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Klitzman's Paradise (The Klitzman Stories)

Page 18

by Paul Blades

  Jana did not know how many times that the man hit her. When he stopped, her body continued to shake and quail for several moments. Her muscles ached and throbbed all over her body. If her hands had not been held firmly over her head, she would have fallen to the floor. It had been anguishing, brutal, painful, but she had survived it. She tried to stop her sobbing as she watched the man she knew as Creeper carry the long, leather encased rod back to the far wall. She saw him carefully put it back into place. And then, to her heart’s dismay, saw him select another item from the wall, a long, thin switch.

  “Mmmmmmmmmm!” Jana cried out in desperation. “Mmmmmmmmmmmm!” She had thought that her torment was over. She couldn’t stand any more! “Please! Please!” her mind cried out. “I’ll do whatever you want! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

  He saw Jana’s miserable eyes as he returned to where she dangled form her chain. He swung the switch in the air in front of her, letting her appreciate the sharp sound it made as it cut the air. “Round two, Jana,” he said maliciously. “I’ve just started having fun.”

  The first blow from the switch struck Jana across the front of her slender thighs. Jana’s body jumped and she gave a long, shrill screech. The bite of the lash felt like fire. It lingered on long after the blow. The lovely woman struggled mightily to twist and turn her wrists to free them from the imprisoning bracelets; she pulled at the confinements on her ankles. Creeper lingered for a moment, enjoying her struggle. Whoever said that revenge was a dish best served cold didn’t know what they were talking about. He liked it hot and you couldn’t get hotter than this.

  Throwing of his brown robe, he really got into the spirit of the thing. He worked his way around the luscious body carefully, leaving angry red trails across the woman’s back, her pretty, well formed ass, the back of her thighs. Each time, Jana’s body shuddered and writhed as if she had been given a jolt of electricity. The sounds that she was making, shrill, piteous screams and deep, anguished wails were almost inhuman. He gave her grapefruit sized breasts special attention, leaving a latticework of lines over them. When he finally stepped back from her, Jana, through her miserable agony, heard him say something to the two black men. They rose from their chairs and one of them approached her. The terror of being raped by them had diminished in light of the abuse that she had suffered. She felt the man loosen the bonds around her ankles. The other now approached and he had two long cords in his hands. While the men tied the ends off to her ankles, the sweaty, exhausted, forlorn woman kept her principal tormentor in her view.

  His cock was at attention and he was stroking it lovingly. He was grinning from ear to ear. The sight of his pale, almost emaciated body repelled her. There was a long scar along his right side as if someone had drawn a knife along it. His chest and thighs were covered with sparse grasslands of black hair.

  The black men stepped to either side of the slumping, moaning woman and brought the other ends of the cords to the ceiling. They ran the cords through eyehooks mounted there and Jana felt her legs pulled from underneath her and into the air. She was startled and the fact that her weight was now totally on her chained hands and arms made her shoulders ache. She felt her legs spreading widely, her feet lifted above her head. She could see Creeper between the ‘vee’ that her thighs formed. He stepped closer as the black men tied off the ends of the cords to the rings in her ankle bracelets and placed his hand on her curly, brown hair covered sex.

  “We’ll have to get all of this off later, Jana,” he told her, his hard, narrow eyes focused on hers. “I love your tattoo. When we shave your cunt hair off there’ll be room for a little addition.” He had pushed his thumb between Jana’s nether lips and was harshly working its way inside her. Although her body still burned with the afterglow of her treatment with the lash, the sensation of the man’s invasion of her lower place overwhelmed her and made Jana cringe with unhappiness. She had been ignoring the man’s churlish words, but when he mentioned adding to her tattoo, she became alert.

  “Yes, Jana,” he said. “I think I’ll have the word ‘slut’ added to it. You’ll become known as the love slut and your name will be right out there for everyone to see. And you better learn to live up to your name and not disappoint anyone because they’ll whip you if you don’t. And there’s ways of inflicting pain that are longer, more subtle and much more excruciating than I have time for here.”

  Jana’s mind rebelled at the thought of carrying such an infamous label on her flesh. She shook her head and mumbled a piteous plea behind her gag. She didn’t want to be marked! She didn’t want to be made into a whore! She didn’t want to be whipped! She moaned in misery.

  “Ready for round three, Jana?” he asked her rhetorically. “I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘pussy whipped’,” he taunted her. “Well, now you’re going to see what it’s like.”

  Jana had thought that the men were going to fuck her as she swung suspended in the air. She had not contemplated the thought that the pale skinned, deviant band manager would whip her on her exposed nest of love. She couldn’t imagine what it would feel like and she didn’t want to know. She knew that there was no way to stop it, yet she begged and pleaded behind her gag, swayed her body back and forth, tugged at her bindings. She gave a deep, mournful sob.

  The man called ‘Creeper’ lifted the switch above his head and brought it down at the center of Jana’s nether lips. Jana howled behind her gag as the excruciating pain ran through her. It was a pain that struck at the very center of her being. She clamped her eyes shut, crushed the leather gag in her mouth between her teeth, made a mental imprecation to her deity to preserve her, to save her. She tried desperately to draw her widespread thighs together. The next blow struck just to the right of her plump nether lips and she screamed out her agony. The cruel man then stuck her on the left and then again in the center. While her pussy burned in pain and her muffled screeches of agony filled the small room, he worked his way up and down the pale, tender flesh of her inner thighs. He ended off with one final, vicious blow to the center of her being.

  The battered woman was almost unconscious when they freed her from her bonds. She barely noticed when they fastened her wrists to the back of her collar. She was kneeling on the soft, thick, red rug and felt the belt holding the gag forcibly and tightly in place in her dismal mouth being released. Her lips and mouth free for the first time in many hours, she looked up forlornly. Her tormentor was standing over her, rubbing his long, stiff cock in anticipation of her use.

  She parted her lips to beg to be spared further abuse when she felt something new being stuffed into her mouth. It was round and hard and it forced her jaws open wide forming her lips into an ‘O’. A belt was tightened behind her head. When she looked up again, she saw that Creeper had taken a seat in one of the plush easy chairs. His thighs were spread wide apart and he was waiting for her.

  The black men dragged the bruised and lacerated woman over to the man’s chair and placed her in position between his knees. Creeper put his hand in her thick, brown hair and pulled her face into his loins. His rod pierced the whole in her mouth and plunged deeply inside until it struck the edge of her throat. Jana coughed and sputtered as it pressed into her esophagus.

  “You’re going to learn to be a good cock sucker, Jana,” she heard him say through her noisy reaction to her throat’s invasion. “No doubt you have considerable experience already. But today I’ll just let you relax and enjoy it. I’ll do all the work.”

  His small, bony hands worked Jana’s head over his loins. The ring gag kept her lips distended and she was forced to accept each evil thrust of the callous man’s cock. She whined and moaned as he fucked her mouth ruthlessly. She knew that the black men were watching her, awaiting their turns. She tried to fight off the fierce grip that Creeper had in her hair, but he held it tightly in his fist, pulling at her roots, burning her scalp.

  He was in heaven as he plowed the reporter’s oral cavity. He had thought of this moment for months, since he first read her
acerbic descriptions of him in her column, her revenge for his earlier refusal to give her an interview with the band. His cock loved the feel of her throat as it pressed around it. He jubilantly enjoyed the sounds of her suffering. He looked down on the long, angry, red marks he had left on her long, graceful naked back and over her tight, rounded rear cheeks. This had been everything that he had thought it would be.

  Feeling his juices arising, he increased the pace of the bobbing head in his loins. His body tensed and he began to spurt his essence into the unhappy woman’s mouth. He felt it churning inside as he jammed her head up and down on his throbbing cock. When his orgasm began to fade, he pressed her head down firmly until his prick’s head was buried deep in her throat while the pleasurable throbs ebbed away.

  He pulled Jana’s head up so that he could look into her face. Her eyes looked tired and weary. His cum still floated on her tongue and she was struggling to push it out, tonguing it over her widespread lower lip. Seeing the woman rejecting his cum, he slapped her fiercely across the face and yanked her head back. “Never, never spit out my cum, bitch!” he shouted at her. “Let it slide down your throat!”

  Jana made a gagging sound as she felt the slime edge its way down her esophagus. The ring in her mouth made it difficult to swallow, but she finally managed to consume the residue of her tormentor’s spewm.

  “That’s better!” he said. He shoved her back so that she fell on the floor in front of him and stood from his chair. “Now I’m going to leave you to play with my friends,” he told the sobbing, distraught woman. She had curled herself into a little ball, but looked up at the Creeper’s news. As much as she hated him, despised him for what he had done to her, she didn’t want to be left alone with the Africans. She didn’t want her life as a slut to begin. Creeper was the only one who knew her, the only one who could save her. She rose to her knees desperately, trying to beg him to take her with him, not to abandon her. Unable to enunciate due to the distending ring in her mouth, the sounds she made were like some mentally challenged child trying to speak English. “Ooooo! Eeeeeease! Onnnn! On eeeee eeeeee! Eeeeease!” she screamed. Creeper laughed.

  “Slave girls don’t talk, Jana. You’re going to have to learn that.” He had donned his brown robe and paused for a moment. “But that does remind me. I owe you a punishment for kicking me. I’ll take care of that before I go.”

  He signaled the tall, broad shouldered Africans, who then dragged Jana’s protesting form over to one of the ottomans. They draped her over it on her belly and affixed the front of her collar to one of the rings. Her elbows flared out like wings, since her wrists were still connected to the rear of her collar. The men placed straps around her knees and tied them off to rings on the corners near the floor.

  He took from the wall a thinner and lighter riding crop than the one he used before. He wanted to save the heavier one for special occasions. “Ten strokes, Jana. Next time, and there better not be a next time, it will be worse.”



  I rose slowly from the hot body of the new female slave Cindy. She gave a little shudder as my manhood slithered from her lush cunt. Carol and Mary were still stroking her, muttering little comforting sounds. I was tired, but I wanted my session with the beautiful and as yet innocent girl to continue. “Keep her hot,” I told the girls, “but don’t let her come.”

  As Mary and Carol proceeded to comply with my command, I poured myself another scotch and walked out to the veranda to get some air and have a smoke. The night air was still and heavily humid. The stars were still out, but the moon had sunk below the horizon, casting a gloom of darkness over the open sea. I often came out here to think, relishing the peace and quiet and the beautiful view that Klitzman had devolved on me. I had enjoyed the defilement of that beautiful girl. And I would enjoy doing it again. Was there something wrong with me that I kept delaying my contact with Lois, Bederson’s agent? I kept telling myself that it was because I was being watched. But that wasn’t the real reason. I was enjoying myself too much. I knew that Klitzman’s reign of terror had to end, but I didn’t want it to end yet. And would my contributions, whatever they were supposed to be, do anyway to bring about the terrible man’s downfall? The government had knowledge of his activities. They couldn’t help but know where he was. Why didn’t they just take him out? A battalion of Marines could take the island in an hour.

  Having finished my cigarette, I decided to go back inside. When I entered my bedroom, I saw that black haired Mary had her head between the blond girl’s thighs. Cindy was moaning with need. Carol, her long, chestnut colored braided hair running down her back, was licking and playing with her breasts. The girl’s hands were still locked above her and her silky, blond hair was splayed around her head. Her eyes were closed and her mouth open, her blood filled lips plump and succulent.

  My cock began to stir as I watched my pets bring the newly enslaved beauty close to orgasm and then retreat. Her long, luxurious legs quivered and her heels dug into the mattress. Her hands twisted in her bonds. Mary looked up at me, smiling, proud of her handiwork. “Turn her over and put her on her knees,” I told her.

  While my pets complied with my desire, I went to the bedside table and removed a tube of lubricant from the drawer. I tossed it on the bed and instructed Mary to “Open her up.” I had no need to elucidate my command. Mary knew well my proclivity for ass fucking. I wanted to probe what was certainly virgin territory for the former American intern. It was better that I do it than she experience sodomy for the first time at the hands and cock of one of Rukimo’s callous minions.

  The girls easily turned the girl’s body and had her on her knees, bent over, her forehead on the pillow in front of her. She had a delectable ass, pure and white, not tight, but soft and round. She murmured a protest when she felt Mary add lubricant to her small, rear opening. I told Carol to gag her. I didn’t want her to ruin the moment with a spate of protestations. She shook her head back and forth in a feeble attempt to avoid the thick wad of leather entering her mouth, but I heard Carol whisper something to her, her hand stroking the girl’s long blond hair. Cindy opened her mouth and permitted the instrument its entry.

  Mary had begun to spread the little brown ring of Cindy’s backside with her fingers. I watched while she eased one finger in, probing gently, running it around the delicate tissue. When she inserted a second finger, Cindy moaned slightly. When the third finger went in, Cindy gave a deeper, more panicked moan, knowing full well that my cock would soon follow.

  I stood by the bed, naked, my hand stroking my manhood to hardness as my slave girls continued their attentions to Cindy’s flesh. Mary had one hand addressing the round ring of the girl’s rear entry and the other stroking her distended, engorged sex. Carol had her hand underneath the girl’s chest, playing with her ample breasts Cindy was propped up on her elbows, and her breasts hung down below her like two ripe fruit. Her long, sinuous back was curved into a small arch and Carol was using her other hand to stroke it gently. She was beginning to rock back and forth now, as the sensation of the digits in her rear had turned from strange to pleasurable.

  Deciding that she was ready, as I certainly was, I climbed up on the bed and gently pushed Mary aside. Cindy’s rear opening was distended and surrounded by the shiny residue of the lubricant that Mary had placed there. I shuffled my knees until I was poised behind the kneeling girl and positioned my rigid pole for entry.

  The passage was still narrower than the circumference of my cock and as I slowly pushed the fat head against it, Cindy moaned with apprehension. I saw her hands splay open at their bindings and felt her body stiffen. I could have easily rammed my needy piece home, but that would have spoiled the whole idea. I wanted Cindy to have a sample of the pleasure she could receive through this deviant form of coitus. And I wanted to prolong the inimitable pleasure of the feel of her tight, round ring as her bowels swallowed my cock.

  I sighed with satisfaction as my cock
began its slow journey into Cindy’s depths. The tight circle of tissue at the entrance sent a continuous wave of delight through me. The hot, soft, murky interior made my body shudder.

  Mary had her hand under the blond girl’s belly and was lightly stroking her quim. Carol was kissing the girl’s back and neck, softly squeezing her pendulant breasts. “Ohhhhhhhhh!” I heard the girl moan through her gag. When I reached the apex of my thrust, my hard thighs up against her soft buttocks, I slowly began to retrace my path, drawing myself back, letting the tight ring stroke the length of my pole.

  My blood was rising fast. Watching the girls torment my lovely, blond captive’s body with loving caresses had made me hot, and the feel of the girl’s tight ass had raised my temperature exponentially. I pressed back into the girl a little quicker now, not wanting to unduly hasten my pace. But each time I withdrew, after sinking my cock into her to the hilt, I moved a little faster, a little harder. Soon I was pumping my manhood into her with near fury. My cock slid easily in and out of the expanded hole. Cindy was making little whining sounds as the effects of my probing of her rear aperture drove her closer and closer to orgasm. Finally, I could hold back no longer. Mary, sensing that I was about to come, intensified her attentions to Cindy’s cunt. Carol was whispering excitedly in the girl’s ear to “Come now! Come now! Let it go!”

  My whole consciousness passed to my throbbing prick as I began to spill my fluids into the girl’s rear. As I did, she gave a deep throaty moan and her body began to shiver and quake under me. I had my hands on her hips and I gripped them tightly as my passion overwhelmed me. At the last heavy, mind blowing spurt of my tool, I groaned my pleasure loudly.

  I draped my torso over the girl’s back as I concentrated on the diminishing throbs of my cock. The girl beneath me was breathing heavily, her body giving out occasional little shudders as her orgasm continued to echo through her.


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