Book Read Free

His Two Alphas

Page 39

by Anna Wineheart

  “Really?” Greg asked.

  Kai sighed. “That’s not what I want to discuss on a first meeting. Let’s talk about basketball instead.”

  Greg shot them a grin. “I used to be on the school team.”

  “Me, too,” Kai said. “But your dad wanted to expel me, so I went professional. We’re in the middle of a season right now. I’m playing G-league.”

  Greg’s eyes grew wide. “Which team?”

  Spike tugged Micah away, a bounce in his step.

  “What, aren’t you going to be jealous?” Micah teased lightly as they headed down another corridor to the professors’ offices.

  Spike laughed. “Me, jealous? I know Kai inside-out, Micah. He doesn’t want anyone else.”

  Micah knew that, too. “I’m just happy that Kai’s found some blood-family that’s not Bernard.”

  Spike shrugged. “I’ll take a while to warm up to Greg. That’s fine, though. We have time. What were you going to—”

  They turned a corner, Spike crashing into someone else. The person yelped. A box tumbled onto the floor, hundreds of nuts and bolts scattering across the tiles.

  Spike caught the person—a professor, Micah realized. Perry Larkin from the computer science department. Omega, thirty-ish, with a specialization in robotics.

  “Sorry,” Perry said, jerking back, only to step on some scattered nuts. He slipped and flailed again, and Spike grasped both his arms this time.

  “Gods,” Spike said, holding the professor until he regained his balance. “Stop moving. I’ll get the stuff for you.”

  Micah smiled at that. Spike was generous, giving. But Perry seemed uncomfortable at the contact. “If you’d just release me...” Perry winced.

  Spike sighed, setting Perry against a wall. He kicked away some nuts and bolts, then made sure Perry stood on that empty tile. “I’ll fix this,” Spike said, glancing over his shoulder at Micah. “And you’re not supposed to help.”

  Micah chuckled, rubbing his belly. “I’ll just stand here and enjoy the view.”

  Spike rolled his eyes. Perry frowned, looking between Spike and Micah. “Micah, the staff’s been talking about you.”

  That caught Micah’s attention. “Me?”

  Perry nodded. “You... bonded with your student,” he said carefully. “There’s been word about Bernard firing you. And also rumors about who will take over the college, if Bernard gets in trouble with the law. And there’s—” Perry lowered his voice “—bets going on to see if you’d be hired again.”

  Micah choked on his spit. “What?”

  “Have you submitted your application?” Perry whispered, glancing down the hallways. “Not that I’ve got anything in the betting pool. I’m just... genuinely curious.”

  Before Micah could answer, Perry glanced at Micah’s belly, and a tiny smile tugged on his lips. “How far along are you?”

  “Seven months,” Micah said. “It’s my second.”

  Perry brightened—his smile lit up his eyes. He was a pretty omega, Micah realized.

  Perry hugged himself. “I’ve got a son. He’s...”

  He looked between Spike and Micah, and then at Micah’s belly. And Micah had the sneaking feeling that Perry’s child had been conceived with someone he shouldn’t have slept with, either.

  But with the way Perry had no alpha scent on him, only a whiff of tulip... Was he struggling with being a single dad? Micah’s chest ached. He’d fumbled with raising York himself, but he’d had some monetary help from Cole over the years.

  Carefully, Micah slid his feet across the tiled floor.

  “Micah!” Spike glowered from a few yards away. He was in the middle of dropping handfuls of nuts and bolts into Perry’s box. “I told you not to move!”

  “I’ll be fine,” Micah said, crossing the last few steps to Perry. Then he pulled Perry into a tight hug. “If you ever need any help,” Micah whispered, “there’s a few of us around who are willing to lend a hand.”

  Perry stared at him, his lower lip trembling. “Thanks.”

  Micah held him for a while, until Perry finally relaxed. Then he asked, “Do you think I should reapply for my position here? I’d thought... I didn’t have a chance of getting it back.”

  “Rumors are that Bernard’s son might take over as college president,” Perry whispered, glancing surreptitiously at the hallway entrances. “It’s all just hearsay, though.”

  “Oh.” If Greg Hastings became college president... Then it might not be so difficult for Micah to get his job back, after all. “Thanks. I needed to hear that.”

  Perry gave an uncertain smile. “You’re welcome.”

  Spike finally returned to their sides, the box of nuts and bolts sealed. “There,” he told Perry, handing the box over. “Don’t drop it again.”

  Perry smiled gratefully. When he looked at Micah again, he seemed... almost envious. Did he long for an alpha, too? “Thanks,” Perry said. “And before I forget... Congrats on the baby, and your marriage.”

  Micah stared, his heart stopping. “Marriage?”

  Next to him, Spike’s eyes grew wide.

  Perry tensed. “Not marriage? But the rumors...”

  Micah coughed, a flush rising through his face. It really was too soon for them to be talking about this. “We’ve just bonded. That’s all.”

  “Oh.” Perry bowed his head, turning away in embarrassment. “I’ve made a mistake. Sorry. I really didn’t mean it.”

  “It’s fine, Perry,” Micah said softly. “Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

  Perry gave a shaky smile. “Good luck with everything,” he said. Then he hurried off, leaving Micah looking at the floor, and Spike glancing up at the ceiling.

  “So, marriage,” Spike mumbled.

  Micah rubbed his hand over his belly. They’d just bonded. They hadn’t even settled into living together as an official trio yet. “Let’s not talk about it for now,” Micah said. “Maybe when Kai gets back after the season?”

  “Yeah, okay.” Spike nodded hard, still not looking at Micah. His entire face was red, though. “That sounds like a good idea.”



  “Say ‘I am beautiful’,” Spike murmured, kissing down Micah’s sweaty, salty neck.

  Micah panted, his body bare against Spike’s front, Kai’s face filling the laptop screen in front of them. Kai raised his eyebrows, waiting.

  Micah sighed. Over Micah’s shoulder, Spike caught the faintest smile tugging on their omega’s lips. “If you make me say it one more time, I’m going to get swell-headed.”

  “Nah, you wouldn’t.” Spike grinned. “Only this will swell.” He reached down, patting Micah between his thighs. Dregs of sticky come smeared down Spike’s fingers.

  It was late. They’d spent the past two hours on a video call with Kai, stripping and fucking, Micah on his hands and knees, his belly so swollen that it almost brushed the bed. Right now, he was leaning against Spike, just catching his breath.

  Their omega was so beautiful.

  “Say it,” Kai rumbled, leaning closer. “You heard him. Spike’s not gonna stop until you do.”

  Spike grinned at his brother. “And you know Kai’s right.”

  Micah laughed, shaking his head. “The two of you are impossible.”

  Probably why they were all huddled around their laptops, talking late into the night.

  Two months ago, Kai had brought Micah’s bed sheets back to Colorado with him. He’d also worn Spike’s used clothes on the trip there, and Spike had made sure to mark Kai all over with juniper before he’d left. He’d left some bite marks on Kai’s shoulders, too. Then, his thighs. They weren’t quite as numerous as the scars Kai had left on him, but it was a start.

  In just another month, Kai would be home for the off-season. And then he would be here every day, close enough to touch. Spike couldn’t wait. He knew Micah was excited, too. And just as excited about the baby in his belly, the bump now basketball-sized.

  Any day now,
Micah would go into labor. It made Spike and Kai just the tiniest bit antsy.

  “But you do know you’re beautiful,” Kai said, looking pointedly at Micah. “Definitely the strongest omega we know.”

  Time and again, they’d told Micah all the reasons they loved him. Kai had sent little postcards addressed to Micah, with just a few short handwritten lines. You’re beautiful. You’re worthy. You’re loved. And Micah would stare at them for a while. Spike had tucked the postcards into Micah’s closet, just above his clothes, so he’d see them every day.

  Over the past two months, Spike had watched as Micah began to believe them. He walked with more confidence now, his shoulders straighter, a smile on his lips.

  Micah sighed. “All right. I’m beautiful.” He smiled, though, at ease when Spike raked his gaze over Micah’s face.

  “You know it,” Spike whispered, kissing Micah’s narrow shoulders.

  “Kiss him for me,” Kai growled.

  Spike leaned around their omega, tipped Micah’s face up, and kissed him thoroughly on the lips, darting into his mouth. Micah groaned. On the other end of the video call, Kai rumbled with approval.

  Spike stroked Micah’s scars. The ones on his face, and the ones down his chest, his arm, his leg. Sometimes, Spike completely forgot that the scars hadn’t been there before. Other times, they reminded him of Micah’s struggles to stay alive after that fire, and the insanely strong person his omega was.

  Gods, he wanted Micah to be truly his and Kai’s. That final step, the one people knew not to mention so much anymore. It wasn’t like Kai was flying back just to propose. It didn’t make financial sense.

  “I need to pee.” Micah winced.

  Spike helped him off the bed, watching as Micah waddled over to the bathroom, half-closing the door behind himself. He could still hear the conversation, though. So Spike jammed his finger on the Lower Volume button, and stuck his hand under the mattress, where he’d shoved a tiny box.

  “Kai,” he whispered, glancing at the door to make sure Micah was still in the bathroom. “They arrived today.”

  Kai leaned in, reaching forward to tweak the volume on his end. His eyes gleamed with anticipation. “Show me.”

  Spike cracked the velvet box open. They’d ordered a set of custom rings from Meadowfall Dreams, the best jeweler in town. Inside were three wedding bands—two thicker white gold ones, and one slender band, also white gold.

  But the unobtrusive gemstones were the important part: On Micah’s ring, a gray moonstone and a brown smoky quartz sat on either side of a sapphire, promising safety. On Spike’s ring, the smoky quartz held together moonstone and sapphire, bringing them together. And on Kai’s, sapphire and quartz flanked the moonstone, a vow of intimacy.

  The gemstones were the colors of their eyes, and together, the different arrangements represented their relationship—that no one dynamic was stronger than the others, that each of them would always be most important to their two bondmates.

  Spike couldn’t wait for Micah to see them.

  “Kinda pixelated from here,” Kai said, but his eyes glowed with approval. “What do you think?”

  “Mine fits.” Spike wriggled. “And I think we gotta get Micah’s resized—his fingers have swollen up a bit more. I couldn’t fit his on when he was napping. It fits on his pinky, though.”

  Kai thought about it. “Might need to wait until after the birth. I’ll get him a necklace. Easier than constantly resizing his ring.”

  “Sounds good.” Spike glanced up when the toilet flushed. He shut the box, cramming it back under the mattress. Raised the laptop volume again.

  Micah stepped out of the bathroom, a hand on his belly and a frown wrinkling his forehead. “I think it might be starting.”

  Spike stopped breathing. “What’s starting?”

  “The contractions.” Micah bit his lip, tensing. Then he hunched over with a low groan, and Spike’s insides clenched. He bounded off the bed, crossing the room to scoop Micah into his arms.

  “I’m booking a flight,” Kai said, clicks and keyboard-tapping sounding from the speaker. “Gonna take four, five hours to get there.”

  “You have a match tomorrow!” Spike said. Micah panted in his arms.

  “I can take a couple days off for the birth. I’ve already talked to Coach.”

  Spike set Micah gently on the bed. He rubbed Micah’s back, then his belly, dropping kisses all over his face. Held Micah until Micah stopped hunching around his belly. “We’ll get you to the hospital as soon as we can,” Spike murmured, trying not to panic. “Hang in there.”

  When he recovered from the contraction, Micah huffed weakly. “It’ll still be a while. I’m not sure how long my body will take to remember this.”

  “Not ten hours, though,” Kai said. Then he looked up, his expression set. “I’ve booked my flight. Heading out now.”

  “I hope you’ll make it in time for the birth.” Spike leaned in close to blow a kiss.

  “Safe travels, Kai,” Micah said, looking hard at their alpha. “Don’t rush.”

  “I promise.” Kai smiled warmly at them both, and then the call ended.

  “He’s freaking out inside,” Spike said. “He even forgot to—Ah, shit. I should text him.”

  “Forgot to...?” Micah frowned.

  Spike grabbed his phone and tapped out a message on his private conversation with Kai. Don’t forget the bows.

  Kai’s response was almost immediate. Shit. Thanks.

  Yeah, Kai was really rattled. Spike would be surprised if Kai’s shoes actually matched.

  Then he went back to Micah, whose skin was faintly damp with sweat. “Are you ready?” Spike asked, stroking his palm down Micah’s belly. Over the past few weeks, York had helped Spike move their bed into Micah’s room. Now there were two double beds side-by-side in there, and not much walking room left, but at least the three of them didn’t have to cram onto one double bed again.

  Spike and Kai’s room had been converted into a nursery, complete with a changing station and a cot. Spike had gone and bought the rest of the baby clothes in different sizes. They’d filled the nursery with stuffed toys and wall charts and colorful mobiles that Kai had sent, and it made Spike anxious now, just waiting for their baby. Not being able to do anything until then. What was he going to do when the baby arrived?

  Micah grunted, glancing down. “I think my water just broke.”

  Panic squeezed Spike’s throat. “Okay. Okay. Fuck. We should get dressed and get to the hospital.”

  He hurried to the closet, pulling out a loose gown for Micah. Got Micah dressed. Then he dressed himself, and hammered on York’s door.

  York poked his head out, frowning.

  “Micah’s water broke,” Spike said. York paled. “You coming with us to the hospital?”

  “Yeah.” York glanced at Spike’s shaking hands, and added, “Maybe I should drive.”


  They grabbed Micah’s overnight bag, then headed out, York driving, Spike cradling Micah in the back, unwilling to let him go.

  “I’ll be fine,” Micah said, even as worry flickered through his eyes.

  “I’ll believe you when the baby’s out,” Spike muttered, running his fingers through Micah’s hair, stroking his face.

  He’d read countless stories about complications during childbirth. Placenta previa, unusual heart rate readings, and even more things that no one expected. And then there were the omega- and infant-mortality rates, and it was enough to make Spike want to throw up.

  No, he wasn’t ready to lose Micah, especially not right now.

  They got Micah admitted into the hospital. Spike paced. Micah waddled with him, albeit slower, one hand on the wall of the room. Spike wanted to reach for Kai and bite down, so at least he wouldn’t be shaking and needing to do something. But Kai wasn’t here yet.

  “I’ll be at the cafeteria,” York said, seeing himself out of the room.

  And now Spike was alone with Micah, the velve
t box in his pocket, Kai’s flight details in a text on his phone. Spike groaned, scrubbing his face. He wanted Kai here, too. But it wasn’t like any of them could hurry his flight.

  Gods, Kai was probably panicking by himself on the plane. Spike’s chest squeezed. He pulled his phone out and called Kai’s number, reaching his voicemail. The beep sounded. Spike thrust the phone at Micah. “Here, give Kai a voice message. Tell him you’ll be fine. Otherwise he’ll freak out worse than I am.”

  Micah huffed, but his smile was warm. “Hey,” he said into the phone. “I’m all good. Take care of yourself first, okay? Drive safe.”

  Spike took the phone back. “You heard him,” he growled. Then he ended the call and shoved the phone back into his pocket, his heart thumping like a ricocheting basketball in his chest.

  A contraction rolled through Micah. Spike scooped him up and deposited him on the bed, rubbing his back, his belly, trying to get Micah as comfortable as he could.

  Micah writhed in pain, and Spike’s chest hurt.

  It was only when the contraction passed, that Spike relaxed. Micah panted. Spike brushed Micah’s hair out of his face, kissing him all over.

  The minutes crawled by. Spike had prepared stuff for them to do during the labor, small games and shit, but he couldn’t even summon the interest in them right now. Could only pace as the midwife came in to check on Micah.

  An hour passed, then another. Micah’s contractions grew more frequent, until they were about fifteen minutes apart.

  Spike’s phone buzzed. “He’s off the airplane,” Spike said, showing Micah the text. “Just gotta get a car and drive here.”

  That was another whole hour. Would Kai miss the birth?

  “We haven’t thought of a name yet,” Micah said after the next contraction. He waved at the overnight bag; Spike handed it to him. Micah pulled out a list of names the three of them had slowly settled on. “Which do you think?”

  Spike looked at the list, but the letters swam when he tried to focus. His nerves were making things difficult to read. “I don’t know. They’re all good.”


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