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Diving In

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by Kristina Mathews

  Cover Copy

  The sweetest revenge . . .

  He’s the Swift brother who got left behind, the son abandoned by his father. Now Kyle Swift is a man determined to destroy the whitewater rafting empire built by the half brothers he never knew, the Swift sons who got the life—and the love—he was denied. Seducing Fisher Jones isn’t part of his revenge, but sharing a bed with the beautiful whitewater instructor is the one bright spot in his otherwise dark plan. That is, if he manages not to fall for the sad-eyed beauty . . .

  Fearless when it comes to facing even the most daunting river rapids, Fisher never takes chances with her love life—until the night she gets swept away by a sexy stranger. But when her one-night stand unexpectedly shows up in her whitewater class, Fisher faces her greatest challenge yet: keeping her heart safe from a man determined to put an end to the family business—and the life—she holds dear . . .

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  Books by Kristina Mathews

  More Than a Game Series

  Better Than Perfect

  Worth the Trade

  Making a Comeback

  Earning a Ring

  Swift River Romance Series

  Swept Away

  In Too Deep

  Diving In

  Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

  Diving In

  A Swift River Romance

  Kristina Mathews


  Kensington Publishing Corp.


  Lyrical Press books are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2017 by Kristina Mathews

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  First Electronic Edition: September 2017

  eISBN-13: 978-1-60183-924-4

  eISBN-10: 1-60183-924-3

  First Print Edition: September 2017

  ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-927-5

  ISBN-10: 1-60183-927-8

  Printed in the United States of America


  To my readers, thank you for keeping my dream alive.

  Chapter 1

  Life is good.

  At least that’s what it said on the front of Fisher Jones’s T-shirt. Standing in the parking lot of the American River Grill—the Argo to the locals—she accepted congratulations and hugs from her friends and coworkers. They had been celebrating her recent promotion to river operations manager. She’d be in charge of the rafting part of the Swift River Adventure Company and Resort.

  No one knew she’d been crafting a letter of resignation. One she’d been working on for weeks. No, months. But she didn’t have the courage to hand it in. She loved life on the American River. Taking visitors down the river was always a thrill. Whether it was their first time or they were return customers, they always had a blast. She especially enjoyed helping people rise to the challenge of stepping outside their comfort zones.

  Fisher loved her job. That wasn’t the problem.

  The problem was she loved her boss. Her married, with children, boss. Four years ago, at this very bar, Cody Swift had hit on her. It being her first night in Prospector Springs, she had brushed him off. A good thing, since the very next morning she’d started her first day as his assistant guide.

  Although she’d seen dozens of women floating in and out of his bed, she’d come to know the real Cody. The man behind the fun-loving, life-of-the-party persona. They’d developed a friendship. And somewhere along the line, her feelings had deepened.

  She had hoped, after his twin brother, Carson, met and married Lily, Cody might consider settling down and sticking with one woman.

  And that’s exactly what he did. Only it was Miranda who had managed to capture his heart. And then she gave him two beautiful, perfect twin daughters, Ava and Addy.

  Fisher had never been one of those women who went all gaga over babies. But damn, those two girls were adorable. She watched Cody lovingly strap them into their infant seats and she could almost feel her ovaries explode.

  She reached for her sunglasses to hide the glisten of tears that would come if she watched him another minute. But they weren’t perched on the top of her head, where she normally kept them when she wasn’t squinting into the bright sunshine.

  “I think I left my sunglasses inside,” she said to Brooke, a fellow guide and the woman she shared a room with at the guides’ house back at the resort. “Can you give me a minute to go look for them?”

  “Sure.” Brooke had ridden over in Fisher’s Jeep. Cody had, of course, driven with his wife and daughters. Carson had come down from Hidden Creek with Lily and their baby boy, Brandon. Gavin, Jake, and Aubrey had all piled in Jake’s old Honda. Tyler had been working the store, so he’d met them there after closing out the register.

  “If you want to ride back with me, I don’t mind.” Tyler flashed Brooke a hopeful smile.

  “You guys go ahead.” Fisher almost preferred driving by herself. As much as she appreciated everyone coming out to help her celebrate, she needed some space. And that was hard to get when she lived with all the guides.

  “You sure?” Brooke asked. “You’re okay to drive, right?”

  “Oh yeah. I only had one beer.” She didn’t trust herself to have any more than that around Cody. The last thing she needed was to loosen up too much and let her feelings show. “Heck, I may even go back and have one more, maybe stay for the band.”

  “Do you want me to hang out with you?” Brooke offered, but Fisher could tell she’d rather go with Tyler. Something had been developing between them, and maybe with Fisher out of the way…

  “No. I’m fine. I’ll text and let you know when I’m on my way home. So you don’t worry.” Fisher gave Brooke a wink, letting her know that she’d hold back, give them time to…whatever.

  Brooke blushed and then darted toward Tyler’s pickup.

  Fisher walked back into the bar, but the tables they’d been sitting at were already cleared. Hopefully the waitress had handed her sunglasses over to the bartender.

  The crowd had picked up even though the sun hadn’t gone down yet. Of course, it was Friday night in June. The weather was fine, the food fabulous, and live music would keep the place rocking into the night.

  Fisher pushed her way to the bar, but Randy, the bartender, was slammed. She wasn’t in a hurry. Her friends had left, and now that she didn’t have to watch Cody kissing his babies and his wife, she d
idn’t really need her sunglasses. Wouldn’t need them until noon tomorrow when she’d meet her students for whitewater school orientation. Mostly college kids, eager for a summer job of adventure, they’d learn more than just how to read a current and maneuver a raft. She’d be teaching whitewater safety, wilderness camping, environmental awareness, and gourmet outdoor cooking skills.

  She’d been guiding for Swift River Adventure Company for four years. She’d been an instructor for two years, but this would be her first year in charge of the school. Cody had been the one to really put himself into the instruction, but he’d be a little busy being a hands-on dad wrangling two four-month-old babies.

  Since she’d start work a good three hours later than normal, Fisher figured she might go ahead and have a second beer. If she did end up feeling tipsy, there was a well-maintained bike path, and she could walk home.

  “Here you go, a Strong Blonde for the strong blonde.” Randy set a glass of the local craft brew in front of her. It wasn’t her usual drink choice. She preferred a pale ale or an IPA after a long day on the river.

  “I didn’t order this,” Fisher said with a smile.

  “No. He did.” Randy nodded toward the guy on the end of the bar, who lifted a glass and flashed a killer set of dimples.

  “Oh, okay.” Fisher felt heat creep across her cheeks. She took a sip and smiled at the stranger. He was kind of cute. No, he was very cute. Hot, actually. And he was walking toward her.

  “Hi. I’m Kyle.” He offered a firm handshake. Warm, strong. Kind of tingly.

  “Fisher.” She held up her glass. “Thanks for the drink.”

  “Well, I wasn’t sure what to order, but then I saw you walk in and decided I was in the mood for a strong blonde.” He glanced down at her bare arms, well sculpted from her years on the river. “And then I thought I’d try the beer.”

  “Well, be careful,” Fisher warned. “Strong blondes can knock you flat on your back if you’re not used to them.”

  “That’s what I was hoping for.” He grinned at her, lifted his glass, and took a long sip, not taking his eyes off her.

  Flirting. Something she’d given up on in recent years. Not that she’d been completely celibate since the night she’d turned Cody down. No, she’d hooked up with an old boyfriend here and there. She’d even tried dating this guy who lived over in Auburn, but he didn’t get her excited enough to keep making the twenty-mile commute.

  What the hell? Kyle was good looking. His hair a little darker than Cody’s, a little longer, too, but not long enough for a ponytail or man bun. He had a nice smile. His eyes were startlingly blue, and presently focused on her chest.

  “Life is good?” He was just reading her shirt. No need to get too excited. “What’s good about your life right now?”

  “Besides not having to pay for beer?” Fisher took another drink to lubricate her very rusty flirting gears. “I guess getting a promotion today was pretty good.”

  “Oh yeah? Congratulations.” He held his glass up in a toast and she dutifully tapped it.

  “Thanks. It’s weird, though.” She took another swallow and found the glass nearly empty. “I was going to quit.”

  “Really?” He flagged the bartender and held up two fingers. “Tell me about it.”

  She should tell him to slow down, these beers were strong. Hence the name. But she’d felt so numb lately, she welcomed the buzzed feeling. And the novel sensation of having a guy interested in her.

  “It’s complicated.” She lifted her glass again. Probably not a good idea, but neither was spilling her guts about her sad crush on her boss.

  “I like complicated women.” He matched her swallow for swallow. “Especially when they look as good as you.”

  She laughed, sputtering the last of her beer.

  “What? Don’t tell me you don’t realize how hot you are?” His eyes filled with longing. Lust.

  “It is rather warm in here.” She fanned herself. Was it the beer or the way he looked at her?

  He paid for the two fresh pints and grabbed both glasses. “Why don’t we check out the deck? I think the band is about to start.”

  “Yeah. Sure.” Fisher’s legs felt a little wobbly. But she also felt a sense of exhilaration. She took the beer he offered and gave him what she hoped was an encouraging smile.

  He held the door open for her and she scooted past him onto the deck. It was a perfect night. Warm, but with enough of a breeze that it wasn’t stuffy. The sun was just setting, painting the sky in orange, pink, and purple.

  Kyle placed his hand on the small of her back and she had to admit, it felt nice. Sexy, yet comforting. He guided her to the edge of the deck, where they could set their drinks on the wide ledge.

  “Wow. Beautiful.” But he wasn’t looking at the sunset or the river below them.

  “How many of those have you had?” Fisher wasn’t used to the attention. She was used to being one of the guys. Used to teasing, of the brotherly love kind. “And have you eaten dinner?”

  “This is my second. And yes. I’ve had my dinner.” He continued to look at her as if he hoped she was on the menu.

  “Good. I mean, it’s just that these are kind of potent.”

  “I don’t know about the beer, but I’m definitely feeling the effects of a certain strong blonde.”

  “And what effect is that?” She tried to sound sexy, sure of herself, but she was really bad at flirting.

  “I think you know.” He lowered his voice, making her insides quiver.

  “Why don’t you enlighten me.” He made her nervous, but not in a creeped-out way. No, it was more how she felt when approaching a big rapid. Full of excitement, tension, anticipation. But the river was familiar, something she’d come to understand, and respect. Could she respect this man, or herself, if she took this flirtation to the next level?

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “Oh please.” Her cheeks heated and she glanced up at the outdoor TV where the baseball game was playing. The Giants had two on and no one out. Good, she needed a distraction. But she could hardly focus on the game. She could still feel his eyes on her.

  “You a baseball fan?” The intensity in his voice eased, just enough to help her relax a little.

  “Sure. You?”

  “A little. I catch an Angels’ game now and again.”

  “So, you’re a Southern California guy?” She turned toward him, and yeah, he was definitely one hot guy.

  “Guilty.” He leaned closer, lowering his voice. “Is that a deal-breaker for you?”

  “No.” Were they negotiating here?

  “So what is a deal-breaker for you?”

  “Are you married? Involved with someone?”

  “No. I’m not married.” His voice slid over her, as smooth as the river gliding over a flat boulder. “But I am hoping to get involved, at least for tonight.”

  “Why?” She sipped her beer, hiding behind the glass. “I mean, why me?”

  “You really have to ask?”

  “Yeah. Because…” She sank back against the railing. She was blowing it. Big-time.

  “Someone hurt you.” He reached for the hand that wasn’t holding her beer. His grip was soft, warm, and steady. “Recently, I’d say.”

  “No.” She sighed, leaning her head back and letting her eyes flutter closed briefly.

  “He’s an idiot. Whoever he is.” He stroked her hand gently with his thumb.

  “He’s married.” She didn’t mean to let it out. Yet, it felt somewhat freeing. “And my boss.”

  “Married, huh?” His eyebrow shot up. “The bastard.”

  “No. It’s not like that.” Fisher tried to stand tall. “He’s totally faithful. And I’m just pathetic.”

  “You don’t look pathetic to me.” He sounded sincere, like he cared or something. “In fact you look like the kin
d of woman who is usually ready for adventure. Why not take a chance on someone who is equally up for the challenge?”

  He was still interested in her for some reason. And she was standing here telling him about her stupid crush on Cody. It was stupid. She knew it. She just didn’t know how to move past it.

  So here was a guy—a hot guy—who was interested in helping her move on. Sure, he wouldn’t be around tomorrow or the next day or the day after that. But he was here. Now. And he was willing. She just had to have the courage to jump on it. To jump on him.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  She set her beer down, hoping he’d get the hint that she was ready to give him a chance.


  He shot her a wicked grin and took her hand. She expected him to lead her over to where others were dancing, but there was plenty of room where they stood. He placed his other hand on her waist and pulled her close. Fisher circled her arms around his neck and leaned against his shoulder. She closed her eyes, focused on the sensation of having a man hold her, hips gently swaying with the music.

  His heart beat steadily against hers, and her whole body flooded with emotion. Desire. Heat. Connection.

  The song ended and the band started playing a livelier tune. Fisher pulled away, but Kyle kept his hands on her hips.

  “You feel so good,” he murmured. “I want to hold you a little longer.”

  And she couldn’t think of one reason to argue. Sure, there were people around. Some of them probably people she knew, but she didn’t care if they were staring at them. She couldn’t let go.

  “Just one question?” Fisher’s heartbeat quickened.

  “Anything.” He kept his hands right where they were.

  “How do you feel about the designated hitter?” Because she couldn’t ask him not to hurt her.

  “I have a feeling this is important to you.” He pulled her even closer, so he could whisper in her ear. “Since my team is in the American League, I’m kind of for it. But… I can see why some people feel it interferes with the integrity of the game.”


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