Book Read Free

A Brush With Obsession

Page 7

by Theresa Papa

  Chapter 16

  Nico Pope

  It’s a bright sunny morning as I have my coffee on the terrace looking out at the city of Chicago. The sound of the traffic below on Michigan Avenue along with the reflection of the sun off the lake are always a great way to motivate your day. The breeze blows through, reaffirming the familiar catch phrase the Windy City, even though the name originally came from a much different reason. Jaxson is meeting me for breakfast in an hour to discuss our next steps in the investigation on Elizabeth. My first client is at ten today, so we have plenty of time to brainstorm.

  Unexpectedly, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Samantha sends a text that she has a ride to the firm this morning. I respond politely and get up to put my cup in the dishwasher. As I get ready to leave, I mull over the previous night. No woman, not even Ariana, has ever affected me the way Samantha has. She seems attracted to me even though she pulled away from me after I kissed her. I promised to take things slow with her. It will be difficult, but I need to put the extra effort into this. She’s worth it.

  I decide to walk to the restaurant to meet Jax. He is already there sipping his coffee as I take the seat opposite him.

  “Hey bro, how’s it going?” he asks.

  “I really wish I’d put more effort into watching out for Elizabeth even though she put up such a stink about it. If I had been more insistent, she’d still be safe.”

  “We can’t fucking control other peoples’ lives. She’s an adult.”

  “At the time, I was wrapped up in designing the salon and working on the marketing strategy for the grand opening. Not to mention the implosion of my two-year relationship with Ariana too. That’s when she decided that she wasn’t interested if I wasn’t a lawyer anymore.” I was upset to find out money drove her true agenda.

  “What ever happened to that bitch?” Jax asks.

  “Shortly after our breakup, she became engaged to some older billionaire who now keeps her happy with jewelry, clothes, cash, and Botox. I dodged a bullet because if she knew then how successful the salon would be, she might have stayed. And my life has been much more pleasant without her in it.”

  “Definitely, bro. Gold diggers are the worst. I fucking get rid of any bitch that shows the slightest interest in my money or position,” Jax says.

  “You haven’t hung on to any woman regardless, except maybe Amanda.”

  He smirks and winks back at me. Then he takes a sip of coffee before conveniently changing the subject. The server comes to take our order before we continue.

  “Well, I found out that asshole Marcus Dent has a record. He’s registered on the National database for sexual offenders. He’s only been out of prison for two years. His address checks out as right next door to the club Beta.”

  “It’s not like we can just kick his door in and ask him where Lizzie is. We have to do this with some semblance of finesse, or we’ll be the guys who the police lock up,” I reply.

  Jaxson fidgets with his phone on the table, turning it repeatedly.

  “I have a plan to help find out more information about the people the fucker works with. Beta is a nightclub, but most people don’t know about the other shit that goes on behind the scenes.”

  He gives me his signature mischievous grin that tells me he is going to enjoy pulling off this plan. So I ask the question he’s waiting for.

  “What exactly is going on in there and have you participated, Jax?”

  “Well, let’s just say that I’ve dabbled in some shit a little in the past. It was while I was fucking ‘Wacky Whitney,’ as I called her behind her back.”

  His eyebrows go up and down a couple of times, further making his point as he sips his coffee.

  “So you and Whitney joined in the ‘behind the scenes’ activities at Beta?”

  “Yes, we did,” he replies, leering. “She was into a lot of fucking kinky stuff and talked me into going there one night to experiment. They have quite a selection of toys and implements to bring the sexual experience up a notch, so to speak. Whitney was interested in inviting a third party into our scene. You know I’ve been pretty well versed on sex in my experience, but this shit was a first. She surprised me with her fantasy of being with two men simultaneously.”

  My upper body takes an involuntary step back, and I tilt my head.

  “Okay, bro, too much information. I can’t wrap my mind around you with another naked man in the same room with you and your woman, let alone in the same woman. I know someone like Ken would get off on it, but you?”

  He looks down and licks his lips. While he speaks, I can tell he’s reliving the experiences he describes to me in his mind.

  “Well, I’ve been in threesomes with two women, and as you would expect, there’s nothing hotter. But you know me, bro, and I’ll fucking try anything once. And this was really hot at certain points to witness how much satisfaction Whitney got from it. Fuck, it’s not like I even paid attention to the other guy except during positioning. Basically, I just kept my focus on her.”

  The server comes by, silencing the conversation for the time being. She fills both our cups and delivers the food. And then Jaxson continues.

  “So my plan is to book an activity with some random partner who works there. Get some information out of her about Marcus Dent and maybe even about Lizzie.”

  “They have hookers in there? And you want to hire one to talk to? Are you sure?”

  “Well, although some probably do consent to sex, they are not exactly hookers. A wide variety of scenes are available at different prices. Yes, they walk a fine line between legal and illegal, but I intend to stick to the strictly legal for obvious reasons. My research suggests that the one I should pick involves a dominatrix. It’s ideal because my identity stays hidden behind a mask. We definitely don’t want the law firm’s reputation in jeopardy if someone recognizes me.”

  As I take another bite of my eggs, I contemplate Jaxson’s plan.

  “Well, you know I’ve always been in awe at how you are two different people in and out of the courtroom. Even your language automatically changes. Are you going to let some woman tie you up and whip you? Do you like that stuff?”

  “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it,” he says with a smile. “But I have full fucking control over the scene. I order ahead of the meeting all the way down to the last detail. I’m not worried in the least. I’ll get set up before she even enters the room. I plan to use restraints that I can easily get out of should I need to do so. This is imperative in case I need to turn the tables on her and take over the scene to get information out of her.”

  I raise my eyebrows and start to protest when Jax puts his hands up and says, “I know what you’re thinking. I’ll be very careful to make sure she enjoys herself while she gives me what I want.” He winks. “There will be no unpleasantness. Don’t you worry, brother of mine.”

  We finish our breakfast and walk outside together. Jax must have walked here after parking his car at the firm earlier. As we walk together back toward the Magnificent Mile, his phone rings.

  “Hey, Dad,” Jax says.

  Then I hear my dad as he speaks through the receiver.

  “No problem, Nico and I are just leaving now to walk back,” he says and then ends the call.

  “Dad asked me to pick him up a coffee at the place next to the firm on my way up.” We part ways and make plans to talk after Jaxson puts his plan in motion.

  I walk in the already bustling salon to find a cold stare from Giselle across the room. Great, now I’ve strained our working relationship. I guess I’ll just avoid her as much as possible until she calms down. She turns abruptly as if to shun me and says a few things to Constance, the cleaning woman. Then Giselle disappears into the back.

  I set up my station for the day to prep for clients. After that, I hit the front desk to look at my schedule. Usually, it’s always printed out for me and waiting at my station when I arrive. Well, it must have been forgotten a
s a result of the fallout from the rejection in the hot tub yesterday.

  I sit down at the front desk and find a note in her loopy cursive handwriting, and Samantha comes to mind. She sang like an angel sent down to serenade me last night. Her curvy, voluptuous body pressed up against mine on the piano bench. The scent of her perfume surrounded me in an ethereal haze. Her arrival this afternoon can’t come soon enough. And then tonight, she agreed to let me cut her hair. If anyone knows how to make a woman feel ravishing and desired, I do. Once again, we’ll be here alone, and what I have planned will make her feel pampered and sexy. She’ll be relaxed, pliable, and I’ll be able to quell all of her doubts and shyness.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket, the number unknown.

  “This is Nico …”

  “Hello, Nico, this is Samantha’s friend Jennifer.”

  “Hello, Jennifer. What can I do for you?”

  “Sam has had an accident at the firm while she was working today, and she will not be in tonight.”

  I exhale sharply.

  “Is she all right, Jennifer?”

  “Yeah, they’re sending her home after one more test. So far, it’s only a concussion.”

  “Do you know what happened?”

  “Well, she was working in the law library and fell off the ladder, and then one of the huge books dropped on her head. She won’t call her parents because they’ll worry, so I’m gonna go pick her up.”

  “Okay, tell her not to worry about work at all. Just have her rest. Her car is fixed, and I will have it delivered to your building. I’ll call later to see how she’s doing. Thank you for calling me, Jennifer.”

  Chapter 17

  Samantha Marconi

  My head feels foggy, and a voice calls my name from a distance. It seems to be moving closer, and it sounds familiar. I try to open my eyes and blink a few times, and emeralds are there. They are the most sparkling faceted emeralds I have ever seen. When I squeeze my lids hard and open again, things come into fuzzy focus. Eyes, they are definitely eyes, and they are surrounded by the face of a god. I breathe out with a silent moan at the sound of his voice; it’s deep and warm with a hint of sexy. When I inhale, thoughts of someone else comes to mind. The cologne he wears is just like Nico’s. The warmth of his arms around me along with his scent are doing a number on my body. Even in the foggy state I’m in, my body still reacts to him.

  “Are you all right?” he asks with his brows scrunched together and his mouth tight.

  “I don’t know.” My voice sounds unfamiliar, very breathy, and weak.

  I sit up, and the room starts to spin. I grab my head and feel a huge bump on the back of my skull. He quickly picks me up into his arms. I float like a feather in a pending storm. His muscular arms and his well-built torso press against me. The room feels hotter, and my body is going to spontaneously combust from his nearness. I have no other choice than to hold on to his massive shoulders that feel like steel under my fingers. I rest my head against his chest as my cheek registers the sumptuous fabric of his shirt.

  “Take it slow. Here, let me get you on the sofa. I checked you out, and there doesn’t seem to be anything broken. The book did the worst damage, I assume, by the large lump on your head.”

  I wince at the memory of my fall and put my hand again where the pain is on my head. The way it feels brings back memories of a cartoon from my childhood where the character’s injuries erupt absurdly large and cone like from their animated heads. I giggle at the memory, but I’m soon brought back to the reality of the sexy man carrying me in his arms. Surprisingly, he sits down on the sofa with me on his lap and holds on tightly as if he’s afraid I’ll get off. I lift my head and look him in the face.

  The dizziness is evident in my voice when I say, “You’re the plumber! I thought you were a conceited asshole. How come you are being so nice to me?” My words sound distant and far away while they still echo painfully throughout my skull.

  His head falls back against the cushion, and he enthusiastically laughs out loud. I get to see his dimples again, delightfully attractive.

  “Don’t laugh at me! Your amiable traits are short lived. Let me up!”

  He lifts his arms, and I ungracefully stand.

  “Come on, please …” He gets to his feet. His height makes him look down at me.

  “Please what? You assume you can …?”

  Then he lowers his head and puts his palms on my cheeks, takes my bottom lip between his teeth and then gently bites down before he runs his tongue across the surface of my mouth. His kiss is all-consuming, claiming me sensually. All the strength has been drained from my body; I’m now the consistency of a rag doll, essentially a puppet to be bent to his will. There’s a low, sensual moan, but I’m not sure if it’s from him or me. He doesn’t take his eyes from my entranced gaze; there’s only intense desire shining in their emerald depths. The evidence of that desire is poking me in the thigh. Then, things are distorted once again and swiftly fade to black.


  A bright light beyond my eyelids causes me to struggle to open them. The pain radiates through my skull. This time, many voices bounce off the walls in the room. Everything is becoming clearer, and a woman says, “She’s coming out of it now.”

  I turn my head to see a nurse talking while she adjusts the monitor next to the bed. Then it’s him again, Mr. Sexy Plumber. I don’t even know his name. But here he is, leaning over me again up close and personal, dimples and all.

  “Hi again, beautiful! Thank you for coming back to us. I was worried. Can I get you anything?”

  “Uh, water please,” my raspy alien voice says. He places the straw in my mouth, and I take a few sips. But as it goes down, my stomach starts to roil. Nausea takes over, and I’m going to be sick. He must notice it quickly because he puts the plastic container in front of me just as I lose my cookies. Oh. My. Lord. This is so embarrassing. Why do I have to be humiliated in front of this gorgeous god? Who, if I didn’t dream it, held me on his lap and kissed me earlier. Now he’s holding back my hair while I puke.

  The nurse comes back and hands me a warm washcloth, and I clean up quickly. Now, I can reason more clearly and talk.

  “I’m so sorry. That was really gross. You don’t have to stay here with me. I can call my friend Jen to come and pick me up.” I apologize.

  The nurse interrupts.

  “You have to have a CT scan soon, and then the doctor will decide whether to keep you overnight.” Then she walks out to leave us alone once again.

  “Thank you for helping me so quickly when I was, uh … sick. Thank you for bringing me to the hospital too,” I say, careful to look down while I smooth out the blankets.

  A humble smile crosses his face, and he gets up from the chair to stand next to me.

  “Listen, when we met in the bathroom when I was fixing the sink, I acted like an ass, and I owe you an apology. I was angry with my father that day, and I took it out on you.”

  “Okaaay,” I drew out the word. “What about in the diner this morning? There was no excuse for that arrogance.”

  He smiles again, then looks down at his shoes.

  “Okay, you’re right. It was intentional to witness your reaction. I guess it’s just because women are checking me out all the time. And I kind of enjoy the banter, but especially with you. At first, when we met in the bathroom and then this morning too. Your facial expressions are so explicit, the fire in your big brown eyes and the blush in your cheeks, and it kind of, uh, turns me on.”

  My face flushes warmth, and I smile at him, at a loss for words. This handsome piece of eye candy just told me I turn him on. YES! He leans over me once again, and his hand guides my chin as he moves in for a short, sweet kiss. Then he turns and walks toward the door with a look back over his shoulder and a wink.

  “I will see you soon. Feel better, beautiful!”

  I sigh deeply and smooth the covers again while I contemplate how handsome he is. But he mus
t be a player by the way he said women always check him out. He’s most definitely a heartbreaker. Wasn’t I just telling Jen I was too old for promiscuous men who are afraid of commitment? Sigh…

  As I recover from my swoon, the nurse walks back in to take me to the CT scan. She must observe the look on my face and smiles knowingly saying, “That is one gorgeous man. I can identify with why you have that look on your face. Are you two in a relationship? If not, you should grab that while you can!”

  “Well, actually this is only the third time we’ve seen each other, and I don’t even know his name.” Damn, he had me so captivated, I forgot to ask his name again. Mmm.

  “He made me so nervous I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Sherry,” she says.

  “Nice to meet you, Sherry.”

  She nods and smiles while I unsteadily maneuver into the wheelchair.

  “Can I have my cell phone to call my friend and tell her when to pick me up? How long will the test take?”

  “Sure, the test will take about twenty-five minutes, depending on how backed up the line is in radiology. Then the doctor will have to read the results too. I’ll have a tray brought up. They told me you didn’t eat lunch before the accident. It will be just something light because your stomach is a little upset. So I wouldn’t have her rush over just yet, but tell her sometime later this afternoon you’ll be released hopefully.”

  With her lips pressed together, the nurse hands me my phone and says she’ll be right back, giving me some privacy.


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