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A Brush With Obsession

Page 22

by Theresa Papa

“Are you sleeping with her, Jax?”

  He rubs the stubble across his jaw while he hesitates to answer. “She’s a fucking gorgeous, desirable woman who lives in my house. What do you think, bro?”

  I shake my head and look him in the eyes to make sure he knows how serious what I’m about to say is.

  “Jax, please don’t hurt this girl. She’s Sam’s best friend.”

  “Shit, I know that! Sam and I have already had a conversation about my help with Jen. She knows to some extent about Jen’s problems from past incidences. Hey, you know what? Maybe I will talk her into coming to dinner with me Thursday. Just make sure to tell Sam not to ask her any questions ’cause she’s not ready for that.”

  “All right, it’ll be good for them to see each other. Listen I’ve got to run to Tiffany’s and get back to the salon. I’ll see you Thursday.”

  “You got it, bro.”

  Chapter 49

  Nico Pope

  It’s a sunny day, so I decide to walk down Michigan Avenue to Tiffany’s in the Peninsula building. I called ahead to make sure they know my intentions. When I arrive, they greet me by name, since the firm and the salon are frequent customers. As I admire some of the settings in the case, a strange feeling washes over me that make the hairs stand on the back of my neck. The owner is getting his collection of loose diamonds out of the safe in the back. I straighten up and turn to look out the front window to catch a familiar face staring in directly at me. Her eyes are full of fire as she observes the case of engagement rings I’ve just been focusing on. This is ridiculous; I’m not going to stand here and let her stalk me from outside Tiffany’s. I tell the salesperson I will be right back, and I go outside to confront Giselle.

  “Nico, what a coincidence to run into you here. What are you buying?”

  “Drop the act, Giselle. Are you stalking me now? Because this has to end. There has never been anything between us, and there never will be.”

  Her face drops, and I almost feel guilty for being so abrupt with her. Then tears fill her eyes, and she asks, “Are you buying Samantha an engagement ring? To … to ask her to marry you?”

  I ignore her question so as not to exacerbate the situation any further. I then force my face into a more affable façade and try to stir up some compassion within my statement for her. “Giselle, you need to put this behind you and move on. When you quit your job at the salon, we broke all ties between us. Let’s keep it that way. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Please let this go and leave Sam and me alone.”

  She turns without a word and walks away with an expressionless face. I keep an eye on her as she gets swallowed up in the throngs of shoppers and hope it’s my last encounter with her in person, my nightmares, and on my phone.

  The owner has all the diamonds laid out when I return. The combination I pick is exquisite; it reminds me of Sam. It is three and a half carats, perfect cut and clarity, with a classic and elegant platinum setting. The ring will be ready the day after tomorrow.

  Now on to my next order of business, which has me a little on edge, I must confess. Back in my office, I pick up the phone and call Samantha’s childhood home. Her grandmother answers, cracking me up.

  “Hello, Nana, this is Nico. How are you?”

  “Well, if it isn’t my newest crush! How’s my blue-eyed sex symbol?”

  “I’m doing well. Is Mr. Marconi home?”

  “They are out together and will be home around four.”

  “Perfect, I will stop over to speak with them around then if it’s okay.”

  “Oooh yeah! It is always a good day to get a visit from a gorgeous hunk like you! I’ll take my blood pressure medicine just in case, sweetie. See you then!”

  The woman is feisty for an eighty-eight-year-old. All I can say is that I bet she was really something in her youth. I have one haircut appointment, and then it will take about forty minutes to get there. I might be a little early, but I’m sure I can flirt with Nana while I wait.

  I leave the shop in my manager’s hands for the afternoon and head out to the northwest suburb of Hawthorn Woods. Sam grew up in a nice middle to upper income Midwestern neighborhood. She only moved to the city when she began her undergraduate studies. She seems to like the city, and I hope when we have kids, she still feels that way. I hope we can live near the downtown area where I grew up, in a suburb close to where all the action is. Wherever Samantha is will feel like home to me because she’s my world now.

  My thoughts are interrupted when I arrive at my desired destination. A glance at the time tells me it’s almost four on the dot. Perfect. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and ring the doorbell. The door opens with Sam’s mother smiling at me from behind it.

  “Hello, Mrs. Marconi. How are you?”

  “Hello, Nico. I’m well, how are you?” She looks around behind me because she expects Sam to be with me. “Where’s Samantha? Is everything okay?”

  “I’m fine. Everything is fine. Um, Sam’s not with me this time. Can I come in?”

  She gets a worried look on her face as she steps aside to let me enter the foyer.

  “Nico, is Samantha all right?”

  “Yes, of course, please don’t worry. I’m just here to see you and Mr. Marconi. I won’t take up a lot of time.”

  Her shoulders relax, and she motions me to walk into the family room. Mr. Marconi rises from his chair to shake my hand and welcomes me to sit down. He asks if I would like anything to drink, and I decline. His wife sits on the arm of his chair and both of them face me on the sofa. His arm goes lovingly around her as if it’s habit. They’re very much still in love even after being married for so long. Sam and I are meant to be like that too. A couple perfectly suited to each other, two people in sync as one. Now I just have to convince them.

  It’s now time to reveal the purpose for my visit, and it occurs to me briefly that they may consider it too soon or not want someone like me to marry their daughter. A light sheen of perspiration coats my forehead as I begin my speech.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Marconi, I was brought up with many of the Italian traditions that you have instilled in Samantha. One of the most important ones that my father taught me is to show respect to the father and mother of the woman I wish to marry by asking for their blessing.”

  Samantha’s mother gasps, and tears fill her eyes. When I look at her dad, he’s a little choked up too. But I continue while I have the courage.

  “I’m here today to ask for your blessing in my journey to persuade your amazing daughter to marry me.”

  Mrs. Marconi gets up, wipes her tears, and hugs me. Mr. Marconi clears his throat, and we both turn around and look at him. He pinches his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

  “I appreciate your fine gesture of respect in coming here to ask for our blessing. God knows I didn’t expect it from either of my daughters’ chosen mates in this day and age. So I do give you points for doing this, and you have my respect.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  “That being said, I still have to state one thing that’s in the back of my mind.”

  Sam’s mom and I are still standing, and now I’m sweating everywhere. Please let me have a good answer for his question.

  “Don’t you think this is a little too soon since you and Samantha have only known each other for such a short time?” His wife catches his eye, and his expression remains steadfast even with her silent coaxing. I decide to lay it all out there for them. Everyone says I’m so great at expressing my feelings, so I guess it’s important to use that now. Calmness comes over me when I look at the photo of Samantha’s face displayed behind her dad. It’s as if she’s there to tell me with her endearing smile to just be myself and say what’s in my heart. As Mrs. Marconi retakes her seat, I straighten my spine and clasp my hands behind me.

  “I understand why you would say that because you are right. Samantha and I only met a short time ago. But the amount of time we have been together has no bearing
on the intensity of our feelings for each other. From the moment I first saw her, I knew she would change my whole life. Sam and I are meant to be together. We have the same chemistry between us that I witness in married couples like you. The love, compromise, and understanding it takes to stand the test of time exist within our relationship. We already have the communication skills that will get us through any kind of bumps we encounter in our lives. Lastly, I can honestly say that I love your daughter more than anyone or anything, and I would protect her with my own life.”

  Sam’s dad finally rises from his chair, and I assume he wants to shake my hand, but to my surprise, he hugs me too. His big hands are still on my biceps when he pulls back and declares with a smile, “Well, if that’s not what every girl’s father wants to hear from his future son-in-law, I don’t know what it would be. Thank you, son, for being open and honest with us so we can feel secure in the choices our daughter has made. Let’s have a toast to celebrate!”

  They open a bottle of champagne, and we all toast. Even Nana puts her television show on pause to come out and get another hug from me. It’s quarter to five by the time I leave the Marconis’, and I dread the traffic on the Eden’s Expressway. I hope to get back before Samantha gets out of her late class. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to explain where I’ve been.

  Chapter 50

  Samantha Marconi

  The professor’s voice drones on in the background as I sit in the late afternoon class I now have three days a week. My mind won’t stop wandering back to last night when Nico and I danced the tango together. It was so romantic, and I just let myself get lost in his embrace and the loving words he spoke to me after the music stopped. I’ve been so busy all day that we haven’t had a chance to even talk on the phone. A loud bang snaps me out of my thoughts when a student near me drops a book on the floor. Luckily, it’s just in time to hear the assignment I need to write down for the class on Friday.

  As I walk out of the building, I’m treated to the best sight in the world. A big smile forms on my face as I take in my handsome man. He leans up against his insanely expensive car with his legs crossed at the ankle, waiting for little old me. His head is down as he looks at his phone. The tailored to perfection navy suit he has on eases over his muscular body to enhance all the fine attributes I’m so familiar with. As I get closer, his long dark eyelashes are more prominent when his eyes are looking down, and just one small wisp of his hair falls down over his forehead. He must sense I am there because his head pops up, and he looks right at me with a smile that lights up my universe. Propelling himself off the car, he walks over to meet me and takes my book bag with one hand, circling my waist with the other.

  “Hi, beautiful. I thought I would pick you up tonight.”

  “Hi. Well, that was a very nice thought,” I say with a grin. Our faces are only inches apart as we stand in the middle of the sidewalk and look into each other’s eyes. Communication goes on rapidly between us without any words leaving our lips. My body has such a visceral reaction to his nearness; my pulse quickens, and exhilaration settles low in my core. It’s obvious from the evidence poking me in the side that he has the same response to our embrace. He breaks the silence with a question.

  “Would you like to eat dinner at the penthouse, or would you like to go out?”

  “Seems I’m hungry for something other than dinner right now.” I give him a naughty smile. He smiles back, shifts his arm to around my shoulders, and leads me over to the car.

  “You have this uncanny way of reading my mind. We are just so in sync.”

  “Aren’t we?” We both laugh as he pushes the pedal to the floor, not wasting any time to get back to his house.

  In the elevator ride up, I get a great idea in my head to make things a little more interesting for Nico. He’s all over me, kissing me passionately, but when the doors whir open and he wants to start to undress me I stop him.

  “Nuh-uh-uh, lover boy, I have a better idea. Follow me and do as I say.” I grab his tie and pull him along with me into the bedroom. The smile on his face is so big that I fight off a giggle. I keep my chin down but look up through my lashes so I can stay serious and commanding. We come to an abrupt halt in front of his plushy glider rocking chair. All his hard body yumminess makes me wet as I press my palms against Nico’s pecs. Slowly, I unbutton his shirt while he helps with his tie. My hands keep right on going south to unbutton and unzip his trousers until all of his clothes are at our feet. He’s already very aroused, and it’s difficult for me to keep myself from stroking him, but I have an agenda. With both hands on his perfectly sculpted deltoids, I push him down to sit on the rocker.

  “Stay right there,” I instruct.

  I light all the candles we have around the room and turn off the lights. With a flick of a switch, a sexy song plays, and I begin to dance. He smiles so wide when he realizes what I’m doing. I look at him, and once again, I force myself not to giggle. I have to be sexy and serious, or I’ll look foolish. I concentrate on the music, making my body the instrument. Taking the clip from my hair, I shake my head and let it cascade all around my shoulders. Then I unbutton my blouse to reveal my lacy cream demi bra. I slide my palms up my body and squeeze my breasts provocatively, causing Nico to squirm in the chair. Then I turn my back to him, swaying my hips to the music, and unzip my slim skirt, peel it down my legs, and kick it out of my way. My skimpy thong hides none of my rear from view, but I don’t take it off yet. In hopes of channeling Jennifer Anniston in the movie We’re the Millers, I bend over slightly and slap my ass just enough to make it jiggle, then look over my shoulder at him.

  “Ahhh! Beautiful, you’re driving me crazy!”

  I turn back toward him, wagging my index finger to signal for him to stay where he is. He smiles and shakes his head, his eyes glued to my body like I’m some kind of rare piece of priceless art. I slide my left bra strap off my shoulder, then my right. While I hold the bra in place across my breasts with my left arm, I undo the clasp in the back with the fingers on my right hand. As I dance in sync with the music, I lift the bra with my left hand, releasing my breasts to their natural movement. Nico sucks in a big breath, searching for control to remain seated; I can tell because he now white knuckles the arms of the chair. This only spurs me on, so I raise my arms above my head, swivel my hips around a few times, and arch my back. My movements cleverly carry me to the spot right in front of Nico’s chair just out of his reach. I turn my back to him, shaking my hips. With my feet shoulder width apart, I pull down my thong panties and bend over as I slide them to my ankles. I remain there just long enough for him to get a good look at his favorite spot.

  “Baby, you are killing me. Please, this is torture!” His voice is gravelly with desire.

  As I stand upright, I flip my hair up and look back at him with a seductive smirk. Carefully, I kick my panties to the side and turn to face him. He has this sweet begging look that quickly turns predatory when he reaches out and grabs to pull me down on top of him. I straddle him in the chair and kiss him passionately with a bite down on his bottom lip. His mouth moves down to my breasts, alternately savoring my nipples with his tongue. Both my hands run through his thick wavy hair, my nails lightly scraping his scalp to display the height of desire that rages inside me.

  Nico’s hands knead my ass, and his fingers explore deeply as the chair glides underneath us in sublime motion. The power of all that stimulation combined, after the anticipation while dancing, brings me to the height of climax. My head falls back, and my body shudders involuntarily as I scream his name. He’s hard as granite under my thigh, so I push up on my knees a little and position him to fill me up and hit all the sensitive inner areas. With extra help from the glider, the movement is transcendent as waves of pleasure wash over us to crest higher and higher, this time in a mutual crescendo. Then they gently lull us back to the soft powdery sand of the beach, where we are spent and rock gently in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 51
br />   Samantha Marconi

  I smooth my hand over the new dress I bought especially for dinner tonight at Nico’s childhood home. Even though I’ve worked as an intern at his father’s law firm all summer, this will be my first time to meet him in person. I’m told that he has semi-retired and cut back on his office hours. Jaxson has taken over as head of the firm; the position Nico gave up willingly. I’ve met the other people attending—Jen and Jax, and Mr. Pope is dating Caroline from work, so that makes me feel a bit more at ease. Nico picks me up at my condo because I came back here after school and work today to dress for tonight. I want to look at my mail, and even check if there’s mail for Jen that I should bring her. She must have come by at some point because her box is empty. I’m kind of excited just to see her tonight even though I know that she won’t confide in me. I’m glad that Jaxson is there for her right now.

  The last moments of light from the day reflect on Lake Michigan as Nico skillfully drives through Evanston on winding Sheridan Road toward his hometown of Kenilworth. Then right before we pass Northwestern University, the road curves away from the lake for a while. When I turn my attention back to my left and look over at my handsome man, he reaches over and puts his hand in mine. There are no words, not even a facial expression, but his one small touch tells me everything. Treasured, he makes me feel cherished.

  Nico presses the remote to open the gates that allow us entrance to the opulent estate where he grew up. I admire the long flagstone drive as it takes us farther back than I expected, but when he stops the car at the circular entrance, the reason is evident. The house is set way back from the road because it backs up directly on Lake Michigan.

  “You didn’t tell me that your house backs up to the lake.”

  “You never asked.” He laughs and opens his door to come around to mine.

  He opens my door with that dimpled grin of his to convey amusement over my reaction. I step out, ignoring his teasing, and take in a panoramic view of the whole property. The architecture is French Tudor with turrets and stone on the façade, topped by a low-sloped roofline indicative of that style. The perfectly manicured landscape adds color and infuses warmth throughout the property. Mature trees line the drive and the sides of the home to lend an air of privacy. Any indication of a garage is absent from the front of the house, but it is apparent that the driveway continues around the left side and probably leads to it.


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