Klitzman's Paradise (The Klitzman Stories)

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Klitzman's Paradise (The Klitzman Stories) Page 20

by Paul Blades

  There would be a party when he arrived at the resort and he hoped that Jana was still there. He had gotten a world of pleasure from abusing her. And there was one of the new girls, down below decks, a miniature, doll faced girl with small pointed breasts that he had an interest in.

  The huge ship lurched in the uneven sea and cold saltwater sprayed over his face. It was refreshing. Life was good.



  Life continued as usual for me for the next few weeks. Cindy had emerged from her training and I brought her home one night for my pets to play with. There was a certain light that seemed to have gone out of the girl, but she had learned her skills well and she soon had Mary and then Carol in their turns moaning and gasping, her blond head between their legs. I took my turn with her well trained mouth and she kept me going for almost half an hour before granting me release. I arranged for her to work as a waitress in my lounge a couple nights per week so I could have easy access to her on nights that she wasn’t claimed by a customer.

  It was in my lounge that I finally made contact with Lois. I was surprised to see a heavy set, grey haired fellow walk in with her in tow. Now the idea of the lounges was so that the guests could pretend that they were at a legitimate club and could fantasize that their charm and good looks drew the attention of a comely, willing female within their orbit. My club specialized in jazz and I had a beautiful, accomplished jazz pianist who played a wide variety of tunes from Gershwin to Al Jarreau. During her breaks, or nights when she wasn’t available, I had high def DVD’s playing tunes from Satchmo to Chick Corea. It was low key and the women I selected to serve as bar girls, or lounge girls as they were known on the island, were long legged and sophisticated, dressed in flowing, revealing silk gowns.

  The illusion went just so far, however, as the lounge girls all wore the badges of their enslavement on their bodies: collars and bracelets. But theirs were made of finely polished leather with gold colored rings on them. They tended to be somewhat older than the other girls on the island since the jazz club mainly catered to an older crowd. If you wanted a hot, young chick, you could go to the rock and roll lounge or to Cholo’s disco where pretty young things shook their barely covered asses to a livelier beat. The serving girls all were naked slave girls, picked by me for their fragile beauty, younger, but trained to serve the customers with grace and style.

  But bringing a naked, gagged and bound slave girl in tow into the club was frowned upon. It kind of spoiled the whole ambiance. Not that I would have thrown the guy out. The guests were always right. Well, almost always. Any guest who tried to beat one of my girls in my club got a severe reprimand. There were private rooms downstairs for that.

  On this night, my piano player was off. She had attracted the attention of an Italian business type and he had reserved her for his enjoyment. I didn’t like that either since she was supposed to be working but you had to let a thing like that slide once in a while. If she had been working, things might have turned out differently since I liked the girl and often kept her around after closing time for a drink and a bj.

  Anyways, the guy came in and sat at the bar. He had Lois kneel on the floor next to his stool. Well I guess that he decided one of my lounge girls suited him better and spent the rest of the evening talking to her and feeling her up between the long slit in her skirt. He decided to take her home with him when the lounge closed and he asked the bartender to take Lois off his hands.

  My bartender was an American like me. He had worked at the resort for a few years and liked to close up quickly so he could round up something strange. He also liked to gamble and there was usually a good game on in the casino. He constantly lost his shirt which was one of the reasons he was still working for me. I came over to the bar to talk to him. Lois was tied off to a ring behind the bar and was kneeling there awaiting her disposition.

  “What’s this?” I asked Eddie.

  “Some asshole came in with her and decided that he liked Samantha better. I’ll drop her off at one of the depots on my way to the casino.”

  “That’s okay,” I told him. “I think I’d like to fuck her. She looks pretty good.”

  “Suit yourself, Harry,” he replied. “But she should get a whipping. Technically, she displeased a guest.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” I said.

  Lois, who of course had recognized me, looked at me intently. I knew that virtually all of the resort was under video surveillance and I wasn’t sure that this wasn’t a set up. But I had to take the chance to speak to her and this looked like the best opportunity I would get.

  I let Eddie finish his work as I tinkled at the piano keys. I didn’t know Chopin from Choo Choo Charlie, but I liked the sound of certain notes and I had gotten the piano player to show me a few chords.

  I waited a few minutes after Eddie left to make my move. I had coffled up the unclaimed slave girls, lounge girls and regular slaves, in different lines, tagged them and sent them on their way. I had a short glass of scotch on the piano and tossed it down before I got up.

  When I went behind the bar, Lois, of course, was still kneeling there. I unhooked her and pulled her to her feet. Grabbing the ring in her collar, I towed her behind me and brought her down the stairs. I didn’t say anything to her. I wanted to make this seem as normal as possible in case anyone was watching. Masters don’t usually waste words on slave girls and I had already let her know that she was going to be punished.

  I led the woman past the guest rooms and through the door to the back room. I had a little office there where I did the scheduling and other light paperwork, such as ordering booze and music. The room was rather large and there was a wide enough area so that a defaulting girl could be attached to a chain that was dangling there and I could swing a whip. I also had a large bed since, I have to confess, whipping slave girls always got me hot and I liked to fuck them afterwards.

  I had to assume that my office was bugged and so I had no choice, even though Lois was on my team so to speak, but to carry out my duty to her. Erring slave girls had the right to be taught their lessons well since too many defalcations would lead to retraining, a lengthy stay in Rukimo’s version of Hades, or a trip to the mainland, where life was brutish, nasty and short.

  I loosened Lois’s hands from behind her back and fastened them to the chain. It was at a proper height so that no adjustments were needed and her attractive frame stretched out invitingly. Lois had short, brown hair, pretty, round, grapefruit sized breasts, somewhat broad hips and long, tapered thighs. Although she had not been selected for the island for her beauty, but had been captured as a spy at one of Klitzman’s smuggling way stations and transported here, her face had a well balanced, pleasing aspect, small neat features and a pretty mouth. She had been kept around because of her appealing features and pleasing body even though, at 26, she was a little older than the average slave girl.

  I went to the wall and selected a three foot long whippy stick. It was made of rubber and very flexible. It was painful when administered, but, unless used repeatedly and with extreme force, normally left no marks.

  I stood before the expectant, naked slave girl and addressed her.

  “You are being punished because you failed to please a guest. Because you’ve pleased me before, I’m going to go light on you. I’m going to give you fifteen strokes and I’m not going to report you. But you need to learn your lesson. Do you understand?”

  I was speaking for anyone who might be listening. I didn’t know if Lois was aware of how ubiquitous the surveillance was on the island and the thought must have crossed her mind that I was going a little overboard. She knew that I had to treat her as slave girl for all intents and purposes. But I imagined her wondering whether that had to extend to a beating when no one was watching.

  I reared my arm back and gave the lovely woman a hard blow of the whippy stick across her plump breasts. She moaned and I saw her eyes cringe with the pain. She looked at me pleadingly as I ra
ised my hand again and struck her across her graceful thighs. This time she gave a squeal behind her gag and did a little dance with her feet.

  “Stand still,” I told her, “or I’ll get out the riding crop.”

  Lois nodded her understanding of my threat and ceased the movement of her feet. She had to be wondering if I meant this for real or was putting on a show. Since she had not seen me for many weeks, it was entirely possible that I had gone over to the dark side. I walked around her, distributing the blows around her body while she whined and moaned at the pain. The whippy stick hurt like hell but usually didn’t produce the screams and yells that the other instruments of discipline were capable of. My cock grew hard as I appreciated the girl’s suffering. There was something about watching a desirable female squirming and writhing at the end of a whip that drove me to distraction. Unintentionally, my blows became harder and harder as their numbers climbed. Lois’s exclamations of pain became louder and louder until her muffled cries began to echo off the walls of the room.

  When I had completed my task, I put the whippy stick aside and unfastened Lois’s gag. “What do you say, slave girl,” I asked her.

  “Th,thank you, master,” she managed to eke out. Slave girls were obligated to thank their masters for their discipline. After all, it was for their own good.

  I released her hands from the chain and ordered her to the bed. I drew off my brown robe and joined her there. My cock was hot and hard, but I wanted to have her body feverishly moaning and gasping beneath mine when I came and so I pushed her to her back and buried my head between her thighs. I took a long lick along the slit between her hairless nether lips, culminating in a light stroking of her bud of pleasure. Gripping her thighs in my arms, my hands circling around them, I repeated my attention to her sweet sex again and again. I soon had her moaning with pleasure. Her pussy was soft and moist. The taste of her flowing juices was like ambrosia to me, firing my lusts. I waited until she was about to come and then abandoned my adoration of her twat and climbed up on her body. I shoved my rigid pole into her without ceremony. It was all she needed. Her hips thrust back feverishly at mine as I pounded my hips into her. It was all over in a few seconds. I jetted my hot cum into her womb while she clenched me tightly with her arms and legs.

  Afterwards, we lay in the soft afterglow of our orgasms. My head lay over her shoulder and her mouth was near my ear. “What took you so long, Harry,” she whispered to me breathlessly.

  It had been a long time since a woman had called me anything other than master or Master Harry. It was strange to hear the presumption of equality from a female voice. It reminded me that there was another world out there. A world that this woman was probably desperate to rejoin.

  “Sorry about the whipping,” I replied sheepishly in a low voice. We kept our bodies entwined in a simulacrum of exhaustion for the benefit of anyone who was listening. It was not entirely fake. The girl had thrown me a good fuck.

  I hoped that our low voices were below the level that could be recorded. “It’s okay,” she returned softly. “I’ve had worse.” I believed that she had.

  “We don’t have much time,” I said. “What can you tell me?”

  “I don’t have much,” she said softly. Her hand was rubbing my back and I felt her squeeze my softening cock with her vagina’s muscles. “You’re pretty good, Harry,” she said.

  I returned the complement, as a gentleman should, and urged her to get to the point.

  “I wasn’t supposed to get captured. I really fucked up,” she said. “Bederson wasn’t able to get a message to you in the prison and so we had to cobble together an operation at the last minute. My only message is to give you a phone number.”

  “A phone number!” I said, incredulous. My voice rose a little higher than I had intended.

  “Shhhhhh,’ she whispered and she took my lips with hers and gave me an impassioned kiss. Her body had resumed movement under me. She was grinding her hips slowly against mine.

  “Can we go again, Harry?” she asked in her soft voice. “I’ll suck you until you’re hard again.”

  I was tempted by her offer. But we had business to discuss. I wasn’t surprised at her randiness. Weeks of intense slave training was intended to produce just such a result. She was not immune because she was a government agent. I doubted that they taught defenses against Rukimo’s techniques at spy school. And she had spent the last few months engaged in constant sexual activity with her responses refined and reinforced virtually every day while in the slave dormitory.

  “What the fuck am I supposed to do with a telephone number?” I asked her. There were no outside lines available to me on the island. And if there were, they would certainly be tapped.

  “When Klitzman sends you off the island, on a mission, slip away, find a phone and call.”

  “And tell him what?” I asked. “About the great time I’m having?”

  “No, he’ll give you instructions. In the meantime, remember every face that you see. Get as many names as possible. There’s a leak at the highest level of our government and that person is bound to find his way here sooner or later. You’ll know him when you see him, I’m sure.”

  I wasn’t so sure. I had been locked up for the better part of four years and hadn’t spent much time keeping up with current events.

  “When we find out who it is, we can make our move. Take over the island, arrest Klitzman and his whole crew. And we need to know as much about his other operations as possible. Stay close to Klitzman, do whatever it takes.”

  There was that phrase again, ‘Do whatever it takes.’

  “That’s easy for you to say,” I told her. “What’s the phone number?”

  She rattled off an 800 number in my ear and then ran her hot tongue over it. “Oh, Harry,” she said wistfully, “you’ve got to fuck me again. Please. And then you’ve got to get me off of this island. I can’t stand it here much longer. And I’m afraid that they’ll sell me to some whorehouse on the mainland. I’ll never get free,” she whispered urgently in my ear. There was a tremor in her voice that told me that she was on the verge of tears.

  As stingy as the rulers of this paradise were with information with the slave girls, word had apparently gotten around about their potential eventual fate. Lois was no spring chicken and the possibility was real enough. Rukimo had told me about a shipment of over 50 pretty, young females which was due and I had been instructed to think about thinning my ranks at the club, something I was loathe to do.

  I had an idea. “There’s a Mexican drug guy who hangs out at my place. He’s asked me to help him pick out some hot babe that he can take back to his ranch with him. I don’t now what you’ll do when you get there, but at least it’s closer to the US,” I told her, my voice low and, I hoped, reassuring.

  “That’ll do fine, Harry. I’ll take my chances,” she answered, her hand stroking my scared face. “Now let me have your cock.”

  There was no need for her to suck my piece to get it hard. Her squirming beneath me, the attentions of her hands and tongue had brought my little boy to attention.

  Our coupling was almost as fast and hard as the last time. I had the urge to turn her over and fuck her from behind, but I was too hot to take the effort to do it. Her pussy grabbed me like a handshake when I entered her and she was quickly moaning and pumping back at me. I thrust my tongue in her mouth and she sucked on it while I came, moaning her own completion at the same time.

  When we finished, after snoozing off for a little while, I rose from the bed and in an as officious as voice as I could manage ordered her to do the same. I hoped that if anyone was watching or listening, they would fall for our charade. I bound her wrists behind her and as I went to reinstall her gag, she whispered to me, smiling, a hint of sadness in her face. “Next time I’ll suck you off, master.” My cock gave a little twitch and I slid the gag home.

  As it turned out, I never did get that blow job. The Mexican, a middle aged, suave, dark complexioned fellow with trace
s of grey in his otherwise jet black hair, came into my club the next night. Fulfilling my promise to Lois, I touted her sexual skills and mature beauty. I made him promise not to tell anyone that I had picked her out for him since the manager at the café where she worked would be pissed at losing a well trained servant and a popular fuck.

  The next afternoon we were sitting at the café where Lois was assigned having lunch and I pointed her out. She did have a stunning figure and she was truly alluring in her nakedness. The drug dealer called her over and took his time in evaluating her form. He ran his hands down her thighs and over her graceful hips and had her lean over so that he could feel her breasts. Lois cast a sidewise look at me as he weighed and stroked her ample mammaries. He ordered her to get on her knees and he opened his blue robe to give her access to his prick. I watched jealously as her lips caressed his thick shaft, her jaw working assiduously as she washed his cock with her tongue. That was my blow job he was having. She was caressing the insides of his thighs with her leather braceleted hands. Se?or Espinosa had his head back and his eyes closed as he enjoyed her efforts. Getting blow jobs from the waitresses was not exactly encouraged. They had customers after all, but it did happen and we did not draw too much attention other than from a guest who wanted to be next.

  The Mexican gave a huge groan and his body shook as he came. Lois only raised her head when she was sure that he was finished. She licked her lips to retain any slippage of his discharge and knelt at his feet awaiting further instructions. Espinosa pulled her red tag from her collar, indicating that he would sample her more thoroughly when she finished her shift. I was sure he would enjoy her best efforts.


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