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Klitzman's Paradise (The Klitzman Stories)

Page 7

by Paul Blades

  The leader’s voice was getting louder and louder. The man next to me was shouting back. He had pulled a fifteen inch long machete from his belt and he was waving it around. That was when I really got nervous. I was willing to take a bullet in the head if I had to, but I had no patience for the prospect of being cut up into little pieces. It was then that I remembered the Beretta I had stashed behind my back. The bandits had failed to frisk me and had missed it. It only had six shots, and the caliber was low, but it was all that I had. The bandits were all in a group around us and were distracted by the calls of their commander. Suddenly, he waived his hands and apparently called for silence. The men quieted. The leader, his eyes aflame, his face grim, pointed the Lugar at Nick’s forehead. All the men were watching.

  I’ve heard it said that athletes often talk about being in some kind of ‘zone’ when they turn in their best performances. There is a certain intensity that blocks out all but the deed that has to be done, the skill performed. Baseball players get it sometimes when they hit that three run homer that wins the game. Boxers get it when they sense that their opponent is tottering on the edge of defeat. Whatever it was, it was the same thing that I got now. It was the only way that I could have done it since I was no hero, no marksman, and I certainly hadn’t planned anything out in detail.

  As if in slow motion, I dropped my right hand from the top of my head and under my shirt behind me. Thankfully, due to the heat, I had untucked it from my pants earlier. I felt the warm handle of the Beretta and my arm, slowly, as if traveling in treacle, came around to the front. I shifted off the safety with my thumb. The first shot hit the bandit leader right in the side of his head. I fired four shots in quick succession, moving my arm from left to right, striking the nearest bandits in front of me directly in the chest, each one dead on center. The sixth one I saved for the man next to me. His eyes were widened with surprise and a hint of sorrow as he watched me bring the barrel of the short pistol to bear. I placed it against his temple and fired, the bullet flying out of the other side of his head together with a wide spray of his blood and brains.

  As the last bullet went off, all hell broke loose. Nick’s men sprung into action. I saw Nick roll to the ground and, grabbing the leader’s dropped Lugar, come back to his feet firing. I dashed across the road, grabbed the arms of the two hooded young girls, and dragged them into the bush with me. Bullets were flying everywhere. “Get down! Get down!” I yelled to the girls as I pushed them off their feet. As I dove for the jungle floor, I could hear a dozen bullets zipping through the leaves on either side and above me. The shouting and firing took about a minute. I contemplated going back to the road and retrieving a rifle to join the fray, but I was frankly too fucking scared. I had amazed myself and my heart was pumping wildly in my chest.

  When the firing stopped, I heard a pair of boots enter the bush behind me. I was lying on my stomach, my hands over my head. The girls were lying next to me, crying and wailing. I wondered who had won. I heard the click of a safety on a rifle, either on or off, I didn’t know. And then a familiar voice. “Harry, you are too fucking much!”

  It was Nick. I turned to look up at him and saw his broad lips smiling widely, exposing a bright array of pearly white teeth. He was holding a still smoking AK-47. There was the moaning of dying men behind him on the trail.

  “Come on out Harry,” Nick said, his amusement in his voice. “It’s all over.”

  I rose to my feet unsteadily. I still had the Beretta in my hand. My knees were all wobbly and there was a sickly feeling in my stomach. I was embarrassed at my seeking cover in the midst of the wild shootout, but Nick didn’t seem to mind.

  “What did Anthony say, Harry? There’s always the unexpected? Fuckin’ eh right! I take it all back, Harry! You’re the man!”

  Nick’s men, what was left of them, all clapped their hands over my back and shoulders, laughing and expressing their gratitude in amateurish pigeon English. Nick had dragged the young fillies to their feet and escorted them back to the narrow jungle roadway. Mangled men lay all over the road. Two of Nick’s men were down. So was Dr. Svenberg, a line of bullet holes ascending diagonally across his chest from left to right. A moaning bandit was trying to crawl his way to safety and one of Nick’s men finished him off with a short burst from his weapon. Svenberg’s squeeze, Judy Meyers, was lying on her back, naked and hooded but alive. Her lithe, attractive form was shaking as she tried to muster the coordination to regain her feet. I assumed that she was interested in the fate of her boyfriend, but she would find out soon enough. Apparently, as I learned later, after Nick had emptied the Lugar, he had pushed the pretty white lady down by a sharp blow to her chest. By then, rifles were lying everywhere all over the road and he scooped one up and started firing at the panicked and wildly shooting bandits. They were no match for Nick’s highly trained men.

  “Okay, Harry,” Nick told me, “a couple of them got away. Me and my boys are going to track them down. You stay here and guard the fort. Keep the females locked up and keep a sharp watch out in case one of the bad guys gets around us.”

  “S,shouldn’t we get going?” I asked, trying to force some fortitude into my voice.

  “Nah,” Nick replied. “It’ll be dark soon. I don’t want any of these guys creeping up on us for revenge while we’re clearing the bush from the trail. When we come back, we’ll use the lights and get the trees out of the way. Then we’ll head home.”

  Nick and his men quickly disappeared into the bush. It was eerily quiet after only a few moments, the sound of their movement through the jungle quickly fading. I looked around and saw the three sobbing women standing before me. Somehow, Ms. Meyers had regained her feet. The t-shirts and bras of the young girls were still bunched up above their breasts. God help me but my cock gave a little turn as I looked at them: trembling, covered with scratches and dirt from when they had been pushed down to the ground.

  I needed to get organized. There was a small clearing just on the other side of the road and I pulled the women over there one by one. I made them sit and, after loosening one of their ankle manacles, brought it around the trunk of a small tree and reconnected it. Now all three women were sitting in a small circle, facing each other, their feet bound to the tree. They looked like they were assembled for some strange ceremony. Two bare breasted young girls and one naked woman sitting opposite them, striped by the effects of her beating, all of them bound and hooded.

  I needed to pee badly and took the opportunity to empty my bladder. My hands were still shaking as I pulled my piece from my pants. I looked down at it as a heavy, yellow stream came jetting out.

  “Well, my boy,” I told my constant companion, “we almost had it that time.”



  When the plane had ascended into the air from the London airport and finally leveled off at 20,000 feet, the party had resumed. Max pulled the woozy Roxanne from her seat and brought her back to the bar for another line. Daphne, having swallowed another load of Slaughter’s cum, not swallowed really since he again jetted it directly down her throat, was grateful to take in a deep breath of air. Slaughter dragged her to her feet and brought her back to the bar.

  “Come on, fuckbucket,” he said, “have something to wash my jizz down with!”

  The slender but well built girl wanted to protest the derogatory reference, but she was too wacked to protest. The coke and booze had really gone to her head. She was beginning to wonder what she had gotten herself into. But she docilely accepted the double shot of hooch and downed it in one gulp, Slaughter tipped the short glass upwards as she drank, making sure that she took the whole thing.

  “Now let’s see that pretty pussy again,” the drummer told her as he pushed her miniskirt up around her waist. “I’m going to lick it until you scream.”

  The confused girl was backed up until she fell backwards onto one of the plush couches. The coarse musician spread her legs and lifted them up onto his shoulders as he got on h
is knees in front of her. A wave of warmth spread through the blond girl as he ran his thick tongue up along the length of her well trimmed slit. “Ohhhhhhhh!” she moaned. As he seized her pleasure nubbin with his lips, all worries about where she was and what she was going doing quickly left.

  Miriam was bathing in the afterglow of a huge orgasm. The loud rumble of the jet engines and the heavy vibrations of the plane as it struggled for altitude had driven her crazy with lust. Deke had enjoyed it too and he had shouted out his pleasure as he pumped his sperm deep inside the moaning beauty. Now, he was sucking and licking at her luscious breasts as his tool softened within her. “You’re a great fuck,” he told the still burning young woman. “Let’s have a couple lines until I can get it up again.”

  Miriam and Deke joined Roxanne and Max at the bar. Max was coaxing the would-be nurse into taking another hit. “Come on baby, you know it’ll do you right. Just one more for Daddy.”

  “Okay, okay,” the girl mumbled. “Then I gotta go.”

  “Sure, sure, honey,” Max assured her. “You can get off at the next stop.” He laughed almost wickedly. Roxanne leaned over and put the tip of the rolled up hundred dollar bill at the bottom of the line of white powder and slowly, but surely, drew the maddening substance up into her brain.

  “Where’s mine?” Miriam demanded.

  “Coming right up, doll,” Max intoned. He laid out a thick line of powder for the big busted blonde.

  Roxanne, her head full of snow, wandered aimlessly away from the bar. Max caught up to her easily and turned her around. “Now,” he said to her, “it’s time we got to know each other a little better. Let me see those bodacious tits again.”

  The singer took hold of the bottom of the short, yellow Dream-Glo Dreams t-shirt and urged it up over the girl’s breasts. Roxanne struggled feebly to resist him, but eventually lifted her arms so that the yellow shirt could be lifted up over her head. Max tossed it aside and leaned over and took one of her teats into his mouth. A wave of warmth flooded the girl’s brain as the lips and tongue of the rock star began to excite her. His arms were around her and she felt herself being lowered to the floor.

  “Nnnnnn…” she murmured, unable to form the entire negative statement. When she felt the rug on her naked back, she tried to push the powerful man away. She felt his wide shoulders retreating as she applied her weak pressure to them, but then was startled when she felt her miniskirt and panties, she had not forgotten hers, being lowered over her hips and down her legs. Actually, her brain was slightly delayed in processing the experience and by the time she realized what was happening, Max was lifting her heels and pulling the garments over her glittery, high heeled, rock and roll shoes.

  Max paused to take in the beauteous sight of the naked nineteen year old girl. She had sweet, round hips and a flat, hard belly. Her thighs, which he had been admiring all night, were more enticing now that he could see them up close go all the way up. He admired her plump, flushed nether lips, which were outlined by a narrow trim of fine, short, black hair. Her well proportioned breasts lay gently resting on her chest and swayed as the girl squirmed and attempted to raise herself from her prone position. Max merely placed his heavy hand on her forehead and pushed her back down.

  The idol of the rock and roll world took the opportunity to draw off his sweaty shirt and pull off his tight shiny leather pants. Max went commando and his world renowned pecker sprung up at attention.

  “Now you’re going to get a treat from my Texas longhorn,” Max said, smiling as he lay down next to the naked girl. He placed his hand on Roxanne’s pudenda and began to tease her sex button with his thumb. “Let’s get you wet, little girl, so my cock can have a smooth, hot ride.”

  The dizzy girl tried to push Max’s strong hand away, but she felt her narrow wrists captured by his free left hand and pulled up above her. The man slid his body against hers, and, draping his leg between her thighs, pressed her imprisoned hands down onto the rug. When his thick lips fell upon her already hardened nipple she sighed deeply, recording the warmth of the man’s mouth and the tingle that traveled from her breast all the way down to her rebellious cunt. “Don’t,” she whispered even as her pussy began to burn with desire. The man’s naked skin was hot and rough against hers. The hand that was teasing her clit strayed down her dilating love lips and she felt several thick fingers slide into her.

  “Oh, baby, you’re ready,” Max told her and he moved his body between her legs. She felt his knees spread her thighs apart and push them up. The fat head of Max’s cock pressed at the gates of her love nest and then entered her, sending a message of alarm and pleasure right through her.

  “Uhhhhhhhhh,” the girl moaned, unable to form a word. The long, thick cock seemed to go on forever as it entered her. She had shut her eyes when the unwanted assault had started and she opened them now to see the leering, strange face of the man above her. It was too late to stop it. She wasn’t sure now that she wanted to. She felt helpless and imprisoned with her hands forcefully joined on the floor above her head. The man’s body lay on her heavily, his hips pinning hers to the soft rug beneath her. At long last, the forward movement of Max’s legendary cock ceased, and she moaned again. She had never felt so filled before. And when the thick, hard, wad of meat began its rearward trek, she moaned once more and dug her heels into the floor. “Oh, yeah!” she groaned as she felt a relentless drag of hot flesh across her beauty bud. “Oh, yeah!”

  Miriam had taken up a position kneeling down next to the fucking couple. She had doffed her shoes and had pulled her halter top off completely but still had on her red miniskirt. She watched mesmerized as Max’s long dick eased itself out of her girlfriend’s now oozing hole until the head was poised just on it’s edge and then began the slow journey back inside.

  “I’ve gotta get some of that,” she thought to herself. Deke had sidled himself behind her and pressed his bare chest against her back. He had removed his multicolored, tailored shirt and his fancy bell bottomed trousers. He reached around her torso and grabbed her heavy fruit. When he began to massage them, her eyes rolled back and she gave a deep sigh of pleasure.

  Jana was stupefied by the scenes of lust that were going on in front of her. Although repelled by the spectacle, she licked her lips unconsciously. She took a deep swallow from her soft drink.

  “The life of the rich and famous,” Creeper said to her, grinning.

  “It’s disgusting,” the reporter replied.

  “Doesn’t it make you just a little hot?” the pale, almost deformed manager asked her.

  “Not in the slightest,” Jana lied. “They’re pigs!”

  Creeper laughed. “All men are pigs, huh?”

  “No,” Jana replied tartly. “Not all of them. Just your clients.”

  “Don’t you like a little bit of the in and out now and again honey? Or are you one of those cold fish?”

  “Fuck you, Creeper,” Jana shouted back at him. “You better remember that I write for a major metropolitan paper and my column is syndicated. Just wait until I get this story into press. Your boys won’t look so good then. He’s practically raping that poor girl!”

  “She doesn’t look like a poor girl to me,” the manager retorted. “It looks to me like she’s enjoying it.”

  In fact, Roxanne had by now wholly given herself over to her lust. Max had picked up his pace and she was pushing her hips back at him almost deliriously. “Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhhh!” she was shouting at each of the man’s long, hard strokes. Her legs had circled around his and she was pulling him deep into her fevered canal.

  “Come on baby! Come on!” Max was shouting. “Let me hear you scream, baby! Let it all out!”

  Suddenly, the black haired girl’s eyes rolled back and she gave out a long, anguished moan. Her confined hands writhed above her and her body shook. “Oh, god!” she yelled out. “I’m coming! I’m coming! Oh, god!”

  “You go girl!” Miriam shouted as she watched her girlfriend descend into ecstasy.
Deke had shifted his attentions to her hairless pussy and her blood was on the boil. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her back. She wanted Max’s tool, but Deke’s would have to do for now. She turned her body and pushed him over. She mounted him and absorbed his rock hard pole into her quim. “Mother fucker!” she yelled “Do me, Deke! Fuck me!”

  Daphne was moaning deliriously on the other side of the compartment. The relentless drummer had made her come twice already. As she felt her lust cresting yet again, she tried to push the boney head from between her thighs. She didn’t think that she could stand it again. But Slaughter kept at it, drawing his hot tongue down the length of her sopping gash, delving deeply inside her and then flicking it against her electrified clit. “Aughhhhhhhh!” she moaned as her lust overwhelmed her again. “Auggggggggh!”

  Suddenly, she felt herself pulled to the floor and shoved over to her hands and knees. Slaughter’s hard hands pulled her thighs apart and she felt his thick cock jammed fiercely into her pulsing pussy. Slaughter began to pound away mightily against her, rocking her whole body. “Take my cum, slut!” he yelled. “Take it, you fucking raunchy slut!”

  A wave of protest rose momentarily within her, swiftly overcome by the sensation of the hard cock pillaring her pussy. She put her forehead down on the rug and moaned as her pussy pulsed and throbbed. “Arrrrrrgh!” Slaughter shouted as he began to pour his viscous slime into her belly. “Take it, slut!” he yelled again. “Take it!”

  Max was nearing his crisis too. Roxanne was squirming and moaning beneath him as she was getting ready to come again. When she felt his body tense, the low, almost mournful moan from deep within his chest, her pussy exploded. Her mind reeled as she felt the thick cock throb and spurt within her. “Oh, fuck!” she thought through her impassioned haze as she realized that the promiscuous rocker had dumped his load into her. That’s not what she wanted. Not what she wanted at all! She shook and squirmed her body in protest even as her cunt throbbed and jolted her with each intense contraction.


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