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Beastly Intentions

Page 4

by Stone, Wendy

  * * * * She took a deep breath, leaning forward to take the small cup of water she'd brought with her to soothe her throat, for the reading made her dry.His eyes were upon her, she could feel him watching her, though he never movedor touched her.

  "Brenna, love, do you wish to stop for the night?" he asked her softly, wishing he could allow himself to touch her golden beauty. It was not his place to be anything but her master, her employer. He could only watch her and yearn to feel the passions she displayed when she read the books she brought to him. He could only dream of feeling her hands around him as he pleasured himself to the sound of her voice and the visions he saw in his head.

  "No, Master. I but needed a moment to quench my thirst. You are not too tired?" she teased, a glint of amusement in her soft blue eyes.

  He growled, but there was no rage in it. He only did it to hear her laugh, soft and sweet, trilling through the old room that was his haven.

  "That is what I thought. Come, my fierce master, lie back and allow me to amuse you more," she whispered, her finger stroking over the fur of his face.She picked up the book from her lap. "That is you?" she continued…

  * * * * "Yes, and my mother," Nathaniel said, his gaze roaming over the picture she made, unable to help the surge of lust that made him hard, his cock bobbing in front of him.

  "She is beautiful," she said softly, but her eyes were on him, the soft amber of his eyes, the handsome fine features and slightly crooked smile framed by thick black hair that waved from a widow's peak on his broad forehead, all that the artist had captured with a flare that made them seem almost living. "W-what happened to make you as you are?"

  "My father," he growled, his tone showing his loathing. "He cursed me with this. He made me what I am." "How?" Melissa asked, moving closer to him to touch his hand. He felt the hopelessness of his situation wash over him. There was no cure, no real reason for the disease, and no one had heard of it before. "I do not know. All I do know is that for a week of every month, I turn into this, a beast, a monster that must hide away and not allow anyone to see its hideous face. I cannot stay in polite society for I am never sure when the first of the symptoms will arrive. He slumped down next to her on the bed, his head falling into his hands.

  "But for the rest of the time?" she asked him quietly, her hand restingagainst his furry shoulder.

  "I am as you see there. But how can I be happy or live my life knowing that at any time I could become the monster I am now?" He turned to her, the first person besides the doctors and Jeffrey that he'd been able to tell of his disease. She hadn't run from him, she hadn't screamed or called him a beast or monster. She hadn't made him feel diseased and unclean as some had.

  His arms wrapped around her, pulling her onto his lap, feeling the soft weight of her body pressing against his. Her naked skin felt good against him. He smelled her scent, let it fill his nose. He held her tightly, burying his face in her mass of gold hair, enjoying the touch of another human. * * * * She let him hold her, feeling the length of his cock pressing against her bare thigh. It was like rubbing up against a warm, mink pelt, except this pelt lived and breathed. "Will you stay with me, Melissa? Will you be my happiness?" His words were soft and for a moment she wondered if she'd imagined them. But she felt him next to her, his body stiff as if waiting for another heart wrenching blow. "May I read your books?" she asked him softly. "Every one, twice if you'd like," he offered, his voice eager. "Will you growl and fuss as you did earlier?" He hesitated. "It seems the rage comes with the disease. But I can promise that I will never hurt you, Melissa. I will have myself locked away before that even becomes a thought in my head." He stared down at her, so much hope in his eyes that she couldn't help but smile. "Can I have clothing?" He laughed a harsh sound that reminded her of a wolf's howl. "Must

  you?" he asked her back, making her giggle. "I might catch my death of cold, sir, and then whom would you have to bully and boss?" She reached up, her fingers stroking the fur on his cheek.

  "Nathaniel, Melissa. Please call me Nathaniel. I could keep you warm. I'm like a huge fur coat," he said, holding her close and rubbing his hands down her back.

  "You are that," she said, snuggling close. "Will I stay here with you?"

  "Would you like that?" he asked slowly, his hand rubbing down her arm and over her thigh, sliding up the inside of her legs to nudge the creamy columns open and find the wet flesh between. He dipped his finger into her heat, gathering her slickness upon the tip to swirl it around the hidden bud of her clit. "Would it be such a hardship to let me give you pleasure every night?"

  She caught her breath at the sudden surge of sensation that swamped her, centering upon her lower belly and that place that his finger caressed with such offhanded ease. "I...I am not one of those women who s-sell their bodies casually, Nathaniel," she said, trying to sound stern, but failing as her breathing faltered to a gasp and her body tightened as pleasure spread easily through her.

  His hand slipped from her flesh and he set her aside carefully, his growl the only sign of the restrictions he was putting on his lust.

  "If you wish to stay as purely a companion, Melissa, I will try to stay my hand." He stared at her his amber eyes glowing eerily. "It will be difficult, but I will curb my lust if that is what you wish." He hurriedly hopped down from the bed, walking towhere her underskirt lay upon the floor, picking up the discarded robe and holding it out to her. "I cannot see your beauty without wanting it, Melissa. I have never been so aroused by any woman as you make me feel." He kept his eyes downcast, not looking at her as she took the robe and held it in her hand.

  She stared at him, seeing him not as a beast, but as a man in pain. A man whose life had changed, drastically and horribly. She saw him as that man and could not say him nay, the robe slipping from her fingers to land on the floor at his feet. "Melissa?" he asked, hope permeating his voice. "I'll stay," she whispered, her heart pounding with so many mixed

  emotions. "As?" he asked, his hand coming up to hover near her face. "As whatever you wish for me to be, Nathaniel." A huge smile crossed his face, and he jumped onto the bed, grabbing her in his arms and rolling with her across the huge mattress, landing with her beneath him. His chest pressed against her soft breasts, his stomach slipped over her curved waist. He was cradled in her hips, his cock, hard and throbbing, slipping between her thighs. "I'm so glad, Melissa. I don't know how long I would have been able to keep from touching you."

  He bent his head, his mouth searching for hers, finding her lips easily, and brushing soft, sweet kisses upon them, causing her to giggle, a soft sound that he found utterly enchanting. "Are you going to fuck me again, Nathaniel?" she asked him softly,

  no longer stumbling over the word. "Yes," he whispered, his lips caressing her chin and then sliding

  down to her throat. "Are you going to fuck me back?" he asked. "I...I want to. I...I don't know what to do." She bit her lip nervously as his mouth slipped over her throat, his tongue lapping at the tender flesh over her pulse.

  "Touch me, like you did earlier," he breathed, inhaling her scent and letting it wash into his soul. He felt her fingers sift through the fur on his shoulders, rubbing against the flesh there. He moaned, for her touch was warm and loving, even if it was a trifle hesitant. He could feel his teeth elongating as her scent filled him, and he became even more aroused. He fought the lust for blood rising inside him, for he wanted this time to be gentle, to show Melissa what making love could be like.

  He wished to remain the man in her bed. His hand swept down her shoulder, caressing the side of her breast with his thumb. He could feel them against his chest, her pebbled nipples pressing into his flesh, being caressed by his fur as he moved over her.

  "I don't want you to fear me," he looked up at her face, so perfect in the dim light coming from the shuttered windows. "Or to laugh?" she asked. "Your fur tickles." "Yes, laughing when being made love to is not exactly good for the male ego," he quipped, rolling his eyes and hearing her laugh. It was such a
lovely sound that he vowed to make sure she did more of it.

  "I will try not to laugh or fear you, Nathaniel," she said. "But I don't know how to do this, either."

  "It will be my honor and my pleasure to teach you," Nathaniel said, his voice raspy and harsh but so much gentler than the growl and snarl he'd used earlier. "Just relax," he urged, brushing her hair back from her face with one tender hand.

  His lips feathered over her, soft and sweet, his tongue lightly touching the seam of her mouth, teasing the corners. "Part your lips for me, little one," he urged. "Do not be afraid of my tongue."

  She did as he bid, feeling the heat of his breath against her lips only an instant before his soft fur touched her face and then his mouth was on hers. His tongue pressed between her parted lips, gently stroking over their soft lushness, gliding over the smooth, hard curve of her teeth before finding her tongue.

  He coaxed her into responding, desperately fighting the beastly urges he felt that roared at him to take her, to make her his own in the way of the beast that was inside of him. When her tongue pressed against his own, when her mouth opened wider, her head lifting slightly as if she wanted more of him, he could have roared his triumph.

  He kept his kisses soft, kept his tongue gentle, keeping a tight rein upon the beast inside of him. * * * * Melissa felt the moan like a living creature, as it burst from inside of her. His lips were hot, his mouth wet and dark, his tongue teasing as it played with her own in long drugging kisses. She felt every nuance of pressure from his lips, not only with her own but deep inside, in that place where she felt passion the most.

  In the library he had been wild and fierce, strange and frightening. Now he was soft and kind, tender and loving, but he still rendered her breathless, made her yearn and twist her body against him. She wanted more than his mouth; she wanted his hands upon her, his body against hers and inside of her once again. Kissing him back only made the yearning stronger, even as it sent strange shuddering sensations of pleasure through her.

  "You taste so good, Melissa," he groaned, his kisses growing rougher as if a piece of the beast had slipped free of his restraint. She moaned, feeling his cock throbbing against her stomach, pressed between their bodies.

  Her hands were buried in his fur, her body writhing under the passion of his kisses. She was learning quickly what brought the greatest pleasure, hearing his moan when she daringly slid her tongue into his mouth, tasting him, touching the amazingly sharp points of his fangs. She slid her leg up, luxuriating in the feel of his fur against her smooth thigh, enjoying the sounds of his pleasure as her own rose to join them.

  He took as much as he could, allowing her to touch him, to kiss him, until he thought he'd go mad with need. Grabbing her wrists, he held them to the bed in one of his massive hands. He ripped his mouth from hers, his breath coming in harsh pants as he now found her throat with his mouth, his fangs sliding over her flesh, scraping but never breaking her skin.He nipped at her shoulder, then buried his face between the lush mounds of her breasts.

  "You cannot touch me," he groaned, lifting his face. "You have to keep your hands there." "Did I….Did I do something wrong?" "No!" he snarled. "You did everything too right. I want to ravage you right now, Melissa. If you touch me, I will." Before she could say another word, his hand went to her breast, squeezing the firm flesh, his mouth finding her nipple, drawing it in and sucking upon it. His tongue lapped at the treasured morsel, his teeth nibbling at the tip. He heard her moan, felt her arch under him, lifting her breast to give him access to more.

  Melissa felt his mouth at her breast, feasting upon the soft flesh there. He grazed the fat, swollen tip with his fangs, causing her to arch even more as sensations of pure lustful desire coiled into a hard knot in her belly. He made her feel wild, wanton. He made her ache with wanting him. She couldn't help the way her hips arched, the way they rubbed against him,needing to find something to assuage that ache.

  She heard him laugh, harsh, deep, the sound rolling over her, the vibrations tickling her breast. His teeth scraped against her flesh, never drawing blood. Wherever he touched seemed to burn, to beg for more. She could hear cries coming from her mouth, and she squealed when he nipped the skin over her ribs before laving it with his tongue. She felt him move lower, his tongue dipping into the small opening of her navel, tasting her there, lapping at the soft skin of her lower belly and making her muscles tighten as she sucked in her stomach at the feel of him.

  "W-What are you doing?" she moaned, his chin brushing against the golden fleece at the apex of her thighs.

  "I'm going to release your hands, Melissa. Then," he smiled, baring his fangs at her in a way that sent shivers of dark, exquisite pleasure over her. "I'm going to feast."

  "But…" she started to say as her wrists were released. He moved quickly, his mouth finding and sliding between the swollen lips of her cunt, his tongue dancing against her clit. She cried out, his tiniest movement sending her soaring closer to a brink she had never known existed. As his fingertips traced over her skin she shivered, her body writhing as he drove her higher, that knot of tension in her belly growing tighter until she couldn't breathe. Her hands fisted into the duvet, her body arching, held stretched tight begging for that last tiny touch that would send her over. * * * * Nathaniel had never felt anything as soft or as wet as the flesh of her womanhood. Pink, sleek folds that begged forthe attention of his tongue, a taut little bud that cried out for his mouth and his teeth, he thought she was the most beautiful female he'd ever loved. He could feel her writhing under him, his hands coming under her thighs to hold her open for him. She tasted sweet with a slightly musky tang that drew him back for more. He gorged himself upon her pleasures, feasted upon the sound of her cries, reveled in knowing that she was deriving the same exquisite ecstasy that she'd brought to him.

  "Do you want to come, Melissa?" he asked her on a growl. He didn't wait for her answer, instead latching onto her clit with his mouth, flicking his tongue over it in a fast rhythm meant to drive her over that last peak.

  Melissa cried out, her eyes turning darker as pleasure fractured through her. Her hands fisted in the fur at his shoulders, holding on to him tightly. Her legs lifted, her body bent and cleaved to his, rocking under his as he finished with her.

  Nathaniel watched as she threw herself backwards on the bed as he continued to pleasure her with his mouth, his hold too strong to break. His name was on her lips, sobbed in pleasure. He could taste the sweetness of climax on his lips and tongue.

  When she finally relaxed upon the bed, Nathaniel looked up at her, his face still buried in the soft flesh between her thighs, his fur wet with her spendings. He took one last lap at the amazing flavor of her juices before rising above her.

  Her eyes were closed, her face turned to the side, her breasts heaving as she fought to regain her breath. There was a flush upon her cheeks that spoke of her pleasure, her pale skin pink and slick with sweat.Before she could recover, he moved over her, his cock finding her sheath and pushing inside.

  She was tight, her muscles contracting around his cock in the after spasms of her climax. He pushed in, feeling the first few inches of his cock bathed in the sweetness of her, growling at the heat and erotic texture of her wet, velvety passage. Pulling back, he thrust again and again until he was firmly seated, her cunt cupping him as if made just for his cock.

  His breathing was ragged, for even having had her just a while before; she aroused him as no other had. She drew him in, making him want to thrust and stroke his body inside of her until he found his own sublime pleasure. He had to fight the beast and the urges of his body that begged him to ravage the poor girl, to dig his claws into her hips and his teeth into her throat and ride her, letting the taste of her very essence slide over his tongue until he erupted inside of her.

  But he mastered it, instead letting his body rest upon her own, cupping her face in his shaggy hands, stroking her cheeks as her eyes opened, renewed desire visible in the intense green. "Are you a
ll right, little one?" he asked her, trying desperately to concentrate upon her and not on the emotions churning inside of him.

  "I...I think so." She let out a little moan as he shifted, his cock going deeper.

  He reached down, lifting her thigh, wrapping her knee over his arm, opening her for his possession. He could feel every inch of him inside of her; feel every touch of her against him. It was as if the beast was aware of even the air she breathed, wanting it for his own because it had touched her.

  Slowly he pulled from her, hearing her moan, feeling her hands tighten where they rested upon his arms as if to hold him there.

  Just as slowly, he thrust back inside, grinding his hips against her. He felt her jerk, felt her body tense and heard her moan, smelling the scent of fresh arousal coming from her, the smell of her heat driving him crazy. He kept his pace slow until he couldn't prolong it anymore, feeling her arms wrapping around him, her hands sliding over the muscles of his lower back and buttocks, pulling him closer, urging him for more.

  He gave it, thrusting harder, battering into her with tender torment, hearing her pleas and cries in his ears mixed with his own growls and grunts. His lips found hers, his mouth ravishing, his tongue thrusting in time with his body. He felt her stiffen, heard her scream his name as she came, felt the velvety muscles inside of her clamp down on his cock, convulsing around it until he could hold it back no longer.

  With a groan he slammed into her, his cock swelling inside of her. He jerked as he finally came, spurting his hot seed into her depths, holding her against him desperately—his head back, his eyes closed tightly as the heated pleasure flooded his being.


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