Silver & Gold

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Silver & Gold Page 8

by A. D. Ellis

  “No fair, if you get to brush your teeth, I get to too!” I stumbled from bed and met him as he exited the bathroom. “Give me thirty seconds. I want you on your hands and knees when I get back. Want to see that gorgeous ass spread out for me.” I kissed his neck and breathed in his minty scent.

  Somehow, I managed to piss without painting the wall, brushed my teeth in record time, and rushed back to bed.

  Benji’s strong, leanly muscled body took up the middle of the bed, his ass in the air, long legs spread apart. He leaned forward on his elbows and turned his head to watch me approach. “Like what you see?”

  I grunted as I yanked a condom from the drawer and made short work of rolling it on and slicking myself with lube. As I crawled onto the bed, I leaned down to press kisses along Benji’s spine. When I reached the cleft of his ass, I moved behind him and positioned myself between his legs. I gripped his hips and slid my cock between his cheeks.

  “Don’t play around, fuck me.” Benji gripped the sheets and pushed his ass back. “Want it.”

  “Spread yourself,” I commanded.

  Benji did as he was told and I groaned as his long fingers pulled his fleshy globes apart and bared his hole.

  Pressing my throbbing cock against his pucker, I pushed in slowly.

  Benji whimpered with each additional inch I gave him. “Want it hard, fuck me hard.”

  I pulled back and slammed back in as I gripped Benji’s hips.

  He shifted so his arms could hold onto the headboard and my thrusts slammed the wood against the wall. Between the bed, my grunts, and Benji’s moans, I was glad my room had two outside walls in the corner of my apartment building. We were loud.

  Benji’s noises spurred me on and I thrust harder just to make him get louder.

  Leaning forward, I wrapped my arms under Benji’s armpits and around his chest. I pulled him upward and he turned his head for a hot, sloppy kiss.

  I stopped pumping my hips while I kissed him and stroked his cock. “I want you flat on your stomach so I can fuck you into this mattress.”

  Benji whimpered his agreement and dropped to his stomach. He spread his legs and I loved that he was so into sex. Had he been as vocal and pliant and exuberant with other partners? I slid my cock into his ass; I didn’t even want to think of Benji with other people.

  I gripped his hands and thrust hard and fast into his tight hole. When I couldn’t stay up on my arms any longer, I dropped on his back and maneuvered us slightly to our left sides.

  Benji pulled his right leg up and reached for his cock.

  “Yeah, fuck your fist. Come for me.” I pumped hard and deep until Benji cried out and tensed in my arms.

  “Fuuuuck,” he roared.

  I shuddered and blew my load deep in his ass. My cock pulsed over and over, Benji’s tight hole milking every drop from me. “Gonna do that bare. Soon.”

  Benji shivered and gripped my hand. “Don’t know why the idea of that turns me on so damn much, but I can’t wait.”

  I pulled out, tossed the condom, and gathered a heavy, cuddly Benji close. My heart nearly burst with the barrage of emotions ping-ponging in my head and heart. I wanted to whisper I love you, but it was too soon. Right? We’d been having casual sex. Great casual sex, but still. Then we basically broke up because of the studio. And, just the day before, finally had our asses kicked into gear so that we could get back to where we’d been and more. Declarations of love may have been making it hard for me to breathe, but it was definitely too soon to admit them out loud.

  Instead, I kissed the side of his head. “You’re amazing. As much as I hate to say it, we better clean up so you can go home and get dressed. I’ll get the pastries. I’m planning on staying after hours today to work in the studio.”

  Benji sighed. “Do you care if I do the same? I was hoping to throw some pottery.”

  “Mmmm, wet clay? Can you do it naked? We could always clean up upstairs.” I was joking. Mostly. The idea of a naked tryst with Benji at his pottery wheel definitely held plenty of appeal.

  He chuckled. “We’ll see. Either way, I say we make use of that upstairs soon. Shame to let a perfectly good shower, bed, couch, and ugly chaise lounge go to waste.”

  “You going to tell your brother and the guys about us?” My heart stuttered with the unexpected thought that I wanted him to tell them about us. I wanted to be part of that portion of his life. If he’d have me.

  Shit. Maybe I was getting too far ahead of myself. Maybe he wasn’t ready for that.

  “For sure.”

  I let loose a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.

  “You want to meet them? Like officially where we have more time to hang? Maybe we could all go out? At least hang out casually even if not a full-blown group date.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, sounds good.”

  Benji rolled from the bed and wiped himself with a discarded t-shirt.

  “Hey, that’s my shirt.” I yanked it away from him.

  He laughed. “Well, we’ve definitely shared bodily fluids over the last twenty-four hours, I guess you’ll just have to wash it along with your sheets.”

  I opened my arms and my entire body warmed as Benji smiled and walked into my embrace. We hugged for several beats before I cupped his face and kissed him, slow and deep. I broke the kiss and whispered, “I’m really glad we finally talked and figured our shit out.”

  Benji pulled away and gazed into my eyes. “Same.” He nodded, smiled, and started to speak again, but clamped his mouth shut.

  “What?” I frowned.

  “Nothing. Just totally agree. So glad we talked and got over ourselves.” He planted a final kiss on my mouth before dressing quickly. “I’ll see you in about an hour?”

  I nodded. I was sure he had started to say something else. But what? And why had he stopped? I shrugged internally, walked him to the door, and couldn’t help the smile that filled my face for the next hour while I showered, dressed, and walked to the bakery.

  I was walking on air and as giddy as a kid with their first love.



  Holy shit.

  I leaned my forehead against the wet tile as hot water streamed over me.

  I’d nearly said I love you to Rhys.

  Pretty sure I’d looked like a fool stopping and clamming up like I did. I shook my head. It was way too soon. How were the feelings so damn strong? Rhys and I had known each other for a bit, but surely my feelings were just the sex and infatuation talking, right?

  As I shampooed my hair, I thought about my feelings for Rhys.

  I liked spending time with him. For a brief time, that hadn’t been the case, but now that we were back in a groove it was totally true. I enjoyed our conversations. I looked forward to when I’d see him again. I admired his artistic talents. I’d been a mess when we weren’t seeing each other. I’d be sad if we broke up; I’d definitely miss him.

  Were those indicators of love?

  Physically, my heart beat faster and my skin heated when we were close. My body longed for his touch. Not just any touch, Rhys’s touch. I was warm and safe and home in his embrace.

  Yeah. I loved Rhys.

  But no way I could spring that on him so soon.

  I finished my shower and joined the guys in the living room.

  “Ah, look at you. You’re all aglow and shit.” Bode nudged my knee with his foot from his place next to Sage on the loveseat as I sat in the recliner.

  My face heated.

  “Ohhh, is our little Benji in love?” Kyson placed a hand over his heart and swooned.

  I couldn’t stop the quick glance I made around the room.

  Sage gasped. “Hey, guys? Maybe cut the teasing routine.” He aimed a sympathetic gaze my way. “Do you love him? Rhys?”

  Kyson and Bode’s eyes grew wide. The two men who had known me from birth were stunned silent. They’d seen me through juvenile crushes, a few first loves, and several disappointing casual dating situations. But they’d n
ever once seen me in a serious relationship—not for lack of trying—and most definitely never owning up to anything close to being in love.

  I shrugged. “I think I do.” I scowled. “No, I know I do. Love Rhys, I mean.” I ran a hand over my face and attempted to hide the growing grin tugging at my mouth.

  “Wow, that’s amazing. Really wondered if I’d ever see the day.” Kyson reached across the coffee table next to me and slapped a warm hand on my arm. “Good for you.”

  Bode pulled Sage close to his side and smiled. “So, does this mean we get to officially meet him?”

  “We’ve talked about you all meeting—longer than what you met at the opening—but we have not discussed this turn of events regarding feelings. That topic is off the table when you meet him.” I lost myself in thought for a moment as I stared at the landscape piece on the far wall. “I think I’m having trouble believing that I feel this way. I completely do feel it, but isn’t it too soon? Too much?”

  “I think when you know, you just know.” Sage smiled lovingly at Bode. “How do you think Rhys feels?”

  “I don’t know. He seems really into our getting back together and dating, but I can’t exactly be like, Listen, I think I love you. But I don’t want to say anything in case you don’t love me back, so if you could just let me know how you’re feeling, that would be great.” I sighed.

  “Just enjoy your time together. One or both of you will know when it’s time to take the next step.” Kyson shifted on his recliner and rocked slightly.

  “What about you and Bay taking the next step?” I raised my brow. I was being pushy, I knew I was. But I knew Bay and Kyson liked each other and I imagined them being so great together. I wanted my cousin happy and in a loving, healthy relationship.

  Kyson scoffed. “Next step? There’s no next step for Bay and me. There is no Bay and me. I’m interested, but he’s busy and trying to be a good parent to Arlo. I can’t argue that without sounding like a complete ass. I’d never want to interfere with something as important as Arlo being loved and protected.” He pursed his lips together and wrinkled his nose. “As much as we seem to like each other and mesh, the timing just isn’t right.”

  “Gah, how can I argue that?” My brows drew together. “The sexual tension between you two is palpable and I think you’d be so great together. But you can’t fight timing.”

  “Doesn’t mean the timing will always be wrong.” Bode smiled like a damn cat who ate a canary. “Sometimes you just have to catch up with the timing. You’ll know when it’s right.”

  Sage snorted. “He falls in love after fighting it for so long and now he’s a damn relationship expert.”

  We all laughed.

  “I’m going to the studio. Second day of the opening. Hoping for bigger and better than yesterday.” I stood.

  “Bro, yesterday was amazing. Be proud.” Bode moved so that Sage could stretch his long legs out on the couch.

  “I’m proud and really happy. Just looking forward to the same or better.” I winked and slipped my shoes on. “See you if you stop by, if not then I’ll see you for breakfast tomorrow.” Our Sunday breakfast or brunch and grocery shopping was something we worked hard to keep sacred and protected. I wasn’t against inviting Rhys, but I wasn’t going to cancel with the guys because of Rhys.

  As I walked down the stairs, I thought about that. Rhys meant something to me. Rhys meant a lot to me. The fact that I was interested in bringing him into my family and friendship instead of skipping out on the guys was something new indeed. And maybe part of the reason these feelings were so different and overwhelming.

  By the time day two of the grand opening wrapped up, I was grinning from ear to ear and couldn’t wait to replay it all with Rhys once we closed.

  He was at the sales counter ringing up five final purchases. Our sales had been spectacular all day.

  I winked at him before making my way over to a particular customer I’d been hoping to speak to before he left. Bay and his mom had brought Arlo in about thirty minutes earlier. I didn’t think I was going to get a chance to speak to him, but as luck would have it, Bay’s mother recognized Rhys’s sister, Caroline. The two women had been sipping tea and chatting with no signs of stopping while Bay and Arlo enjoyed the artwork, pastries, and the little children’s paint area I’d set up.

  I approached Bay as he smiled at Arlo painting a picture on a little easel. “Thanks for coming in, Bay.” I shook his hand when he turned my way.

  “Not a problem. Arlo loved everything he saw and he definitely wants to take lessons. Let me know when you start those and what you think would be best for him to begin with.”

  “For sure. I’d love to have him as a student.” I wasn’t completely sure, but I had a feeling that Bay struggled here and there trying to stretch money to cover Arlo’s needs and wants. The little boy was well taken care of, for sure. I just wondered how much of a strain it was on Bay’s finances to become a parent with very little time to prepare. I’d be sure to price Arlo’s lessons very affordably. I pushed the thought from my mind and waited a beat before dipping my toe in the water so to speak. “Looks like you’re settling into parenting like a total pro. Arlo seems to be doing so great with you.”

  Bay huffed but smiled. “Hardest job I’ve ever done. Exhausting both mentally and physically. Scary as shit. And so frustrating. I feel like I never know what I’m doing or what’s going to happen. And if I have a plan, I can pretty much only count on nothing to go as planned.” He shook his head and continued to smile. “But there’s nothing better than being his dad. Nothing harder, scarier, or more exhausting, but nothing better.”

  I smiled as my gut fluttered a bit. Children weren’t something I’d ever thought about, didn’t even know if I’d ever want to be a parent. But Bay hadn’t planned on becoming a father basically overnight, and here he was doing a damn great job of it. Didn’t sound easy, but I could appreciate how rewarding of a job it was for him.

  “So, this is maybe a bit forward of me.” I grimaced. “Okay, it’s a lot forward of me.”

  Bay smiled and raised his brows expectantly.

  “I get the feeling you and Kyson could be amazing together. I know there’s definitely attraction there.” I didn’t let him interrupt, just barreled on. “Sage, Bode, and I love watching Arlo and you know we do a good job of it. I’d like to offer our babysitting services—either Sage and Bode or Rhys and me or all four of us—so you and Kyson could go out on a real date. Would hate to see nothing happen between you guys just because you never gave it a chance.”

  Bay took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “My gut response is to say no because I need to focus on Arlo. But my mom recently jumped my ass about using Arlo as an excuse to not date.”

  I smiled hopefully.

  Bay held up a hand. “I’m not agreeing to anything. But I’m not saying no. If I decide to ask Kyson out, I’d be completely comfortable with you and Rhys or Sage and Bode watching Arlo.”

  When I did a silly little fist pump, we both laughed.

  “Speaking of you and Rhys. Is that a thing now? I’d heard things got a little messed up and dramatic for a bit.”

  Rhys sidled up at that moment and took my hand. “Mistakes were made, drama ensued, but we’re back on the right track for now.”

  Bay smiled at our joined hands.

  Did I imagine the wistful look on his face?

  Arlo finished his painting just as Bay was saying, “Well, that’s great to hear.”

  I helped Arlo clean up his paint station and showed him the paint racks where his picture could dry. “You and Daddy can come in and pick it up in a day or so.”

  Caroline and Ms. Whitfield finished their tea and pastries.

  Within ten minutes, the studio was empty, the doors locked, and the lights off.

  “I think we agreed to some studio time with possible sexy encounters?” Rhys waggled his brows.

  “I’m sure it can be arranged.” I pulled him close and kissed him deeply
before pulling back. “Hi. I feel like we didn’t get to chat much today.”

  Rhys explored my mouth, his tongue mating with mine.

  When we broke apart, panting, he smiled. “Super busy with customers and sales is a great reason to have no time to chat.”

  “I say we put on our music and work for ninety minutes. After that, anything goes.” I nibbled along his jaw.

  “Perfect plan. I’m going to change into some work clothes. I’ll see you in ninety.” Rhys gave me a final kiss and headed up the stairs to change clothes.

  I cleaned up the pastries, the coffee and tea station, and the children’s paint area. After dusting the displays, I went upstairs. Glad that I’d thought ahead to leave work clothes at the studio, I changed into a t-shirt and jeans that I didn’t mind getting messy.

  Popping in earbuds, I found the music I wanted and hit play before immersing myself in painting and glazing a few pottery pieces. Soon, I moved to finalizing some jewelry pieces and adding finishing touches to an abstract landscape painting I was stoked to put up for sale. Finally, when all the bits and pieces of finishing were complete, I set to work with my clay and wheel.

  I loved all of my art mediums, fell hard for different pieces for different reasons, lost myself in various projects depending on what I was feeling at the moment. But working with a clump of raw clay on my wheel was something that never failed to bring me peace and comfort. With music blaring in my head, I slapped the two-pound ball of clay onto the wheel and began the work of centering it and expressing the air bubbles. Within minutes, I was deep into my work.

  I spent the next hour manipulating the cool, damp clay. When the piece was exactly the way I imagined it, I stopped the wheel and transferred the vase to dry. I’d work with it again when it was ready for the next steps.

  A hand on my shoulder caused me to jump, but I settled immediately when I realized it was Rhys. I took out my earbuds.

  “Will you teach me how to do that?” Rhys pointed toward the wheel.


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