Blood Dream

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Blood Dream Page 16

by Tobi Grim

  He looked at her, and then suddenly laughed. She raised her eyebrows, what was so fucking funny? “Shit, Red, you drive me fucking nuts. How do you manage to get yourself in these situations? You always been like this?”

  Lupa crossed her arms and glared at him jokingly, “So what if I have?”

  “Hey,” he put his hands up, “Whatever. You can be as crazy as you like. Keeps life interesting. And right now… I could do with the distraction…”

  The darkness washed over his eyes, being replaced with a sorrow she could understand. Lupa felt her heart tear for him, and for the loss of Marietta. But there was nothing she could do. He would get through it in his own time, in his own way. All she could do was be there for when and what he needed.

  “I feel guilty.” Dameon said slowly, playing with his cigarette packet, “I think… I think I pushed my Gran too hard. When asking about the blood magick. When she was telling me those dreams about you… shit, Lupa. I hate to think us taking this case might have tipped her over. That me wanting this case could have… pushed her too much.”

  “Dameon… you know that’s not it…” shit. What could she say? She couldn’t change his feelings. Lupa didn’t know whether maybe she’d had some hand in pushing Marietta over the edge. “If you want to drop the case we can. We can hand it on. We can take a break. We don’t need to do this right now, we can just… be.”

  “Nah, aint wanting to do that. Needing to work. Needing to be occupied. Can't stand sitting around, and with Gran gone… no fucking way. She’d want me living my life like… normal. Aint sitting around doing nothing. Can't deal with it, not like this.” Dameon pushed his hair back and finished his beer. “Need to be fucking crazy like you.” He winked at her and got up, strolling back to the bar.

  Shit. What was she going to do? What were they going to do?

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Lupa and Dameon stumbled through her door after she spent five minutes trying to get the key in. They were soaked from their walk back, and they were drunk as all hell. “You makin’ me drink too much, Hawk.” Lupa slammed the door shut and turned with one eye closed, trying to focus on her Protector. “I think I needs to sleep.”

  Dameon grinned, “I think you are right on the money there.” He slurred at her.

  They laughed as they tried to make it to her room, crashing into each other and the door. Dameon pulled his shirt off, falling onto the bedroom couch as he tried to get his pants off as well. Lupa giggled as she also tried to strip off her wet clothes. They finally got undressed and collapsed onto her bed.

  Dameon rolled over and looked at her in the semi darkness. “I’m so glad your bed is on the floor, I can't fall off it too hard.” He grinned at her drunkenly.

  She laughed. “And I’m so glad you be smiling.”

  He tried to make his face look serious but didn’t succeed, making her laugh at him again. Shit she was drunk. Lupa hadn’t been so giggly in… fucking ages. Or had she? She couldn’t remember, but she felt happy. And she was happy Dameon’s drinking had made him feel better and not worse.

  “I like you.” Dameon said, poking her in the shoulder, “I’ve never been so comfortable with someone like I am with you. You may drive me up the wall with these things you do… those things with the guy. But I aint never been so… happy.”

  Lupa smiled at him, was this the drunk emotional time? Sure felt like it. “I’m happy with you too, my Protector Hawk, I promise I will drive you crazy for many years to come.”

  He smiled, a bit of sadness creeping into his eyes. “I am serious now, Little Red Lupa, I don’t know what I’d do without you… if Gran had died when I didn’t have you…I’d probably be out fightin’. Or got myself killed. Feels like losing my mum again… I was only a kid… but… hard, y’know?” Lupa nodded against her pillow. “I don’t know what to do now… Gran has been a part of my everyday life for so long…” he reached out and put his hand heavily on her face, “How do you cope, Lupa? She weren’t my best friend. But it’s like that. But I don’t have anyone to fight to get revenge for her.”

  Lupa put her hand on his. She didn’t have any words of comfort for him. Should couldn’t tell him it would be ok; it might not be. Some people never came back from it. If it hadn’t been for her anger, she was sure there was a risk she could have never come back from it… hell, wasn’t she still struggling?

  “I guess I just don’t… want to fall into that place… what did you call it? The dark place? I don’t want that. Guess we all have a place like that, don’t we? What’s in your dark place, Lupa?”

  Fuck no, she didn’t want to tell him that. She had told him enough, hadn’t she? She had explained the feeling. Sledge had already seen them, felt them, she couldn’t… “Too much. Maybe you’ll see when we go there, maybe you won't. But if you don’t have to see, you don’t want to. Sledge saw, and he couldn’t look at me. I can't handle you too…”

  Dameon leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Ok. Goodnight. Good morning. Afternoon. Whatever.”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Lupa woke up panting, blood… wolfbloods… fuck. Couldn’t her dreams give her a damn fucking break? Rolling over she looked at the time. Nine pm… what time had they even gotten back? Shit. She rolled back over the other way and saw Dameon sitting up at the end of her bed.

  “You ok?” she asked tentatively.

  “Think I’m still a bit drunk. Any chance you can you take me home? I need to see how Dad is doing…”

  They stood up together, both still in their underwear, Dameon was staring at her chest with animosity. “That where Hammer got the thing out?”

  She peered down at the stitches running up her sternum and over her left breast. “Yeah. Probably won't scar though…”

  Dameon took her hand and stared at the claw marks and stitches running up it. His eyes dark and outraged. “He never should have got you to go there again… that fucking bastard would have known… would have known something!”

  He let go of her arm and picked his clothes up off the floor, dressing quickly and silently. Lupa grabbed a dress and slipped it over her head, pulling a long sleeved cardigan on to cover her wrist from people seeing it…

  “Ok, I can take you home… want me to hang around when we get there?”

  “Um… see how we go? Depends how Dad is really…”

  Lupa nodded as they left her apartment, she still felt the alcohol in her system, good thing too, it was keeping those places fucking silent…. Dameon was quiet the whole trip over and he had a savage look in his dark eyes, making Lupa feel a little twitchy and on edge.

  They pulled up out the front of Dameon’s place. The door was wide open, were people still coming and visiting? Lupa didn’t really know how these things worked… no one visited her when Karl died… or when Blood Slayer had, and no one else close enough to her had ever passed away. Lupa walked with Dameon to the front door, her skin prickling as they entered. Something wasn’t right… she could sense magick, and she could smell blood… her heart rate quickened, something was definitely fucking wrong.


  “I feel it, stay behind me.”

  Lupa was nervous, she had left her bag in the car, she didn’t have anything to fight with… she cautiously followed Dameon through to the kitchen, it was clear. Then through to the lounge… things were strewn everywhere… oh fuck…

  “Dad!” Dameon ran over to the body of his father laying on the floor, his throat gaped open, but not a single drop of blood anywhere.


  Dameon turned, his eyes piercing hers, they were dark and filled with vicious rage. “Leave me the fuck alone, Lupa.” His voice was low and it scared her.

  “I’m not leaving you-”

  Dameon shot up quickly and shoved her against the wall, his hands were hot, bloodfire radiating from his body. Lupa wrapped her arms around him, feeling the side of her face tingling as she rested it against his chest.

  “Get off me!” He pushed back again
st the wall, holding her out from him, “I don’t want to hurt you, but I can't… you need to fucking leave. Now.”


  Dameon punched the wall beside her head, magick spewing from his fist and making the wall protest with a heavy groan. Lupa didn’t flinch. She couldn’t leave him, not like this. He started running for the door but she grabbed his shirt trying to stop him, Dameon turned to shake her off him but hit her across the face, knocking her to the floor. And then he was gone.

  Lupa sat on the ground, tears streaming down her face. What could she do? They hadn’t been bonded long enough for her to be able to find him… she looked over to Dameon’s dad laying on the floor… she should call Slasher. Slasher would know what to do… but then she would have to see her… could she call Sledge? Would he help her? Probably not. Probably wouldn’t even answer the fucking phone. What was she supposed to do?

  She ran outside, but Dameon was nowhere to be seen. Lupa pulled the door of her car open, throwing herself in as tears ran down her face. She pulled out her phone, sending a text to Tank. He’d sort out… fuck. She held the phone shakily to her ear.

  “Little Red?”

  “I… can I come over?” The quiver in her voice threatening to turn into a full blown sob.

  “Of course. I’ll wait.”

  She hung the phone up and wiped her eyes. Right. Just needed to get there… should she look for Dameon? Where would she… Lupa swallowed hard. No. Tank would do that. She needed to go. She couldn’t be here anymore.

  Chapter thirteen

  “Work on the bond, strengthen it…”

  Hammer held Lupa in his arms, stroking her hair gently as she wept against his chest. He tenderly lifted her face to look at her. “Perhaps you would prefer we move to somewhere a little more comfortable?”

  Lupa nodded, they were still in the hallway when she had flung herself into Hammer’s arms. The only one she could call, the only one who wouldn’t give her that look. Who would be completely in control, who would listen if she wanted to talk, or would talk if she just wanted to sit. He wasn’t a friend really. And that was the point. She didn’t want Slasher giving her that concerned motherly stare… Sledge looking at her like she might fall apart at any moment… if he even could look at her.

  Hammer led Lupa to a room with changing screens, Chui was sitting in there filing her nails and staring openly at them. Hammer gave her a small nod and opened the almost invisible blue door and waited for Lupa to pass through, shutting it silently behind them.

  Lupa could hear her phone ringing again, she looked and saw it was Slasher calling her for the fourth time. She didn’t want to answer it. She didn’t want to have to explain… but then… had Dameon been found?

  “My glorious wolf witch, perhaps you should answer that mother of yours before she sends out a search party? You are welcome to remain here as long as it please you, but the devoted Slasher witch will worry for your safety…”

  Lupa sniffed as she sat on the couch and answered the phone, knowing that Hammer was right. “Ma…” she could feel her lip trembling again, biting it hard to hold back the tears.

  “Lupa, are you ok? Where are you? I’ve been trying to call… I’m worried about you…”

  “I’m safe. Have you found him yet?”

  “Tank is out looking for him now with a few other Protectors… I’m at… Hawk’s house with the Clean-up crew and an investigator… where are you?”

  “I’m with a friend. Don’t worry about me. Just… find him. Find him safe. I can’t…” she felt her throat tighten, “Please…”

  “We’ll find him, hun, don’t worry. I’m sure he’s ok. He probably just out looking for someone to punch.” Slasher sighed down the phone, “I think you two might have to drop this case and take some time…”

  “Whatever Hawk wants. But don’t… do anything yet. I’ve gotta go. Call me when you find him?”

  “Of course. Let me know if you want me to come get you…”

  Lupa hung up. Yeah fucking right. Hammer handed her a crystal glass filled with the green drink she’d first had in one of these rooms all those weeks ago… she smiled gratefully and took a sip, feeling herself relaxing slightly as he sat down beside her. Tank would find Dameon. And he would be ok. Everything would fucking be ok.

  “No sign of your Protector?” Hammer inquired.

  She hadn’t actually said anything when she had arrived. Lupa glanced over at Hammer, who was handing her one of those long cigarettes. She took it thankfully and began telling him about the hospital… the death of his Gran… the body of his father, completely bloodless… him losing his shit and running away.

  “Very unfortunate, is there anything that I can do to assist, my little wolf witch?” Hammer refilled her glass.

  “I don’t think so. Tank will find him. I just… can’t lose him. I can’t go through that again. Not with all this… fuckery in my head.”

  Hammer placed his hand under her chin, stroking her cheek gently and giving her sorrowful look. She could see that it was just as fake as the one he’d given her the first time they had met. She appreciated the effort, but she hadn’t come here looking for his fucking sympathy.

  “Of course, my apologies,” he dropped his hand and crossed his legs as he leaned back, “If anything comes to mind that I may be able to facilitate, do not hesitate to mention it. However, shall we discuss this bloodless body you discovered? The Protector Hawk’s father? Do you suspect it has to do with the blood magick?”

  Lupa tucked her hair behind her ear, “Yeah, I think it must be… fuck… Guess this shit is getting more serious… but I don’t understand why they would have chosen his dad… and I don’t understand what they would even be fucking doing here, this case is out in Blackmoars… There was shit everywhere too, I think… do you think the spearhead was more important?”

  “It is entirely possible, perhaps it was an integral part of their spell making? As I have said, my ancestors only passed down the stories, I have never actually used or beared witness to an actual blood magick ceremony. We know that iron is a powerful conductor, perhaps the blood upon it was imperative to the conclusion of their magick. I have never read anything that might indicate that such an item must be used, but that is not to say it is not essential. There could be a different history with this person or persons, my ancestors may have not required it, and theirs might have.”

  Lupa played with the hem of her dress absentmindedly, throwing back the remainder of the green liquid. Fuck. This was bad. Now they had taken human life. Had they before? Had they taken wolfblood life as well? Fuck. Dameon definitely wouldn’t want to give the case up now… so long as he was ok…

  “Would it please you if I were to look into it further?” Hammer had that alluring smile on his face again, Lupa couldn’t help but return the smile, letting it turn into a smirk.

  “What’ll it cost me?”

  Hammer gave her a mock surprised expression, “Do you still think so little of me, wolf witch?”

  Lupa crossed her legs and lay her arm across the top of the couch, allowing her fingers to brush against Hammer’s shoulder, “Do not torment yourself so, Hammer witch, you overthink such matters.”

  Hammer threw back his head and laughed with his whole body, it made her feel good, made her feel a bit more in control repeating the words he had told her so many times. “You surprise me, I have not seen you attempt to use your charming mind on me since we first met. However, I will look into this one in exchange for you trying Gift with me this evening.”

  Lupa nibbled her lip. She shouldn’t… not when Dameon was out there somewhere… not when she was waiting for Slasher to call her and tell her that he was ok. But then again… what else was she going to fucking do? She could still answer her damned phone, and she could just wait until it wore off before going to see him…

  “Sure. But I don’t have the pillbox with me…”

  Hammer gave her an amused smile, “Wonderful.” He rose and crossed over to
the beautiful wood and glass cabinet that displayed the liquor bottles, pulling a small hidden draw out. “I always have a little something around, Little Red.”

  He came and sat closely to her, his long delicate fingers holding the small pink pill. Hammer placed his other hand under her chin, indicating for her to open her mouth. Lupa did so, slowly, letting him place Gift on her tongue, his thumb dragging down her lip gently. She tore her eyes away from him and picked up the newly filled glass, washing down the pill. Lupa hoped she wasn’t making a big fucking mistake doing this right now, in the midst of so much stress and worry…

  Lupa checked the time on her phone. Ten forty-seven pm, and still no message from Dameon. It had been a long shot sending him one… right. She would have a few more hours here anyway now. How long had it lasted for her? Three hours? She sure hoped Dameon would be found by then. And that she wasn’t too fucked up when Slasher called back.

  “Now, before Gift starts taking a hold of you. I wish to know if you see the veil lifted and you see my power easily once it takes its hold. It is very intriguing… I wish to know if you are able to see through the magick as you did with Sledge, or if perhaps it is just his hidden power you could see.”

  “I can still see Sledge.” Fuck. Lupa hadn’t been going to tell him that.

  Hammer raised a well-shaped eyebrow at her, “My, my, is that so? Very interesting. I am even more intrigued now. What a delightful little piece of information. I wonder if it because of the strength of magick you have, or if perhaps it is the wolfblood in you; they are able to sense witches after all. I would be highly disappointed if I have to discard this little pill I have created, however, I would share it with my little wolf witch, of course.”

  Lupa hadn’t thought of that. Was that the reason Gift had allowed her to see through Hammer’s spell over Sledge? Because the wolfblood in her could also see magick… or would she not see Hammer the way she had seen Sledge? Maybe Hammer just hadn’t made the spell strong enough over his main muscle because his blood wasn’t as strong?


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