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Brothers Black 2: Noah The Beast

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by Blue Saffire

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  Other books by Blue Saffire

  Placed in Best Read Order

  Also available….

  Legally Bound

  Legally Bound 2: Against the Law

  Legally Bound 3: His Law

  Perfect for Me

  Hush 1: Family Secrets

  Ballers: His Game

  Brothers Black1: Wyatt the Heartbreaker

  Legally Bound 4: Allegations of Love

  Hush 2: Slow Burn

  Legally Bound 5.0: Sam

  Yours: Losing My Innocence 1

  Yours 2: Experience Gained

  Yours 3: Life Mastered

  Ballers 2: His Final Play

  Brothers Black 2: Noah The Beast

  Coming Soon…

  Legally Bound 5.2: Camille

  Brothers Black 3

  Legally Bound 5.3

  Brothers Black

  Noah The Beast

  Book Two

  Blue Saffire

  Perceptive Illusions Publishing, Inc.

  Bay Shore, New York

  Copyright © 2016 by Blue Saffire.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

  Blue Saffire/Perceptive Illusions Publishing, Inc.

  P.O. Box 5253

  Bay Shore, New York/11706

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

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  Brothers Black 2: Noah The Beast/ Blue Saffire. -- 1st ed.

  The twin of your soul will always know how to find you. The one meant to ride for you will ride until the wheels fall off. Anything less is not right.

  ―Blue Saffire


  At Last

  Carmen Nash

  Freelance Junior Reporter for NY/LA Connections

  Black Wedding, Private Location in Ireland

  I wanted to cover this wedding the moment I heard about it. The Blacks are becoming like royalty these days. With their connections and the high-profile friends and clients they have, everyone who’s someone has heard of them. Actually, they are royalty now, by way of marriage. This lucky little reporter here had the privilege of covering that wedding as well.

  My aunt Mariah is the best. Her husband, Kevin Briggs, has all the best connections and friends. Not to mention Aunt Mariah’s boss, Nicholas Lincoln, who is a mogul himself. One that would bend the world for my aunt because she is the best personal assistant in the world.

  When I told my aunt I really needed something to wow my film professor my aunt came through for me. I have one shot at film school. I’m paying for it out of my own pocket, well, my pocket and Aunt Mariah’s. My dad would kill her if he found out. See, my dad is paying for me to be a full-time journalism student. Daddy’s dream not mine, which is fine and cool. I do love my journalism classes, but my heart is in films. So, I am a part-time night student for my passion.

  I needed something killer for a documentary project. I feel the need to validate myself and if my father finds out about all this, then he’ll shut it down if I’m not excelling at it. So, I have to be the best of the best before he gets wind.

  I totally scored with my first Black wedding last year. I mean, come on a royal wedding. I totally got an A for scoring that exclusive, it was a private wedding as well. The Blacks may be known, but they like to keep things low key. That is why I so appreciate them letting me cover yet another of their weddings.

  The deal is, I create an awesome wedding video for them and they allow me to use some of the footage for my classes. In addition, I can write up an article for my freelance job at NY/LA Connections. It’s a trendy blog that has exploded in the last two years. Aunt Mariah pulled those strings as well. I happen to be her favorite niece, so I get pretty much anything I ask for.

  I look over to my best friend, Courtney and beam at her. She is filming for me. We make the perfect team. My aunt’s connections are helping her resume as well.

  I turn my attention back to the bride and groom. They are just gorgeous. I wish I had the slim figure of the bride. That gown is so amazing. The beading and crystals take the simple mermaid, sweetheart dress to an out of this world level. The brides brown skin is just glowing, making the smile on her face radiant.

  They make the perfect couple. I’ve been watching them intensely all day. Now, with night falling and the light beginning to twinkle all around them, I’m drawn into them even more.

  I’ve never thought about my own wedding and what that day would be like. I’m focused on my career goals, but watching the look on Noah Black’s face has my heart longing to be looked upon the very same way, when my day comes. His eyes say a million words.

  I snap my fingers when the answer to the question that has been nagging me all day pops in my head. Noah looks so different to me, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it is that has changed. Other than the small scar on his left cheek, the scar is so noticeable because he is clean shaven. The answer to the riddle clears my brain as Wyatt walks over to whisper in Noah’s ear and pats him on the back. Noah shaved his beard.

  They look like twins. It’s what clued me in. Wyatt and Noah looked alike the first time I met them, but you knew the difference between the two because of their height and build, as well as the difference in their hair and grooming.

  Now they are both clean shaven, but I remember Noah’s beard that used to go along with his man bun. I smirk as Noah’s wife reaches up to smooth a hand over his dark brown hair and pushes a stray lock back into place. It is such a simple gesture, but it looks so natural, loving, and almost possessive on her part. I smirk, because if I had a man that looked that good, I would be possessive too.

  “You know, that could be us, but you keep running from me,” I hear a deep voice say beside me, causing my smirk to widen into a full grin.

  I turn in the direction of the voice and have to crane my neck to look up. I’m only five-five, tonight five-eight due to my killer heels. He has to be six-seven at least. I’d bet my career on it. I am locked into the most gorgeous golden eyes as I meet his open gaze.

  He is right, I have sat with the entire family and many of the wedding guests
to get candid interviews and stories on the bride and groom, but this one Black brother, I have avoided like the plague. I blink a few times to make sure he is real. Real men don’t look like him. Not even models without some type of airbrushing.

  Okay, honestly, I think my panties melted just staring at the groom’s side of the wedding party. Seven gorgeous brothers and their four cousins. I have never seen that many men just lined up looking like one delicious morsel after another. Granted, something about a couple of the green-eyed cousins had me shitting my pants when I spoke to them.

  Cole, the cousin they all call, Brooklyn, is one scary guy from afar, but once I got to speak to him, he wasn’t so bad after all. He is blunt, but a sweetheart. Logan, on the other hand, I thought he was going to snap me in half. Then, he did something that shocked me, he smiled. Boy, was I glad to run from him, smile or not.

  However, this tall God like man before me. I have had my running shoes on all day to stay away from him. There is just this aura that oozes from him that tells my heart he is dangerous to talk to. His dark brown full locks fall onto his forehead, somehow causing those dangerous eyes to look brighter and more mischievous. His full lips give way to a straight set of white teeth that stop my heart for a beat.

  No, I have never been around a guy that causes me to have a reaction like this, so I’ve stayed far, far away from him. Not to mention, I totally embarrassed myself the last time we met. That’s what I get for drinking when I shouldn’t have.

  I pull myself together and feign disinterest. “Why would I be running from you,” I ask as I tear my eyes away and look back at the beautiful couple moving out onto the dance floor.

  Nellie Black takes the stage and my heart fills with excitement. She sang at the last wedding and she was amazing. I nearly squeal when the opening strings to, At Last, start to play. Nobody does this song like Etta James, but I have a feeling Nellie will be up there with those that come pretty damn close.

  “You know I want you,” he rumbles close to my ear, startling me. I hadn’t felt him move so close.

  “You do know that I’m only nineteen, right,” I breathe dumbly. It is the only thing I can come up with. I keep my eyes straight ahead, looking at the couple dancing before me. I was right, Nellie is doing an amazing job with the song. If I close my eyes, I may even start to think it is really Etta singing.

  “That’s a lie, you’ll be twenty, next week,” he says with a smile in his voice. I slide my eyes in his direction and slowly turn my head.

  I blink at him and smile slowly. “Are you investigating me now, Ryan Black,” I scoff. “Really?”

  He moves in even closer, taking away any space between us. “I told you when you fell into my arms that I was a man that plays for keeps. I don’t believe in coincidences. You got shit faced drunk and fell into my arms for a reason,” Ryan shrugs. “I knew I would see you again.”

  “You are so out of my league,” I snort and wince. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I hear Courtney groan behind me and want to kick myself.

  Ryan reaches for a strand of my hair and tuck it behind my ear. “What makes you believe that gorgeous,” he asks with a lifted brow.

  “I’m me and you’re you. Like I said, I’m nineteen, what do we even have in common,” I shrug.

  “Other than the fact that when we kissed, I forgot my own name and I know for a fact you forgot yours as well,” Ryan says with a sly smile.

  I lick my lips as I think of that kiss. I wasn’t too drunk to remember the best kiss of my life. Ryan’s eyes drop to my lips and I watch as his eyes dilate.

  “That’s not what I meant,” I say in a whisper.

  “Fine, I’ll tell you what we have in common when we get State side and you let me take you out on a date,” Ryan replies with a wolfish smile.

  “What… I never said I would go out with you,” I sputter.

  “Carmen, why are you fighting this. And to answer your earlier words, I’m only twenty-five, so you being twenty is not a problem,” Ryan says, putting emphasis on the age I will be next week, on my birthday.

  I don’t have an answer for him so I turn to watch the happy couple once again. Noah pulls his bride closer into his chest and I swear my heart melts. There is that look again. I watch as Noah cups, Rebecca’s face and says something that makes her eyes tear up. It is such a sweet moment.

  “What do you think he is saying to her,” I ask almost to myself, but effectively changing the subject.

  “Some Noah and Bean shit,” Ryan chuckles.

  “What does that mean,” I turn to look at him curiously.

  “My brother has loved that girl from before he even knew it himself,” Ryan shakes his head. “No, love is the wrong word. Noah adores Bean. She is his life’s mission, just to make her happy.”

  I’m intrigued by his words. Most of the family mentioned Noah and Bean being the perfect couple, but Ryan’s words have a story behind them. Ryan’s smile broadens as he sees he has peaked my interest.

  “I’ll get Noah and Bean to tell you all about their story if you agree to go out with me for your birthday,” Ryan offers, dangling that irresistible carrot before me. I don’t know what draws me in more. The thought of spending time with him or the story behind this wedding. Ryan knows he has me, but he sinks the hook in a little deeper. “I’ll even get him to tell you where that scar on his cheek came from. I’ll help you find out everything. It will help you tell their story better with the video. To tell their love story you’ll have to know them.”

  I’m hooked. I’m sure Noah and Bean had only planned to give me a little wedding cameo, but if Ryan can get them to give me their story, a true love story. This will just be so freaking fantastic.

  “Just one date,” I ask, looking up at him through my lashes.

  He shakes his head, causing his dark locks to fall further onto his forehead. “I never said that,” he smirks. “You should know better than that. Not one date, Sweetheart. It will be our first date.”

  I pout, then bite my lip in thought. Oh, who am I kidding. I nod my head slowly. “Fine, but this better be one good story,” I say, and place my hands on my hips.

  Ryan throws his head back and laughs. “Oh, it is,” he says, then surprises me when he cups the back of my neck and draws me into him. Ryan dips his head so that our lips nearly touch. “It’ll be almost as good as ours,” with that his nips my bottom lip and pulls away. “Still as sweet as I remember. Come on, bring your friend. You’re going to want this on tape.”

  I stand in stunned silence as he turns and starts to walk away towards the bride and groom table. I feel my heart pounding in my chest and I don’t know whether it’s because of Ryan or the fact that he is going to get me this story as soon as the loving couple steps off the dance floor. Courtney nudges me and squeals.

  “Oh my God, that was so freaking hot. I told you he had a thing for you,” she gushes.

  “Girl, guys like that are only looking for one thing. I don’t have time for him,” I try to convince her and myself.

  “I have twenty dollars that says you two won’t make it through the rest of this weekend without hooking up. Forget a date on your birthday. We still have three days before your aunt flies us back home,” Courtney says as she gives me a pointed look.

  “Whatever,” I grumble and start after Ryan. “Come on, I want this footage.”



  I know I am grinning like an idiot. I am so happy right now, I don’t know what to do with myself. I love my husband. My husband, I squeal in my head. I never even thought this was possible for so long.

  There was a time in my life where I thought I would forever be Noah’s little buddy. The beanstalk that would never be woman enough to turn his head. I thought my mix African American, Puerto Rican, and Irish heritage made for too strange a mix for Noah to look at me twice.

  Don’t get me wrong, I now know I’m the best of both my parents, but it took a while to see that. I know it now with Noah’s help. H
e loves everything about me even the things I don’t or didn’t once before.

  I am lost in Noah’s golden eyes as we sway to Nellie singing, At Last, for us. This song says so much in this moment. As if reading my thoughts, Noah says, “This song always makes me think of you.” Noah whispers as he cups my face and looks down at me.

  “Really,” I beam up at him as my eyes tear up.

  “Yeah, Baby, really. I’ve loved you for so long. I remember the day your mom and dad brought you home. You were so tiny. This cute little brown baby with a head full of thick black curls,” Noah runs his finger over my bottom lip. “Your lips were a full little bow even then. Your nose was this cute little point on your face and your eyes… you wouldn’t open them for anyone else. As soon as your mom placed you in my arms, you opened them and I was gone.

  “I knew then, even at five-years-old, it was my job to keep you safe and happy. You were my everything, then, just like you are now. I just didn’t know one day that would lead to you being my wife,” my husband says gruffly.

  “I love you, Noah,” I say through trembling lips.

  He smiles down at me. “I love you too, Baby.”

  “We have been through so much. I can’t believe we are finally married,” I smile up at him.

  “Believe it, because now that you’ve got me. I’m not going anywhere,” Noah says then places a kiss on my lips.

  “We both know I wouldn’t let you anyway,” I giggle.

  “Likewise, Baby, especially if what my mother says is true,” Noah says with a lifted brow and mischievous grin.

  I look up at him in confusion. “What did she say,” I ask curiously.

  Noah beams down at me. “And I quote, ‘the lass is carrying a wee one. Nora and the twins will we have plenty of company soon,” Noah mocks his mother’s accent.


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