Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2)

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Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2) Page 2

by Jaimie Roberts

  “I don’t know.”

  “I do know. Charisma told me I offered to help,” I said.

  “Oh.” Michael’s face crinkled a little.

  “Bits are coming back to me. Stephen has earned his seat back now. He sacrificed his own life to save mine.” I could see by the look on his face that Michael already knew this.

  “Yes, and I’m really happy for him. Did she say anything else?”

  I tried to think back to our encounter. Things were still a little fuzzy. Something was telling me I needed to tell Michael something, but I couldn’t remember what.

  Sensing my frustration, Michael squeezed my hand a little. “Don’t worry about it now. It will come back to you.”

  “Thank you for being here for me.”

  He smiled, stroking my hair. “Don’t mention it. As long as it takes.”

  I was beyond confused. “But you only have three weeks.” The words seemed to fly out of my mouth before I could stop them.


  “You have three weeks to make a decision. I remember now. I knew there was something important I had to say. You can go sooner, but you only have twenty-one days.”

  Michael looked off into space. “It will only be eighteen days now.”

  I was shocked. “I’ve been out for three days?!”

  “Yes. The doctor couldn’t understand why you were unconscious for so long.”

  “I wanted it.” A sadness fell over me, remembering how I had felt when I realised my best friend was evil, Lisa-Marie was dead, and Stephen had gone home.

  “I’m sorry, Cassie. I know you’re hurting.”

  Michael’s sympathetic half-smile was endearing. It instantly eased me. Just having him near me made me feel so much better.

  “Thank you. I’m glad you’re here.” I offered Michael a smile and he exhaled again.

  “So what was it you wanted to tell me?” he asked

  “Michael!” a voice shouted from the distance.

  We both shot our heads up in the direction of the voice. My breath nearly caught. “Stephen?” My smile was wide as my heart began racing.

  Suddenly, his face changed. It was as if he was trying to study me, trying to figure out what I was thinking.

  “This was what I wanted to tell you.” Michael’s panicked gaze settled on my face.

  “I don’t understand.” I searched his eyes, then peered over at Stephen. His smile was there, but there was something different about him. Something strange.

  “This is Simeon…Stephen’s twin.”

  “Nice to finally meet you.” Simeon extended his hand, but I was still in shock. He was a replica of Stephen. He even sounded like Stephen.

  He dropped his hand. “I’m sorry. This must be a shock to you. I just assumed you already knew.”

  “I was in the middle of telling her when you came in.” He turned his face to me. “I’m sorry, Cassie.”

  Somehow, I found my voice. “It’s okay. I’m sorry, Simeon. You just look so much like him.” I offered him a smile, but I couldn’t help the sadness I felt. Seeing him here was like torture.

  I turned toward Michael. “Well, it would seem you’re still full of secrets, Michael.” The look I gave him made him wince a little.

  “Sorry. There are just things that have to be left unsaid, just in case—” He stopped for a moment and sighed. “If I tell you things, there might be a knock-on effect. One that would make you—” He paused again. He was obviously having a hard time choosing his words.

  “Remember?” I offered.

  He looked me in the eye and smiled. “Yes, you could say that.”

  “So you’re Stephen’s twin?” I asked, looking at Simeon again.

  “Yes, although I wouldn’t say we are quite the same.”

  “You got that right.” The minute I said it, I threw my hand over my mouth. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know from where that came. I don’t even know you.”

  “That’s okay. Stephen would be happy to hear that anyway.” Simeon offered me a courteous smile, whilst Michael glared at him.

  What’s his problem? He was fine a minute ago, but now that Simeon was here, he was kind of off.

  “So, where have you just come from? Who were you protecting?” Changing the subject seemed to be the best course of action right now.

  “I’ve just come back from Australia, and his name is Matt. He’s a right pain in the arse.” Simeon cleared his throat. “Sorry—just slipped out.”

  For a moment, I smiled at him. His infectious grin stared back at me and I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes off him.

  Suddenly, a voice from out of nowhere crept into my mind. He’s not Stephen!

  I had to shake my head because one, I had to rise out of this stupor—and fast—and two, I thought I might be hearing things. Although the voice was a woman’s, it didn’t sound like me at all.

  “Are you okay, Cassie?” Michael gently squeezed my hand and frowned.

  “I’m fine. Thank you.” I paused to take a deep breath. “Is he okay?” I turned my attention back to Simeon.

  “What’s that?” Simeon’s eyebrow arched slightly, causing me to gasp a little.

  I cleared my throat. “Matt… Is he okay?”

  “Oh. Yeah. He’s fine. I had to tell him some random story about his soul being ripped from him if he ever breathed a word of this to anyone.”

  My eyes were like saucers. Simeon saw my expression and giggled. “I’m only kidding! You don’t think I would really say that, do you?”

  “Simeon, are you here to bid farewell?” Michael gazed upon his brother, glaring again.

  “No, actually. I thought I would hang around with you guys for a little while. I kind of like it on earth. So many things going on at the same time. So many adventures to take, people to meet.”

  Michael shot up out of his seat. “Simeon, I think we need to talk. Come with me.”

  Michael led Simeon out of the ward. I was a little miffed I couldn’t be privy to their conversation. I could understand Michael being annoyed at Simeon being here. Maybe Michael just wanted it to be the two of us and no one else.

  When they walked back in, Michael looked pissed and Simeon was smiling. “Michael thinks me being here may upset you a little.”

  I had to agree on that front. “Well, you do look a lot like him.”

  His face suddenly fell. “I’m sorry. I really don’t want to hurt you. Maybe I should go.”

  “No, of course not. If you want to stay for a while, then stay.”

  Having Michael with me was calming enough, but the two of them? Well, let’s just say it made the pain bearable. I felt like I was home.

  “That’s settled then!” Simeon beamed, but I heard a voice inside my head tut-tutting away like some holier-than-thou schoolmarm.

  “Michael, I need to ask you something.” I glanced away from Simeon as his smile was hard to take.

  “What’s that?”

  “What have you told the police? I assume they’ve come here and interviewed you.”

  Michael scratched his head. “Yes. And I suppose I’d better tell you because they’ll probably be here shortly. Our stories have to collaborate with each other.” I nodded. “Kali had the gun, which means her fingerprints are all over it. Not only that, her body was on your floor so I had to tell them she was responsible. No point in lying about that.”

  “They must have asked for a motive. She was supposed to be my best friend, then she—” I stopped for a moment. It was hard to take in everything that had happened and everything she had done.

  “I know how you must be feeling, but I’m here for you.” Simeon gripped Michael’s shoulder, causing him to glance his way for a second. “We’re here for you,” he corrected, gazing back at me with a gentle smile.

  “I appreciate that. I really do. Please—go on.”

  “I told them Kali had an obsession with Stephen and she shot you. I just didn’t mention Stephen wasn’t there.”

  I frowned a little
. “So how do we explain Stephen not being around then?”

  Simeon smiled. I looked from one brother to the other. “You’re going to pretend to be Stephen?”

  “Only for a little while. Just until Michael can figure out a way to explain his disappearance. I’m going to hold the fort for my little brother.”

  That was a little confusing. “What do you mean? You’re twins.”

  “Ah, yes, but I was born first.”

  “So you’re telling me you’re going to act like Stephen, be a police officer like Stephen, then you’re going to put in your resignation and leave?”

  Straightening his back, Simeon grinned mischievously. “I suppose so—in a sense.”

  I couldn’t believe the cheek of this man. I guess being twins meant more than just looking like one another. “Do you even know how to be a policeman?”

  His smile faded a little as he looked indignant. “I’ve watched The Bill, you know.”

  I didn’t know where it came from, but I suddenly found myself laughing. “Are you—?”

  “Handsome? Dashing? Sexy? Smart? All of the above?”

  He was so much like Stephen. “I was going to say are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “Trust me, Twinkles.” He clucked his tongue and winked at me.

  My heart ached. I clutched onto it as if I was having a heart attack. For the first time, the tears fell—and they just kept falling.

  “Simeon, you arsehole. What have you done?” Michael was livid.

  Suddenly the panic rose to Simeon’s face as he desperately waved his hands in front of him. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think. It just slipped out.”

  I could see how sorry he was, but all I kept thinking was how did he know?

  Michael’s glare was even more severe now as he looked at Simeon, who seemed to recoil a little. “Maybe I should go.”

  “Maybe you should.” Michael huffed the words, but softened his features as he turned to stare back at me.

  “I’m sorry. It was nice meeting you, Cassie. I suppose I shall see you soon.”

  I offered him a weak smile and he walked out of the ward.

  “You were doing so well up until that point. I’m sorry he upset you.”

  “It’s okay, Michael. You don’t have to apologise.”

  He stared at me for a moment, like he was searching for something. Finally, he spoke, “That telephone call you made to me before everything happened—”


  I looked up to find Simon heading towards us, a great big bouquet of flowers in his hand. I didn’t know whether or not him coming at that precise moment was a good thing. I had to tell Michael how I felt at some point, and I wasn’t entirely sure how he would take it.

  “Simon.” I breathed out a heavy, contented sigh. “So nice to see you.”

  “I just saw Stephen as I was walking in. He looked a little different, but I suppose it’s been a shock for everyone.”

  I smiled inside, thinking how perceptive Simon really was.

  “It’s good to see you awake.” He placed the flowers down on the bedside table and leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you for the flowers, Simon. They’re beautiful.”

  “No problem at all. How are you feeling?”

  “A bit sore.” In fact, I was really sore, but not in the physical sense.

  “I can’t believe Kali did this. She hid it so well, but I guess the psychopaths do, don’t they?” He gave a sarcastic chuckle. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. She was a psychopath.” Remembering what she did and the fact she was responsible for my parents’ death proved that. I was still angry—still full of pain.

  “Well, if there’s anything I can do…” He went to reach for my hand, but my gasp halted him. Instead, he laid his hand on my arm, immediately relaxing me. I really didn’t want to see inside another person’s head right now. I just couldn’t cope with that at the moment.

  “I appreciate that. I really do.”

  “Do you mind telling me what happened?”

  I looked at Michael, then back at Simon. I assumed he already knew the story.

  “I came home from a brief visit to my uncle’s house and she was in my flat.”

  Just as I said this, Michael rose out of his seat. “Shit. I promised to call your uncle. He was here earlier, but went back home to wash up and rest. He’s coming back, but asked me to call if you woke up.” He offered an apologetic smile.

  “Tell him I can’t wait to see him.”

  “I will.” Michael walked off, leaving Simon and I together.

  “So, you were saying?” Simon prompted.

  “Oh, yes. I came home to find my friend lying on the floor, Kali standing over her with a gun.” The memory of it still coursed through my veins.

  “My goodness. That must have been a shock. I’m sorry you went through all of that.”

  I could see how much he cared for me and it made my heart swell. “Thank you. I just didn’t see it coming.”

  “How could you have seen it coming?” He looked away, frowning. “Hold on a minute. How did you not see it coming?”

  “It’s been a very long time since I touched her hand. She knew about me and knew I didn’t like touching hands too much. In fact, she used to avoid it. Now I know why.”

  Thinking about it reminded me of the vision I saw just before we got our jobs at the station. I guess Kali gave that to me, considering angels had a natural gift of giving visions. She must have known we were going to work there. The thought of it made me shudder.

  “This is hurting you. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine. I guess I’m still in shock. None of it has really sunk in yet.”

  “So she was obsessed with Stephen?”

  “Yes, although she never gave me any indication.” I paused and took a deep breath. “Actually, now that I think about it, she did like Stephen from the beginning. She was a little pissed off with me when it seemed he liked me instead, but she seemed to get over it. Then she started seeing Hamish.” As soon as I mentioned him, I began to wonder. He must be upset about the whole ordeal.

  “Yes, he’s quite cut up about it all. In a sense, he blames himself. He said he should have known.”

  “How could any of us have known?” I sighed a little just as a doctor appeared at my bed.

  “Cassie, so nice to see you awake. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel a little tired, and my shoulder is throbbing a bit.”

  “It will take some time. You got shot and, to tell you the truth, we don’t get many of those around here.” He paused to smile. “It took a little while to find and retrieve the bullet. Plus, there was some tissue and bone damage, which added to the time. You should be fine, but we will need to keep you in for a few more days just to make sure it’s healing and no infection develops. I’ll go get the nurse to give you some pain medication.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.”

  “No problem at all, Cassie. I shall see you when I make my rounds tomorrow morning.”

  The doctor swiftly turned and made his way over to a nurse, who promptly walked over and gave me something for the pain. It was an instant relief.

  “I’m sorry to leave you in the lurch like this, Simon. It would seem I’ll be here for a few more days.”

  He grabbed my arm and squeezed. “I still have Ruth with me for a couple more weeks. Just enough time to help you heal a bit more.”

  I laughed. “Yes, luckily for me it’s my left shoulder that got hit. At least I can still type, although it will be awkward for a while.”

  “It will take time, Cassie. You can’t rush these things. You got shot, for Pete’s sake!”

  Despite the seriousness of the situation, I had to laugh. It just sounded funny hearing it out loud.

  Just as I was about to ask Simon about his sister, we were interrupted by Michael, followed swiftly by Paul and Callum.

  “Hey, guys!”

  “Hey, Cassie,” they

  “Your uncle and Chris are on their way.” Michael sat down and took my hand again.

  “Thanks, Michael.” Looking at Paul and Callum, I said, “I take it you two are here on business rather than just to see me?” Of the two, Paul looked more tired.

  “A bit of both, actually. We wanted to see you, and someone has to ask your version of events. I thought you would prefer to give it to someone you knew and were comfortable with. At least, I hope you’re comfortable with us?” Paul smiled as he took his hat off.

  “Yes, of course. Thank you. It is very much appreciated.”

  “Would you like me to leave, Cassie?” Simon’s tender voice made me smile.

  “No, of course not. Stay. I will only tell you later, so you may as well know the whole story now.”

  Paul and Callum grabbed a chair and sat close to my bed. “So,” Callum began. “First of all, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay, considering.” I smiled, despite my pain. It made me think about the poem Mark Richards quoted. Right now, I was wearing a mask to hide my agony.

  “Are you okay to talk about it?” Paul was poised, pen and pad in hand.

  “Yes. Let’s get this over with.”

  “So, what can you tell us?”

  I began telling them the story about my visit to my uncle’s place, then my shock once I returned home and found my friend lying on the ground.

  “Do you know why she was there?” Paul interjected.

  “No. I can only assume Lisa-Marie interrupted her plans…whatever they were.”

  “So you believe her intention was to kill you because she was obsessed with Stephen?”

  “Yes, I believe so. She did like him from the start. I thought she had gotten over the fact Stephen liked me instead, but I was obviously wrong. She hid that pretty well.”

  “You’re telling me!” Callum snorted, then apologised for his outburst.

  “How long have you known Kali?” Paul looked up after jotting something down.

  “About eighteen, nineteen years. We’ve been friends since we were little.”

  “And she never once showed any signs of being troubled in any way?”

  That hit me more than it should have. I knew Paul didn’t mean anything by it, but it still hurt to think I had been friends with her for so long, yet knew nothing about her. “No. She loved guns and practised shooting every Saturday that she could. I assumed it was a hobby, but maybe it was some sort of release. I don’t know.”


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