Silver & Gold

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Silver & Gold Page 9

by A. D. Ellis

  “Of course.” I nodded. “It’s so relaxing.”

  “I’ve always been mesmerized watching it. But you make it particularly sensual.”

  I laughed. “I didn’t even know you were watching, I was lost in my hands and the clay.” I grabbed a new ball of clay and pointed to the stool. “Sit there. I’ll sit behind you.”

  Rhys took his seat and I pulled a second stool behind him.

  “Oh my God, this is so Ghost-y.” Rhys laughed.

  “I think I was like five when that movie came out. I didn’t see it until years later. It’s good even if a little cheesy. Whoopie Goldberg makes the whole thing. She’s great.” I nestled against Rhys and put the lump of clay in his hand.

  “It’s colder and heavier than I was expecting.” Rhys tested the feel and weight of the clay in his hand.

  “Yeah, people are usually surprised at the chill.” I held his right hand in mine. “You’re going to throw the clay down hard. It needs to splat and kinda flatten.”

  Rhys did as I instructed. The clay slapped against the wheel with a satisfying thud.

  “Nice. Okay, I’m going to run the wheel. I’ll guide your hands. We can make a bowl if you want, or just learn the feel of the clay.” My whole body warmed where we touched. His hips and ass pressed into my spread legs, my arms wrapped around him, our skin touching. I nuzzled against his ear and kissed along his jaw.

  “You keep doing that and I’ll lose interest in the clay very quickly.” Rhys allowed me to move his hands along the clay as the wheel whirred to life.

  I spent several moments showing Rhys what different finger and hand positions would make the clay do, how a different pressure would cause the clay to react in a completely different way.

  “This is so amazing and beautiful. So satisfying to watch.” Rhys turned his head to look over his shoulder while I held his hands in mine and shaped the clay. “I want your clothes off,” he whispered the gruff words just barely loud enough for me to hear over the wheel.

  “Then it’s only fair if yours are off too.” I stopped the wheel and reached for a wet towel to wipe our hands.

  Within seconds, we’d stripped to our underwear and returned to our places on the stools. I wrapped my arms around Rhys’s body and took his hands in mine again as my thighs pressed against his hips and legs. Dribbling water from a sponge, I showed Rhys how the addition of water would change the way the clay responded to his touch.

  Slowly, I removed my hands from Rhys’s and allowed him to manipulate the clay on his own. My fingers trailed along his legs and inner thighs before teasing his growing bulge. I traced the light path of hair from the waistband of Rhys’s underwear up to where it spread between his pecs. I knew I was leaving a mess of wet clay water as my hands roamed his body, but I didn’t care. As I caressed both nipples and squeezed Rhys’s chest in my hands, he dropped his hands from the clay and put his hands on my legs. I stopped applying pressure to the pedal and the wheel slowed to an eventual stop. My arms tightened around Rhys’s chest and my now-hard cock pressed against his lower back as he squeezed my thighs with clay damp hands. Rhys’s head fell back on my shoulder and I devoured his neck with hot, wet kisses as I teased his nipples with my nails.

  “As much as I love learning to work with clay, my mind has suddenly gone elsewhere. Upstairs?” Rhys turned his head and kissed me.

  I nodded and stood. “Toss that clay in the bucket and put the lid on tight.” I grabbed the wet towel. When Rhys turned away from storing the clay, I brushed the cloth against his nipples.

  He hissed.

  “Sorry, but I plan to lick and bite these, clay doesn’t taste great.” I roughed his nipples until they were nearly clay-free. “Grab your clothes. We can wash a load of laundry while we’re otherwise occupied.”

  We grabbed our clothes and rushed up the stairs.

  I stripped out of my underwear and socks and tossed all my clothes in the washing machine. Rhys did the same. We soaped and scrubbed our hands at the kitchen sink to remove most of the clay residue. When our hands were dry, Rhys pressed me against the counter and kissed me as our hard cocks rubbed together.

  “Want to fuck you,” Rhys murmured into my mouth.

  “Well, it’s your lucky day, because I want you to fuck me as well.” I bit his lip and took his fine ass in my hands. “Go lay on the ugly ass chaise lounge. We’ll christen it and put the damn eye sore to good use.”

  I rummaged in the bathroom until I found the lube and condoms Rhys had stocked. The sight of Rhys stretched out on the chaise lounge while he stroked his cock was almost too much.

  I tossed the supplies on the small end table before straddling his waist and leaning down to capture his mouth. Shifting lower, I teased and nibbled at his nipples, smiling as they puckered into hard, red nubs. I sat astride Rhys’s hips and rutted our dicks together, stroking them in my fist, and thumbing his leaking slit.

  When I couldn’t take it any longer, I tore open the condom wrapper, rolled the sheath onto him, and spread lube up and down his shaft before applying a few generous pumps to my fingers and smearing it around and into my hole. Tossing the lube to the side, I sat atop Rhys and reached behind me to grip his cock. I positioned his head at my slick pucker and pressed down. Rhys held still and moaned as I sank lower and lower on his throbbing length. Once I’d bottomed out, I raised and lowered myself a couple times, reveling in the heady power trip of controlling him even as his cock was buried in my ass. I leaned forward, gripping the back of the chaise lounge, and started a slow rhythm of fucking myself on Rhys’s thick length.

  “Fuck me,” I whispered.

  My position allowed me to straddle him, spread my knees, and hold myself up against the head of the lounge while watching his face. Rhys stared at me as he began to pump hard and slow into my ass. The rhythm soon changed to hard and fast as Rhys pummeled my hole with strong thrusts I felt throughout my entire body. He gripped my hips to hold me in one place as he set a punishing pace.

  When he took my throbbing cock in his fist and began to pump, I lost all semblance of control and exploded long, thick ropes across his abdomen and chest.

  “Yes, come for me.” Rhys ran his fingers through the splatters and spread the jizz along my bottom lip before pulling me down to lick the smear from my lips and kiss me deeply. He held me tight against him and thrust hard and deep a few more times before groaning and pulsing his load into my ass.

  By the time we’d both caught our breath and come down from our mutual highs, the washer was done. I tossed the clothes into the dryer. “Shower?”

  Our shower was slow and sensual. I fingered Rhys’s ass, playing with his prostate while kissing him and talking dirty, until he came with a silent shudder. Rhys dropped to his knees and sucked me, playing with my ass, teasing my sensitive hole with a wet finger, until I fisted his hair and spilled deep in his throat.

  We lazily ended our shower, dried off, dressed in our original clothes and cuddled on the couch while the dryer finished its cycle.

  “You want to come over and meet the guys properly? Maybe next weekend?” I figured Rhys could come after brunch and groceries. If the meeting went well, maybe he could do brunch and groceries with us the following weekend.

  “I’d love to. I know I already know them somewhat, but it would be nice to officially meet them and hang out for a while.” Rhys held my hand and kissed me. “I’ve never wanted to meet any friends or family, so this is all new to me.”

  My heart soared. “Kinda new to me as well. We’ll take it one step at a time, yeah?”

  “You want to go out on a real date before next weekend?” Rhys’s words were quiet and hesitant. “Drinks and food? Something casual?”

  “We could meet at The Salty Lizard on Thursday night?” I swallowed thickly. “I told Bode I’d help cover an open shift, but as long as it’s not super busy, I should be able to hang out. The food is good, Sage is a master mixologist, great atmosphere.”

  Rhys nodded as the dryer buzzed. “
Sounds great.”

  We stored our work clothes for the next time they were needed, locked up the studio, shared a long, lingering kiss outside of the backdoor, and said good night. Tomorrow was our final day of the grand opening and nothing could erase the smile on my face.

  Or the love in my heart.

  But Rhys didn’t need to know about that just yet.



  Thursday found me dressed in a mint green button up, light wash jeans, and a worn pair of chucks. I topped the look with a brown leather bomber jacket and aviator sunglasses. I appreciated the vibrant colors of The Salty Lizard’s logo as I pulled open the door and walked in. A momentary zing of apprehension immediately dissipated when I saw Benji drop a towel and approach with a huge smile.

  “Hey,” he whispered and kissed my cheek. He pulled back. “Sorry, was that okay?”

  I nodded. The bar was full, but the atmosphere was one of welcome acceptance and camaraderie. I kissed Benji’s full lips. “It’s perfect.”

  Benji smiled, took my hand, and led me to a corner table. “Our finest table for you, sir.” He pulled a chair out for me. “I’m going to let Bode know you’re here and put some food in for us. What do you want to drink? I’ll get Sage busy on it.” Benji poured two glasses of water and placed a bowl of chips in front of me.

  “Tell him to surprise me with something he loves to make.” I popped a chip in my mouth.

  “Sounds good. I think the guys can cover me for a while, so once the food’s ready, I’ll be all yours.” He leaned down and kissed me. “Maybe tonight we can end up in my bed or yours?”

  I groaned. “Definitely. Now go so you can get back here. I want my full date experience.” I smacked his ass.

  Benji laughed and sauntered away.

  Within fifteen minutes, Benji and Bode approached the table with food and drinks.

  “Sage says this is his famous Purple People Eater.” Benji placed a large round glass in front of me.

  A gorgeous purple liquid filled the glass and a sparkly purple sugar decorated the rim.

  “It’s beautiful. Almost too pretty to drink.” I took a sip. “But it’s delicious so I’ll drink it no matter how pretty it is.”

  Bode held out a hand. “Good to see you again. I know we know each other, but figure we can make it official. I’m Bode.”

  I chuckled and shook his hand. “Rhys. Nice to meet you.”

  Bode sat with us.

  “I promise he’s not crashing our date.” Benji nudged his twin.

  “Nah, just thought we could shoot the shit for a bit.” Bode leaned back in his chair.

  Benji narrowed his eyes. “What’s up?”

  “Porn Brothers are coming to visit.” Bode crossed his arms over his chest.

  Benji groaned. “Noooo. For what?”

  I raised my hand. “Um, excuse me? The Porn Brothers?” I was confused and intrigued.

  Benji rolled his eyes. “Our dad and uncle. Their names are Dick Silver and Rod Silver which we’ve always thought sounded like terrible porn names.”

  “Wow.” I took a drink and savored the sweet and sour liquid. “Yeah, those are bad. Do Dick and Rod have a sense of humor about it?”

  “Eh, Rod is Kyson’s dad. He’s kinda okay with it. He’s less of an asshole than Dick. But Rod has his issues as well.” Benji dipped a tater tot in ketchup and popped it in his mouth.

  “Dick Silver is exactly as his name would have you believe. A complete and total dick.” Bode scowled. “You should hope and pray you never have to meet him, but if you’re going to be part of our family you likely won’t get so lucky.”

  “Don’t scare him.” Benji elbowed Bode and looked at me. “Our dad is as self-absorbed, materialistic, and unwaveringly and dominatingly judgmental as a person can be.”

  A queasy feeling began in my stomach. “So, he’s homophobic?”

  “Actually, our sexuality is one of his least complaints. He doesn’t love it, but he doesn’t really ride us for that.” Benji gave his brother a look. “Dick has always been hardest on Bode.”

  “Why?” I didn’t like Dick Silver already.

  “Because I struggled in school. I drew attention to the Silver name by not being perfect. I was loud and active. I think the only reason Dick doesn’t get too riled up about us being gay is because he can use it to his benefit. Look at me. I’m an open and accepting father and uncle. When in reality he doesn’t give two shits. He uses his money and status in our small town to hold power over people.” Bode rocked in his chair. “He invested money in The Salty Lizard and then used it to manipulate and threaten me. Would come up here and make comments about how he didn’t like the way I was putting his investment to use and threaten to pull his financial support.”

  My eyes grew wide. I was young when my parents died, but I couldn’t imagine having a father who would treat his child like that. “But The Salty Lizard seems to be doing great. What could he have possibly had to complain about?”

  “The Lizard is doing great which is likely what rankled him. But he’d never admit that. So, I got a loan and bought him out. He has no control over my place anymore.” Bode smirked.

  “So why are the brothers coming here?” Benji asked as he wiped his hands on a napkin.

  Bode shrugged. “Guess they have a training seminar up here. Rod told Kyson they were going to eat at the Lizard and stop by the studio.” He laughed. “I think Kyson was worried they’d ask for massages.”

  “Ewww, can you imagine having to rub down either of those two?” Benji wrinkled his nose. “Our dad and uncle have not aged well.”

  “Probably all the drinking and lavish lunches.” Bode stole an onion ring. “At least they’ll see that all three of us are doing great and our businesses are thriving.” He looked toward the bar. “I gotta get back to work. Take as long as you want. We’ve got it covered up there.” He turned to me. “See you Sunday?”

  I nodded.

  When he was gone, Benji moved closer to me. “Sorry about that, didn’t mean to air our dirty laundry. I could tell Bo was worried about something so I had to ask.”

  “Not a problem.” I said the words, but apprehension was building in my gut.

  We finished the food and drinks. Benji brought two more drinks to the table and grimaced. “Hey, I need to cover Bode while he stocks the liquor. Shouldn’t take more than ten or fifteen minutes.”

  I nodded and took a drink. The alcohol warmed me nicely.

  “Seat taken?” A gentleman I recognized gestured to the chair. He was likely ten years older than me and wore the silver fox look very well. Whitfield? His mother and Caroline knew each other. Bay. Bay Whitfield. The guy Benji thought Kyson should be with.

  I shook my head. “Please.” I pushed out the chair with my foot.

  “Bay Whitfield. I think we know each other but not officially.” He held out his hand.

  “Rhys Golden. Nice to meet you.” I glanced around. “Where’s your little boy?”

  “Mom is watching him while I grab food. He loves the pretzel bites from here, but I don’t bring him in when it’s busy. If they aren’t packed, I can bring him in and Bode will let him sit at the bar and eat pretzel bites and chocolate milk.” Bay gestured over his shoulder. “Bode used to hate me. Thought I had something for Sage. But he’s always been amazing with Arlo.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, all the guys seem good with him.” I frowned.

  “What’s wrong?” Bay sipped a glass of water he’d been holding when he approached my table.

  “Do you know the guys’ dads? Dick and Rod?”

  Bay snorted. “The Porn Brothers?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, I know they’re assholes. Dick more so than Rod. And Bode seems to get the brunt of Dick’s judgment. But I’ve not met them in person.” He took another drink. “Why?”

  The alcohol loosened my tongue just enough that I was feeling chatty. “Well, I really like Benji. He’s great. We’re officially dating and things are go

  Bay raised his brows. “But?”

  I leaned forward on my elbows as if I had a secret to tell. “I can’t deal with a crazy family. Crazy and drama ruin too many perfect relationships. I think I’m falling for Benji, but I don’t want to get involved with someone who brings a ton of family baggage.”

  Bay pursed his lips. “First, if you think your relationship is perfect or expect it to be, you better check that shit quickly. No relationship is perfect.”

  I eyed him over the glass as I slurped down the purple goodness.

  “Second, no family is perfect. Ever. In the history of families, there’s never been an actually perfect family. Even if they appear perfect, they aren’t. You know that saying? Every family has that one person. There’s always a person or people who bring their own flavor of crazy to the family. It’s what makes families what they are.”

  I shook my head. “Nope. I don’t buy it. My sister is amazing. Her late husband was great. Her kids are successful, good people. My parents were beyond fantastic. We didn’t do drama then and we don’t do drama now. My family is proof that families can be perfect.”

  Bay smirked. “You ever heard the rest of that saying?”

  I frowned and waited.

  “Every family has that one person. If you think your family doesn’t, then you’re probably that one person.” Bay raised his brow and watched me over his glass as he drained his water. “I’m just sayin’ that no one is perfect, no family is perfect, and no relationship is perfect. Don’t run from something that could be amazing just because you’re scared of imperfection. Perfection doesn’t exist.” He turned toward the bar when his name was called. “That’s my order, gotta go. Don’t lose something because it’s not perfect.”

  I started to speak, to protest, but I snapped my mouth shut and just waved him on his way. Shit. Was Bay right? I wanted to be offended; I was slightly offended. But was I the person in my family that wasn’t perfect? Did I bring drama and craziness?

  “Rhys, you’ve got to stop worshipping the distorted memories you have of Mom and Dad. They were far from perfect.” The words Caroline had spoken to me time and time again echoed in my head. “Mom and Dad had arguments, they had fights. They disagreed. They yelled. There was never abuse, but they weren’t always sunshine and roses. My own marriage was far from perfect. Stan could be a complete ass, God rest his soul. And I can be a nightmare.”


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