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Pleasured By The Aliens

Page 6

by Maia Starr

  “You want me to accept that as an excuse?” I said.

  “That is all that I can say. It was temptation and being out here isolated. It was the longing and waiting for a human wife, we have all had to deal with it,” Jate said.

  “It's my fault. Put the blame on me,” Priah said.

  “This is on both of you. No words can describe the anger that I am feeling right now. I am your commander. I am your Superior and you disobeyed orders. How am I supposed to report this? You make me look like a fool. You make me look like someone that cannot have command over unit because they do not listen. I will be pulled from my rank,” I said. I was heated. All I could do was walk back and forth, stomping my boots it's on the floor. I wanted to punch all of them. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch them because they had disobeyed me, or because I was extremely jealous that they had had the human female Sabine.

  I turned to look at her. She was sitting in a chair fully clothed. She was looking down at her feet. She said nothing. The others were pulling on their uniforms.

  “I will take the fall. The command unit does not have to know that we were all with her, just say that it was just me. That I took her virginity,” Priah said.

  “So that what? So that you can claim her as your husband? That is not the way the system works. Do you know what happens to soldiers that claim human virgins on their own before they take them to camp?” I asked.

  “Yes, I do. Everyone knows. They are exiled.” Priah said.

  “And how will you do in exile Priah? Living out your days on your own on Earth. You wouldn't last,” I said.

  “That's not true. Look at this human. She has done it for years on her own,” Jate said.

  “This is on you as well. All of you, you have taken the life of this human by gratifying your own urges. Then we take her to the camp she will be marked as not being a virgin and she will be killed. Her life is the price of your sexual satisfaction,” I pointed at her.

  “Then just leave me here. I beg you,” Sabine said getting to her feet.

  “I cannot do that. I cannot defy my orders. I am a commander. Without command and structure this entire system would fall apart. We have rules for a reason, human,” I said.

  “You can go back and say you did not find any human females out here. Say that this entire area is desolate so that no others come back and find me. You can do that. You are right, your soldiers took my life with their sexual satisfaction and because of that you owe me. You owe me my life. You can pay me by giving me my freedom. Leave this place, leave me here. Never return,” She said as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  We were all quiet as we looked at her. She was very fragile and vulnerable. It was a strange thing to see a human female in this way.

  “I cannot. I cannot do that. I am a commander. I must follow protocol and I must obey,” I said quietly to her.

  “There is another way,” Jate said as he stood up and walked over to me.

  “What are you talking about Jate?” Priah asked.

  “There is another way that Sabine can stay alive. There is another way that you can take her back to the city, just as we had said we would. Commander you would be doing your duty to take her back.” Jate said. He was walking back and forth now, thinking.

  “I don't understand what you are getting at.” I said.

  “What if there was a way to skip all of the processing? Let's say that she was taken to the camps, and put in the system. Say that we were the ones that were called to be a group, and were able to auction and bid on her. She would be our wife. She would live, with us. Just as we are here now already,” Jate said.

  We all looked at him completely confused. We didn't know what he was getting at. It did not make any sense. What he was saying could not be accomplished. I knew deep down that this human female was going to be taken to the camps and be proven to not be a virgin and be killed off just like the others. But as I looked at her sitting there crying, she looked fragile and I had already formed a bond with her. A part of me did not want to take her in. That part of me wanted to make sure that she lived. Why rescue her from a graptor and go through the trouble of treating her wounds, keeping her fed, waiting out the storm before taking her back, just to take her in to have her killed? And did not make sense. She looked at me, locking eyes with me. She was pleading with me in silence. Damn it, I wasn't going to be able to take her to the camp. She had already grown on me, in more ways than one.

  “Let's hear this idea of yours then Jate. It better be a good one,” I said.

  I moved to the table and sat down. The other soldiers each came one by one and stood around the table.

  “Now remember what I said that I used to work in the systems,” Jate started to say.

  Chapter Eleven


  I had worked in documentation for years. It was where I was first assigned directly after the war. I had been in charge of the system in various departments. I was always moving around. I went from registration, marking the human females with the tattoo markers, into processing, learning how to process the human females with the groups that had won her in auction. I worked in group assignment. I worked on both sides. I worked in the random generator that would generate the numbers of the soldiers that would join one group. Once the numbers were generated I would fill out the proper forms. Then I worked in assignment as far as assigning the group and the wife to a home. I had done it all. Because of this I knew how every single system worked. I also knew that it was possible to fake all of it. It had always been in the back of my mind, but I didn't want to risk getting caught. Who knew what would happen to those that got caught doing such a thing. I always thought why fakeit if it was possible that I might be called next and could have a human wife and group in a legit manner.So I never bothered to try, b now there seem to be a reason to.

  We all stood around the table while the commander sat there listening to my plan. Sabine sat in the corner, listening also.

  “We will make our way back to the city. But before we get back to command, Neevon and I will go to the nearest post and get what I need. I will need to be quick, but I know how to get into the systems. I can do this. I am going to fake the necessary documentation.”

  “No,” The commander said.

  “This could work. I know it goes against being loyal Commander, but the other option is taking this human to die,” I said.

  He huffed. “Continue,”

  “Once I am in the system I can fake the documentation to have us for put into a group.”

  “That is going to look suspicious,” The commander said.

  “It will but only to those that knew that we were out on this patrol. How many is that? Only about 5 soldiers at the command base. And they will not be hearing of this. We will get the news in the barracks after we have come back from the mission. Then, I will make sure to steal a tattoo marker. This way I can tattoo and mark Sabine. This way she will not even go through the testing. We will have to hide her. She will never go into the camps. Two of you will have to stay here with her until I return with the marker. Then I will have our assignment, a home. Once that is settled we can move into the home, all of us husbands and wife. No one will think anything else of it. I can fake the auction documentation and it will be like we went through the same process as everyone else. No one will know,” I said.

  “That is a very tall order Jate. What if you can't deliver? What if you are caught?” Commander Kandyr said.

  “If I am caught than I am caught. I will take the blame. I will not mention any of you. If that is the case then you will have to think of a different plan, to save her life,” I said looking at Sabine.

  Commander Kandyr looked at Sabine. Then he looked at all of us. He stood up from his chair. He walked back and forth in the small room. He was thinking. I held my breath waiting for him to give me an answer. It was a crazy plan, but it was the best that I could think of. I really did think it could work. I had thought about it so many times that I felt like
I could do it easily. I had imagined myself doing all of those things over and over but I never went through with any of it, I had decided just to wait. But now I wanted this human female. I had already tasted her. I had already been with her and she was wild. She was strong. Not to mention that it was quite possible that she was already pregnant with one of our offspring, considering what we had done. Then I realized, that was the way to get to the commander to agree to this.

  “Commander, it is possible that this human female could be pregnant after what we have done to her. Think about that! Isn't the entire reason for this process is just to breed with the human females? She was a virgin, Priah and I confirmed that. See the stain of blood on the bed yourself if you do not believe us. She was not infected with any virus. All of it is exactly why we are here on Earth. It is just that we are going to move around the system just a little bit. We have all paid our dues. We have all fought in many battles, this is owed to us. If she is pregnant with a Dain offspring then we owe it to our kind to make sure that we take care of her and are able to raise this offspring with her,” I said.

  “Pregnant?” Sabine whispered, but none of us acknowledged her.

  The commander looked at her and then turned away. That was it. That was all the reason that he needed. He felt that if he was going to be a loyal Dain, then that meant being loyal to the sole purpose of us being on Earth, to breed with the human females.

  “Fine, if there is a break in this weather system, we will get out of here. Then we will go and do this plan of yours.” Kandyr said.

  I exhaled in relief. “Good, then it is settled. Do not worry, I know what I'm doing,” I said.

  “I hope that for her sake you do,” Kandyr said.

  Then, this meeting of ours was over. We all dispersed in the small room. Neevon went outside on the platform to get some air and look at the weather. Priah went to the counter asking “what is there to eat?”

  “Yes, the supplies are still in the vehicle, take Neevon down with you to retrieve them and bring them up here,” The commander said.

  “I am on it, Priah said and walked out.

  Sabine was quiet. Then she looked at both of us. “If I am pregnant? You will protect me?”

  “With my life,” Commander Kandyr said.

  Chapter Twelve


  I really hated myself for liking it. Why did I like it so much? I was completely enjoying myself being with aliens. It was true, I was a virgin. I did not want to continue living not knowing what it was like to be with a man in that way. If I was going to die then I should at least know what it was like. I should at least have that experience. But it was more than just that. These extremely sexy aliens got me aroused. They made me hot. I could not deny that. But something was bothering me. It was what they had said, that I could be pregnant. I didn't even think about that. I had heard rumors that it was possible for humans and the Dains to breed but I didn't know that it was true. Now they were telling me that I was. I was learning a lot from them. I had known very little being out here in isolation. Now I was learning that the reasons behind the camps.. I was learning that womenwere being married off to aliens, three or four of them. I was learning that they were becoming pregnant. According to Commander Kandyr some of the human females were even falling in love with the aliens. I had found that hard to believe that first, but after enjoying myself with them I realize that it could be true.

  Then when I askedif I could be pregnant if they would protect me, his answer was - with my life. That drew a feeling of immense satisfaction inside of me. There was something about the way he said it that made me believe him. But there was something else, when he had walked in on us. He had just looked at me. I thought that for sure he would join the way Neevon did. But Kandyr just stared at me. I could tell that there was anger on his face. Then he walked out. It was the way he looked at me. It had me feeling very confused. He had looked at me with dissappointment in his eyes. As though I had let him down or something, but I didn't owe him anything. I hardly knew him. Yet he was giving me that look, and ever since that moment he continued to look at me that way. I couldn't help it. I was flawed. I wasn't perfect. Yet he expected me to be, and that was obvious. A part of me was feeling shame for letting him down. But how was I supposed to know that indulging myself was letting him down?

  “I think there's going to be a break in the weather,” Neevon said, coming to the doorway from outside. This grabbed my attention. I went outside onto the platform. He was right. The weather was letting up. But this wasn't just a drizzle, the rain was stopping.

  “Look up there, you see how it is a lighter gray. I think this storm is going to be over soon,” I said pointing in the distance.

  “Good, Neevon, Jate, get ready to leave.” Commander Kandyr said.

  We all moved into the house. The commander continued to give orders.

  “I want you to take the vehicle and when you are in range radio in the command post that sent us out on this mission. Tell them a report and tell them exactly what I'm going to say. Tell them that Priah sustained a minor injury and that I stayed back with him in a safe spot. Tell them that we have not seen any humans at all and are still scouting the area. You and Jate took the vehicle in to get more supplies and a few medical items for Priah. Do you understand?” Kandyr said.

  “Yes commander, loud and clear,” Neevon said.

  Suddenly, the sound of the rain became a very light pattern on the ceiling. It was already starting to let up. Jate and Neevon were moving about the house, getting their items together. I moved to a chair and sat down and watched. This was all really happening. They refused to leave me in my home like I had requested, over and over. Now they were going to find a way to make me their human wife. It was a very strange thing to think about. I would go from living in isolation with no one around to having four alien husbands, and possibly children. And I could not get my mind around it. A part of me liked the idea of not being alone anymore. I had been alone too long and it was lonely, and ithad been nice to have someone to talk to, even if they were the enemy. Even if they were these aliens that brought conflict in me for making me feel so alive and then hating myself for feeling that way. At least it was some feeling, and I had not had that in a long time.

  “We are ready.” Jate said.

  “Keep focused. Keep sharp, and you will succeed,” The commander said to them.

  “Yes commander.”

  Then we all walked out onto the platform. The rain had grown very light. I watched as Jate and Neevon climbed down the ladder. Below them was the vehicle. I had already seen it parked there and thought it was very strange looking. It was a massive truck like vehicle with big tires that were as tall as I was. It was a solid dark gray looking vehicle that looked like it was made of a heavy metal. They climbed on top of it and then opened the doors and climbed inside. I stood there as the engine came to life. Then they drove away.

  I turned and looked at Kandyr. He looked at me only briefly and then walked back inside. This had been the way of things. He did not make eye contact with me, not anymore.

  For the next few hours we did very little. We ate but without very much conversation. Priah was restless, constantly walking onto the platform back and forth.

  Kandyr sat at the table most of the time looking over maps. I walked around a little, laid down for a small nap, and then woke up again. I knew what was bothering me. It was the way Kandyr was avoiding me, not looking at me.

  Evening started to make an appearance. Priah was asleep in the chair leaning against the wall. Kandyr was outside on the platform. I walked out to him. He turned and looked at me, and looked away.

  I remembered how he just watched when the others were taking me. He had looked at me and then left. I didn't understand it.

  “Why won't you look at me?” I asked.

  “I don't know,” he said.

  “You didn't look at me the other day either, after I was with them. You only watched for a second. Why did you not join u

  He was quiet. I didn't think he was going to answer me at all. Then he turned and looked at me. His brown eyes were full of sincerity. He looked very attractive standing there in front of me. I suddenly felt my body responding to him. There was something about him. All of them were incredibly sexy, but Kandyr was special and I didn't know why. Was it just because he was the commander and everyone obeyed him? That was a turn-on. But he was also incredibly gorgeous with his dark black hair and stubble beard. He was about an inch taller than the others and he was muscular but not too big. Finally, he spoke.

  “I did not join you because it's wrong. I couldn't go against the loyalty to the system. If everyone did that the entire system would collapse.”

  “Oh, I understand,”

  “But I did want to. I wanted to join Sabine. I can think of nothing else now but having you and that makes me disloyal to being a true Dain. I am mad at you for causing that feeling in me. Now, because of you, I am committing treason. If Jate's plan goes through, that is treason. You have brought that out in me, yet I find myself fighting to resist you.” he said and then walked inside.

  I could not believe it. My mouth fell open. How dare he say that I was the reason he would be committing treason. I was so angry.

  I walked inside.

  “You know you are the ones that came for me. I am not the one that caused all of this. You are. If you would just leave me be you wouldn't have to commit treason. You can just go away and pretend you never found me. If you had never come out here to the wilderness none of this would ever be happening and yet you try to blame me? You are a pig. I hate you,” I said walking up to him and poking him in the chest with my finger. His brown eyes narrowed at me.

  “I am doing my duty. I have responsibilities as a commander. You are a conquered race and you should start acting like it. You are lucky that we came when we did. You would have been torn to pieces by that graptor.”


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