Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2)

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Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2) Page 3

by Jaimie Roberts

  Paul smiled reassuringly. It made me wonder if he was naturally like this with all his victims and witnesses. “That’s fine, Cassie. She did what she did and, unfortunately, we’ll never know why. Her family is just as shocked as everyone else. However, they did say she was always somewhat detached from the family, but they put that down to the fact she was adopted.”

  I nodded, remembering her little confession about how boring we all were to her, even her adopted family that took her in and cared for her.

  “What happens now?” Looking into Paul’s eyes, I searched for an answer.

  “There will be an investigation, but she was killed in self-defence. Michael’s version of events pan out, so there shouldn’t be any problems there.”

  “I still can’t believe it. I thought she was my best friend.”

  Their sympathetic stares said it all. I had to look away in the end in case I lost it.

  “Do you think you have enough?” Simon looked at Paul and Callum. I think he was trying to save me.

  “Yes, sir. I think we have everything we need.” Paul motioned to Callum and they quickly rose from their chairs. “Here’s my number,” Paul said, handing me a piece of paper. “If you need anything, let me know.”

  Smiling up at him, I realised that he really wasn’t the bullish man I always thought him to be. Despite his extra-curricular activities in the bedroom, he was like a teddy bear.

  “Thank you, Paul. I appreciate it.”

  I watched as they got up to leave, but then something made me remember a question I needed to ask. “Callum?” I called after him.


  “That girl I predicted you would meet. Have you met her yet?” I tried to look as though I was joking, even though I was genuinely intrigued.

  Callum frowned for a moment, then a spark of recognition crossed his face. “Ah, yes, I have. I met someone about two weeks ago. She’s pretty amazing. That was quite some coincidence, Cassie.” He winked at me, and Paul frowned. “I’ll tell you later, man,” he said, slapping Paul’s shoulder. “Anyway, take care of yourself, little lady.” Callum smiled and winked again.

  “I will, Callum, and thank you.”

  Once they both left, I turned back to two very important men in my life. Michael, for obvious reasons, but Simon and I now had a very strong bond, as well. I could feel it. We shared something that not a lot of people have ever shared. Seeing him staring into my eyes, I knew he felt it, too. It was never an attraction. It was almost like a family bond, like he was the brother I never had. Honestly, it seemed strange. He is my boss, after all. But, for some reason, that seemed to come second in our relationship. I cared for him deeply. I worried for him and his precious family. They meant more to him than anything. I just wished there was something I could do to make it easier. Ease his pain somewhat so that losing his sister all over again wasn’t so agonising.

  “Michael, would you mind giving me and Simon a moment?”

  Michael nodded and eased himself off the bed. “I’ll wait outside for your uncle and Chris.”

  “Thank you.”

  I watched as Michael disappeared, then turned my attention back to Simon. “How are things with you?”

  Simon chuckled a little. It wasn’t in amusement, but frustration. “You’re stuck in the hospital after getting shot and losing who you thought was a close friend, and you’re asking me how things are?”

  It made me smile, despite my pain. “I care about you, Simon. I worry you’re in pain.”

  Shaking his head, Simon sucked at his teeth. “Cassie, will you think of yourself above others for once?”

  I regarded him with a smile. He was looking out for me as much as I was him. “I’m just not wired that way, Simon. I guess it may have something to do with whatever this is I have.”

  “A gift.”

  “Okay…,” I said, chuckling. “A gift. I just like being there for people. Helping them if I can.”

  “So I’m just ‘people’?” he said, raising an eyebrow.

  “You know you’re more than that, Simon.”

  I saw his bright smile, but then he frowned. “Can I ask you something?”

  I had to shake my head. I was trying to find out about him, and he very cleverly deflected it back onto me. I wasn’t going to forget, but I thought I would play along. “Go ahead.”

  “Did you make a decision in the end?”

  Wincing, I had this sudden pain in my shoulder, but it was the pain in my heart that hurt the most. “No,” I said. I really didn’t want to talk about this now. Talking about it would only bring up memories of that night.

  “Listen, Simon. We haven’t got that long before my uncle shows up. I really would like to hear how you are. Have you managed to speak with your sister yet?”

  Sighing, Simon let go of my arm and flopped back in his chair. “No. She hates me. I took away her ‘one true love’, as she calls him. All I see him as is this monster who I want to wrap my hands around and squeeze the life out of. I can’t believe he did this to her. I can’t believe she loves him like she does. It’s just messed up. Caroline is apparently having nightmares and screaming for her father. I just feel so torn up. The only good thing that’s happened is Sharice finding out we’re having a baby. That, and I’m off to Jamaica in a few weeks.”

  Remembering my vision, I smiled. “Shit. It was your birthday yesterday, wasn’t it?”

  Slapping the bed, Simon laughed. “See, I knew you knew. As soon as they surprised me, I thought ‘I bet Cassie knows the full picture’. You little sneak.”

  “What can I say? I couldn’t give it away, could I? You thought she was having an affair. Shame on you.” Seeing his anguish, I immediately felt guilty. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

  “No, don’t be. You’re right. She is my wife and I should have trusted her.”

  I suppose he was right. He didn’t trust her, even though he should have. It didn’t help she was sneaking around and acting suspicious. Anyone would have been a little apprehensive that something was going on. It’s amazing how people’s nature is to automatically think the worst. I think we’re all hard-wired into believing something bad will happen, so that when it does, it doesn’t hurt as much.

  “I want to help you as much as I can, Simon. If you want me to, I’ll speak with Molly. There are things I can find out that the shrinks will have a hard time getting out of her.”

  Simon shook his head. “First of all, you’ve done enough. Second of all, I don’t think that would be fair without her knowledge. Third of all, and most importantly, you need to think about yourself for a change. Let yourself heal.”

  You’ll never heal!

  Gasping, the shock nearly took my breath away.

  “Are you all right?” Simon’s eyes were darting from me to the nurses. I could tell he was conflicted as to whether I needed help.

  “I’m fine, just a little sore.” I was lying, but if I told anyone I was hearing voices, I’d be locked up quicker than a lightning strike.

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  More like heard one. What the hell was wrong with me?

  “I’m fine.” I tried reassurance, but it didn’t help reassure me. Looking up from my bed, I saw my uncle and Chris walking towards my bed. All of a sudden, I felt much better.

  Michael nodded his head as if to ask if it was okay he came back. I smiled, letting him know it was more than okay. I even held my hand out to him again. I needed the calm he gave me.

  “Cassie, my precious girl.”

  I saw the tears in my uncle’s eyes and it nearly set off some fresh ones of my own. “Don’t, Uncle Billy. You’ll make me start.”

  After Billy gave me a hug, it was Chris’ turn. “How are you feeling, Cassie?”

  Looking up at him, I could see the hint of a tear forming. Chris was never one to show emotions. It was always my uncle who seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve. Seeing Chris showing his softer side had my heart swelling. I really didn’t wan
t to lose it.

  “I’m fine, thank you. A little sore, but the nurse gave me some painkillers a minute ago. It’s eased it off quite a bit now.”

  Hearing Simon scrape back his chair, I looked over to see him leaving. “I better go and leave you with your family. I’ll come by tomorrow for a visit, if that’s okay?”

  “Sure, Simon. That would be nice.” I smiled as Simon leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  Before leaving, he held his hand out to my uncle. “Nice to meet you,” Simon said. I could tell Simon recognised Billy from somewhere, but he didn’t ask.

  My uncle and Chris both shook his hand, then he walked away.

  “I take it that’s the boss?” Uncle Billy asked.


  Looking at Billy, I saw him shift uncomfortably in his seat as he looked towards Michael. He obviously wanted to say something, but was having difficulty with Michael there. “Did you manage to do that thing we…?”

  I shook my head. Chris and Michael looked at one another, confusion on their faces.

  Turning my attention to Michael, I squeezed his hand. “Do they know what really happened?” He nodded with a half-smile as a sob escaped Billy.

  “I’m so sorry, Cassie.”

  “Please, don’t. I just don’t want to think about it right now.”

  Seeing Billy nod his head, I knew he was trying to gather his composure. He had a tissue at the ready, and I could see his puffy, drawn, tired eyes.

  “You look exhausted, Billy. Have you had much sleep?” I saw Chris shake his head. “You need to look after yourself. I don’t want you getting sick.”

  “Cassie, you’re my only family. Of course I am going to worry about you. You’ve been shot by that…that evil, sadistic bitch!”

  I’m not sure where it came from, but my laughter suddenly radiated the walls. “Uncle Billy!” I scolded. “I never would have thought you would be so…so…”

  “Butch?” Chris offered, making me laugh again.

  Grabbing Billy’s arm, I tugged at him. “I’m not going anywhere. I need to torture you some more before I leave this body.”

  Billy and Chris looked at me, stunned. “Well, that was an odd way of putting it.”

  I gave Michael a knowing smile. “I guess it is.”

  Chris and Billy stayed for a while. There was a lot of crying and laughing, but I was constantly crying inside. I ached all over. I had lost so much in so little time. Despite knowing Kali was never my best friend, knowing that she was just using me still hurt. The worst part about it was she took my friend away. Someone I had come to love and to trust. In the short time I knew her, I had felt more of a bond to Lisa-Marie than I had ever felt with Kali.

  I pondered this for quite some time as I chatted idly with everyone. Michael could see the hint of sadness in my eyes, so he squeezed my hand reassuringly.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see sudden movement. I looked over to find Catherine standing there, staring pensively.

  My eyes immediately moistened as she came over with a relieved sigh. “Cassie, how are you?” Catherine’s tears began to fall as my own surfaced.

  “I’m sorry. Everybody, this is Catherine, a dear friend. Catherine, this is Michael, and this is my Uncle Billy and his partner, Chris.”

  Catherine smiled and shook their hands. “I’ve heard so much about you two,” she said. Billy and Chris just smiled, not knowing what to say. I hadn’t gotten around to explaining Catherine to them yet.

  “I just came down from ICU and had to pay you a visit. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Frowning, I wondered why she would have come down from ICU. She must have a friend or relative up there. As if losing Lisa-Marie wasn’t bad enough, she was also here for someone else whose life hung in the balance. How much more pain could she possibly bear?

  “I’m so sorry for all that happened, Catherine.” The guilt washed over me at thinking how much Lisa-Marie had been embroiled in all this mess. It was never her fault, yet she died because of me.

  “How can you be sorry for someone else’s actions? Lisa-Marie would never blame you for this.”

  I shook my head, trying to keep it together. If it wasn’t for Michael, I think I would completely lose it.

  “She lost her life because of my so-called best friend.” I dipped my head down, hearing nothing but silence. When I looked up, I was met with was confused faces. Why on earth was everyone looking at me like that?

  “Cassie, didn’t you hear?” All Catherine could see was my confusion. “Lisa-Marie’s not dead. She’s in ICU.”


  I’m not sure how many more shocks to the system I could take. My eyes seemed to ooze tears of joy at the knowledge that she wasn’t dead.

  Catherine smiled. “The doctor just told me that things are looking more positive. If things carry on the way they are, she could be moved out of ICU and onto the ward.”

  My chest heaved. At least one miracle had come out of this awful mess I had created. I closed my eyes and thanked the Lord for giving me my friend back. We hadn’t even had a chance to start our friendship yet, but I still felt close to her.

  “Thank God! I thought she was—” I couldn’t say it. Everyone smiled and Michael squeezed my hand supportively. “I wonder if they’ll let me see her.” I tried to sit up, the pain reminding me why I was there. Three sets of hands shot out, keeping me in bed.

  “You need to rest, Cassie,” Michael ordered.

  I saw the look of worry pass over his face, but I was too consumed by the knowledge of Lisa-Marie being alive. “I want to see her.” I looked over at Catherine with desperation. “I need to speak with you, Catherine. I need to tell you something.”

  After everything that had happened, I thought she deserved an explanation. She deserved to know about me and why Lisa-Marie was now lying in the hospital. Lord knows what she thought. She must be confused as hell. I suppose the only logical explanation she could come up with was that poor Lisa-Marie was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  Michael stood up to leave, but I gripped his hand. “It’s okay, Michael. You can stay.”

  Turning my head to Catherine, I motioned for her to sit. “I suppose you’re wondering what happened.”

  She looked at everyone and shook her head in confusion. “I just assumed Lisa-Marie was there to see you and got in the way.”

  “I thought so. It has more to do with how Lisa-Marie and I became friends, and why she was specifically targeted.”

  Her posture picked up. “Targeted? I don’t understand.”

  Taking a deep breath, I said, “Catherine, I have the gift of sight. I can see things when I touch people’s hands.”

  Catherine laughed a little, but when she saw no one else was amused, she stopped.

  “She’s telling the truth.” My uncle smiled at her.

  “I don’t understand what this has to do with Lisa-Marie.”

  Hearing Michael clear his throat, I looked at his uncomfortable stare, but continued on, “Did Lisa-Marie ever tell you about the train crash?”

  Recognition hit her. “Yes. She said she was meant to be on it but that you…you fell on some ice and, because she helped you, she missed the train.”

  Smiling, I thought about how tactful Lisa-Marie was being. She was ever so loyal, trying to protect me.

  “I slipped on some ice, yes, but that didn’t stop Lisa-Marie from making that train. I did. She helped me up and I saw what was going to happen, so I warned her not the take the train. It wasn’t until later that night I realised she hadn’t. She came to my flat and waited for me to come home. I invited her in and told her all about me. She didn’t tell you because she was trying to protect me.”

  Catherine smiled a little at that. It seemed she admired Lisa-Marie as much as I did. “She never said anything.”

  “She wouldn’t.”

  “So…this gift. How does it work?”

  Sighing, I looked down at the bed, then met her eyes
. “I have to touch someone’s hand to see their immediate future. I can’t tell you what will happen in five, ten years. But I can tell you something important that will happen in your near future. It’s kind of complicated.”

  “So you saw Lisa-Marie getting on that train?” I nodded. “You never saw me?” She saw my smile and gasped. “You did?”

  “Yes, right after. When she came around, she was so worried something would get her for not dying, it kind of freaked her out. I offered to touch her hand to see what was in store for her. I saw you straight away.”

  Catherine blinked a few times and shook her head. “My goodness, you’re full of surprises. But what has this got to do with Lisa-Marie getting shot?”

  Feeling Michael stiffen beside me told me this was going to be complicated. I wasn’t going to delve into the world of angels with Catherine. She already had a big shock. I didn’t need to add to it.

  “See, Kali was a strong believer in what’s meant to be is meant to be. When she found out what had happened with Lisa-Marie, she didn’t like it. She kind of voiced as much when I told her. She was very aloof about it at the time, but I should have read the signs. There was obviously more there than I noticed. She thought that, maybe, it was her time to go.”

  “Or maybe you were meant to save her.” Catherine’s face was defiant and it made me smile.

  “Exactly. That’s what I told Lisa-Marie when she visited me.”

  I felt Michael relax his grip. He probably wondered why I had to tell her more than what was necessary. I should imagine Lisa-Marie knows as much herself. I could picture Kali spouting off that same level of anger at her as she did at us. It made me shudder to think about it.

  Catherine smiled and came in for a hug. I wasn’t sure why she was being so nice to me after telling her the love of her life was in the hospital because of me. I suppose she really didn’t blame me after all.

  Chapter 2


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