Hewet, Terence (character)
Hewlett, Mr.
Hogarth House (Richmond upon Thames)
Hogarth Press
Eliot published by
Forster’s articles on Egypt for
Two Stories by Leonard and Virginia Woolf published by
Ulysses and
Hotchkiss, McK.
Housman, A. E.
Howards End (Forster)
Hudson, Stephen (pen name of Sydney Schiff)
Huebsch, Ben
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hutchinson, Mary
Hutchinson, St. John “Jack”
Huxley, Aldous
Huxley, Julian
Indians, American
Inferno (Dante)
“In Flanders Fields” (McCrae)
epidemic of 1921–22
pandemic of 1918–19
Isherwood, Christopher
Jacob’s Room (Woolf)
Forster on
Leonard reads
James, Henry
James, William
Jenkins, Anna
Leonard as
Pound and
Quinn and
Sumner and
John Bull
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Spud
Joyce, James
Clive Bell on
critics of Ulysses and
dinner with Eliot, Pound, and Liveright
Eliot and
Forster and
Lawrence and
Pound on
Seldes on
Ulysses indecency prosecutions and
Woolf and
Kaisar-i-Hind, RMS (ship)
Kangaroo (Lawrence)
revised in Taos
written in Australia
World War I and “Nightmare” chapter
Kaufman, Beatrice
Kaufman, George S.
Keats, John
Keynes, Maynard
Kingsley, Charles
Kingsley, Mary St. Leger (“Lucas Mallet”)
Kipling, Rudyard
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence)
Lake Geneva (Lac Leman)
Larbaud, Valery
Last Poems (Housman)
“Last Straw, The” (Lawrence)
Lausanne, Switzerland
Lawrence, David Herbert
Aaron’s Rod and
appearance of
Brewster and
challenges of 1922 and
communitarian vision of
death of
desire to travel to America
desire to write something new
early background of
egotism of
Eliot on
England, My England and
essay writing by
family and
finances of
Forster and
Forster’s Howards End and
friends depicted in novels of
friendships with men
Heseltine libel threat and
homosexuality and
influenza and
Kangaroo written
Lady Chatterley’s Lover and
letter writing and
Lost Girl and
Mabel Dodge and
marriage to Frieda Weekley
Mr. Noon and
“naked liberty” and
natural world and
nicknames of
obscenity prosecutions and
personality of
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and
racial theory of
Rainbow and
Sea and Sardinia and
Seltzer and
short stories and
Sons and Lovers and
Taos houses and
Touch and Go and
translates Verga
travel essays of
travels to Australia
travels to Baden-Baden
travels to Ceylon
travels to Italy and Germany
travels to Mexico
travels to Taormina, Sicily
travels to Taos
Ulysses and
White Peacock and
Women in Love and
writes in Taos with Dodge
writes in “Wyewurk,” Thirroul, Australia
writing process of
World War I and
Lawrence, Emily
Lawrence, Frieda von Richtofen Weekley
Lawrence, George
Lawrence, Lettice Ada
Lawrence, Lydia
Lawrence, T. E. (“of Arabia”)
Leslie, Colonel
Lewes Priory
Lewis, Sinclair
Lewis, Wyndham
Lilly, Rawdon (character)
Lippincott (publisher)
Little Gidding (Eliot)
Little Review
Liveright, Horace
Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury
Lloyds Bank
Eliot on, in Waste Land
Lawrence’s memory of World War I and
Vanessa Bell and
Woolf on, in Mrs. Dalloway
London Bridge
“London Letter” (Eliot)
London Mercury
Longest Journey, The (Forster)
Lost and Found on a South Sea Island (film)
Lost Girl, The (Lawrence)
“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (Eliot)
Lowell, Amy
Ludolf, G. H.
Luhan, Tony
MacCarthy, Desmond
Mademoiselle de Maupin (Gautier)
Malatesta, Sigismondo Pandolfo
“Malatesta Cantos” (Pound)
Malet, Lucas (pen name of Mary St. Leger Kingsley)
Manchester Guardian
Mansfield, Katherine
Marks, Mary
Martin, Kingsley
Masood, Syed Ross
Massine, Léonide
Maurice (Forster)
McAlmon, Robert
McCrae, John
Mellors, Oliver (character)
Melville, Herman
Memoir Club
Mencken, H. L.
Meredith, George
Merrild, Knud
Merrill, George
Methuen Press
Milton, John
Milton Academy
Miriam (character)
Mirlees, Hope
Moby-Dick (Melville)
Moncrieff, C. K. Scott
Monk’s House (Rodmell)
Moore, Marianne
Moore, Mrs. (character)
Moore, T. Sturge
Moorgate station
Morand, Paul
Morrell, Ottoline
Mortimer, Raymond
Mountsier, Robert
“Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown” (Woolf)
Mr. Noon (Lawrence)
Mrs. Dalloway (Woolf)
“At Home, or a Party” section
begun with revival of Clarissa Dalloway
“Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street” section
“Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street” published in Dial
“Prime Minister” section
Mund, Sybil (character)
Murry, John Middleton
Mussolini, Benito
“My Books and I” (Forster)
National Velvet (Bagnold)
Nation and Athenaeum
Neighborhood Playhouse
New Age
“New Heaven and Earth” (Lawrence)
New Republic
New Statesman
New York Herald Tribune
br /> New York Society for the Suppression of Vice
New York State Court of Appeals
New York State Penal Code, Section 1141
New York State Supreme Court
New York Times
Book Review
New-York Tribune
Night and Day (Woolf)
Not Under Forty (Cather)
Nouvelle Revue française, La
NRF Éditions
Obscene Publications Act (Britain, 1857)
obscenity prosecutions
Gautier’s Mademoiselle and
Joyce’s Ulysses and
Lawrence and
Seltzer and
“Ode to Marcel Proust” (Morand)
Odyssey (Homer)
Old Mortality (Scott)
One of Ours (Cather)
Orlando (Woolf)
Oxford University
“Paris Letters” (Pound column)
Partridge, Ralph
Passage to India, A (Forster)
Pendennis (Thackeray)
Persuasion (Austen)
Pharos and Pharillon (Forster)
Player Queen, The (Yeats)
Poe, Edgar Allan
Poetry Society of America
Political Quarterly
Poppy Day
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce)
Pound, Dorothy
Pound, Ezra
Bel Esprit plan and
Cantos of
“Credit and the Fine Arts” and
Dial and
Eliot and
Homer and
Joyce’s Ulysses and
Lawrence and
Lewis and
“Malatesta Cantos” and
new literary period heralded by
“Paris Letters” and
Proust and
Waste Land title and
Wilson on
Pritchett, V. S.
“Prolegomena” (Pound)
Proust, Marcel
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious (Lawrence)
Publishers Weekly
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry
Quinn, John
Rainbow, The (Lawrence)
suppressed for indecency
Rananim commune
Random House
Rappaport, Mr.
Rascoe, Burton
“Recent German Poetry” (Hesse)
Reform Club
Regina v. Hicklin
Reid, Forrest
Remembrance Day
In Search of Lost Time. See À la recherche du temps perdu; and specific volumes
Richmond, Bruce
Richthofen, Baroness Anna von
Rivière, Jacques
Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Roddice, Hermione (character)
Room with a View, A (Forster)
Rothermere, Mary Lilian Harmsworth, Lady
Royal Academy
Royal British Legion
Russell, Bertrand
Sackville-West, Vita
Sacred Wood, The (Eliot)
Sainsbury, Harrington
Salisbury, Lord
Sassoon, Siegfried
Schiff, Sydney
Schiff, Violet
Schlegel, Helen (character)
Schlegel, Margaret (character)
Schnitzler, Arthur
Scott, Temple
Scott, Walter
Scott & Seltzer
Sea and Sardinia (Lawrence)
Secker, Martin
Seldes, Gilbert
Seltzer, Adele
Seltzer, Thomas
obscenity prosecutions and
Seven Pillars of Wisdom (T. E. Lawrence)
Shackleton, Ernest
Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare and Co.
Shaw, Rose (character)
shell shock
Sidgwick, Frank
Simpson, George
Sisson, Aaron (character)
Sitwell, Osbert
Smith, Septimus (character)
Sodome et Gomorrhe (Proust)
Somers, Harriet (character)
Somers, Richard Lovat (character)
“Sonnet 30” (Shakespeare)
Sons and Lovers (Lawrence)
Southborough, Lord
Stein, Leo
Stephen, Adrian
Stephen, Julia
Stephen, Leslie
Stephen, Thoby
Sterne, Laurence
Sterne, Mabel Dodge. See Dodge, Mabel
Sterne, Maurice
“Story of a Panic, The” (Forster)
Strachey, Lytton
Suez Canal
Sumner, John
Swann’s Way. See Du côté de chez Swann
Swinnerton, Frank
Sydney Morning Herald
Tahiti, SS (steamship)
Taormina, Sicily
Taos, New Mexico
Thackeray, Harriet
Thackeray, William
Thayer, Scofield
Thornton, Marianne “Aunt Monie”
“Tickets, Please” (Lawrence)
Times Literary Supplement
Times (London)
“Mr. E. M. Forster’s Books” and
Tolstoy, Leo
To the Lighthouse (Woolf)
Touch and Go (Lawrence)
Treatment of Neurasthenia by Means of Brain Control (Vittoz)
Trevelyan, Bob
Tristam Shandy (Sterne)
Tristan and Isolde myth
Ulysses (Joyce)
Eliot and
indecency prosecution and
Larbaud and
Lawrence and
Pound and
Quinn and
Seldes on
Woolf and
United States
indecency prosecutions in
Lawrence arrives in
Lawrence’s contradictory thoughts on
U.S. Congress
Vanity Fair
Verdenal, Jean
Verga, Giovanni
Vicary, Frank
Viking (publisher)
Vinrace, Rachel (character)
Vittoz, Roger
Voyage Out, The (Woolf)
Walsh, Raoul
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
Waste Land, The (Eliot)
autobiographical aspects of
Eliot’s published notes on
negotiations for publication of
Pound and
Quinn reads
reception of
title of
Woolf and
World War I and
Watson, James Sibley, Jr.
Waves, The (Woolf)
Wayne, John
Weaver, Harriet
Wedd, Nathaniel
Weekley, Ernest
Weekley, Frieda von Richtofen. See Lawrence, Frieda von Richtofen Weekley
Wells, H. G.
Westward Ho! (Kingsley)
Wharton, Edith
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Forster)
White Peacock, The (Lawrence)
Whitman, Walt
Wilcox, Henry (character)
Wilde, Oscar
Williams, William Carlos
Wilson, Edmund
Women in Love (Lawrence)
Forster and
legal problems and
published by
Woods, Fanny
Woods, J. H.
Woolf, Leonard
Bloomsbury and
Criterion and
death of Virginia and
Eliot and
Forster and
Hogarth House and
p; Hogarth Press and
Jacob’s Room and
Joyce’s Ulysses and
Monk’s House and
Morrell and
Mrs. Dalloway and
novels and stories of
pocket diaries of
Political Quarterly and
Two Stories published with Virginia
Virginia’s health monitored by
Virginia’s novels and
Woolf, Virginia
Asheham country house and
Bloomsbury and
“Byron and Mr. Briggs” by
challenges of 1922 and
Clarissa Dalloway from Voyage Out revived by
Clive Bell and
Common Reader and
death of
diary of
Eliot and
Eliot Fellowship Fund and
Eliot’s Criterion and
Eliot’s Waste Land and
essays by
finances of
Forster and
Forster on Jacob’s Room and
Forster on Mrs. Dalloway and
Forster on Night and Day and
fortieth birthday of
Fry and
Hogarth House and
Hogarth Press and
Hutchinson and
influenza and
Jacob’s Room and
jealousy and
Joyce’s Ulysses and
Leonard and
Leonard reads Jacob’s Room and
Leonard’s critiques of novels of
letter writing and
Lewis on
literary circle of
Mansfield and
Monk’s House and
Morrell and
“Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown,” and
Mrs. Dalloway written
Night and Day and
Orlando and
personality of
Proust and
reading by
reviews by
rivalry with other writers
Sackville-West and
sales and
social life of
Strachey and
suicide attempt of
To the Lighthouse and
Two Stories published, with Leonard
Vanessa Bell and
Voyage Out and
on “women writers”
writing problems and
World War I and
World War I
Worth, Irene
Wubbenhorst, F.
Yale Beinecke Library
Yeats, W. B.
Young Girl’s Diary, A (anonymous)
Ziegfeld Follies (revue)
BILL GOLDSTEIN, the founding editor of the New York Times books website, reviews books and interviews authors for NBC’s Weekend Today in New York. He is also the curator of public programs at Roosevelt House, the public policy institute of New York’s Hunter College. A graduate of the University of Chicago, Goldstein received a PhD in English from the City University of New York Graduate Center in 2010. He is the recipient of writing fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, the Ucross Foundation, and elsewhere for his work on The World Broke in Two. You can sign up for email updates here.
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