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Winning the Duke

Page 8

by Jenn Langston

  “Dada,” Amber chanted after they’d been playing the game for quite some time.

  Glancing around, Braiden saw Greyson approaching.

  “Yes, my little one. I’ve come to collect you.” Greyson scooped his daughter up and nuzzled her neck. “I believe my bundle is getting much too cold out here.”

  “Yes. But she has had a lot of fun,” Grace added.

  “Braiden let her smash a snowball on his head.” Joseph bounded up and down. “But me and him won the battle anyway.”

  Grace scoffed. “Where did you get that idea? Clearly Amber and I were the victors.”

  “Uh-uh,” he insisted.

  Braiden bent down next to Joseph. “In this instance, a gentleman will always tell the lady she’s right.”

  “But she’s wrong. She—”

  Putting up one finger, Braiden silenced him. “Hush. She doesn’t have to know that. You keep that part to yourself as a secret.”

  The boy nodded slowly as he sent his aunt a devious smile. “You’re right, Aunt Grace. You and Amber won.”

  Braiden laughed when Grace glared at him.

  Greyson shook his head. “All right. Come on, Joseph. Let’s get you inside too.”

  While the trio walked inside, Braiden stood there with Grace, unwilling to let the playfulness end. He’d had more fun this afternoon than he’d had in years.

  “You,” Grace said accusingly once the others were out of earshot. “What do you think you are teaching my nephew?”

  “The right way to handle a stubborn woman.”

  “Stubborn?” Her voice rose an octave. “You will pay for that.”

  Grace, who’d been holding her hands behind her back, tossed a snowball and hit him directly in the face. They’d been playing nice with the kids, but the restriction suddenly disappeared.

  When he bent down to retaliate, she spun around and ran from him. Not willing to surrender, he took off after her. Running in the snow wasn’t easy, but his legs were longer, and he could easily overtake Grace in her dress.

  Reaching out, he grazed her shoulder, but she turned and evaded him. Instead of stopping, she wove in and out of the trees, trying to lose him, but he pursued. Finally catching up, he clasped her around the waist and pulled her against him as he fell backwards in the snow.

  The sensation of a warm woman on top and the cold ground beneath permeated him. To his pleasure, she didn’t climb off, she merely drew her head up and looked down at him, mischief flashing in her eyes.

  “Since I’m on top, does that mean I won?”

  Her words evoked images of her naked and straddling him. His buckskins became uncomfortably tight.

  “Yes. You’re right. You win,” he rasped, repeating the words he told Joseph to use.

  “How dare—”

  Reaching upwards, Braiden pulled her against him and kissed her. As usual when his lips were pressed against hers, urgency flooded his veins. Grasping her tightly, he rolled her onto her back to take control. He pressed his lower body against her as his hands held his torso up. His body raged.

  A shiver passed through her from head to toe. Realizing how much of an ass he was, he quickly got off of her and pulled her to her feet. Wrapping his arms around her, he ran his hands up and down her back, willing himself to give her all his warmth.

  “W-We really need to s-stop doing that,” she stammered as her teeth chattered.

  His blood froze, and it had nothing to do with the biting breeze. He didn’t want to force her into anything she was uncomfortable with.

  “Why?” He couldn’t refrain from asking.

  “Y-You are w-wasting all my kisses. I shall have none left for my future husband.”

  “Forget him. He doesn’t need them anyway.”

  “Why not?” She pulled back to study him.

  The bloody fool would get to bed her. What more did he need? But Braiden couldn’t tell her that. Instead he sighed and pressed his forehead against hers.

  “He doesn’t need them as much as I do.” Braiden closed his eyes, not really wanting to hear her reaction. What possessed him to admit such a thing?

  “All right.”

  Her simple response made his chest swell and his heart soar. Grace was so selfless, so pure, he felt unworthy to remain in her presence. How did he gain such favor to be able to spend these months with her? How could he let her go after the holidays? How would he ever forget her?

  The Christmas celebration progressed wonderfully. Richard and Brianna had purchased gifts for everyone, and Grace hadn’t heard one word of complaint. As the guests spent the middle of the day up to their own devices, Richard’s close family and friends had gathered in the library.

  Decorations covered every surface and the air of excitement touched every ounce of space. The family began exchanging gifts, and Grace savored the squeals of the two children as they tore into packages from each person.

  Instinctively Grace’s eyes sought out Braiden. Instead of morosely brooding in the back as he had done at the beginning of his time at Stonemede, he sat beside his niece and entertained her as her parents encouraged her to open more packages. Having not quite reached a full year, she didn’t share the same enthusiasm as Joseph.

  This past fortnight Braiden had undergone a significant change. Pride lightened her to know she had played a part in his joy. He had taken her offer of kisses to the extreme, and disappeared with her every chance he got. Although she enjoyed the activity immensely, her body remained tight and frustrated. As if his kisses were only the beginning of something she wanted to finish.

  “I believe I owe you a great deal of gratitude,” Thomas said as he sat beside her.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You accomplished something I never thought possible. You have returned Braiden to the person he was before he became a shell of a man.”

  Heat touched her cheeks. Did Thomas know the extent of her involvement? She hoped not.

  “The credit is only due in a very small part to me. I may have pushed him, but the rest was of his own doing.”

  “Don’t be modest. I’ll have you know he talks of nothing but you.”

  She cleared her throat, uncomfortable with the praise. “Well, you can’t believe everything you hear.”

  Thomas laughed and took her hand from her lap and kissed it. “You are a treasure.”

  A shadow fell over them. She looked up to see Braiden glowering. His jealousy made her want to exalt. She and Thomas long ago stopped attempting to get the reaction from him. Not only was it damaging his and his cousin’s relationship, but Braiden hadn’t needed the extra encouragement to spend time with her.

  “It’s time for you to join the other guests, and I need to borrow Lady Grace.” Braiden stared his cousin down, as if challenging him to deny the request.

  “By all means.” Thomas gave her a bow, then kissed her hand again, lingering until Braiden emitted a growl.

  After Thomas released her, he chuckled while he walked away. Grace shook her head and stood up.

  Braiden’s glare followed Thomas, but when his gaze returned to her, a wide smile spread across his face as excitement twinkled in his eyes. She loved seeing him like this. Nothing meant more to her than watching how happiness transformed him.

  “Would you care to take a walk with me, my lady?” he asked formally.

  “Yes, Your Grace.” She bowed deeply, befitting to his rank.

  Standing once again, she took his offered arm, and he nearly dragged her from the room. He took her through the hall and avoided all the rooms she would have expected him to turn to. Instead, they entered the ballroom. An enormous tree had been placed in the center where their celebrations this morning had taken place. But why would he take her here now?

  “We should h
ave some privacy in this room,” he said, stopping on the far end by the terrace doors.

  “And what, may I ask, do you need privacy for, Your Grace?” She infused her voice with innocence, earning a lecherous grin from him.

  “I have something for you,” he said.

  “I have something for you too.”

  “Please allow me to go first.” He retrieved a folded square of linen from his pocket and extended it out to her.

  Taking the cloth in her hand, she peeled it back to reveal the most beautiful necklace she’d ever seen. The splendor took her breath away. Red and green stones had been set to form a rose. Her throat clogged. Her gift for him paled to nothing in comparison.

  “It’s magnificent,” she breathed, gently rubbing her finger across the petal.

  “Do you like it? The emeralds and rubies reminded me of you, so I had them fashioned into your favorite flower.”

  Tears formed in her eyes. It must have cost him a fortune, particularly since she knew he couldn’t have purchased it in London. She suspected he had commissioned it from the nearby town when he and Thomas were gone for a day two weeks ago.

  “I love it. Can you put it on?” She lifted the necklace to him.

  He took it from her and she turned around to allow him to hook it in the back. Even the length of the chain suited her. How could he know her this well?

  “Your turn.” He looked at her expectantly, and she instantly regretted telling him she had something for him.

  Uncomfortable, she shifted. “It’s not much. I couldn’t make it into town and—”

  “Stop. I like it already because it’s from you.”

  With her cheeks flaming, she pulled her folded handkerchief from her bodice and handed it to him. So embarrassed, she wanted to sink into the floor and disappear.

  Once he unwrapped it, he looked down at the dried petal with confusion on his brow. Then his eyes widened as he looked at her. Besides surprise, she could read nothing else on his face.

  She cleared her throat. “It, um, comes with a confession too. I told you I carried it around for a month. The truth is, I put it in a locket and have kept it with me for three years now.”

  He simply stared at her, the only sound his rapid breathing. Her throat tightened as the urge to cry assailed her. She felt very foolish and wished she’d never thought of giving him the petal back.

  “I know it isn’t much, but—”

  “Don’t.” His voice emerged gravelly as if he too fought back tears. “It’s perfect.”

  He gently tucked the petal into his pocket and then wrapped his arms around her. When his lips met hers, there was nothing gentle about it. He ravished her, pushing her backwards until she reached the wall.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she welcomed his demands. She moaned when his mouth moved to her neck and his lower body pressed into her. He’d never been so forceful or commanding with her, and she exalted in it. For some reason he needed her right now.

  Hearing voices approaching, she tugged on him. When Braiden drew back, the raw desire she saw on his face made her silently curse the intruders. She wanted to be back in his arms.

  “Someone’s coming,” she whispered.

  He nodded and pulled her along the wall, hiding them behind the curtain. In the cramped space, he resumed their position, wrapped her in his arms, and buried his face in her neck. Although he didn’t kiss her, he occasionally blew on her neck or ran his tongue over her skin. He was driving her mad.

  “It’s over here.” Grace heard Brianna say.

  “Why in here?” Richard asked.

  “I hid it in the tree.” Brianna’s voice became muffled, most likely as she sought out the item she’d left behind. “I’ve got it.”

  “Let me see,” Richard said, then paused. “Truly?”

  “Yes. I had the doctor sneak in when you were on the hunt. He confirmed it.”

  “Oh, Brianna.” Her skirts rustled as if being swung around. “Another child. That’s wonderful news.”

  Grace sucked in her breath, and the tiny sound made Braiden stiffen. She would have another niece or nephew soon. The news brought great joy, but also sadness. When would she be the one delivering news of a child? She could only imagine the joy coursing through her sister at this moment.

  Braiden looked down at her. As if understanding, his lips covered hers, and she lost all thought of anything but him. The conversation in the room didn’t continue, or if it had, she remained completely unaware of it.

  When Braiden’s hand covered her breast, she froze for a second before his expert caress had her leaning into him. Her body felt overwhelmed with sensation, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more, but she couldn’t say what.

  “Braiden,” she whispered against his ear when his wandering mouth moved along her jaw line. “I need . . . more.”

  He groaned and took her mouth again, more forcefully this time. She tugged at the fabric of his shirt, wishing it anywhere but here. Kissing him wasn’t usually this frustrating.

  So focused on his mouth and the fabric of his irritating shirt, she hadn’t noticed he’d lifted her skirt until she felt his hand on her leg. She shivered. This was exactly what she wanted, yet too much all at the same time.

  Instead of moving his hand closer to her aching center, he wrapped her leg around him. She felt awkward standing on one leg, but his strength held her up. The breath whooshed out of her when he pressed his hard lower body directly against her core. Prickles of pleasure exploded over her skin as he did it again. Yes. This was what she wanted.

  She dropped her head back against the wall when he thrust against her again. Suddenly she wanted her clothes off. Without the dress covering her or his pantaloons hindering him, surely the sensation would intensify.

  “More,” she demanded.

  However, her plea only made him pull his head back. Although his lower body still matched up with her, she could see he was withdrawing from her. Tears smarted.

  “No, dearest. We have to stop. I can’t . . . We can’t go further.”

  “Why not?” She pouted, but as her mind returned to her, she knew he spoke the truth. Honestly, they’d already gone much too far.

  “It isn’t fair. Not to me. Not to you. And not to your future husband.”

  Mentioning the faceless man she didn’t even want didn’t help assuage her disappointment. She wanted Braiden for a husband. Now more than ever before.

  “Then why all this?” She mouthed, knowing she couldn’t trust her voice.

  “I didn’t mean to . . . I got carried away. Grace, I . . . I love your gift. No one has ever given me something so heartfelt or something that meant this much. Did you truly keep it with you all these years?”

  She shifted, sending a spike of pleasure through her and making Braiden suck in his breath. “It might be better for us to . . . move apart.”

  “You are going to have to do it. I don’t have the strength.”

  Grace looked at him, incredulous. As she was practically pinned against the wall, she couldn’t go anywhere. However, once she unlatched her leg, he pulled himself back.

  Taking a calming breath, she smoothed out her skirt as best as she could.

  “At first I kept the petal in my bodice and pulled it out to think of you. But soon it dried, and I didn’t want to ruin it. That’s when I put it in my locket.”

  “What did I ever do to deserve that?”

  She stroked his cheek with her hand. “You have been a true friend. At a time when everyone else ignored me, thinking me a child, you sought me out. I always looked forward to seeing you.”

  “And now?”

  “No. I grew out of that ages ago,” she teased, then tried to sidestep him and leave, but he caught her arm.

  “Grace, I-I want you t
o be happy.” His face looked pained.

  She didn’t understand his statement, nor did she understand the distress on his face. Was that because they’d stopped? She certainly didn’t feel well either. A large part of her wanted to throw herself back in his arms and continue where they’d left off. Walking away from him wouldn’t be easy.

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  When he released her arm, she forced herself to move out from behind the curtain and make her way out of the room on unsteady legs. With the pleasure of her experience surrounding her, his words echoed in her mind.

  Why did it sound as if he were saying goodbye?

  Chapter 7

  Braiden grabbed an arm full of clothes and tossed them into his trunk. After another load, he began throwing random items in as well. His valet would have a fit when he saw this, but Braiden didn’t care. Urgency nipped at him, and he couldn’t stand by waiting while the staff carefully took their time. He had to get out of here now.

  Only two days had passed since Christmas, but he couldn’t stand remaining here through the New Year. Christmas. That miraculous, disastrous day simultaneously made and ruined his life.

  He dropped down to sit on the bed with his head in his hands. His throat tightened and his chest burned.

  Grace. How could he leave her? No one had ever cared for him enough to do what she’d done for him these past weeks. And her gift. He shut his eyes against the onslaught of emotions. The petal had rocked him to his very core. At that moment, he’d almost done the most selfish thing he could imagine. He’d almost proposed.

  After Christmas, he’d done his best to ignore her entirely. He couldn’t trust himself when he was near her. What if he’d lost rational thought and tried to offer for her again? What would she say?


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