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Page 10

by Christopher Gallagher

  'And what happened to that plan one of the Scribes had,' Caiaphas raged on. 'Get a whore to sleep with him, get it on camera, and flood the internet with it. What happened there?’

  'The girl was riddled with demons. Jesus healed her, she became a follower.'

  Caiaphas clicked his tongue. 'How is it this man always seems to thwart our plans, turn them to his own advantage?'

  There was no answer to that, O'Deamus decided.

  'Can we get another girl, try again?' Caiaphas asked.

  O'Deamus shook his head. 'Jesus won’t fall for that.'

  'A boy then? Do his interests lie in that direction?'

  'I don't think that's the way.'

  'Well, what is? If he carries on like this, we'll have no control over the people at all.'

  'I think we should watch and wait,' O'Deamus said. 'If he's not the Messiah, he'll trip up sooner or later.'

  'And what if he is? The Messiah?'

  O'Deamus shrugged. 'Then there's no power on earth can stop him.'

  Caiaphas considered this. His worst fear. 'Where is he now, do we know?'

  'Out in the countryside; the Dales.'

  Caiaphas sighed. 'I don't suppose he can do much damage out there.'


  Near Horton in Ribblesdale, Northumbria.

  John was nervous. Excited. He sensed in his spirit today’s talk was going to be important and the many thousands who’d gathered in the Northumbrian Dales seemed to know it too. They were buzzing, the atmosphere electric. Same sort of atmosphere you sometimes got at a big football game. A night match, under floodlights. Leeds maybe, or one of the Manchester clubs. Or at the games in the Arena. But then, it was more like a music festival than a religious gathering. Gaily coloured tents stretched for miles. Flags of the kingdoms fluttered in the slight breeze, smoke from cooking fires and dope mixed, drifted. There was a carnival, party atmosphere.

  Everywhere John looked, from his elevated position on the slope of Pen-Y-Ghent, groups of people gathered in the fields and the moorlands. Friends, strangers, mixed in together, chatting, animated, anticipating, waiting for Jesus to begin speaking. A Mexican wave started, rolling tide-like to the back of the crowd, cheering accompanied it, as it turned, swept back.

  They had flocked from all parts of the kingdom, and not just Northumbria. People were here from all over the island. East Anglia, Mercia, Wessex, distant Cornwall, Scotland, Wales, all represented. The news of this gathering had gone viral and the people had responded.

  The message was getting bigger, the ministry growing. Jesus though, was his usual, unassuming, affable self. He moved through the crowds, had time for everybody, a word, a prayer, a healing. He'd disappeared earlier, found a quiet place, and spent time with the Father. But now he was back, hugging the disciples, ready to make his entrance before the people, deliver his message. John hadn't a clue what it would be about. Didn’t understand a lot of what Jesus said, just knew he was the way to salvation and eternal life.

  It was time.

  Jesus held up his hands. A silence spread, beginning at the front and rippling back to those who required binoculars to see him. It was amazing though, his words, without benefit of a sound system, could always be heard. John watched on the TV monitors as the camera zoomed in on his face.

  Jesus waited for the silence, and then spoke, 'Blessed are those who have come to the end of themselves, for they will enter into His kingdom.'

  Whistles, cheers, greeted this opening statement. John frowned. Why couldn't they just listen? Jesus smiled, continued. 'Blessed are those who mourn, are lonely and lost, for they will be comforted.'

  Several shouts of, 'We love you Jesus.'

  Jesus smiled. 'Bless you my child. I tell you the truth. There is a day coming when a greater understanding of love will be known.' He spread his arms wide. 'I love you all.' Wild cheers erupted. Jesus waited while the crowd settled, then continued. 'Blessed are the self-controlled and humble, for God will fulfil them with every good thing.'

  John's nervousness evaporated. These were good powerful words. Jesus was on top form.

  'Blessed are those,' Jesus paused, sipped from a bottle of water, 'who passionately long for me and what is right in our land, for I will satisfy your souls.'

  The crowd was silent before each statement.

  'Blessed are those who show mercy through forgiveness, kindness and compassion, for they will receive mercy.'

  Then, every statement was greeted with a cheer.

  'Blessed are those who have a pure heart, for they will see God.'



  'Blessed are those who have been reconciled to God through me, and who take this message of peace to others, for they will be called children of God.'

  Jesus paused again, took another drink. John sensed the statements were drawing to a close.

  'Blessed are those who dare to live in righteousness and suffer persecution,' Jesus paused, 'for they will receive the kingdom of heaven.'

  The crowd too, seemed to sense that this part was over. The cheering, whistling, hollering went on for many minutes. John looked round the others, exchanged glances, and shared smiles. He knew some disciples better than others. The first six called, Peter, Andrew, Jamie, Jim, Jude, and John himself had been augmented by other hand-picked followers, Matt, who used to be the pimp Levi, Tom, Phil, Nathan, Simon, and of course their treasurer, Judas.

  There were scores of other followers, among them the former prostitute, Maggie. John glanced at her now. She was stood as usual with her friend, Poppy. Maggie gave him a shy smile before looking away.

  Maggie thanked Jesus every day for the transformation in her life, knew she was blessed, knew she’d been touched by the son of the living God. Some other followers thought Jesus to be a good man, a great teacher, and philosopher. But she knew the truth. She'd been down in the pit of hell, her body, inhabited by seven demons. Addicted to Morph, reduced to selling herself in order to live. She smiled wryly at the thought of her dress slipping to the floor, inviting him to have her, his reaction, eyes fixed firmly on hers, telling her she was a beautiful woman. The way he'd hugged her in love, pure love, banished the voices, cured her addictions, and gave her new life. No mortal man could have achieved those things, not to mention all the other wonderful healings. The way he caused limbs to grow, gave life to the dead. God must be responsible for all those miraculous events.

  She looked at him now, a warm glow flooded her body as she listened to him speak.

  'You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out, trampled underfoot.’

  'Salt is good precisely because it tastes different to other things, it improves what it's added to. In the same way you are going out into the world to make a difference. If you become like the world, you lose your value.'

  The disciples looked at each other, out at the multitude hanging on Jesus' every word.

  'You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can't be hidden. Neither do people hide a lamp under the table. Instead they leave it on, giving light to everyone in the house.'

  This was so simple, so profound, Maggie realised, wondered why it hadn't been said before. Jesus glanced at her. She could almost read his mind, I haven't been before.

  Jesus continued, 'In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. But take care. Good works should be seen for God's praise, not your own.'

  Jesus paused, took a drink. The crowd was quiet, thoughtful, soaking in Jesus' words.

  'Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law, or the Prophets. I haven't come to abolish them but to fulfil them. I am not talking here about individual laws, but the Law, the first five books of the ancient scripture. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of the pen will, by any means, disappear from the Law unt
il everything is accomplished. Then, a new standard of righteousness will come into effect.'


  Matt lay back on the grass, eyes closed, for all the world asleep, but who could sleep through this? It was like Jesus was speaking a new language. The man was a genius, every word he spoke had to be weighed, considered. Did it mean this, did it mean that?

  The way he'd approached him, bounding across the road, skipping through the traffic, Matt, thinking it was someone coming for him, reaching down, stretching for the pistol he kept under the seat. Jesus by the window, eyes locked on his, reading his soul, then, follow me.

  Follow me. Two simple words. A choice to make. Follow, or stay in the old life. Time stood still, Jesus waiting, didn't matter how long. Traffic sped by, people moved past, lives continuing. Then Peter arrived. Look on his face. Priceless. Matt smiled, moved his hand, brushed a fly away. Tried telling himself he'd only said yes to annoy Peter, but knew that wasn't true. He'd said yes because he couldn't say no.

  He tuned back into Jesus.

  'In the Ten Commandments given to our greatest prophet, Moses, God said, "Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to justice." People of the ancient faith, know this, they've been taught this, they know it to be a truth from the Father.' Jesus caught Matt's eye, smiled.

  'But I say to you today, anyone who is angry with his brother, his fellow man, will be subject to divine judgement. Let me make it clear, you will be judged on your anger. If you have an urge to kill, or wish someone dead, you are a murderer in your heart, even if you don't carry out the act.’

  'As you know, if you call your brother a foul name, you are answerable to the Sanhedrin, but anyone who says, you fool, will be in danger of the fires of hell.’

  'Do not despise other people. If you are about to worship God and remember that your brother has something against you, leave straight away, go and be reconciled with your brother, then come back and offer your worship. Do not wait for your brother to take the first step, seize the initiative.’

  'I tell you the truth, seek peace. That is the way of true righteousness.'

  Matt brushed his hand across his eyes, saw Peter looking. He smiled at his brother disciple, unashamed of his tears and glad of the second chance he’d been given.


  Peter had never felt better. Jesus coming along had transformed his life. He’d been dead and not known it. Jesus had restored him to life. His drinking was under control, the lust, the desire to have any woman, had been tamed. The effect Jesus had on people was amazing. Maggie, the former prostitute, was a follower now, her life changed for the better. Peter had felt uncomfortable when he realised the beautiful young woman who sought him out, hugged him, kissed his cheek, was the demon possessed, drug ridden addict, he'd once paid for sex. Maggie had been so gracious in modelling the behaviour Jesus spoke of.

  Peter glanced at Matt. He seemed upset. He should speak to him, seek him out, apologise for his hostility. Okay, the guy used to be a pimp, a drug dealer, and for all Peter knew, a murderer, but Jesus had forgiven him, had called him, given him a fresh start. If he was good enough for Jesus he was good enough for Peter.

  Jesus spoke again, 'You have been taught, do not commit adultery.' He paused. Let his words find a landing place. His eyes settled on Peter who inclined his head. 'I am telling you now that anyone who looks at another person lustfully has committed adultery in their heart. The old law says one thing, but true righteousness requires more, much more. If your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out, bin it. Likewise, if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off, bin it. It is better for you to lose a part of your body than for your whole body to end up in hell.'

  Peter wondered how literally Jesus intended his message to be. He could envisage a long queue at the hospitals if folks took him at his word. He, for one, wouldn't have many body parts left.

  'You might think I'm being extreme,' Jesus went on, 'to make a point. You're right, I am. Sin originates in thoughts and that's where the surgery is required.’

  'It has been said, "Any man who divorces his wife must ensure she has a certificate of divorce." But I tell you, the man who divorces his wife for reasons other than unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and any man who joins with the divorced woman commits adultery. God intended the joining of a man and woman to be a life-long commitment.'

  Peter thought about his partner, Jayne, wondered where she was, what she was doing, knew it was his own behaviour that had driven her away. He missed her but doubted they could ever be reconciled.


  'Again, you know it was said to the people in ancient times, "do not break your promise, but keep any promises you make to the Lord.” But I’m telling you all today do not swear at all either by heaven, for it is God's throne. Or by the earth, for it is His footstool, or by York for it is the city of the great king. Just let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'.' Nathan suppressed a smile, most of the crims he knew, their 'yes' was 'no'. Their 'no' was 'yes'. Everything else was 'no comment.' Far as his bosses were concerned, he was a crim himself now. He'd packed in his job, gone over to the dark side. It was the best thing he'd ever done. Keep it simple. Keep it honest. He loved it. Everything was simple and straightforward with Jesus, in theory anyway, the practice was challenging at times.

  Nathan had waited a long time for Jesus to approach him since their first meeting on the beach at Whitby. He'd been content to follow along at a distance, on the periphery, was surprised one day when Jesus sought him out, said those words, follow me. Nathan agreed on the spot, handed in his notice, and became a disciple.

  He'd often thought about telling Jesus about his time with the Polizei, but hadn't, on the basis that he’d know anyway. He'd heard Jesus speak many times, but this was different. This was setting a new standard, raising the bar.

  'You have heard it said, "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." But I tell you now, if someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn, offer him the left. If someone takes your coat, offer him your shirt. Do not resist an evil person.' Jesus paused, wiped his brow, 'my point is, do not take revenge. Respond in peace. Do not try to hurt others.'


  Phil had written many songs about Jesus, wasn’t often seen without his guitar in hand, but now it was laid aside on the grass. He propped himself up on one elbow, let Jesus' words soak in.

  'Again, you will have heard it said, "Love your neighbour and hate your enemy." But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Even the pagans do that. And, if you greet just your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Your love for others is to be complete, to extend to all people, at all times. I tell you the truth, be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.’

  'You've seen them. We’ve all seen them. People doing religion. They make sure they're seen doing good and they receive the admiration of many, but that is all they'll receive. Their good works are not done to serve God, but to serve themselves.’

  ‘So, be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So, when you give to the needy, do not announce it on Twitter, or broadcast it all over Facebook. Rather, when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then, your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.’

  'The focus should be on attitude, not appearance.’

  'Again, when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to be seen praying in the synagogues and the Temple. I tell you the truth. They have received their reward in full. When you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen. And when you pray, don't babble like pagans, who think the more they say, the more they'll be heard. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.’

  'This, then, is how you should pray,

  Our Father i
n heaven. Holy is your name. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today, our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors. Lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from the evil one.'

  Phil picked up his guitar, strummed a chord. Such beautiful words. He was sure he could set them to music.


  Jesus, his face wreathed in sweat, came off stage to tumultuous applause. The message had been given and received. Peter handed Jesus a towel. ‘That was great, Boss. Fantastic.’


  Peter groaned. Not Brotherton again.

  Jesus wiped his hands and face. ‘Yes, Brotherton?’

  'Why do you heal on the Sabbath?' The Pharisee asked. 'You must know it's forbidden.'

  'My Father is always at work on this day and so am I.' Jesus replied, taking the drink Peter offered.

  'You make yourself equal with God?'

  'I tell you the truth. The Son can do nothing by himself. He just does what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son does as well. The Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. And he will show him greater works than these and you will be amazed. For just as the Father raised the dead and gave them life, the Son also gives life to those whom He pleases.’ Jesus paused, took a long drink of water.

  'In fact, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, so that all may honour the Son just as they honour the Father. Whoever does not honour the Son does not honour the Father, who sent Him.’

  Go Jesus, Peter thought, looking on an interested spectator. He loved it when the Pharisees or other zealots challenged Jesus.

  'I tell you the truth,' Jesus continued, 'whoever hears my word and believes in him who sent me, has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. Again, I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man.’


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