Healing Her Wolf: Paranormal Werewolf Romance

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Healing Her Wolf: Paranormal Werewolf Romance Page 3

by Chant, Zoe

  “Come on, Maddy, get a grip. Stranger things have happened, right?” she muttered, opening the cupboard under the sink to grab the first-aid kit, along with a damp washcloth and a towel. She just couldn’t think of anything stranger than werewolves existing at the moment. What else existed? Where did this guy come from? What was even his name? Were there more werewolves? A million and one questions swirled through her head when she returned to her room.

  The werewolf smiled, his hazel eyes warm when he looked at her. “Hi.”

  She found herself smiling back automatically, because despite everything that had happened, he did seem like a genuinely nice guy. He hadn’t tried anything, and as a wolf he had been one of the friendliest animals she had ever met. “Hey. Uhm, I don’t think I ever actually introduced myself. I’m Maddy Petersen, what’s your name?”

  “Maddy,” he said, nodding to himself, still smiling. “I like it. I’m Konrad Stone.”

  “Unusual name,” she replied, sitting down next to him. She was grateful she had thrown him the bed sheets to cover himself with. Strange, naked men weren’t exactly her area of expertise. She had had two boyfriends in her life, one in high school and one in college, but hadn’t been on many dates besides them. Most guys had been turned off by her dedication to her studies, and the practical way she dressed. Then again, what had they expected? A vet could hardly wear short dresses and high heels, not around animals. Jeans and baggy t-shirts were easier to wash, too.

  And why the hell was she thinking about herself when she should be thinking about how to deal with Konrad? She opened the first-aid kit instead.

  “I’m an unusual guy,” he replied.

  She had to smile at that. “True.” She nodded at the sheets he had wrapped around his shoulders. “I don’t see any blood on there, but we should take a closer look.”

  “Sure,” Konrad replied, shrugging the sheets off.

  Maddy had seen him naked before, but had been too panicked and busy throwing books at him to really look. And now she looked. From his broad shoulders to his muscular biceps, and the dark hairs across his chest, a trail leading down to his abs until the trail stopped at the sheets still covering his groin. “Uhm,” she said, tearing her eyes away from him to look at her first-aid kit again. She could feel her cheeks flush. Damn, he was one of the hottest guys she’d ever seen, not just a handsome face but a body to match.

  Come on, she told herself, you’re supposed to check if he’s wounded. She looked up at Konrad again, and judging by the slight smile on his face, he knew she liked what she was seeing. “Well, your, er, demonstration earlier doesn’t seem to have re-opened the wounds, so that’s good. It was your left arm, right, that was wounded?”

  “And my right leg, yes,” he agreed, turning so she could take a closer look at his left arm. “It’s sore, but that’s normal.”

  “After transforming?” she asked. There was a patch of dried-up blood, and she ran the washcloth across it. There was nothing but clean skin underneath.

  He nodded again, glancing at the washcloth. “Especially since I had to do it three times in a short time. Once is okay, it just leaves you feeling sore. It’ll pass.”

  “You’ve healed completely,” she said, running her fingers across the patch of warm skin where the wound had been. “Is that normal for werewolves?”

  “Wolf shifters,” he corrected her. “And yes.”

  She sat back, slightly confused. “What’s the difference?”

  “Between wolf shifters and werewolves?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “Well, it’s… I guess werewolves don’t really exist. All the folk stories stem from us. You don’t need a silver bullet to kill us, we don’t turn into complete monsters, and we don’t have to transform during the full moon, but when we do, we are stuck until sunrise.”

  That explained a lot. “So that’s why you didn’t transform in my truck or in the Williamses’ shed.” It would’ve cleared things up way sooner.

  “Pretty much, yeah. I was terrified you were going to castrate me or something!” he said, smiling.

  She had to laugh at his concern. “No, that’s a pretty time-intensive operation to be doing that late at night. My plan was to just call the local ranger station, and have them pick you up.”

  “Good thing you didn’t do that last night,” he said, his eyes glancing down to where she was still touching him, then meeting her eyes again. “You’re far better company. Prettier, too.”

  Her stomach squirmed with nerves. Was he seriously flirting with her? “Hey, Tyler and his crew clean up nicely if you give them the chance. And they wear uniforms.” Oh no, did he now think she wasn’t interested in him? Because she was. Which was weird, because she didn’t usually feel this attracted to a guy she had just met. For some reason she felt like she could trust him.

  “Oh, well, if they have uniforms,” he replied, his tone mock-serious, “I should head over there right now.”

  They both laughed, and Maddy realized she was still holding the damp washcloth. And had her hand on his arm, which she quickly pulled back. “So, er, what about that other wound?”

  “On my right thigh?” Konrad asked, pulling the sheet out of the way and moving it to his lap instead. “Yeah, that’s healed too, but if you want to check and make sure, I’m not going to stop you.”

  She glanced away from the heat in his eyes. She wasn’t used to hot guys flirting with her and was unsure how to respond. She liked him, despite all the questions she had that still weren’t answered, and the sheer weirdness of him being a werewolf — no, wolf shifter. She started when she felt his hand on her shoulder.

  “Hey, is something wrong?” he asked, searching her eyes. “If you do want me to leave because you’ve got other plans, or someone coming over, like a boyfriend or whatever, I understand.”

  “Oh no, no plans!” she replied immediately, then wished she had phrased that slightly better. “I mean, it’s fine. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

  He smiled at her, his hand moving to brush a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. “Well, I don’t want to go.”

  Her breath caught when she noticed he was leaning in, ever so slowly. “Oh. Then I guess you can stay.”

  “Good,” he murmured, and his lips met hers.

  His hand was wrapped around her neck as they kissed, and Maddy soon found herself wanting more and moved forward. Her lips opened to deepen the kiss and his grip tightened, pulling her closer still.

  As their tongues slid against each other, Maddy dropped the washcloth she had still been holding in favor of touching Konrad, her hands on his shoulders before running down his arms. But kneeling next to him was awkward, she had to move and get closer. She sat up, breaking the kiss.

  Konrad blinked up at her, surprised, but he grinned when she shifted to straddle him, settling down with her hands on his bare shoulders again.

  “Uhm,” she said, looking down at him and suddenly aware of how intimate this position was, with her sitting in his lap this way. “I don’t — this isn’t what I usually do.”

  “I would be worried if you usually treated strays this way,” he agreed, one of his hands coming up to wrap around her neck again, and the other settling around her waist.

  “Shut up,” she muttered, sniggering as well. She kissed him again, and oh yes, this was much more comfortable. She could easily touch him now, letting her hands run down his chest, through his chest hair, enjoying the warmth and muscles under his fingertips. Konrad, in return, was stroking her neck with his fingers in a gentle manner that was slowly driving her crazy, while his other hand slipped under her t-shirt.

  She dimly thought that she should stop this, that they were moving too fast, but it all felt right. Kissing him, touching him, she wasn’t sure if she could get enough.

  He broke the kiss, but only so he could move to her neck, where his teeth scraped across her skin until she shuddered in pleasure. Oh God, she felt like she was burning up from the inside, how the hell had he man
aged that? She tilted her head back, moaning quietly when he licked and sucked on a sensitive spot. She should probably protest about him leaving a hickey, but that would mean stopping him from making her feel this good.

  The arm around her waist pulled her flush against him, her breasts against his shoulders, the only thing separating them was her t-shirt. Her nails dug into his arms when he started sucking on another patch of skin, and she gasped. She needed his mouth everywhere. Now.

  The hand on her waist crept up, stroking her skin until it reached her breasts. She let out a whimper, arching her back to let him know that yes, it was definitely fine to keep touching her.

  “Maddy,” he murmured, nuzzling her.

  “Yeah?” she managed, moving her hands so she could wrap her arms around his neck and keep him close.

  “Bed?” His hand moved slightly to cup her breast, and his thumb brushed across her nipple.

  She moaned, then nodded. “Yes, yes, now.”

  He laughed, a huff of cold air against her wet skin. “You’ll have to move and get up, then.”

  She shifted off him. Konrad got up, groaning slightly as he did. She stood up, placing a worried hand on his waist. “You’re all right?”

  “Still sore,” he admitted, grimacing slightly as he rubbed his back, and holding the sheet around his hips with his other hand.

  She should’ve remembered. “If you’d rather not —”

  “No,” he interrupted her, grabbing her wrist with the hand he had been holding the sheets with. “No, I definitely do.”

  The sheet dropped to the floor, and Maddy couldn’t resist the temptation. She glanced down, her cheeks flushed when she saw Konrad was already half-hard. “I can see that.”

  It was his turn to flush, and he leaned in to kiss her again. She was pressed against him, feeling his hardening cock against her abdomen through the thin layer of her t-shirt, and let her arms wrap around him, resting on his back. “Bed?” she suggested, smiling.

  He nodded, and as if to prove that he really was fine, he picked her up. She yelped with surprise, wrapping her arms around his shoulders quickly. Oh God, what was happening? He walked over to her bed, and lowered her to the floor next to it.

  “Warn me next time you do something like that,” she said, smiling up at him.

  “All right,” he replied, his hands curling around the hem of her t-shirt. “I’m about to take your shirt off. There’s your warning.”

  She lifted her arms to let him pull the shirt over her head, then leaned in for another kiss. It felt so good to finally be skin to skin, her breasts again his hard chest, reveling in the heat between them.

  He sat down on the bed, pulling her with him as he lay down, grinning up at her. Their legs tangled together as Maddy was half on top of him, leaning on her elbows. Konrad raised one hand to run his fingers through her hair, then pulled her in for a kiss.

  The kiss quickly turned heated, with Maddy’s hands roaming up and down Konrad’s chest, all too aware of his hardening cock pressing against her side, and his other hand moved to cup her breast, thumbing her nipple again and Maddy whimpered, feeling Konrad’s lips against her twist into a pleased grin as they kept kissing.

  Well, two could play that game. She let her left hand move further and further down, caressing his abs. His breath hitched, and his hips jerked forward when she strayed close to his cock, but instead she ran her fingers over his thigh instead. She couldn’t help a grin herself when she trailed her fingers back up and he made a soft, disappointed noise.

  Konrad rolled them over until she was the one on her back. “What?” Maddy asked, smiling innocently. “I was checking your wound.” She glanced down, genuinely worried for a moment, but there was no sign of bleeding, only some remnants of dried-up blood.

  “Of course you were,” he replied, kissing her cheek. “No ulterior motive whatsoever.”

  “None,” she breathed, closing her eyes when he kissed down her neck. Joking around with Konrad came so easy, and she felt none of the nerves she usually felt when sleeping with a guy for the first time. Everything felt right. “Just worried about your, ah, well-being.” The last word came out as an awkward yelp when Konrad found a sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder, and had started sucking on it.

  Supporting himself with one arm, Konrad’s other hand drifted down her body, briefly touching her breast before caressing her abdomen and waist. He found a sensitive spot there too, making her giggle and squirm.

  “Ticklish?” he asked, hazel eyes shining with barely-contained glee. He brushed across the same spot on her side again, grin widening when she squirmed more. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Maddy was relieved he didn’t continue tickling her but left his hand on her waist, and he went back to kissing a path from her shoulder to her breasts, making her squirm with pleasure when he licked one of her nipples. Her hand found its way into his hair, keeping him there for a moment. The gentle scraping of teeth made her shiver, making her feel flushed all over. She moaned in disappointment when he stopped, then widened her eyes when she realized he was moving further and further down her body. The hand that had been resting on her waist was now curled around her panties, and Konrad was tugging on it impatiently.

  She raised her hips to help him, watching with interest and hot anticipation. He pulled her panties down past her knees, and Maddy kicked them off, sending them flying through the air. She didn’t look to see where they landed; her eyes were only on Konrad shifting to kneel between her thighs.

  His hands were on her knees, spreading them further, and he met her eyes briefly. He looked very pleased, and grinned in a manner Maddy could only think of as ‘wolfishly’. She held her breath as he leaned down, his fingers running down the insides of her thighs.

  He inhaled, and Maddy grimaced, trying to remember how thorough her last shower had been, but her worrying had been for nothing because Konrad groaned — or perhaps growled was a more suitable word — happily then nuzzled her pubic hair before starting to lick her.

  She closed her eyes, squirming to give him more space and gasping when she felt his hands spreading her open. The first wet touches of his tongue were tentative, exploring her, and she dug her fingers into her mattress, still surprised he was going down on her like this.

  Her first boyfriend had never done so, and Maddy hadn’t been brave enough to ask back then, and her second boyfriend had only done it when she had explicitly asked, and it had been obvious he didn’t like doing it, which meant Maddy hadn’t enjoyed it much either.

  Konrad, however, seemed to be enjoying himself immensely, tongue lapping across her folds before swirling around her clit. She moaned when he sucked on it all too briefly, tilting her hips and squirming. “That’s — mm,” she managed, needing to let him know that yes, he should definitely be doing that again. There was nothing tentative about his tongue now, he pressed it firmly against her clit, rubbing across it before licking her again, and Maddy couldn’t lie still. “Good, that’s good,” she panted. Her fingers were tight fists in the sheets underneath her, and she moaned again as he sucked on her clit for a moment. “Oh!”

  He paused for a moment, then moved his arm to rest it across her hips, and went back to licking her. It made it more difficult for Maddy to move her hips, and by now her toes were curling from the sheer pleasure of it. She needed to touch him, and she lifted one hand and ran it through his hair, petting him. “That’s nice,” she murmured, then cursed herself for not being able to think of a better word than ‘nice’ because this was so much better than ‘nice’.

  She arched her back and whimpered when he slid two fingers inside of her, moving them as he used his mouth on her clit. Oh God, yes, that was what she needed, right there. She was panting desperately, trying to resist the urge to grab hold of his hair. “Right there, yes,” she muttered, rocking her hips and moaning in pleasure. Part of her wanted him to stop so they could move on to fucking, but another part didn’t want this to end ever. She bit her lip,
wondering what Konrad would want. “You can — you can stop, if you want,” she managed, “if you want to — to do something else.”

  He raised his head, pulling his fingers out of her. “Something else?” he asked, looking genuinely confused. The area around his mouth were shining, and she flushed when she realized it was with her wetness.

  “You know,” Maddy replied, “fucking?”

  He frowned slightly. “I thought you were enjoying this? I mean, the way you were moving…”

  “No, I am! I really, really am,” she immediately replied, stroking his hair again. “A lot. I just — just didn’t want you to get bored.”

  “I am definitely not bored,” he said, and laughed. “I like doing this, it’s fun.”

  “Oh. Uhm, keep going, then,” she replied, “if you’re enjoying yourself.”

  “I am so long as you are,” Konrad told her, and went back to licking her.

  His assurance that he was enjoying this too relaxed her, and soon she was whimpering and writhing underneath him. His fingers entered her again, and his tongue rubbed across her clit. “Oh yes,” she moaned, closing her eyes, stroking his hair. If he kept doing that, she was definitely gonna come from this.

  The heat inside of her was centered in her lower abdomen, the pleasure growing with every lick and touch and caress, and she could feel her orgasm build slowly but surely. Her moans became more desperate, and she knew she was pushing him down rather than stroking his head, but she didn’t care. She was so close, so close to coming, and when he sucked on her clit, it was enough to push her over the edge.

  Her entire body tensed up as her orgasm hit her, pleasure washing over her as she moaned, her feet digging into the mattress. Konrad kept licking her slowly, prolonging the pleasure, and eventually she relaxed completely, her fingers slipping out of his hair. “Mmm,” she muttered, feeling very content with herself and the world.

  Konrad moved to lie down next to her. “So, you liked that, then.” He pressed a kiss against her shoulder.

  “I did,” she replied, smiling at him. “A lot.” She leaned in for a kiss, not caring that she could taste herself on his tongue.


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