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Brothers Black 2: Noah The Beast

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by Blue Saffire

  I chuckle at Bean being my protector. When Bean turns and walks over to me, I’m proud of her. She has her head held high and she did a damn good job. I throw my arm around her shoulders and give a gentle squeeze.

  “About time,” I smile at her. “It felt good didn’t it.”

  “Only cause he’s a bully,” Bean says with a little smirk as she kicks at a rock.

  “Whatever,” I smile.

  Nellie bounces over with her wild curls and pushes her glasses up her nose. “Boy, I wish I didn’t have to go home. That was so freaking cool. Noah, we have to work on my right hook,” Nellie says excitedly.

  I ruffle Nellie’s hair. “Next week, shorty,” I tease.

  “Whatever, giant,” Nellie smiles up at me.

  “You guys walk Nellie home,” I turn to say to my brothers. “I’ll walk Bean.”

  Being the second oldest my brothers jump right to it. I don’t even look behind me to see if they do. I just start walking towards home with Bean. Her house is next door to ours so I’ll get her home before I have to face mom.

  “I’m proud of you, kid,” I say to Bean still holding onto her shoulder.

  Bean shrugs. “Better him than you,” she giggles.

  “Don’t do that, Rebecca. I’m really proud of you, as long as I’m around I’ll always have your back, but there will be times that I won’t be. That’s why I push you so hard. I don’t want anyone messing with you. You can handle yourself and you should. You’re no one’s punk,” I say firmly.

  “Thanks, Noah,” Bean looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I know why you always help me. Thanks, is all.”

  I look at Bean knowing what she means. Shit isn’t easy for her at home. Dad and Uncle Rob do what they can, but it is still hard on Bean and her mom.

  “Anytime,” I shrug.

  “Hey, can I come over and play video games with you,” Bean asks hopefully.

  I open my mouth getting ready to tell her I’m probably in deep shit. When I see the worry and dread in her eyes, I close my mouth and tug her towards my house. I’ll talk to mom. It’s Bean, she’ll give me a pass.

  I didn’t know it in that moment, but something happened that day. Bean and I became something new. We went from cool neighbors, a big brother and little sister, to best friends, we became each other’s person.


  Growing Pains


  Two years later….

  I have had a crush on Noah Black for years. I think I officially fell in love with Noah that day he made me beat the shit out of Tommy Henry for taking my money. That was the day Noah and I become inseparable. Before then, I was just the girl next door that followed him around and that he taught to fight.

  After that day we became more. I don’t know how or why, but we did. I think Noah found a new respect for me. I was more than his dad’s best friend’s niece after that day. Noah always makes me feel so cool. Anytime I go over to hang out, he welcomes me right in.

  Well, at least it had been that way. In the last week, things have changed. Noah’s sixteen now, so I guess hanging out with an eleven-year-old is not as appealing. At least not twenty-four, seven the way we used to. I’ve been over with my comic books and a new video game twice this week, but Noah hasn’t been home.

  I sat with Aunt Cass, in the kitchen waiting until I got too mad to wait anymore, yesterday. Today is looking like I’m going to get the same results. I huff and flip through my comic book for the millionth time.

  “Lass, where’s Nellie? Shouldn’t you be spending time with that wee thing,” Aunt Cass looks up from the bread she is kneading.

  Cassidy Black may not be my real aunt, but she has been like one all my life. I love her to pieces. She is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have never seen her back down from any one.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Nellie, went to see her dad,” I murmur.

  Aunt Cass nods and sets the bread aside. She claps the flour from her hands and moves closer to where I’m sitting at the island. My shoulders suddenly feel heavy. I know she is about to lay something on me.

  “Bean, I know you and my Noah are very close, but you two are five years apart in age. Noah’s sixteen. Boys his age start to like girls his age and want to spend time with them. Noah just may have taken longer than Wyatt to really take notice. I think that is because he has always had you, but things are changing, Lovie.

  “Maybe you can hang out with Toby or Ryan. Leave that little fucker Braxton to himself,” Cass shakes her head and frowns. “If I have to chase after his wise ass one more time, I’m going to break his neck,” Cass snorts and shakes her head. “I don’t think Noah means to forget you or to hurt you, but …when you turn sixteen you’ll understand.”

  I fight back the tears that try to push themselves forward. I get what she is trying to tell me. I’ve heard the talk. Noah has a girlfriend. I just wanted him to tell me himself. We talk about everything. I thought he would tell me this too.

  I nod my head and gather my things. “Can you just tell him I stopped by,” I say through the lump in my throat.

  “Sure, Lovie, I will,” Aunt Cass says with sympathy in her voice.

  I walk out the back door and cross into my yard. When I get there I look into my house. I can see my dad at the refrigerator getting another beer. I let the tears flow freely now.

  Noah is more than just a crush. He is my escape. I have Nellie at school, but she doesn’t live as close and in the last year she has been going back and forth between her mom and dad.

  Right now, I just feel… lost. I tuck my comics under my arm and go to sit on the front steps of my house. It’s better to wait dad out anyway.



  I have been wanting to hook up with Amber Sinclair since the ninth grade. I was so fucking awkward at fourteen. I was just coming into my voice and I was huge for my age. Hell, I’m still fucking huge. I don’t think that will ever change, but now that I’m playing football and hitting the weights it’s not so bad. I’m coming into my body.

  I guess the girls see it too, because Amber agreed to go out with me when I asked her. We’ve gone out four times already since. Amber is tall with long legs and long brown hair. Wyatt keeps busting my balls saying that she looks like a pale version of Bean.

  I never thought about it until he pointed it out. Amber doesn’t look exactly like Bean, but there are things that one could find similar. I don’t even want to dig too deeply into what all that could mean. Shit just doesn’t sound right, not even in my head.

  I asked Amber out because she has a great rack and a tight little ass. I love those tight jeans she wears to school when she is not in her cheerleading uniform. I’ve been wanting in those jeans for a while now.

  Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had pussy before. You can’t be Wyatt Black’s brother and not get pussy by the time you’re fifteen. I have been under a few skirts. Amber is just on another level.

  I’m smirking to myself as I jump out of my jeep and walk up to the house. Dad gave me and Wyatt our own cars, as long as we promised not to drive anyone else around without permission.

  I’m almost to the front steps when I notice a small figure on the steps next door. I smile broader when I see that it’s Bean. I haven’t seen the kid in a few days. I change directions and head over to her house.

  When I sit on the steps next to Bean, she frowns and slides away from me. I lift my arms to smell my pits. I know I showered after practice. I had my date with Amber. I frown and look at Bean.

  “What the hell,” I ask.

  “You stink,” she frowns. “You smell like cheap perfume.

  I throw my head back and laugh. Amber did lay it on thick with the perfume the last few days. I shrug and lean into bump Bean’s shoulder. She turns away so that I can’t see her face.

  “Hey, Kid, what’s up,” I frown this time. “Why are you out here by yourself?”

  “Nothing,” she grumbles barely loud enough for me to hear.<
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  “Come on, Bean,” I coax. “Is everything okay? Is your mom alright?”

  “Mom is fine, dad’s been keeping to himself,” Bean mumbles.

  “Then what’s up,” I ask with my brows drawn.

  Bean shrugs. “I ain’t got nothing else to do. So I’m sitting here,” she shrugs again.

  It’s with her sad words that I realize I have been neglecting my little friend. I see the comics sitting at her side and groan inwardly. Shit, I wasn’t even thinking. Spending time with Bean has been second nature for so long. I can’t believe I didn’t notice how little time I’ve been spending with her. I was just worried about getting my dick wet. Fuck.

  “Hey, um, it’s late now, but let’s go see a movie tomorrow. We can hit the arcade after. I mean it’s Nellie weekend away right,” I try.

  “Yeah, it’s her weekend, but I have a project for school I’m working on. Maybe some other time,” Bean says and stands. “Look Noah, I think we spend too much time together. You have football and I’m sure girls are important to you,” Bean shrugs her thin shoulders. “I got kid stuff to do, so you don’t have to worry about me. See you later, okay?”

  “Bean,” I reply, but she keeps moving toward her front door. “Bean…Rebecca.”

  “Just leave it, Noah. I’m not stupid. You forgot about me. You have a girlfriend and stuff. I got it. I’ll still hang with you guys and stuff, but I’ll stay out of your hair.”

  “You’re never in my hair, Bean,” I say in frustration. “I just got caught up this week. You’re my friend. I like hanging out with you.”

  “Yeah, sure, listen,” Bean says as she turns the knob to the front door. “Maybe I’ll make your game next week. I have to go.”



  “Hey, Bean,” Nellie chirps into the phone.

  “Hey,” I say dejectedly.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Nellie’s concern comes through the phone.

  “I’m so stupid. I didn’t want to listen when everyone was saying that Noah has a girlfriend. I never thought he would…just abandon me,” I whisper into the phone.

  “Oh, Bean, I’m sorry. You know what,” I can hear the wheels turning as Nellie’s voice picks up excitement. “It will all get better. I mean look I started growing curves this year, you will soon too. Then Noah will see you as more than his buddy and you two can have beautiful little babies and live happily ever after,” Nellie squeals.

  “Ugh, that is so not happening. Ew,” I roll my eyes.

  “Whatever, you know you want to grow up and have little Noah’s,” Nellie teases and giggles.

  I have to giggle too. “If I have little Noahs, then you have to have little Wyatts,” I tease back.

  “Ha! He would have to know I exist. Anyway, things will get better. You’re Bean and Noah. Like nothing can come between that,” Nellie says just as something downstairs crashes.

  I sigh and roll my eyes as I hear my dad’s voice rise through the house. “Hey, I have to go,” I sigh into the phone.

  “Okay,” Nellie replies sadly. “If you need me call me.”

  “I will,” I say before I hang up.

  I stare at my bedroom door and try to drown out the noise. I don’t know when it is worse anymore. When my mother argues back or when she ignores dad. Sometime I wish we could just leave. I don’t even remember the happy dad I see in picture from when I was little. So, I can’t say that I would miss him if we left.

  I hear a tap at my bedroom window and my shoulders sag. He really is getting to freaking big for this crap. I roll my eyes and turn toward the window. Noah narrows his eyes at me when I look like I’m not going to open the damn thing.

  I huff and push off the bed making my way over slowly. When I finally open the window, I almost laugh as I watch him try to fit his big body through it. Noah stumbles to his full height and I stifle a laugh.

  “Sure, your skinny ass would laugh at me,” Noah grumbles, but that all changes in seconds. When I jump a little at something crashing down stairs again, and a little whimper escapes my lips, Noah pulls me into his arms and hugs me. “I’ll always be here, Bean. Always.”


  Prom Favors


  Six years later…

  Over the years I have made Bean a lot of promises and I have never broken a one. I have always been there for her. When Nellie and her family moved away two years ago, I was there for Bean. She cried so much. To Bean it was like losing everything. I was off in college and all she had was Nellie.

  Bean won’t say it, but high school hasn’t been the best for her. Not before Nellie left and definitely not after. I wish there was more I could do. I’d do anything to ease that kid’s pain.

  Even hem her dad up and tell him to get his shit together. I know… ballsy for an eighteen-year-old kid, but I was leaving for college and I was tired of his shit. I wouldn’t be there to hold Bean when he started his shit, so I decided to put a stop to it.

  My brother, Johnathan, reassured me that Uncle Chase took heed to my words and got some fucking help. From what I know, he still drinks a bit, but he is just a sad drunk now, not the angry, bitter one he used to be. I guess that’s better than nothing.

  At least, that’s how I felt until Uncle Chase called me this week. I answered the phone to a different man. I was just getting into my apartment when the call came in. I thought it was Bean calling at first. It was around the time she would call me for an update on my day. I’ve noticed more and more that she doesn’t tell me about hers. It really eats me up that she is so unhappy.

  I have thought about moving back home sooner. After I graduated undergrad, I entered a training program my dad thought would be great for me, since I’ll be starting at Black and Lock after the summer. I almost canned that idea to go home and spend time with Bean during her senior year.

  Bean was actually the one that talked me out of it. I sort of regret it now; I haven’t seen her in person since last summer. Between training and the girl, I’m seeing, I haven’t been back home. Every time I’ve told Bean that I’m dropping everything to come see her, she talks me out of it.

  So, imagine my surprise to get a call from her dad filling me in on a whole lot of shit I didn’t know. Bean’s prom is tonight. She had a date up until two days ago, but the asshole broke her fucking heart at the last minute.

  Her dad called me to beg me to come take her. I was a little reluctant at first. I mean, I’m twenty-two. I’m sure my big ass will look all sorts of out of place at a high school prom. I offered to get one of my younger brothers to do it, but Uncle Chase said he didn’t think she would go if it wasn’t me. Besides, Toby and Ryan are already going to the prom with their own dates. That only leaves Brax and I’d rather go myself than ask him.

  Uncle Chase said he was already having a hard time trying to talk Bean into going on her own. My showing up is supposed to be a surprise. Her dad really sounded like he was trying to do the right thing by her. I respect that. It’s the type of father he used to be.

  “Please Noah,” Uncle Chase said sadly into the phone. “I haven’t been the greatest father, but I watched her blossom these last few months. This means something to her. I want my baby girl to remember this night as one of the good ones. You’re her best friend, Noah. You don’t owe me anything, but that girl thinks you hang the moon. Do it for her.”

  “Alright, Uncle Chase, I’ll fly in tomorrow night. Do you know the color of her dress?” I relented.

  “Thank you, Noah, thank you. Her dress is black, silver and blue,” Uncle Chase chuckled. “She looks damn good in the thing too. My baby girl has grown up.”

  I laughed, remembering the last time I saw Bean. I’m six-five, the top of Bean’s head almost cleared my chin the last time I hugged her and that was with little heels on her shoes. I can only imagine how tall she is now. Bean is still all long limbs and that smile of hers lights up her pretty face, just like when we were kids. I miss the kid something awful.

“I’ll be there. I can’t wait to surprise her,” I chuckle back.

  Only I’m the one that’s surprised as I turn to face the Lockhart house. Bean stops walking down the path as I turn to face her and her mouth opens. I think I have the same shocked look on my face. This is not the girl I imagined walking out to me and it damn sure isn’t the girl I remember seeing a year ago.

  Fuck me. Bean is… wow! She is still tall, a few inches taller than when I last saw her, but that bean stalk body is gone. Talk about late bloomers. Bean didn’t have those tits the last time I saw her. Fuck, I wouldn’t have missed those. They are not huge, but fucking perfect. Full enough to fit right in my palms, shit.

  I shake my head as my eyes roam over her figure from head to toe. She looks amazing in the black, silver, and blue dress. I don’t know the style, but I know her arms and shoulders are bare and the front of the dress dips low to her navel. It’s like the dress is molded to her breasts, revealing the center of her midsection. The rest of the dress molds to her thin, curvy hips, -that mind you she didn’t have last time I saw her, -then drops to her feet in shiny pools of black, silver, and blue fabric covered in stones of the same colors.

  Bean’s face is painted to perfection. Her eyelids are sparkling blue against her light brown, caramel skin. Those lips, were they always so full and pouty. They are tinted a light purplish-blue that draws attention to how soft and full they look. Her brown curls have been straightened out and curled into larger curls that are flowing around her shoulders and down her back.

  When the fuck did Bean turn into my own personal fantasy. I mean I have a type and the perfect prototype of said type is standing before me. How the fuck? The sight takes my breath away. Or I thought it did, until Bean’s smile lights up her face. It is then that I see her for the first time. Rebecca, not Bean.

  “Noah,” she squeals.

  Bean lifts her gown and comes flying at me, giving me just enough time to catch her in my arms. I lift her from her feet and bury my face into her neck as I spin her. She smells so fucking good and feels so right in my arms. I almost lose my fucking mind. What the fuck, this is Bean. Fuck. I’m so screwed.


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