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Ryker_Alliance of Peace [Book Two]

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by Lisa Ray

  He turned to look inside the car. Lisette and Bella had fallen asleep, tears in their eyes, in the backseat. He watched Lisette for a moment. She was as beautiful asleep as she was awake. She looked relaxed and unencumbered by the tragedy that was before them. He hated to wake them to reality.

  He turned back around as Archer pulled up to him and stopped. Walker, Chloe and Roman, Archer’s best friend and right hand man, emerged from the car along with Archer. Approaching Ryker, he thought they looked defeated.

  Archer glanced over Ryker’s shoulder as he reached the Vampire. He saw Bella asleep in the backseat. He thanked Ryker for watching out for them. Then he spoke again, “It’s all gone, every house except mine. There’s not a single home left untouched. I could smell the accelerant throughout the whole community. And that means one thing. We have a traitor in our midst. The pack would have smelled a stranger. Someone that lives among us did this horrible thing. None of my people were hurt besides a few scrapes and small burns that will heal overnight. All the children were taken into the forest beyond. Now, I don’t know what to do. “

  “It’s done.” Ryker said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “As soon as I arrived here I sent word to my people. They have been working all night building small homes and shelters. Turning the community center into apartments and working to house you all. You will all be our guests until you can rebuild.”

  Archer didn’t know what to say. He was immediately thankful that He and Ryker both wanted peace. “Do you think it will work?”

  “We will make sure it does. The problem is the traitor in your midst. I’m afraid we may all have been infiltrated.”

  Archer assured Ryker he had his best men on it. They would find the traitor. His smell would lead them from the accelerant straight to him or her. But Archer told Ryker his guess was that whoever it was was long gone. Ryker agreed. Archer turned to Roman and told him to go spread the word. Everyone needed to head to the Clan community and to meet at the community center. Ryker told Roman that his people would be there to direct them to the meeting area. Roman was gone in a flash. Archer went and woke Bella, Lisette roused up also. They told the women of the plan. Bella went to Archers car and motioned for her mother to follow.

  Lisette looked at Ryker, who seemed to read her mind, “I’m going to ride with Ryker. I think you two have a lot to talk about. But be nice. That’s my first grandchild you will be talking about.” She shut the car door before she could hear Bella’s reply. Ryker was soon beside her in the driver’s seat. He reached over and automatically took her hand. Then they were driving toward his home. They were both comfortable with the silence that surrounded them.

  The meeting house was already full. Lycan and Vampire alike filled it to overflowing. People were filling the grounds on the outside. Ryker walked to where one of his own was waiting with a megaphone. Taking it, he stayed outside and spoke into it, his voice echoing far and wide.

  “Everyone, if you would please quiet down I will tell you what Archer and I have worked out. Those of you that are inside, come on out where everyone can hear.” Ryker lowered the megaphone until the last person filed out of the meeting building. Then he told them all what he had told Archer on the road. He motioned to twenty separate tables spread out all around and told them to all go line up there and a place would be found for their families. If enough wasn’t built they would find more space. Then he welcomed everyone to their community and told them that they would all work hard to be a community together for as long as needed.

  Archer took the megaphone from Ryker and thanked him and his whole clan for their hospitality. He encouraged his pack to not be discouraged, that they would rebuild better than before. After dismissing everyone, he lowered the megaphone and watched all of the Lycan move toward the tables. He looked toward Ryker.

  Ryker made sure they had built a special home for Archer, the Lycan leader, and his new bride. Ryker told Lisette, Bella and Archer to come ride with him. The pulled into a large garage of a home built in a modern medieval style. Ryker got out and led them out onto the lawn. Explainging that this home was his, He led them across the grass next door to a small yellow cottage. Upon entering, all noticed it was fully furnished. It was small but homey. The only problem, there was only one bedroom.

  “I don’t understand,” Bella said. “My mom needs a room too.

  Ryker looked at Lisette, “I know. But I know you two just got married and thought you would appreciate some privacy. I’ve had a guest room made up for Lisette in my home. It’s quite large and there’s plenty of room. Plus, she will be right next door. Does that suit you Lisette?”

  They all looked at her. Lisette didn’t hesitate. “Of course. I have wanted to talk to Archer about getting them some privacy before all of this happened. I think it’s a fine idea.”

  Archer looked at Ryker and was about to speak before Ryker stopped him, “Remember, all Vampires owe Lisette their lives. She is special and will be guarded as such. She is probably the most protected person here. Nothing will happen to her. I give you my word.”

  Archer and Bella both hesitated then nodded in agreement.

  “The only thing now is to get us all some clothes,” Bella said.”

  “I’ve taken the liberty of having clothes brought into the community dining hall. Everyone can go there and get what they need for the time being until they have time to shop.” Ryker said.

  “Well, Ryker, I believe you’ve thought of everything.” Lisette said with a smile.

  Ryker smiled. He had made Lisette happy. And that made him feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time. A long, long time. “Archer, we will need to talk this evening. You get some rest and come to dinner and we will talk after. Is seven good?”

  “We will be there.”

  Ryker took Lisette’s hand in his. This seemed to be getting to be a habit. He led her out the door, across the lawn and into his house. She had been inside once before but only downstairs. She had forgotten how grand it was. He led her up a wide curving staircase and down a hall and into the most beautiful room she had ever seen. Colors of white and gold mingled together in quiet elegance. A large four poster bed centered against the wall in the large room. She saw a doorway leading off into what she assumed would be a private bath. She was sure it would be just as elegant.

  “Will this do?” Ryker looked at Lisette quizzically. He wasn’t sure if she liked it. She hadn’t spoken.

  She turned and looked at him with glowing happy eyes. “It’s beautiful. Almost too beautiful. I’m afraid to touch anything. But I will. I love it. Thank you Ryker.” She took his hands this time, both of them and then she dropped them and walked into her room. Closing the door behind her she said,” I’ll see you at dinner and I promise to not be any trouble.”

  Ryker watched as the door shut behind her. She didn’t know that she was already trouble. She had become a distraction. A wonderful one.

  Chapter Four

  Lisette enjoyed a long bath in a rather large, oversized tub. Jet sprays building the bubble bath she’d found into giant mounds of heaping mountains of foam. She had never felt such luxury. In the closet, she discovered an array of clothes in different sizes. She knew Ryker had put them there for her. She found a pair of shimmering gold pants and a white laced blouse that fit perfectly. She even found a dresser drawer full of beautifully laced underwear. She almost blushed. Slipping on a pair of wedges that matched the outfit, she brushed her hair and figured she would have to do without makeup as that was the one thing she hadn’t found. Then at six fifty-five, she made her way down the stairs and wandered around until she found the dining room. Bella and Archer were already there. Archer, looking handsome in a solid black shirt and pants and Bella looked beautiful in a lacey chocolate skirt and tan shirt embellished with golden leaves. But Ryker was the one that she couldn tear her eyes away from. He was dressed in a white high necked shirt and dark brown pants. His long silver hair was tied back with a thin strip of
leather. His blue eyes burned into her as they took in every detail. She almost blushed again.

  He met her halfway across the room, taking her hand, he guided her to a chair, pulled it out for her to sit then gently pushed her up to the table, “You look beautiful,” He whispered in her ear as he leaned over to hand her a cloth napkin. This time Lisette did blush. Ryker made sure Bella had been seated then both men sat down. Soon they were enjoying the meal as if they had no cares in the world. It was a nice distraction.

  All too soon the meal was over and Archer and Ryker retired to the study to talk. Bella and Lisette made their way to Lisette’s bedroom. She wanted Bella to see it for herself. Bella was in awe.

  “Wow, mom! This is beautiful. I would say that I’d be over to stay with you but I am enjoying being with just my husband for a bit. And now that I see this I won’t worry about you at all.” Bella smiled. “Also, I think Ryker has a thing for you. He looks at you like he wants to tuck you under his arm and whisk you away all for himself.” Bella laughed.

  “He is quite handsome. It’s funny, Bella. When I’m around him I feel like a young girl again. And that’s what scares me. I can’t fall in love with Ryker. He will stay gorgeous and I will grow old and die.” Lisette looked at Bella wistfully.

  “I know, mom. It’s the same for me and Archer. But I am not going to think on that. I love him and want to be with him as long as he will have me. The children we have will be either human or wolf. There’s a 50/50 chance of either. But whatever we have, we will deal with it because we love each other. Mom, don’t let the differences in you and Ryker stop you from whatever happiness you can get. Who knows what tomorrow holds for any of us.”

  “You're right Bella. I believe I’ll think on it some more. Ryker may not stand a chance.” Lisette laughed.

  In the study, Ryker and Archer weren’t having such a pleasant conversation. Archer told Ryker they had found the one responsible for the fires. They had questioned him relentlessly, even using necessary force, but the man wouldn’t talk. The problem, Archer told Ryker, was that it was one of his pack that had sworn allegiance to peace. A man that had lived with the pack for as long as he was alive. The man was born after the war so he didn’t know what he was really fighting for. Also, there was a family involved. They had questioned the wife and she had told them, while quaking in fear, that she had no idea he was a part of the rogues. He had been leaving on business a lot recently but that was normal so she thought nothing of it. They had believed her and let her go. But the man was still being questioned.

  This concerned Ryker. He knew it was a real possibility that there were some of his own that might betray the peace alliance. He would have to be extremely watchful.

  Archer and Ryker talked of the fire and finally approached the subjects of the humans.

  “The humans helped us tremendously. If it weren’t for them we would have lost more than we did,” Archer was telling Ryker. “The problem is, they were hurt and one even killed. The humans will probably find his body tomorrow. We found him first. He is a single man I know from town that came to help. The fire didn’t kill him. He had been mauled, half eaten and all the blood drained from his body. We burned him and put him under debris to hide the fact that wolves and vamps killed him. But I am afraid that our human friends and community are now as much involved as we are.”

  “I agree. “Ryker looked concerned. “I think there’s only one thing we can do. We need to go talk to Dr. Bernard. We will need his help. I think we need to tell the town the truth.”

  “You mean tell them what we are,” Archer looked thoughtful.” What if they can’t handle it or tell others.”

  “No one would believe them if they told and honestly you really can’t believe that they haven’t noticed we are different. We don’t age, we heal too quickly and so many other things. I think it’s a chance we must take. We will plan it out carefully and thoughtfully but we must do it in the next couple of days. I think they deserve the right to know and we can help them defend themselves.” Ryker finished speaking and looked at Archer.

  “All right. I agree. They deserve the chance. I’ll go find the doctor in the morning and bring him here and he can help us set it up.” Archer stood to leave.

  Ryker smiled at Archer.“I’ve already reserved the townhall auditorium for the day after tomorrow, seven in the evening. I’ve asked the mayor and town council to send out word that all the town needs to come, children and all.

  “ “You knew I’d agree then,” Archer said.

  “No, but it didn’t hurt to be prepared.” Ryker stood and walked with Archer to the study door.

  Both men were quiet and walked quickly to find the women. They found them talking in Lisette’s room. Bella hugged her mother and Archer shook Ryker’s hand and the two left for their own small privacy.

  Ryker hadn’t moved from the spot he had been standing in, right inside Lisette’s bedroom door.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look?” Ryker asked.

  Lisette looked at Ryker and smiled, “Yes you did. And I want to talk with you, can you sit?”

  Ryker strode to a large overstuffed chair in the room and Lisette perched on the bed.

  Lisette began, “I don’t know how to start. O.K. There’s something between us. Stop me if I’m wrong,” Lisette paused. When Ryker said nothing, she continued,” And I didn’t want to feel the things I feel around you. I didn’t want them because of who you are. Wait. Before you think I am against your kind let me assure you I’m not. The fact is that you are going to stay the age you are forever. I am going to grow old and ugly, wrinkled and probably have health problems. So I wasn’t sure that I wanted any part of possibly falling in love with you. I didn’t know if I could face being thrown away or discarded. But after talking to Bella, I’ve changed my mind. I want you, Ryker,” Lisette looked into Ryker’s smoldering blue eyes, “More than I’ve ever wanted another. I don’t know where it will go but I know I want to enjoy every minute of any happiness I can find with you. Do you feel the same way?”

  Ryker didn’t speak and for a moment he didn’t move. Then he stood and, as vampires will, moved faster than lightening to stand in front of Lisette. He picked her up in his arms and moved around the bed. Laying her gently on the bed he removed her shoes and then his. Then he lay down beside her and took her face between his hands.

  “I will never grow tired of you. No matter what age we are. Tomorrow is never assured.” Then he kissed her. Nipping her lip gently, Lisette tasted her own blood. Then she tasted his as he pierced his own lip. It was only for a moment and then the taste was gone. But Lisette knew now what Ryker tasted of and she wanted more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him against her. She felt his desire. And soon he would know hers. The moon shown brightly in through the window as the two shared their deepest desires and emotions for each other. And both knew that in the morning they wouldn’t regret a thing.

  Chapter Five

  Lisette awoke to Ryker staring at her. He was propped on one elbow and when he saw her eyes open, he smiled the most sensual smile she’d ever seen. She rolled to her side from her back until they were face to face, both holding each other’s gaze.

  “What now?” Lisette smiled.

  “I believe I could stay here all day. What about you? “Ryker reached over and gently brushed her hair behind her ear.

  “We could if everything was normal. I would love it if it were true. But we both have a lot to do. I’m going into the clinic with Bella and I know you have plans. Anything you want to talk about?” Lisette arched her brows.

  Ryker sighed and rolled onto his back. “We are calling a town meeting tomorrow night. We are going to tell the humans. They have become involved and deserve the truth.”

  Lisette couldn’t hide her surprise and also her fear,” What if they don’t like what they hear. What if they turn on you all?”

  “They won’t. We won’t let them. Dr. Bernard is going to help us. Everyone knows him and
trusts him. After all, he lived here all his life and was the veterinarian until Bella. If the town won’t listen to him, they won’t listen to anyone. We are telling them so we can help them know how to protect themselves. One of the humans was killed during the fire, but not by fire, by my kind and Archers.” Ryker sounded more sure of himself than he felt.

  “I’ll help to, “said Lisette. “We know you and we can stand with you.”

  Ryker rolled back on his side to look into worried eyes. Beautiful eyes that he had fallen for like never in his thousands of years. “All right. But we still have a little more time before you have to go,” And he reached for her again.

  In Archer and Bella’s bed the same conversation was taking place. Bella agreed it was the right thing to do. She was afraid for all her friends of all species. That included the human ones.

  Dr. Bernard and Archer arrived soon after Lisette left. The three talked for several hours until they decided on the best way to tell the townspeople. Archer left to instruct his best man, Roman, what he needed him to do. Ryker called his head of security, Hagan and soon everyone was preparing for their roles they would play. At the same time, Archer’s people were getting the clothes they needed and were getting settled in. Most weren’t making any plans to start any work on rebuilding until after tomorrow night. Everyone seemed to be getting along fine.

  Far away, in Alabama, the new leader of the rogues was pleased. His plan was going like clockwork. The two leaders of the largest groups of his enemies had been pushed together. Easier to take them out that way. The other clans and packs were next. Once Ryker and Archer were made examples of, there would be no one holding the states together. The rest would be easy. His ruthless smile didn’t reach his eyes. He turned to the young man standing behind him. The young man was beaten and bloody, his hands tied behind his back. He was being held up by the leaders most trusted and oldest friends.


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