Healing Her Wolf: Paranormal Werewolf Romance

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Healing Her Wolf: Paranormal Werewolf Romance Page 4

by Chant, Zoe

  He wrapped one arm around her, pulling her close. “But you mentioned something about fucking?”

  The hopeful tone in his voice made her laugh. “Hmm, yes, I think I did…” But that did remind her that they were gonna need a condom, and fast. She rolled over to grab her wallet from her nightstand.

  “Maddy, what are you — oh!” He nodded when he noticed her pulling out a condom.

  She threw it at him before putting her wallet back. “Good thing I always keep one on me.” She didn’t want to think about how long it had been in there, just in case.

  Konrad’s cock was now fully hard, its length and girth impressive, and Maddy found herself waiting impatiently for him to finish getting the condom out of the package and putting it on. “Sorry,” he muttered, his cheeks red, “it’s been a while.”

  She turned away so she wouldn’t laugh out loud. Thank God for that, she had been sure that a guy who looked like Konrad would have had plenty of women in his life.


  “Yes?” she asked, looking at him again.

  “I’m, you know.” He gestured at his cock, then met her eyes again. “Ready?”

  She lay on her back, feeling that same hot anticipation again as Konrad wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. There was a frown of concentration on his face, and she felt the tip of his cock nudge her thigh. She shifted and then felt it slide in. Konrad settled on top of her, pushing in further, and she sighed in pleasure. Yes, he was definitely big, but not painfully so, and she loved the feeling of slowly being filled by him.

  He was leaning on his elbows, his head buried in her hair, and let out faint grunt when he was fully inside of her. She wrapped her arms around him, and nudged him with her legs, letting him know that he could definitely start moving.

  Konrad’s first thrusts were slow and careful, and she rocked up to meet him, gasping when his cock hit the right spots inside of her. He sped up, and Maddy found herself whimpering with every thrust. She was still on a post-orgasm high, the heat quickly growing again. Her nails dug into his skin, which made him grunt and she pulled her hands away. “Sorry,” she panted.

  “It’s fine,” he replied, his voice hoarse. “It’s — it’s fine. You can do it again.”

  Well, she wasn’t about to tear his back open while he fucked her, but it was nice of him to reassure her. She pressed a kiss against his cheek, and finally found his mouth. Their kiss was short-lived; they both needed the air too much. She clung to him, wanting him closer, deeper, and caressed his back as he continued to fuck her. How the hell was a guy she had only just met able to make her feel this amazing?

  Konrad had gone back to nuzzling her, and was fucking her with deep, hard thrusts that had him groan into her neck. It was his noises that turned Maddy on most of all, the fact that she was making him feel good, that he was enjoying himself this much. And she wasn’t exactly being quiet herself.

  “Don’t stop,” she muttered, feeling him shift his hips slightly.

  “Not gonna,” he replied, “I was just —” He thrust in again and somehow the new angle was an even better one.

  “Oooh, yes, yes, there!” she moaned, her legs clenching around him to keep him closer.

  Konrad was speeding up now, his grunts becoming lower as he seemed to be headed for his own orgasm.

  Maddy hoped she could come again before he did, because she was so close, so damn close, with the pleasure and the heat building inside of her every time Konrad thrust into her, just a little bit more, a little bit longer. She kept moving her own hips to meet his, speeding up to meet Konrad’s faster rhythm, and after a few more thrusts, Maddy came again, holding Konrad tight and close to her.

  Her second orgasm didn’t last as long as the first, but the pleasure was no less intense. She was left gasping and whimpering as the pleasure faded, moving along with Konrad to help him reach his climax.

  His teeth were scraping across the skin of her shoulder, his tongue coming out to lick her there, and for a moment she wondered if he was about to bite her or something. But nothing happened apart from desperate grunts, a few noises that might’ve been growls, and Konrad’s thrusts growing ever more frenzied.

  When he came, he definitely let out a low growl, thrusting deep inside of her. His body tensed up above her, then he shuddered in pleasure.

  She waited for him to relax, and when he did, she kept her arms around him, stroking his side.

  “Mmm, nice,” were the first things he managed to say, pulling out of her and rolling onto his back.

  She let herself be pulled along with him, lying by his side with her head on his shoulder. “Very,” she replied.

  He grunted when he noticed the condom still on his cock, and he removed it, tying a knot in it before throwing it off the bed. “Clean it up later,” he muttered.

  She shrugged. Cleaning up was really the last thing on her mind right now. “Sure.” She smiled and closed her eyes when his hand ran through her hair, and she cuddled closer, one of her legs tangled between his. She wasn’t feeling sleepy at all, but she did enjoy lying here with him. The only thing that could make it better were some blankets.

  When she sat up to grab some, Konrad grumbled in protest. “Don’t get up.”

  “I’m not,” she replied, pointedly gathering her blankets, and when she lay down she pulled them up for him as well. Despite their frenzied fucking, she had been feeling a little chilly.

  Maddy settled back into her previous comfortable position, plastered against Konrad. “Mm, you’re warm.”

  “It’s a wolf shifter thing,” he replied, his hand on the back of her head again. “Our body temperature’s usually one or two degrees higher than yours.”

  That brought back all her previous questions. If body temperature was different, what else was? Sex clearly wasn’t, as far as she knew. “All the time? Or only if you’ve shifted recently? I mean, a dog’s body temperature is higher than ours, so I’m guessing a wolf’s is too.” She supposed it made some sort of sense, perhaps having a higher temperature as a human made the shifting process easier.

  “I don’t know, I never checked that closely. And I’m not letting you check either,” he added quickly.

  She smiled against his shoulder. “I wasn’t planning on doing any experiments on you.”


  “Maybe a few,” she admitted, then leaned up to look him in the eye. “C’mon, you can’t just come here, reveal that shapeshifters exist and not expect me to be curious, right?” It wasn’t even her background as a vet, surely any human with a sense of curiosity would have questions as well.

  He eyed her, his hand trailing down to her shoulder. “I would be surprised if you weren’t full of questions and I’ll try to answer them, but I don’t know everything either.”

  “You don’t?” she asked, frowning. “But how can you not? If I were a shifter, I’d want to know exactly how it worked, what made me different from regular humans, what effect it had on my body. You said shifting too often makes you feel sore, but is it like sore muscles and if you train at shifting it’ll eventually hurt less?”

  Konrad sighed. “Maddy, do you know how every part of the human body works?”

  Of course she didn’t. She knew some of the basics, since plenty of bodily functions worked the same across mammals, but there was plenty she didn’t know. “Well, no, but —”

  “Then why expect me to know everything about how my body works?”

  She opened her mouth to reply that didn’t make sense, then realized he had a point. Konrad had always been a shifter, it was as normal to him as being human was to her. “Oh.” And here she was, asking questions like he was some museum exhibit. “That was stupid of me.”

  He smiled at her reassuringly. “Like I said, I’m expecting you to ask questions. But you have to understand, I live in a town where the majority of people are shifters. You can’t go around there asking the same questions you’ve been asking me. It’s, well, you don’t ask your frien
ds about what they just got up to in the toilet, do you?”

  “Oh God, no.” She pulled a face. Although why mention his hometown as if she was going to be there any time soon? She lay back down, getting comfortable against him. She didn’t want to think about what would happen between them tomorrow or next week, not when she was enjoying the post-orgasmic bliss. “So asking shifters about shifting is rude, got it.”

  “Pretty much.” His arm wrapped around her shoulder, and she rested her arm across his stomach.

  They lay in silence for a few minutes, and Maddy enjoyed the cuddling and closeness, but eventually her curiosity got the best of her. “So what else is different about shifters?” she asked, propping herself up on her elbow again.

  Konrad groaned, and ran a hand down his face. “Right now,” he muttered, opening one of his eyes, “shifters needing more food than humans do. I’ll answer a couple more of your questions if you give me a nice breakfast.”

  Breakfast she could definitely do. “Is it because shifting requires a lot of energy?”

  “Less energy than satisfying your curiosity,” he grumbled good-naturedly.

  She leaned down to kiss him. “Don’t worry, you’ve been very satisfying already.”

  “Yes, I noticed.” His grin turned filthy, and she flushed when she caught the double-meaning of her own words.

  “I didn’t mean — well, I mean, you were satisfying, but not just like that!” she spluttered. Oh God, she was only making this worse.

  Konrad just laughed. “Breakfast?”


  Breakfast came after Maddy had found him some sweatpants of her father’s and a t-shirt he could wear, and after she told him to take a shower while she checked on the animals. It probably said something about her, Konrad mused, sipping on his coffee, that Maddy took care of him and the animals before settling down for breakfast herself.

  She hadn’t taken a shower yet, which Konrad figured would be an excellent excuse to share one with her later, and was wearing a bathrobe over the loose t-shirt and shorts she had worn to bed. Her blonde hair was tied back in a messy ponytail, and she was pouring herself some cereal when she caught him staring. “What?”

  “Nothing,” he replied. “Just thinking that this is nice, y’know?” It was definitely something he could get used to.

  “It’s definitely not as awkward as I thought it’d be,” she admitted, adding the milk and stirring it with a spoon.

  He nodded in agreement. “Not a big fan of one-night-stands either?” he asked, then ate some of his own cereal.

  “No, not really,” she replied, glancing at him for a moment. “I guess I just always —”

  Her reply was interrupted by the doorbell and Konrad cursed himself for not remaining more alert. Mate or not, he was still in a strange town and should’ve been able to smell whoever it was at the door before they had rung.

  Maddy got up, closing her bathrobe before stepping into the hallway. “Who is it?” she yelled.

  Konrad sniffed the air, and stood up as well. He didn’t need the answer; he already knew who it was. It was the same wolf shifter who had attacked him last night. He ran after Maddy, wincing slightly as his bare feet hit the cold tiles of the hallway, and stood behind her.

  Maddy opened the door, and smiled at the man standing on the porch. He was wearing the usual green and gray uniform of a ranger, and his black hair was sticking out underneath the hat in unruly curls. He had a short beard with streaks of gray in it. “Hey, Tyler, what brings you here?” she asked.

  Konrad moved closer to Maddy, not feeling nearly as welcoming as Maddy was.

  “Just checking up on you,” Tyler replied. He briefly glanced at her, then looked at Konrad. “Who’s your guest?”

  Konrad’s eyes narrowed. Oh, the ranger knew damn well who Konrad was, or else he would’ve been more surprised to see him here.

  “Oh, this is Konrad,” Maddy said, still looking at Tyler. “It’s, er, kind of a long story.”

  “I bet,” Tyler muttered, his eyes on Konrad. “And what brings you to our town, Mr. Konrad?”

  “Like Maddy said, it’s kind of a long story,” he replied, putting his arm around her and standing even closer. If this guy was interested in her, Konrad would make sure he knew who Maddy belonged with.

  Tyler wasn’t impressed, folding his arms across his chest. The movement in his right arm was a little stiff. Good, clearly he was a little worse for wear too. “I’d love to hear it.”

  “I thought rangers had better things to do than gossip,” Konrad shot back immediately.

  Tyler bristled at that. “Now, you listen to me, you little —”

  “Tyler!” Maddy snapped, then turned to prod Konrad in his chest. “And you, both of you, what the hell is going on? Tyler, you’re a ranger, not a police officer.”

  Konrad couldn’t help a slight smirk at Tyler meeting Maddy’s eyes guiltily. It was short-lived, however, since the man’s suspicious glare returned in full force when he looked at Konrad. “I heard about a feral dog in the area that might need help, you wouldn’t know anything about that?” Tyler asked, raising one eyebrow at Konrad.

  “I’m sure that feral dog will be fine without your help.” The instincts of his wolf were to attack Tyler right now and finish what they started last night, and Konrad had to keep hold of Maddy’s shoulder to keep himself in check. She wouldn’t be impressed if he punched the other man in the face.

  Maddy elbowed him and sent him another brief glare. “Seriously, do you two know each other?” she asked, looking at him then at Tyler.

  “In a way,” Tyler said.

  Konrad could sense Maddy’s growing annoyance, and he didn’t blame her one bit. “Look, you checked up on Maddy, great job, thanks for the effort. I’m sure there’re more important things you need to be doing.”

  “I will, as soon as you tell me what your business is in my town.”

  Part of Konrad understood Tyler’s need to figure out what a strange wolf shifter was doing here. Rationally, he got the other man’s concern and protectiveness. But another part of him wanted to growl at the man and slam the door in his face for disturbing his time with his new mate. Before he could decide between growling and arguing some more, Maddy replied instead, after running a hand across her face in annoyance.

  “Do I need to separate you two before you start having a fight over who the top dog is?”

  Konrad knew she had said it as a joke, fed-up with him and Tyler arguing with each other, but he saw the flash of guilt in Tyler’s eyes and the faint reddening of his cheeks, and when he felt Maddy tense up under his arm, he knew she had seen it too.

  “Wait a minute…” Maddy turned to look up at Konrad, searching his eyes, then looked at Tyler, who was trying to avoid Maddy’s gaze. “Wait, I — Tyler, how did you find out about the feral dog? Did you — did you have something to do with it?”

  When Tyler finally looked at Konrad, Konrad gave him a shrug. It was up to Tyler if he wanted to tell Maddy he was a wolf shifter too.

  “I might have some first-hand experience with that feral dog, yes,” he finally hedged.

  “That’s one way of putting it,” Konrad grumbled.

  “Tyler,” Maddy said, her voice dangerously calm, “is there something you’d like to tell me?”

  “Hey, I was just minding my own business, he’s the one who strayed into another shifter’s territory.” Tyler gestured at Konrad with his stiff arm.

  “You attacked me!” Konrad said defensively. “You didn’t give me time to explain anything!”

  Maddy held up both her hands, one aimed at Tyler, the other pressed against Konrad’s chest. “How about we discuss the part where Tyler is apparently a werewolf, too, and never told anyone?” she said, the anger clear in her voice despite its softness.

  “Wolf shifter,” Konrad corrected automatically, and that earned him another prod in his chest. “Hey!”

  “Hush, Tyler’s about to answer my question.” She pulled out of his embra
ce to step forward. She was about a foot shorter than the ranger, and even though she was wearing a bathrobe and he was wearing a uniform, it was clear who had the upper hand. “Well?”

  Tyler sighed, taking off his hat for a moment. “Maddy, come on, you know why. Our existence is a pretty big damn secret. Your father knows, a couple of my colleagues at the station know, and that’s it. If it looked like you were gonna take over your dad’s practice, I’d’ve told you then.”

  Maddy was silent for a moment, still fuming. “What does being a vet have to do with anything?” she eventually asked.

  “Because sometimes I need a check-up from someone who knows about animals,” Tyler replied. “Or if I get wounded while out as a wolf. I’m guessing you know by now that we’re stuck in animal form during the full moon?”

  “Yes, I had noticed,” Maddy replied. The worst of her anger was fading, but she was clearly still annoyed. “So the two of you,” she continued, nodding briefly at Konrad, “you’re why Konrad got wounded?”

  “Like I said, I don’t like strange wolves in my territory.”

  “And like I said, you never gave me a chance to explain.”

  “What was I supposed to think?” Tyler exclaimed, gesturing with his hat. “A younger wolf like you, you were clearly looking for a territory of your own. Well, keep looking.”

  “I wasn’t looking for territory,” Konrad told him. Geez, he could’ve told him that last night. “Where I live now suits me just fine.” He was used to sharing his territory with other shifters, both wolves and otherwise. He supposed that if he was like Tyler, the only wolf shifter in an entire town, he’d be a lot more protective of it too.

  “So why are you here, then?” Tyler insisted.

  He glanced at Maddy, who was now leaning against the door post. He hadn’t actually told her she was his mate, and he didn’t want to do that in front of anyone else. “Oh, you know,” he said, desperately trying to think of a way that would let Tyler know without telling Maddy right now. “Territory isn’t the only thing that’s important.”


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