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A Brush With Obsession

Page 16

by Theresa Papa

  “Open for me, beautiful? Let me show you how much I worship this body.”

  She willingly reveals herself to my gaze without any shyness or reservation. Her trust in me has never been more of a turn-on. I bring her to climax, feel her body spasm beneath me, and taste the sweetness that is Samantha. Then I position my sheathed hardness at her heat, and I passionately take her to the outer limits of both of our minds.

  Chapter 36

  Samantha Marconi

  The smell of coffee and bacon wake me from a restful, comfortable slumber. I reach out and realize Nico isn’t next to me. The man is making me bacon; he deserves a reward for that! He’s the perfect man. I jump out of bed and hop into the shower to quickly clean up. When I pad out to the kitchen, I wear a clean cotton T-shirt from his closet. My damp hair is collected at the top of my head in a messy bun. I sneak up behind Nico and steal a piece of bacon from the platter he’s filling.

  “You are the perfect man. Making me bacon will get you many rewards.” I wink and smile, then kiss him on the cheek.

  “Really, beautiful? If you like bacon that much, I will have to take you with me next time to Baconfest. You’ll love to taste all kinds of dishes made with bacon by the top chefs in Chicago.”

  “You’re a man who knows how to please me.” I turn toward the stools to sit and start to think back about his story. “I wish I knew more ways to please you. Hey, when you said that you avoided STDs, did that mean you had unprotected sex with Lisa?”

  “We both decided that since we were in a monogamous sexual relationship, that we would first get tested, she would be on birth control, and then we’d be able to give up using condoms.”

  “So you haven’t been with anyone else, and you both tested clean?”

  “Yes, why, have you been tested?”

  “I’ve never trusted anyone enough to have unprotected sex before. Jason was the only guy I slept with more than once, and he tested clean before I slept with him. But we used protection every time anyway. So no tests. But I’ve only been with three men in my entire life. And I repeat, never without a condom.”

  “Are you saying it’s okay for us to continue unprotected? So to speak.” He grins, realizing what I’m getting at. “Are you on birth control?”

  “Yup, I’ve had an IUD for a while now. What are your thoughts?”

  “I think I’m going to have to think of better things to make you happy than just bacon if you give me this reward.” His right hand reaches a strip of bacon off the platter, and he dangles it into my mouth. His lips gently suck my earlobe.

  “Oh, don’t worry. As I said before, bacon will get you more than one reward. I believe I used the word many.”

  “Well, what kind of other rewards are we talking about?” He puts down the platter and captures me in his arms.

  I reply with a squeal. “I’ll show you later, and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

  “Oh, I will? Well, I like the sound of that. I’ll have to make it my mission to find all the favorites on your list to help me reap rewards.” His dimples are showing with his wide smile when I look backwards up at him.

  “I’ll give you one other favorite of mine for free; the rest you have to discover on your own. After all, a girl can’t give up all her secrets at once,” I say as he nuzzles my neck and growls in my ear.

  “I accept my mission wholeheartedly and can’t wait for the discovery. Now reveal the freebie.”

  I reach behind and grab his thigh because he’s turning me on. And breathlessly I gasp one word.


  “No fair. Chocolate is every woman’s favorite.”

  “I never said that I play fair,” I reply, laughing through my nose.

  He spins me around and sets me up on the counter. His fingers skim up my thighs when I jokingly chastise him.

  “Nico, no naked butts on the onyx countertops!”

  We both laugh out loud, and then he grabs me off the counter, squeezing my ass as my legs wind around his torso. Our laughter transforms into wicked open-mouthed kisses consuming each other. Those long superpower fingers probe my wide-open crevice from behind, and the sensation is so hot. I marvel if it’s possible to spontaneously combust from being with a sexually prolific man. The way he manipulates my body, it’s as if he can make me orgasm on command. I’m not complaining! My back is against the wall now, and Nico’s fingers still work their magic while I pump my hips back and forth moaning from the release. Before my spasms have a chance to subside, Nico lowers me down a little to rub himself bare through my juices, stimulating my swollen nub.

  “Mmm, you feel so good. Are you sure?”


  Our breathing and movements sync up as his rock-hard length deep inside me brings the spasms on all over again, and we become one in our simultaneous detonation.


  There’s no hurry to dress and start my day since I’m taking off from the firm the last two days before school starts. We sit out on the terrace overlooking an expansive view of the city while we finish our coffee. Nico leans back in his chair to study me, his fingers running over his mouth. I can feel the adoration sweeping over me like the warmth of the sun on my body after leaving a heavily air-conditioned place and venturing outside.

  His phone vibrates on the table, and he goes into the office to talk to Jaxson on the phone.

  When he returns, he snickers and says, “You weren’t kidding that naked butts on the kitchen counter grosses you out.”

  I’m disinfecting all the countertops especially where I sat earlier when he lifted me up there. Not complaining, the whole encounter was hot. I can disinfect repeatedly if I need to. Whoa!

  “You’ll get to know that I’m kind of a germophobe about certain things.”

  “I have noticed that the front desk in the salon is the cleanest it’s ever been since you started.”

  “You can also be sure that you won’t catch anything from answering the phone there. I disinfect it religiously.”

  He pulls me into an embrace and speaks low, his sexy lips graze against mine. “Does this mean you don’t approve of kitchen sex?”

  I smirk and look up at him from under my lashes. “I approve of sex with you anywhere anytime, sexy man. Just expect me to clean up properly afterward.” I wink and kiss him.

  He shakes his head, the tiny creases around his eyes showing with his smile.

  “I love you.”

  My heart soars, and I hug him as tight as my strength allows. “I love you too.”

  “Listen, Jaxson wants us to meet him for lunch to discuss the newest details about the mission.”

  “Great, let’s get dressed.”

  It’s a sunny day; a light blue sky surrounds fluffy white clouds as we walk over to a hotel that has a great lunch buffet. Jaxson is already there when Nico and I arrive, and he honorably greets me with a chaste kiss on the cheek. The conversation I forced myself to have with Jaxson the other day cleared things up for us both. Now when we are all together, there’s a comfortable ease in our relationship. The three of us fill our plates as I breathe in the aroma of the delicious choices of food. We sit at a table mostly secluded from the other diners so we can talk freely. Jaxson clears his throat and begins with an explanation of the process he and Tony have been going through to gain access to Alpha within Club Beta.

  “Tony and I have both been accepted as clients allowed to participate in Alpha. The funds for payment have been transferred into their account and confirmed by the club. They will send us photographs of the selection of women they offer. If Jen’s photo is there, I will, of course, pick her. Tony will pick Elizabeth.”

  “Will we get to see the pictures?”

  “No, as soon as we choose, the pictures disappear.” Jax looks at me sympathetically. “That’s why there is never any evidence for the police to investigate.”

  “The police never investigate this place because the cops answer to the
politicians and the politicians are the club’s best customers. And the rich owner has paid off and bribed anyone else,” Nico conveys as he slides over and puts his arm around me.

  I shake my head and look at the floor. Nico squeezes me tighter to comfort me.

  “We’re both scheduled at the same time tomorrow night. But no one has any idea that we are connected in any way,” Jaxson continues.

  “Nico and Joe will listen in from a van outside the club?”

  “Correct. Joe will have a device that scrambles the video feed for a few moments, giving us a chance to get in and get the girls out unseen. Tony and I both will have backup weapons on us in case they have the exit manned.”

  Nico looks worried, stating the obvious. “I hope it all works out as simple as it sounds. What if something goes wrong?”

  “If they are being held there, I’m not willing to leave them. Tony and I have agreed to come out fighting if we have to,” Jax replies.

  “I pray they’re not there, and there’s a reasonable explanation for all of this. Joe will bring in the police if he has to. Right?”

  Jaxson smirks at me with a wink and points at his face.

  “Yeah, Sam, no worries. This face won’t be rearranged. You’ll still gaze upon my handsomeness.”

  Nico and I smirk at his usual conceit as we all go on to finish our coffee. When we’re finished, we walk back together. Jaxson heads to the firm while Nico and I return to the salon.

  Chapter 37

  Samantha Marconi

  When we get to Nico’s office, he sits in his desk chair, and I hop up on the desk in front of him. It is then he reveals the surprise he’s arranged.

  “Since you’re off work today and tomorrow, I cleared my schedule so we can spend these two days together. I hope I won’t interrupt your preparation for school on Thursday.”

  “You cleared your days for me?”

  Nico’s head tilts to the side and his eyebrows scrunch together. “Don’t you know by now I would do anything for you?”

  I cross my legs suggestively. “What shall we do with our time together?” I ask, fluttering my eyelashes.

  “Well, school preparation comes first. Then we spend the rest of the day out on the lake.”

  “I’m ready for school. You have a boat?”

  “Yes, beautiful, I have a boat.”

  I jump off the desk and onto his lap, throwing my arms around his neck.

  “What are we waiting for? Let’s go.”

  He laughs at my enthusiasm and kisses my nose.

  “I’ll give directions to Debbie to manage in my absence, and we’ll be on our way.”

  “We’ll stop by your place to put on your bathing suit and throw a change of clothes in a bag for dinner. Also, clothes for tomorrow too!” He winks.

  Nico insists we stop at Eataly and get some food to bring on our boat ride. He’s a regular customer and knows just where to go and exactly what he wants, not to mention the employees know him by name. I’m amazed at all the delightful selections of food and wines available. As we leave, I contemplate returning one day with Jennifer. The red line is only two blocks away on Grand Avenue, so we could easily get here from our condo. It would be a perfect day trip for Jen and I after all this mess is over and we sort out her problems. Nico and I have selected sandwiches with imported Italian meats, fruit, wine, and chocolates. All of it is securely packed away in a cooler on wheels along with some water bottles.

  Nico pulls into the parking place at the docks. The metal sign at the front of the spot says “Pope.” We unload our towels, extra clothes, and the provisions for lunch on the lake. We arrive at the pier when Nico gestures to one of two boats that the Pope family own and enjoy.

  “The longer of the two is a fifty-foot Cigarette Marauder. Make no assumption from its size; this baby is fast, aptly living up to the name painted on it The Power of Pope,” he explains.

  The vessel we embark upon that Nico laughingly calls a boat is more like a yacht, and she is named The Pulse of Pope. As I look around and admire all the amenities, I realize we could actually live on this vessel indefinitely.

  “She is forty-three feet long and sleeps six comfortably. The kitchen has a stove, microwave, drawer refrigerator and freezers, and an electric grill on the deck,” he says.

  I climb back up to the deck and help Nico with the ropes so he can pull us out of the slip, and soon, we cruise out of Burnham Harbor. I settle into the seat next to him as Nico steers the boat around Northerly Island, then heads north past the Adler Planetarium and the Shedd Aquarium. The view of the Windy City from out on the lake is breathtaking. I shake my head while I take it all in and remember the last time I was out on the lake. Much different experience! Very much a different man! The renowned Chicago skyline rises up to greet us in its entire magnificent splendor. In my admiration of our city, I continue to look to my left, and I’m treated to a geyser of water that surges up into the sky from the famous Buckingham Fountain. Nico points at it to make sure I’m paying attention. The wind and motor are too loud to be conducive for conversation right now.

  After an hour or so of cruising around, Nico stops and puts down the anchor. There aren’t many boats around, and the skyline is now in the distance. We set out our romantic lunch on the table and eat while we sip our wine. With a sigh, I look at the man across from me and marvel at his outward beauty. I love all the other brilliant qualities he has too. Nico is intelligent, he has his law degree, and he has managed to be successful in two careers already at the age of twenty-nine. He’s talented and artistic. Just the fact he is so great at cutting and styling hair proves that. But Nico also has a talent for interior design. Then throw in the way he knows wine, food, and cooking. And, ooh la la, the man can please me in the bedroom like no other.

  I must be staring at him with a dumb smile on my face because he chuckles, bringing me out of my reverie.

  “Are you drunk already on one glass?”

  I blink myself cognizant, and confess, “I was listing all of your pleasing qualities in my mind and thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you.”

  Nico smiles and takes both my hands in his as he rubs my wrists with his thumbs. “Lady luck has smiled down on both of us. There is no one else I would rather be here with.” We reach across the small table and kiss lightly on the lips.

  “I meant to ask you ever since I went up to the law library at the firm. Did you do the design selections for the executive floor?”

  “You picked up on that, huh?”

  “It was just as exquisite as everything else you’ve designed.”

  “Thanks.” He looks down at his wine and then back up at me. “Hey Sam, it would be great to design something together. We would have so much fun picking out things, shopping, and we would enjoy the result together.”

  “You're right. That would be so much fun. I bet I could learn quite a bit of design knowledge from you.”

  “You already have a lot of what it takes, and we’ll make a great design team. I’ve always wanted to renovate something old that has lakefront property. My realtor keeps his eyes open for possibilities for me.”

  “That’s great. It sounds like fun.”

  The sway of the boat relaxes me, and with a full stomach, I recline in the sun. Nico sneaks up on me with some suntan lotion and begins to apply it to my body.

  “You will be sunburned if you don’t use some of this.”

  “Thank you. You’re always so prepared.”

  “I might have thought of this for some selfish reasons too. Getting to rub it all over you is turning me on.”

  I giggle, and reply, “Well, maybe later, we can rock the boat, if you know what I mean.”

  “We are definitely rocking the boat later. Or… now?”

  Nico’s hands travel underneath my bathing suit top. His fingers play with my nipples, and they pebble. I arch my back in response, feeling the warmth spread in my nether region.

“You are so sexy. I want you now.”

  “I always want you too. Let’s go inside for more privacy.”

  “Lead the way, beautiful. I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  He chases me inside, both of us laughing. Once we’re in the bedroom, I push him down on the bed, making him growl. I abruptly stop and take a second to admire his taut pectoral muscles leading down to the sexy eight-pack with cut V-shape that leads into his swim trunks. Fuck, I’m so lucky! He sits up on the edge of the bed to observe as I squat down between his feet. The look on his face is pure lust. My hands smooth from his ankles all the way up to his waistband, and I unbutton his trunks to release him in all his glory. I lick my lips and take him in my mouth to satisfy him. When my eyes travel upward, his head is thrown back, neck stretched, and he looks so sexy. My heart beats wildly; my whole body reacts to the sight of him. The slick release between my thighs prompts me to untie the sides of my bathing suit bottoms and use one hand to remove them. He falls back again; his climax is close. I slide my palms up to palpate the rigid cut muscle of his abdomen. The trust he puts in me to lay here completely vulnerable shows me his love. Nico has no problem with me taking control. I’ve heard for some men it’s a turn on, I’ll have to ask him how he feels about it. His legs tremble, a signal to the inevitable. I straddle his hips and open myself to him. I press my breasts against his chest, and our lips devour each other. He reaches up to release the butterfly clip that holds up my hair; it cascades down over my shoulders. He smiles up at me with an unforgettable expression on his face; a look that I can only hope and pray will be there for me forever. Nico grips my hips and drives himself deeper. The sensation of fullness fires all the nerve endings on my inner walls. The adjustment causes a chain reaction that sets off firecrackers like the Fourth of July for us both.

  After the simultaneous explosion, Nico gathers me into his arms, spooning me.

  I can tell he has a smile on his face when he says, “That was amazing, Sam. You never fail to surprise me with how boldly immodest you can be in the bedroom.”


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