her. “Come on and keep me company while I take a shower so we can go over the plan as I know it right now.” She flicks her fingers so as we wa
lk through the cabin to our room, I see lights turning off and hear the unmistakable sound of the front door locking. Again, I think about how awesome she is as she follows me into the bathroom. I grab her around the waist and sit her on the counter across from the shower, then start the water before I undress. Her eyes light up with appreciation as my body is exposed which makes my dick perk up. Maybe I’m not as tired as I originally thought, plus I can sleep on the plane, right?
As we lay there, sated, I pull her close and kiss her temple. “Esmerelda?”
She looks up at me, her hand curved across my chest. “Hmm?”
“Just for the record, I love you too.”
I wake up with the alarm the next morning only to find that Esmerelda has already gotten up. Stretching, I groan as I work the kinks out then stand to head into the bathroom to take care of business. Once I’m finished, I quickly dress, make the bed then head into the kitchen, stopping short when I see her at the stove, spatula in hand. “Pancakes are almost done,” she says without looking behind her.
“I smell bacon too,” I state, heading to the coffee pot to pour myself a cup. Unlike my sexy witch, I prefer my brew black as nature intended. She likes to add all the froufrou creamers when she deigns to drink coffee. Today it looks like that’s what she’s doing instead of her usual tea which tells me she’s nervous. My woman has her tells and that’s one of them; her consumption of coffee increases whenever she’s feeling anxious. “It’s going to be okay,” I soothe as I lean in to kiss her cheek.
“I know, I have complete faith that we’ll get them back, Beast. I’m just concerned that we’ll be caught unawares somehow,” she replies, flipping the rest of the pancakes before pulling two plates close. I watch as she places two on one plate along with several pieces of bacon, while a huge stack goes on the second plate as well as the rest of the bacon. I see she already has juice poured in glasses and sitting at the table, as well as the butter and syrup, which I know she’s warmed.