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His Two Alphas

Page 16

by Anna Wineheart

  Kai had already filled out his schedule for next week. Davis had offered to tutor him for an hour each day at home.

  Spike scribbled down the homework questions. Then he leaned against Kai, waiting while the students around them packed.

  York passed them on the way to the exit. “You guys wanna grab some lunch?”

  “We’ll pass,” Spike said. “Have someone to meet.”

  “Oh, you mean that omega you knocked up?”

  A few people glanced over. Kai’s neck burned. York didn’t have to fucking announce it to the world.

  “Yes,” Spike said with a grin. “We’re being really responsible, you know.”

  York raised his eyebrows. “Well, good on you, then.”

  Kai coughed to hide his snort. If only you knew, York.

  Kai began to pack when most of the students had left the lecture hall. The professor was still at the podium, fiddling with his things, shutting down his laptop. Waiting for them.

  The tiny gift crinkled in Kai’s hand. He’d never given anything to an omega before; his pulse quickened, full of anticipation and nerves.

  “Maybe we should wait until we get to his office,” Kai muttered.

  “I need to head to work soon,” Spike said. “No time. Just do it here. I wanna see his reaction.”

  Kai sighed, heaving himself onto his crutches. Two weeks after the ankle sprain, and he still wasn’t used to walking around with these things. After a lifetime on the basketball court, it was painful to walk this slow.

  When they reached the podium, Davis smiled. “Did you find the lecture okay?”

  Spike looked him up and down. “The lecture was okay, but you’re absolutely beautiful.”

  Davis’ flush went up to his hairline. He slipped his laptop into his bag, the scars on his face less obvious now that he was red all over. Still pretty cute.

  Kai wet his lips, nervous. Spike nudged him. “Kai has something for you.”

  Kai glared. “It’s not just from me. We picked it out together.”

  Surprised, Davis met his eyes. Kai shoved the tiny package at him.

  “It’s not much,” Kai said, his breath stuck in his throat. I hope he likes it.

  Davis took the gift, slowly picking the crinkly tissue apart. Inside, there was a scrap of black fabric—Kai knew it was soft. It had gone through his and Spike’s scrutiny before they’d both approved of it.

  “This is—” Davis unraveled the lace midway, and froze. “Oh, gods.”

  He glanced around the lecture theater, just to make sure there wasn’t anyone around. Then he crowded against the podium, holding the lace close to himself.

  “Just—just in case there are still cameras running,” Davis mumbled. “The lecture recording should have stopped.”

  He touched the panties carefully—delicate black mesh, with flowers and swirls stitched across the fabric, and little metal eyelets down the front, a crisscrossing ribbon holding the opening shut. It had been the prettiest of the lot.

  “Spike said you’d like it,” Kai told him.

  “I hope it fits,” Spike said.

  Davis swallowed a couple of times, disbelief in his eyes. “You... bought this for me.”

  He ran his good fingers across the lace, thumbing the ribbon. Then he turned the underwear over, his eyes growing wide when he found the opening at the crotch, a reinforced teardrop shape that would allow someone’s cock access to his hole.

  Davis’ breath hitched. “It’s... too pretty for someone like me.”

  Spike rounded the podium, crowding up close to the professor. “It’s a pretty pair for a very pretty omega.”

  Kai wished he had words like that. He didn’t. He could only watch as Spike stroked Davis’ back, Davis and Spike glancing at each other like they were communicating by glances alone.

  Kai’s insides tightened. He felt left out again.

  As though Spike heard his thoughts, he looked up. “Come join us, Kai,” he said. “Group hug!”

  “Thought you had to go to work,” Kai muttered, his cheeks warming.

  “I have time for a quick ass-grope.” Spike grinned. “And then you can touch Micah all you want, but I need to go.”

  Davis spluttered. Kai grumbled, but he hobbled over, allowing Spike to knead his asscheeks.

  “I love your ass,” Spike whispered. “Best ass in the world. And Micah’s, too.”

  Then he squeezed Davis’ ass, kissed him briefly on the temple, and pulled them both into a hug.

  Kai had never been in a hug with Spike and Davis before. Spike’s pecs pressed against Kai’s arm. Inches away, Davis looked up at Kai with wide eyes, awkward and almost shy.

  They’d seen each other naked, except this was far more intimate than that.

  Kai’s heart skipped. He breathed in gardenia and honey, and juniper; it all smelled good. He almost wanted to bury his nose against Spike and Davis, and sniff at them to his heart’s content.

  “I’ll see you later,” Spike said, meeting Davis’ eyes, then Kai’s. “Tell me if you get up to no good. Pictures or it didn’t happen.”

  Like anything will happen. Kai snorted. Spike gave him a friendly nudge and paused, his lips parting slightly, as though he wanted to tell Kai something. But Spike thought the better of it. He hefted his satchel, hurrying through the exit.

  Kai stared after him. What were you gonna say?

  And now it was just Kai and Davis alone in the lecture hall, Davis hefting his heavy bag onto his shoulder. The professor coughed awkwardly. “I just realized that I haven’t said thanks for the gift,” he murmured, tucking the scrap of fabric into his pocket. “Thank you.”

  Kai shrugged. “It was Spike’s idea. He wanted to exchange it for one of your older ones. Something about ripping it to make a hole. You know.”

  Okay, yeah, that sounded pretty incriminating. Kai wasn’t even the one initiating sex with his professor, and he was blushing.

  Next to him, Micah Davis blushed, too. “W-well... your gift looked expensive. I know money is tight for you guys, so—”

  “It’s fine,” Kai said. He and Spike had skipped a couple meals to pay for that pair of panties. It was worth it, so he didn’t need Davis taking pity on him. “Thank Spike later.”

  “But it’s also a gift from you.”

  Davis looked sidelong at Kai, his eyes dark. Kai wasn’t going to ask him for sex in return. It didn’t feel right to.

  He reached over for Davis’ bag, explaining himself when Davis looked surprised. “Looks heavy. I can carry it.”

  “But you’re the one with a sprained ankle!”

  “The other parts of my body still work fine,” Kai said dryly.

  Davis gulped, glancing at Kai’s hips.

  “Yeah, that works, too,” Kai muttered. He didn’t want to talk about jerking off to Davis and Spike fucking last night. Spike had called Kai, set the phone down, and all Kai had heard was Davis panting into the phone as Spike fucked him.

  Kai had grown so hard, he’d ached. And secretly jerked off.

  Then Spike had returned, described everything to Kai in explicit detail, and Spike had fallen asleep.

  And Kai had jerked off a second time.

  Davis handed over his bag with a blush. Kai slung it across his shoulders, nodding his thanks when Davis held the door open for him.

  They hobbled through the science faculty building, both of them with walking aids. It was one of the rare times Kai felt as though he had something in common with the professor.

  “We make quite the pair,” Davis remarked as a couple of students tore past them, shoes thumping on the ground. “Is this your first bad injury?”

  “One this serious, yeah.” Kai couldn’t wait to ditch the crutches, and walk normally once more. He’d never take his mobility for granted again.

  Then he looked at Micah Davis, and wondered what it was like, knowing you were stuck with a walking cane for the rest of your life.

  “Do you wish that never happened?” Kai asked,
nodding at Davis’ leg.

  Davis smiled crookedly. “All the time.”

  Even now, years after the fire? What kind of weight did this omega carry on his shoulders?

  He imagined Davis going through months of physical therapy, learning to walk again. It must’ve been one hell of a journey—a painful one. And yet, Davis was here, hobbling along next to Kai, never once complaining about his limp.

  Sure, Davis was embarrassed about the way he looked. But he was also one hell of a person, building his life back after the fire. He was a single dad. He’d raised York by himself, with no alpha providing support.

  Davis was here, holding his own, possibly one of the strongest people Kai had ever met.

  Kai had had an inkling what sort of person Davis was, but right now... it felt as though Micah Davis was way out of Kai’s league.

  Was this what Spike felt, when he looked at Davis? Why was Davis even sticking around with the two of them?

  Kai looked up when Davis slowed to a stop.

  The only elevator leading to the professors’ offices had broken down. Which left the stairwell, and a damn lot of steps. Kai sighed.

  “I can carry my bag,” Davis said with a frown, heading for the stairwell.

  “It’s fine,” Kai said. “I can do this.”

  “I’ve been hobbling a lot longer than you’ve had your sprain, you know.” Davis was still worrying.

  “And I’m not about to have an omega carry heavy shit. Especially when he’s pregnant.”

  A tiny smile twitched at Davis’ lips. Kai’s heart swelled in his chest. I made him smile.

  Two flights of stairs later, and almost tripping twice, Kai hated his crutches and his sprained ankle, and the broken elevator, and everything. I can’t let this get me down. I’m better than this.

  “Let me help,” Davis said, reaching out for him.

  Kai shook his head. He balanced on his foot, got the crutches to the next step, and heaved himself up. Except his foot caught on the stairs. He lurched forward, his stomach plummeting as he lost his balance.

  He shoved his bandaged foot down to catch himself. Pain shot through his ankle. Kai released his crutches, shielding Davis’ laptop bag instead of catching himself.

  He landed clumsily, slamming against the hard edges of the stairs. “Damn it!”

  Why did this have to happen to him? Why did he have to sprain his ankle? If he hadn’t fallen that day, if he could’ve just kept that damn scholarship, he and Spike wouldn’t be a damn liability to anyone right now.

  Kai breathed out his frustration, his chest too tight.

  “Kai!” Davis yelped, limping back down the stairs. He crouched next to Kai, curling his fingers around Kai’s arm. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “No, you’re not.” Davis studied him from inches away, his eyes a bright, worried blue.

  Kai wanted to lash out. Wanted to just punch the wall, and yell at something. “I wish I didn’t fuck up my ankle. Damn it. Fuck.”

  Davis hesitated, before touching his shoulder. “You’ll heal. Give it time.”

  “I can’t get my scholarship back even if I gave it time,” Kai snapped. Then he regretted it, because it was none of Davis’ business, anyway. He breathed out. “Sorry.”

  Davis winced, though. “I understand. There are some things that won’t heal, even with time. If you’d like to vent, I’ll listen.”

  Then Kai looked at Davis—really looked at him—and he felt like a jerk. His ankle would heal. Davis’ scar tissue never would. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to lose my temper. Wasn’t your fault.”

  Davis cracked a smile. “That’s okay. Can you walk?”

  “Think so.”

  Davis hobbled down the stairs, retrieving Kai’s crutches. Then he heaved Kai to his feet, more strength in his hands than Kai expected.

  “You’re pregnant,” Kai muttered, balancing on his good foot. “You should be looking out for yourself, not me.”

  “Stop it with the pregnant thing. Spike would do the same in my place.” Davis smiled wryly. “I don’t want to see you injure yourself more.”

  “But I’m not pregnant.”

  “Do you want to be?” Davis’ eyes glinted with mischief.

  “Hell, no,” Kai said.

  Davis laughed. It lit up his eyes, the years on his face falling away. Kai’s heart kicked.

  No person should have a right to look that good.

  Kai found himself wondering what Davis would look like, if Kai kissed him. Not that Kai would, but... Would Davis like it? Would he look surprised?

  Kai muttered his thanks when Davis handed his crutches back, concentrating on getting himself to the next landing. Davis stayed a step behind him the whole way, in case, what, he could catch Kai if he fell again? Kai would probably topple him over. So Kai made each step with twice as much care.

  They got to Davis’ office. Davis pointed Kai toward the visitor’s seat, then pulled out a first aid kit.

  “You have a first aid kit in your office?” Kai asked, surprised.

  Davis chuckled. “I have a teenage son on campus. It’s best to have supplies around, just in case.”

  Kai fell silent. For most of his life... he hadn’t been able to count on his dad for help. There had been times when he’d fallen and his scrapes had gotten infected, and he’d gotten fevers as a result.

  With the help of some of Dad’s random boyfriends, Kai had learned to wash his cuts, and get them treated as soon as he could.

  “York’s lucky to have you,” Kai said. “You’re a great dad.”

  Davis glanced up, halfway through wiping off Kai’s hands. “I wouldn’t say that,” he said slowly. “I haven’t been able to provide everything for him. He’s never had an alpha dad his whole life.”

  “Better to have one dad, than none at all.” Kai met his eyes. “I went without any until my dad married Spike’s mom.”

  Davis’ face fell. “Oh, Kai.”

  He set the wet wipes down, wrapping his arms around Kai’s shoulders. Kai breathed in honey and gardenia again, nosing the firm slope of Davis’ shoulder.

  It felt good, being in Davis’ arms. Davis was small, but his embrace was strong, comforting.

  “You don’t have to dad me, you know,” Kai said. “I’m fine.”

  “But—” Davis looked him over with soft, regretful eyes. “I still wish you grew up with more support. My heart hurts every time you mention your family.”

  It was sweet of him to. And maybe Kai had never had an outsider listen to him, someone who felt this much about his past.

  Kai shrugged. “I have Spike. Good enough.”

  Davis looked like he wanted to say more, but refrained. He released Kai and looked him over. “How does your ankle feel? Do you need ointment on your scrapes? I can wait if you’d like to rinse any cuts—”

  “I’m fine,” Kai said. “This is nothing.”

  Davis looked dubious, clutching tubes of medicine. “You protected my laptop instead of yourself. You shouldn’t have. We could look at your ankle and see if you need more—”

  He wasn’t going to stop worrying, was he?

  There were more important things than Kai’s scrapes to think about. Kai sighed, grabbing the front of Davis’ shirt.

  Then he hauled Davis close, and kissed him.



  Kai’s kiss was deep, fierce. His teeth grazed Micah’s lips, and his mouth was demanding.

  “I’m not your son,” Kai growled against him. “Don’t treat me like one.”

  Something hot slid down Micah’s spine. He yanked himself away, his heart pounding, his nerves alight and tingling. “O-okay,” Micah breathed, meeting those stormy gray eyes. “I’ll remember it.”

  As soon as the kiss ended, Kai looked away, his ears turning pink. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to do that.”

  Micah retreated behind the desk. He’d never kissed Kai, save for the first time they’d had sex.
This... It had felt good. Sinful. I shouldn’t want to do it again. Kai didn’t kiss me because he likes me.

  Spike’s kisses were toe-curling, all hunger and love and sunshine. Kai’s had been heat and force, as though he were a hurricane bound inside a human body.

  Kai was like his brother, but in some ways, they were so very different.

  “S-so, if you’re feeling fine, we should start with the consultation,” Micah said, tucking the first aid kit away. His mouth tingled. His heart thumped. Would Spike want to know about this kiss?

  “We should,” Kai said, fumbling with his backpack like he didn’t know what to do with it.

  That was endearing. Micah touched the scrap of lace in his pocket, remembering Spike’s eagerness, and Kai’s discomfort. Had Kai been... worried about giving the panties to Micah?

  “Give me a moment to get settled in,” Micah said, really so Kai could compose himself.

  “Sure,” Kai muttered. He couldn’t meet Micah’s eyes, all of a sudden. That was unusual for him. Surprisingly adorable.

  Micah bit down his smile, logging into his computer.

  And right there, above all his emails, was a new college-wide message from Bernard Hastings. Re: Congress’ Professorial Bill. This isn’t a law. It does not apply to College staff. Any employee found guilty will be asked to leave the college.

  Micah’s stomach turned. I knew it was too good to be true.

  Years ago, even before Micah had conceived York, he’d dated Bernard. Bernard had been terrible, scornful and abrasive, and Micah had left.

  But Micah had gotten pregnant with York a couple years later. At that point, Bernard had been the president of Meadowfall College for some years. With York as a newborn, Micah had been fresh out of college, and desperate.

  Enough to give Bernard a few blowjobs in exchange for a teaching assistant position, that would set him on track to becoming a professor. That was a secret, too, something he never wanted Spike or Kai to find out.

  These days, he stayed under the radar, meeting expectations and avoiding Bernard’s scrutiny. He’d had enough of those shrewd eyes and sneering jibes. He avoided the department office whenever Bernard was around.


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