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First Love: A Superbundle Boxed Set of Seven New Adult Romances

Page 119

by Kent, Julia

  “So, when you said you were taking classes, that’s what you meant?”

  “No, I also go to the university.” Thinking of classes starting up again is an unwelcome reminder. I don’t hate school, but I don’t love it either.

  This makes her smile, but it’s a wistful one and not exactly happy.

  Maybe Angel is looking to transfer schools. If I could convince her to enroll here, she’d be around longer. “Weren’t you taking classes?” I ask.

  The smile is gone. It’s like everything I say, no matter how innocent, upsets her. Maybe it’s a sign we should do less talking and more… She’s still talking, so I jerk my mind away from the thought of having her on every surface of my apartment.

  “Yeah, but that wasn’t really working out. Have you decided on a major?”

  “Still undecided.” I shrug. “I think I may just go for business. No matter what I end up taking, I’ll have to keep managing the bar and eventually the farm.”


  “The bar is more of a plaything for us, a coming-of-age thing. Our actual business—and our money—comes from our horse farm about an hour out of the city.”

  “What type of horse farm?” she asks, her face brightening. It’s obvious that she’s genuinely interested, not just making small talk, and an idea begins to take root.

  “We breed thoroughbreds.”

  “That’s so cool,” she exclaims. “I rode when I was a little girl but haven’t in years.”

  “You know… Well, how set are you on going to Florida?” I say it like the answer doesn’t matter.

  “I don’t know, why? I don’t want charity, if that’s what you’re aiming towards.” A little bit of the fire is back in her eyes, and it warms me.

  “No, not that. It’s just that my dad is taking Chelsea’s mom on a month-long European cruise. The staff can handle the day-to-day operations, but they’re a bit shorthanded because one of the grooms is out on maternity leave. I was going to have to go out there a couple times a week to water the plants and check on the inside of the main house, but if you wanted to stay there it would honestly be a huge help.”

  “Can’t the staff do that?” she asks.

  This girl is too smart for my own good, but I always knew that. “They can, but they’ve already got so much to do. I either need to do it, or find someone else to. If I’m going to pay someone to do it, why can’t it be you?”

  “I don’t know…”

  I can feel her slipping through my fingers again. “Look, you obviously need some space. You said you wanted to get your head together; this would give you the chance to do that. I’ll pay you two grand for the month, in advance, as long as you agree to stay until they come home. Then you can either buy yourself that ticket to Florida, or you can stay on.” Or she can come home to my apartment for good, which is the option I’m planning on.

  She lets out a giant sigh, and I’m not sure if it’s from relief or exasperation. I don’t really care, because she’s nodding yes. Knowing I’ll have her close for at least a month lifts a huge weight from my chest, and I finally feel like I can breathe. “You ready to get out of here?” I ask since we’re both done with our lunches. “We’ll have to take you shopping for some clothes, and some boots for out at the farm.”

  “That wasn’t part of the deal!” Her outrage is adorable.

  “It is now.” I wink, secretly delighting at the withering look she gives me. “I tell you what. I can’t really run you out to the farm until tomorrow. I’ll buy you some clothes—that you obviously need, despite whatever protest you’re about to make, so don’t try—and whatever groceries you instruct me to get. Then you can cook me dinner in exchange.” And I might not turn it away if she wants to offer herself as dessert.

  For a day that started off so craptastically, it’s turning out to be rather epic, and considering I get to keep her with me for at least one more night, I think it may only get better.



  I think I’ve been tricked or something. That, or he has some hero complex, or more money than sense. “This is not exactly what I had in mind.” The largest mall I’ve ever seen towers around us in an elegant dance between architecture and art. Immense columns grace the central corridor, leading my gaze upward to the scrolled banister that curves along the staircase to the second floor.

  “We can find everything you need here. One-stop shopping.” Arion takes me by the hand, tugging me toward a glass-framed elevator.

  “When I think one-stop shopping, I think Walmart.”

  “I’ll remember that,” he says, “but that isn’t what I had in mind. I don’t plan to set restrictions on what you cook for me; you can’t put restrictions on what I buy you.”

  “Can too.” I refuse to be moved, planting my feet.

  He turns back toward me, a patronizing expression blazing through his eyes while a smile lifts his lips into the sardonic curve of one who senses impending victory. “Nope. You agreed without stipulations, can’t change the rules now.”

  He’s so damn cocky! I almost stomp my foot before I catch myself. “But I didn’t know that’s what I was agreeing to!”

  Pure mirth casts a shadow over his lightly teasing grin. If he wasn’t being such an ass, he’d be unbearably sexy with that smile. “You should’ve known better. You’re rusty.”

  Rain is beating on the domed ceiling, playing taps to my defeat. I tilt my head, staring at the frosted glass above me. I’m not actually in a hurry to get back out in the downpour, and for all I know, they might have a Walmart within the mall, as big as it is. And he’s right. Once, I knew him well enough to know not to agree to something without making sure the terms were clear. That was then.

  I can’t tell him I’m afraid letting him buy me clothes comes with more obligations than just dinner, and that those obligations will rise proportionally with the numbers on the receipt. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that nothing comes free.

  Giving in, I let Arion lead me to the elevator and onto the second floor. The way he weaves in and out of the crowd, it’s obvious he has a specific place in mind. For some girls, a man who can navigate the mall might be a dream come true, but for me, it only makes me feel inadequate and out of my element. Most of what I’m seeing in the shop windows costs at least triple what I’m used to paying. Not to mention some of them are so ugly, I think people might be better off just stringing together a few hundred dollar bills. Not only would it cover more skin, it would cost less.

  We’ve only gone past a few shops when I see him. I’d know the slope of his shoulders, his short curly hair, the curve of his jaw anywhere. He’s just come out of a store a few yards ahead, and for the moment, he’s paused, talking to a salesman. The salesman points in our direction, and I spin, darting toward the steps. No way am I getting trapped in the elevator.

  “Angel, what the fuck?” Arion curses as he spins to chase after me.

  He found me. He fucking found me already. I knew this day would come, but I thought I’d have more time. Panic blurs at the corner of my vision as I stumble down the steps two at a time. I have to get out of here. That’s the only thing that matters.

  The end of the staircase is in sight when someone grips my arm, sending my heart plummeting to my feet. I freeze, unable to look. I know what’s coming, and I know struggling will do me no good.

  “Do you want to tell me what the hell that was about?” Arion’s voice is more hurt than angry. He releases my arm.

  It’s Arion! Nick hasn’t caught me yet. “We have to go.” I grab his hand, glancing furtively over his shoulder to judge how much distance is between us and Nick. At first, I don’t see him, but then he ambles around a couple with a stroller, acting as if he isn’t in a hurry at all.

  His eyes surf the crowd, like he’s looking for someone.

  Wait. His eyes are blue.

  Slowly, I take in the small differences. He doesn’t have the slight cleft on his chin like Nick does. And Nick’s
eyes are green.

  It isn’t Nick.

  The green-eyed, not-Nick man passes by us without a second glance. I let out a slow breath. It isn’t Nick, I tell myself again. He hasn’t found me. I’m safe, for now.

  Nearby, people are staring, whispering. I flash them a smile, trying to relax.

  “Angel?” Arion prompts.

  “I’m sorry; I thought I saw my ex. It just… It would have been really awkward, and I panicked.” I’m not sure if I truly pull off the sheepish, embarrassed look, but Arion seems to buy it. His hand rests lightly against my back as we head back to the second floor, my heart slowly returning to normal.

  We wander past several boutiques, jewelry stores, and a picture studio. I’m starting to think we’ll be leaving with nothing, when he darts into a trendy store. Instead of posters advertising deals and sales, the black glossy walls are covered by perfectly spaced black and white shots of models on various runways. A sales girl with a cute blonde bob and a quick smile grabs a clipboard and a keyring and glides toward us. “Shall I start a room?” she says, just like they do on those silly bridal shows.

  The funny thing, though, is that I instantly like her. Unlike our waitress earlier, she’s looking and speaking directly at me, not Arion. Maybe this won’t be so bad. But while I’m grateful not to be ignored, I’m not sure of the answer, so I glance up at Arion.

  He eyes her name tag then nods. “Thank you, Brandy. That will be fine.” She flits off while Arion guides me to a nearby rack. “What’s your favorite color?”

  “In clothes? Neutrals.” I start sliding hangers around the circular rack, looking for something that doesn’t have five or more numbers on the freaking price tag.

  “Good to know, but I meant overall.”

  “Am I supposed to say brown now because it’s the color of your eyes?” Why does he care about my favorite color?

  “Have you been paying attention to my eyes, Angel?” He holds up a tan blouse that would be pretty if it wasn’t almost see-through.

  In one moment he’s turned the joke back around on me. I snatch the shirt from his hands and put it back on the rack. “I have to watch them for psycho tendencies and all.”

  He grabs the shirt I just replaced, and a tank top from the other side of the stand.

  “Finding anything?” Brandy looks amused, but if she’s seen our little fight over the shirt, she doesn’t say anything. “Here, I’ll hang that in your room for you.”

  As soon as she’s gone, I hiss at Arion, “I’m not wearing that. I’d rather go naked.”

  I instantly realize what I’ve said, and hunger consumes his eyes before he can tame it. My. Big. Fat. Mouth. Is going to take us straight from playful to purgatory. The corner of his mouth lifts into something between a smirk and a smile. “I like the shirt more and more. All I’m asking is that you try it on. Over the tank top, that is, unless…”

  How is it possible he knows more about fashion than I do? Then I remember Chelsea’s perfectly manicured everything and him saying they are kind of close, and it all makes sense. Once he’s sent jean shorts, a few more blouses, and God knows what else to our dressing room, he tells me to go start trying things on while he keeps looking.

  The freaking dressing room is larger than my bedroom back home. And better decorated. It’s more like a dressing suite. An outer door sets a small waiting area with a mirror, a potted plant, and an armchair off from the attendant’s area. A second door leads into a changing room with another mirror, a bench, and several hooks on the wall.

  “Just hit the call button if you need help with anything, need a different size, or if you want me to find something to coordinate with something you like,” she says before leaving me alone with Arion’s selections.

  I try on the offending blouse and tank top first, just to get it over with. Fully prepared to hate it, I gasp when I see my reflection in the mirror. Other than my scowl, I look breezy and carefree. I can picture wearing this for a picnic, or a movie night, or… I have to stop myself because I can’t afford to think like this. Arion and I aren’t going to be doing any of those things, not for a while, and by then I’ll be able to buy my own clothes. I agreed to work on his family’s farm, that’s it. Fortunately, I think it might also look good with some cutoff jeans and boots.

  Flipping the price tag over, I whistle. I can’t afford the blouse, any more than I can afford to let Arion sweep me away. Once I’ve finished trying on several more outfits, and I’m just about to put my own clothes back on, Brandy knocks on the door. “The gentleman requested you try this, as well.”

  I huff but try to curb my irritation. It isn’t Brandy’s fault that I feel entirely overwhelmed and lost. She’s just doing her job. When I open the changing room door, my face must give me away, because her smile is kind and sympathetic. I turn away, trying to wipe at my tears. I’m being stupid, and I know it. When I moved in with Nick, I thought I was gaining independence, but I wasn’t. And now I’m here, trying to get away from that, trying once more to find some independence, and Arion is buying me clothes. No matter how much I tell myself it isn’t the same, I feel like I’m going in circles.

  Behind me, I hear Brandy hang something on one of the hooks. “Is this pile the ones you liked?”

  I tilt so I can see her out of the corner of my eye and nod. “Could you tell him those all fit fine and ask him to pick out which he wants to get?”

  “Of course. You’ll probably need some help with the zipper of that one, so I’ll be back in a minute or two.” She pats my shoulder then shuts the door behind her.

  The quintessential little black dress she left hanging on the wall is stunning in its simplicity. Not only is it breathtaking, it’s way out of my league and most definitely not something that I’ll be wearing to do farm work. I almost don’t even try it on, because I can already tell if I do, I’ll want it—and no matter what Arion says, this is too much.

  Oh, what the hell, Brandy is coming back to help me zip it, I can at least try it on. It glides over my hip like a second skin, and the silk lining inside caresses me as I slip into it. The outer door to the changing suite thuds shut, so I unlatch the inner door and step into the waiting area to have her help me zip it.

  “Wow.” Arion freezes on his way across the room, his eyes gliding over every inch of the dress and of me.

  “You aren’t supposed to be in here,” I exclaim.

  “Actually, I am. This is set aside for us to wait and ooh and ahh. And believe me Angel, I’ve never been more oohed or ahhed. That looks amazing on you.”

  “Will you zip it?” I ask, since there is obviously no getting rid of him. If he’s going to see me in it, it might as well be right. I spin so my back is to him and sweep my hair out of the way.

  His breath hitches. “Christ, Angel.” After a pause, his fingers glide over my back, sending warmth racing through me. His fingers splay to either side of my waist, and he pulls me backward so I’m leaning against him. I realize that I didn’t flinch at his touch this time, and I’m not sure if it’s because I was only expecting him to fix the zipper or if it’s because it feels so good, or both. His hands feel like they belong there, and judging by the way he’s pressed into me, he’s feeling it every bit as much as I am.

  My eyes close, and my head drops back against his shoulder involuntarily.

  “I can’t reach your zipper like this,” he whispers in my ear, his lips lightly grazing against the side of my neck. His breath is hot and soothing and exciting all at once.

  My head has taken a vacation, and my fear seems to have fled right along with my common sense. “Fuck the zipper.”

  Arion laughs, and it comes out husky and sexier than any man has a right to be. “It ain’t the zipper I’m thinking about fucking.” His hands tug against my waist, angling me so I can feel how hard he is. “Do you want me, Angel?”

  Reality spirals around me. I do want him but not here. “We’re in a freaking dressing room!” My eyes snap open, and I start to pull away.

  Arion is having no part of letting me go, and panic begins to creep in, swirling like a whirlpool, sucking me down even as the sensations his hands are causing lift me up. I’m caught between falling and floating, and I’m not sure if I ever want it to end. His hand slides around to my stomach, keeping me pulled tightly to him, while his other hand weaves through the open zipper around to the front beneath my dress. When his finger slips beneath my bra, then spirals around one of my nipples, I can’t hold back the moan that bubbles from deep within me, and all thoughts of fear flee.

  “I didn’t say I was going to take you in here, though all you have to do is ask. I just want to know if you want me. Really, really, want me.” His fingers squeeze, sending a burst of desire radiating from my chest all the way to my core.

  I know he doesn’t mean just this minute, but my hips have started to grind against him anyway. It’s embarrassing and liberating all at once. “Yes,” I pant.

  “Good,” he growls into my ear then releases me.

  I stumble forward with a whimper. The absence of his body against mine is torture, and I want no part of it. I need to be back against him. My breaths come in ragged gasps, and I can’t help wondering if my expression is as wild as I feel. Arion slips a hand behind my neck, and I go to him willingly, parting my lips as his crush into mine and his tongue dips into my mouth.

  My fear is hovering nearby, just out of focus, but ready to consume me if I don’t keep it firmly leashed. As Arion’s fingers glide to the base of my head and tangle in my hair, it’s all I can do not to succumb to whatever claims me first: his touch or my torment.

  I can’t count how many nights I daydreamed about what it would be like to kiss Arion, but I’m pretty sure I have a weak imagination because I never fathomed it could be this incredible. His mouth completely captures mine, and his teeth nip and gently bite along my lip before he thrusts his tongue back to dance with mine once more. It’s like he’s staking a claim, and in that instant, I want him to claim every part of me.


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