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Essence of Chaos

Page 17

by Marie Andreas

  Jenna’s body convulsed as Ghortin’s mind tried to make old physiological connections in a new body. She felt Ghortin look down.

  “Apprentice. How’d you get here? Or rather, how did I get here?”

  Jenna tried, but found that she couldn’t reach her vocal cords. Her thoughts must have been clear to her mental roommate however, as she felt him smile.

  “Of course. I’m in Irundail, correct? Or rather, we are.” Jenna could almost see her teacher rubbing his chin in thought, although she didn’t think she had actually done so physically.

  “It’s coming back. Well, Jenna’s mind is flashing back for me. That bastard.” The last word was spit with a growl so low Jenna was surprised it came from her throat.

  “If I’m in here, then that thing still has my body. At least he hasn’t killed it yet.” Ghortin searched the scholars’ faces through Jenna’s eyes. “Was anyone else taken?”

  Ailane had pushed back her hood and glanced at the queen. “The king was also taken. From what we’ve been able to gather, you two were the targets.” The tall helaermage continued briskly. “There is nothing you can do for him at present; but you can help his son.”

  Jenna felt her hand go to her head. “Gods, did they get Resstlin too?” Even as Ghortin asked the question, Jenna’s mind said it was Storm.

  “Nay, the heir is ruling in Lithunane, the rest of the royal family is here.” As Ailane spoke, Ghortin forced Jenna’s body to turn toward the bed and the pale kelar in it.

  Instinctively, Ghortin stuck out a hand to assess the damage. It jerked back as if burnt a second later. Jenna felt a flash of pain, but couldn’t tell if it was from Ghortin or herself.

  “What has happened?”

  Faster than anyone could get out a verbal answer, Jenna’s mind flashed through the thing that had attacked Storm, and her less than successful attempt at healing. Ghortin’s appreciation flowed through her.

  “Thank you, my dear. I think, with what you just showed me, I can heal him through you. Then I’ll go away and give you back your body while I figure out a better way for our new partnership.” Nothing was said out loud, but Jenna heard him as clear as if he was right next to her.

  Ghortin moved Jenna’s body next to the injured prince as he reached forward again. Through Ghortin, Jenna saw the internal damage done to Storm’s body. His systems were shutting down one by one as a greasy, black fluid flowed through them and overpowered them.

  A surge of healing magic flowed through her. Ghortin’s skills pulling forth energy reserves she hadn’t known of.

  Storm tossed as the healing magic attacked the dark fog that had taken hold inside of him. Jenna rocked back as more and more energy flowed through her and Ghortin and into Storm’s battered body. The demonspawn residue was slow to leave, fighting to hang on until the end. But by then Storm had recovered enough to start fighting back. Although he lacked magic, Storm’s will to live was fierce, and he succeeded in pushing the last dregs of the infestation away.

  Ghortin’s mind-voice was weak from the fight. “I must rest. Storm will recover, and so will I. But I can't stay to explain things right now.”

  Jenna felt refreshed, not exhausted like she thought she would be. “You will be back, won’t you?”

  “My dear, I have nowhere else to go. I’ll return, fear not.”

  All of Jenna’s senses slammed back into full focus. She swayed as the flood of light caught her unaware.

  “Catch her.”

  “She’s in a faint.”

  Maggie and Keanin rushed forward to grab her. Jenna let them set her on the edge of Storm’s bed, then she shook her head.

  “I’m all right. Things were spinning there for a moment.”

  Dantil’s bearded face was tight with concern as he came forward. “That’s you, isn’t it, Jenna?”

  “Yes. Ghortin’s left for the time being. I think that’s what made me unbalanced. It was as if a veil had been lifted.”

  Ailane looked over from her monitoring position near Storm’s head. “That is consistent. You and Ghortin are sharing your body for now; when he took over, he pushed your sensory information aside.”

  Jenna nodded. “I thought that was probably it.” Storm’s breathing was steadier, but his eyes were still closed.

  “Is he going to be all right? Ghortin chased out all of the black stuff, shouldn’t he wake up?” Maybe they hadn’t gotten it all.

  “He’s had a serious injury,” Dantil said, as much to Jenna as to the queen and Kaytine hovering nearby. “He’ll be fine, but I’m afraid it’s going to take some time.”

  A gravelly voice cut in. “Not too long. I’ve got to get the son of a snag who brought those things in.”

  Everyone crowded forward as Storm’s slanted blue eyes cracked open. He gave a weak smile as he looked at the faces of those around him. He frowned when he realized that two others weren’t there.

  “No.” It was more of a hoarse whisper than a shout, but it was enough for Ailane to pull everyone back.

  Dantil read the prince’s thoughts on his anguished face. “Easy, lad. Your father and Ghortin have been captured. But we have no reason to believe either of them has been killed.”

  Storm let his eyes slide closed. He opened them again, catching Jenna’s eye with a curious look. “But I heard Ghortin. I know I did. He was inside me, helping me fight.”

  “He is here, sort of.” Jenna shrugged. “They haven’t quite explained it to me either. But somehow he’s taken up residence here.” She tapped her temple. “I’d ask him to come out and say hello, but he was fading away after we healed you.” She looked toward the two helaermages. “And I’m not sure how to call him up anyway.”

  “Don’t you worry about that.” Dantil patted her hand. “Once old Ghortin gets his second wind you won’t be able to keep him out.” He turned back toward Storm. “I must say, young Corin, you gave us quite a scare.”

  Storm opened his mouth to answer, but was smothered by his mother and sister. The queen took hold of her longhaired son and kept rocking him back and forth like a small child.

  Storm finally managed to pull back. “I’m all right, Mother. Really.” He sighed heavily as his mother showed no signs of letting go.

  “Kaytine, please make her understand, I’m—”

  “You’re going to be all right!” Keanin’s exuberant shout cut him off, and within seconds the graceful kelar noble was taking over where the queen missed. Kaytine had pulled back and was laughing at the three of them. Soon everyone but Ailane was chuckling at Storm’s long-suffering looks. The female helaermage’s serious face showed clearly what she thought of such behavior from the royal family.

  Finally the queen and Keanin pulled back. Storm let himself slide back into his pillows with a sigh. “I promise, after I get Ghortin and Father back, I’ll never pick another fight with anything that even faintly looks like demonspawn. Will that make you people happy?”

  Keanin and the queen looked ready to start swooning over him again when he looked up to Maggie with pleading eyes.

  The healer came to his rescue. “We must give the poor boy some rest. He’ll be up and about soon, but only if he rests. Even you, Your Majesty. You may come back later, but I would be remiss as a healer if I let you stay. Particularly when you’re as worn out as he is.”

  Kaytine laid her hand on her mother’s shoulder. “She’s right, we can come back. I know I could use some rest.”

  The queen rose without argument, gently leaning over and placing a kiss on her son’s forehead. Turning to leave, the tall woman paused in front of Jenna.

  “Thank you. I wish I could think of more to say, but thank you with all my heart.”

  Jenna smiled awkwardly, embarrassed by the raw emotion in those huge brown eyes.

  Queen Areania smiled back. “You shall always be counted as a friend of the royal family.” She gave Jenna a quick hug, then left the room.

  Kaytine also paused in front of Jenna. The green-clad cleric leaned forwa
rd conspiratorially. “Don’t tell him this, but that rascal has always been my favorite brother. As a cleric of Irissanta, I thank you as well.” Laying her hands on either side of Jenna’s head, she sang a few soft words. A feeling of peace and strength overwhelmed Jenna. Kaytine was gone before she could recover enough to thank her.

  “But it wasn’t me. Ghortin saved him.” She didn’t like basking in a false glow.

  Dantil stopped as he was pulling up his hood. “Nay. The mage may have had the technical knowledge, but you had the Power, and the heart.”

  Out of nowhere, Jenna found herself swallowed in a tight embrace, her face smashed against Keanin’s chest. “Thank you. He’s my closest friend.” He pulled back from his hug and there was real gratitude and concern in those magnificent golden eyes. “Now the proper way to thank you is for me to take you under my wing and show you the wonders of Irundail while our erstwhile prince doth repair himself.” There was now a playful, and slightly wicked, gleam in his eye.

  “What about me? If you two are off and about all the time, who will keep me company? Not that I’m planning on staying here long,” Storm said with a stifled yawn. He was trying to be playful and light, but his fatigue was showing.

  The two helaermages headed for the door. Dantil stopped briefly. “I’m more than certain you'll have many visitors.”

  Ailane bowed her head as she left. “Rest well, Prince Corin.

  Maggie herded Jenna and Keanin toward the door.

  “Wait. Can I talk to Jenna alone? Briefly?” Storm added the last when Maggie looked ready to shake her head.

  The large healer sighed. “Briefly. And I’ll escort this rogue out.” She took hold of Keanin’s arm. Then turned back to Storm with a scowl. “And I want you asleep the instant she leaves, do you hear, scamp?”


  Jenna went back and sat next to him on the edge of his bed.

  Storm reached over and took one of her hands. “I want to thank you.” He raised his hand at her mute protest. “You forget, Jenna, I was in here while you two were working. I felt what you gave. And back at the ballroom, I wouldn’t have made it out alive without you.” He squeezed her hand weakly.

  Jenna gently squeezed back. “What was I supposed to do? Let a royal prince be skewered by some badly made-up monster? They might think I did it deliberately.”

  He gave a crooked smile. “You aren’t still upset, are you?”

  “I think I’ll get over it; all of this has put things in a different perspective. For which you should be eternally grateful, you difficult, obstinate, giant elf.”

  Storm gave a weak chuckle. “Well, thank you again. For everything.” He looked intently into her eyes for a moment, and then broke away as if exhausted. Which he more than likely was. “I’d better let you go, or Maggie will be in looking for you. Just be careful around Keanin, and if he tries anything, tell him I’ll give him one hell of a sword lesson when I get well.”

  Jenna tilted her head coyly. “What if I like it?”

  “Then I’ll give both of you a sword lesson.” He tried to sound gruff, but he coughed and blew the image.

  Jenna leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Thank you.”

  Storm gave a yawn as he slipped lower in his bed. “It’s fair; you saved my life, so I’ll save your virtue.”

  Jenna laughed as she slipped out of the room.


  Maggie was the only one waiting in the hall when Jenna came out. She had half-expected Keanin to be there as well, and was surprised at the twinge of disappointment that she felt.

  “I’m certain you’re fine, however, in light of what you did, and who you have floating around in that pretty head of yours, I’ll be keeping you in my House of Healing for a few days.” The solid healer’s stance plainly said that argument would be useless.

  Jenna cast one last look around for Keanin and then let Maggie lead her down the hall.

  “Tsk, tsk. That scoundrel’s already got you watching for him.” She clucked as she headed toward Jenna’s room. “Don’t you be looking for that scamp, I chased him off. I won’t have that rogue hanging around and wearing out my patients.” Maggie sounded gruff, but the crinkles around her eyes gave her away. She was as charmed by Keanin as everyone else was.

  Jenna hid her smile behind a cough. “How long do you think it will be before Ghortin shows up again?”

  “Couldn’t say for certain.” Maggie shrugged. “Ailane and Dantil didn’t know, and I’m afraid what you’ve got is more in their field than mine.”

  “But I thought this had been done before.” An awful thought snuck up on Jenna. “This isn’t going to be permanent, is it? Other mages have gone through this before, haven’t they?”

  Maggie put her arm around Jenna’s shoulders. “Everything’s going to be fine. To be honest, I’m not sure that any mage has ever actually completed what Ghortin did. But, fear not, that’s never stopped him before.”

  “So I’ve noticed.” Jenna’s stomach flip-flopped. She was glad that Ghortin was still around in a sense. She realized how much she cared for the gruff man when she thought he was beyond her reach. But she didn’t relish living the rest of her life with him in her head.

  Maggie looked over and frowned. “Child, I’ll not have you work yourself up into a dither until I say you’re ready. I’m sure that Ghortin can answer all of your questions after you have gotten some rest.” They stopped in front of Jenna’s room. “Or do I have to give you something to help you rest?”

  Jenna held up her hands in surrender. “No, I think I’ll be fine by myself. Thank you for your offer, but I—”

  Maggie broke in, grinning wickedly. “Had some of Ghortin’s healing drafts before, have we? Never fear, my medicines are nowhere near as bad as his. But if you don’t think you’ll need them, I’ll be off.” She turned as Jenna’s hand was on the door handle. “It’s almost time for dinner. I’ll make sure the kitchen sends you up a nice big plate. We’ve got you, might as well get some meat on those bones.”

  Jenna stifled a yawn as her stomach chose that second to rumble. She was tired, but she now realized she was also starving. “Thank you, Maggie. For everything.”

  The jovial healer grew serious for a moment. “Thank you.” She shook her head, gray hair sticking out like quills. “Prince Corin was dying; there was no question of that. After two days of trying, all we could do was watch him go. I watched that rascal grow up. To a lot of people here, you’ve become a heroine.” Her smile came back. “But enough of that. Off to your room, eat some food, and then off to sleep. Healer’s orders.” With a nod to make sure Jenna understood her commands, Maggie turned and marched down the hall.

  Jenna slipped into her room gratefully. Lounging sounded good right now, it was shocking how exhausted she felt. She went to the small set of drawers and pulled out a nightdress. Looking through the drawers she saw that someone, most likely Maggie, had managed to collect a small wardrobe for her. Which was good since she’d come over wearing that flimsy bird costume.

  Settling herself into bed, she tried to recapture the feeling of Power that had flowed through her when she and Ghortin were working to heal Storm. But try as she might, she couldn’t get it back.

  An attendant from the kitchen knocked once before she came in with a tray. She was covered in the full habit of the religious healing guild. The woman managed to get the tray over to Jenna’s bedside with a few spills. That in itself was suspicious. Someone used to carrying trays certainly wouldn’t make those spills. And why would a healer be doing kitchen drudgework anyway? Jenna was wondering if she should call for help when the attendant lifted her head.

  “Keanin. I thought Maggie chased you off?”

  The auburn-haired kelar smiled mischievously under his habit. “Oh, she did. Yes, the mistress of the House of Healing was quite adamant that no young male hooligan was going to disturb her patient.” The last was done in perfect imitation of the healer’s deep voice.

p; Keanin shrugged helplessly. “Is it my fault that my other personality is a female member of the religious guild?” His golden eyes opened wide for effect.

  Jenna laughed. She was pretty sure Maggie was on to him.

  “I wanted to make sure you were given enough food.” Keanin said. “And to see if you had any plans for tomorrow?”

  Jenna uncovered the huge mound of food on her tray. Obviously Keanin was planning on dining with her. “All this for me? Or was I to have a dinner guest?”

  Keanin didn’t answer, just helped himself to a piece of meat.

  Jenna joined him. “I do have some questions.” She knew the bigger ones, like what happened at the ball, would be far out of Keanin’s reach. But there were other, more mundane ones, he could help with.

  He removed the habit and perched on the edge of her bed. “Ask away. As far as I know I’m not supposed to stay quiet about anything. Or at least anything I remember.” He waved long, graceful fingers in her direction. “Just remember, my fee for answers will be your company tomorrow.”

  “It’s a deal. First off, I don’t understand how we got here. I know my geography of this—area isn’t as strong as it could be; but aren’t we at the other end of the country?”

  She watched Keanin closely to see if he’d caught that pause. She had almost said this world, instead of this area.

  Keanin caught the look, just as he had caught the pause.

  “It’s all right.” He gave a self-deprecating smile. “Believe it or not, there are some secrets I can be trusted with. Corin told me of your unique place of origin.” He leaned forward. “Now that is one thing I’d like to talk about sometime. But not now.” He leaned back, laughing at Jenna’s expression.

  “So you knew all along that I’m from…” She let it dangle.

  “Another world. Yes. And it’s good of you to be cautious. I don’t know much of what goes on outside of Lithunane anymore, but dangerous things are afoot. The fewer who know about you the better.”

  “In a way I’m glad you know. I felt sort of alone, not having anyone around who I could trust with my secret.”


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