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Player of Life (Perception Book 4)

Page 10

by Shandi Boyes

  Considering the fact that it is nearly eleven pm, I am not surprised to find my whole house plunged into darkness. My dad is an early riser, which normally means he is fast asleep by no later than nine pm. I pull into my normal carpark and quickly run around my truck to help Jenni down. Instead of placing her back down on her feet this time, I keep her flush against me while I reconnect our lips. She smiles against my mouth, before she starts returning my kiss. We fumble clumsily down the hall making out until I reach my bedroom door. Once I enter my room, I lower Jenni back down on her feet before turning to close my door, noticing that my dad’s bedroom light just flicked on.

  “Ssh” I whisper cheekily to Jenni when I turn back around to face her.

  She is leisurely strolling around my room before she picks up one of the photo frames on my bookshelf. Her eyebrows pull together tight, before her confused gaze turns to face me.

  “That’s the guy Emily was dancing with months ago?” she questions confused.

  “Yeah, that is my brother Isaac” I respond as I walk towards her. I slowly pull the frame away from her confused gaze before spinning her around to face me.

  I roam my eyes slowly over her beautiful face, causing her cheeks and neck to get a pink hue.

  “Do you want to do this?” I question. I want to make sure she fully understands my intentions tonight. I know she isn’t drunk as she only had a sip of her wine, but I still want to have her complete approval for what I am about to do.

  She considers my question before she quietly whispers “yes”.

  I spent the next two hours leisurely enjoying every delicious inch of Jenni. My slow and purposeful attention of her body gave away even more of her little quirks. Like how she giggles and squirms when you kiss her behind her knee cap. Her skin is as soft as it looks and when she moans it vibrates from deep within her chest.

  I would have happily spent several more hours exploring her body, but I could see how exhausted she was through her hazy eyes. I finished a small trail of kisses on her collarbone, before placing a soft and delicate kiss on her lips. I then rolled off her and leaned against my elbow to look at her satisfied face.

  “Wow” she breathes out heavily while her eyes stare up at my white ceiling.

  When she notices that I’m smirking at her, her blue eyes quickly flick to look at me. Her eyes slowly roam over my naked torso before they lower down towards my crutch. When her cheeks give off a pink hue, I can’t help but laugh.

  “Unless you want me inside of you again, I suggest you stop looking at my dick” I inform while chuckling softly. Her eyes quickly flick up towards mine, before they dart back down to my now erect penis.

  “I thought you didn’t sleep with the same girl twice” she responds quickly, before she slaps her hand over her mouth.

  “I was supposed to say that inside of my head” she whispers mortified before she rolls onto her side and hides her flushed face into my chest, causing me to laugh loudly.

  I have already broken one rule tonight by bringing her here, so why would it matter about breaking another?

  By the time we have finished with round two, I am also utterly exhausted. I grab the comforter from the bottom of my bed and lift it to cover both Jenni and I. It doesn’t take long for my exhaustion to have me falling blissfully asleep.

  The next morning, I wake up feeling fresh. I think this is the first Sunday morning I have woken up without a hangover in over three years. Before I have even opened my eyes, I can smell Jenni’s floral scent. I stretch out my arm in an attempt to pull her close to me and am surprised to find the other half of my bed empty. My eyes shoot open, confused, before they dart around my room. Jenni’s purse, shoes and dress have all been collected from my floor and her phone is no longer on my beside table.

  I can’t help the smile that morphs onto my face when I realise that this player just got played.

  I quickly grab my cell phone and send Jenni a text.

  Great ditch and run. You must have learnt from a pro?

  Only the best….

  My loud laugh echo’s around my room before I jump out of bed and throw on a pair of boxer shorts. As I walk into the kitchen, I notice my dad standing near the coffee percolator, waiting for it to finish it latest brew.

  “Morning” I greet as I grab a spare mug and place it next to his. My dad’s eyes lift from looking at coffee pot to stare into mine. He huffs angrily, before looking back at the coffee pot.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I question while placing some bread in the toaster.

  “I thought I taught my boys better than that” Dad responds sternly before he turns to face me.

  “Better than what? Don’t tell me you seriously thought I would be saving myself for marriage?” I respond sarcastically while laughing lightly.

  “Don’t get smart with me Nicholas” he states firmly as he fills our mugs with hot coffee. Once he adds sugar and milk, he hands my mug over to me.

  “Next time at least be man enough to drive home the girl you kept up half the night” he continues before he walks out of the kitchen.

  To start with I couldn’t comprehend what my dad was on about, until I started recalling the events of last night. I had brought Jenni home in my truck so she didn’t have her car here. Fuck, the taxi back to Erkinsvale must have cost her a small fortune. Lucky I made the expense worthwhile.

  When my eyes look at the clock displayed on the wall I notice it is nearly noon. I hadn’t planned on going to Emily and Noah’s gathering today but after the events of last night nothing could keep me away.

  The instant I pull into Jacob’s driveway I notice Jenni’s blue BMW parked next to Slater’s motorbike. I pull in directly behind Jenni’s car, ensuring she can’t leave before me. When I walk around Jacob’s house the first thing I spot is the back of Jenni talking to Emily. Noah and Slater are both standing next to the BBQ and Jacob is talking to Marcus near the unlit fire pit. When Slater notices me, he quickly closes the distance between Jenni and himself, making me smirk. It’s a little too late for that now. The instant Slater reaches Jenni, her head turns to look at me. Her eyes slowly roam over my body, before her cheeks get a pink hue. I smile at her in greeting before making my way to Noah.

  “Do you need a hand?” I question as I finish the last few paces. Noah’s head turns to look at me and his face morphs into shock, before he eventually smiles.

  “Hey Nick” Noah greets surprised. I’m shocked he still has the same reaction every time he notices me at one of his gatherings. But I guess I’ve attended more band functions the past three months than I have the past four years.

  “I’m nearly done here; you could take the burger patties over to the table” Noah instructs while motioning to charcoal grilled beef patties. Noah may have many talents, but cooking a BBQ is not his strong point.

  As I walk over to the table, Jenni takes a seat on the bench on the opposite side. When Slater notices me approaching, he quickly rushes over and sits next to Jenni as close as possible. When I cock my eyebrow in question at her, she slightly shakes her head. Obviously she has no intentions of telling Slater that his protective big brother shield has already been tarnished.

  We all sit around the wooden bench table for the next hour eating Noah’s burnt burgers while talking about all things band related. Most of the conversation was between Noah, Marcus and Nicole as I was too busy watching every little movement that Jenni made. Every time she would catch my gaze, she would smile softly before her cheeks went pink. Every time Slater would catch me staring at Jenni, he would kick me in the shins with his boots underneath the table, forcing me to narrow my eyes at him. I am pretty sure Jacob noticed most of the exchange as every time Slater kicked me, Jacob would laugh loudly, startling everyone around the table.

  I finally found an opportunity to get Jenni alone when Emily, Nicole and her started to gather all of the dishes to take them into the kitchen. Slater avoids all type of domestic chores and I don’t think he has ever stepped foot inside a ki
tchen in his entire life. Emily seemed genuinely surprised when I offered to dry the dishes, before she hesitantly handed me a tea towel. Nicole and Emily washed the dishes while Jenni and I dried. I purposely slowed down my drying technique with a hope that they would finish washing up and leave me alone in the kitchen with Jenni. My intention nearly worked until Jacob walked in just as Emily and Nicole had finished. Jenni must have noticed my sullen expression as she giggled softly. Jacob’s eyes flicked between Jenni and I, before he lent against the counter and watched us dry up while drinking a beer.

  When Jenni finishes drying the last dish, she turns to face me. She smiled her knock out smile before she made her way back out to the backyard.

  “Thanks for the cock block Jacob” I state sarcastically.

  “No worries” Jacob replies chuckling while following me out of the kitchen.

  Chapter 15


  The walk of shame is never a good thing, let alone when you get busted by your conquests father. I sneakily tiptoed out of Nick’s house a little after ten am. I sighed in relief when I hit the front patio undetected, until I started walking down the three front steps.

  “Good morning” said a deep voice behind me. I froze in place as my heart started racing. I slowly turned around to face the voice and found an older, although still handsome, gentleman sitting on a swinging chair on the front porch.

  “Good morning” I greeted back, mortified at the fact that it couldn’t have been any more obvious that I was doing the walk of shame. My hair was a mess, my dress was crumpled and I was carrying my shoes in my hand.

  “Did you need a lift home?” the blonde gentleman questioned as he stood up and moved closer to me.

  “I’m just going to call a taxi” I responded while shaking my head.

  He looked at me confused before his eyes roamed around the surroundings. When I followed his gaze, I realised I was in the middle of Timbuktu, there wasn’t even another house in the distance. I hadn’t paid much attention when Nick was driving us here last night as I was too busy trying to get my erratic heart rate under control.

  “Do taxi’s come out here?” I questioned nervously. He smiled brightly before he shook his head. Crap!

  “I’ll grab my keys” he informed kindly before he quickly made his way back into his house.

  The whole drive back to my house was as awkward as they come. I silently watched the scenery as it flicked by the passenger side window. I didn’t know what I could have possibly said in that type of situation to make it any less uncomfortable, so I just stayed quiet. When his large blue truck pulled into the front gate of my parent’s property, his gaze roamed over my parent’s large house whilst a whistle sounded from his mouth.

  “Impressive” he said, clearly impressed by my parents ridiculously oversized house.

  “Thank you for the lift” I graciously stated, before I awkwardly slid down from his truck since my dress was so tight I couldn’t step down.

  As soon as I opened the front door, I noticed my dad standing in the foyer with his angry glare directed firmly at me.

  “You’re lucky you are an adult young lady” he stated angrily, before he walked into his office and closed the door harshly. This is the first time I have ever made my dad upset, and I don’t like it.

  I quickly ran upstairs to shower and change before I went back down to confront my dad. I know I am an adult, but I also understand that I will forever been seen in his eyes as his little girl. The conversation went a lot better than I expected, considering he only issued one death threat against Nick in the entire one-hour long talk.

  I wasn’t surprised when I arrived at Jacob’s house and didn’t see Nick’s truck. He had been attending every get together for the past three months in a hope of getting into my panties. I guess now that I have given him what he wanted, he no longer has any reason to attend.

  It was only when Slater became suddenly glued to my side did I realise that Nick must have arrived. When I peered over towards him, my cheeks became flushed. I only mere hours ago had seen him completely naked and it was a glorious visual. He smiled at me, before he made his way over towards Noah, triggering Slater to laugh.

  “Stop being mean” I whisper to Slater.

  “I’m not being mean, I’m saving you from catching something” he chuckles, clearly pleased that he seems to be forcing Nick to stay away from me. I don’t have the heart to tell Slater that it is a little too late to be saving me.

  The whole time we sat around the table, I could feel Nick’s gaze staring at me. When I would look up at him, I would offer him a small smile. He would normally smile back before his eyes would narrow and flick towards Slater, Slater would smirk and then Jacob would laugh. I sat there looking like an idiot, flicking my eyes between the three sets of males eyes all watching me. Nick’s gaze shows his sexual hunger, Slater’s seem confused and Jacob’s eyes are full of mischief.

  I was grateful when Emily started to gather all of the dishes to take them to the kitchen. The whole situation just seemed a little awkward. When Nick strutted in offering to dry up, I think Emily nearly had a coronary. Her eyes slightly narrowed before she eventually handed him a tea towel. Nick would occasionally bump into me as he collected the plates from the drying rack. His forearm accidentally brushed past my breast when he placed a glass back into the overhead cupboard. His little teases had my nipples standing erect and pussy paying attention to his every movement.

  Once Emily and Nicole had finished washing up they made their way back out to the rest of the guys waiting outside. Just as I was about to ask Nick what his little teasers were about, Jacob strolled into the kitchen. When I saw Nick’s sullen expression, I couldn’t help but giggle. Jacob went to the fridge and got a beer before leaning against the counter. He sipped on his beer as his eyes flicked between Nick and I. I turned towards Nick and gave him a quick smile before heading back outside.

  I am confused as to why Nick is here today. I am pretty sure if you looked up the definition of a ‘Player’ in the dictionary, a picture of Nick would be displayed. So I am surprised that he still appears to be chasing me just as eager as he was before I gave him what he craved. The reason I bolted out of his house this morning was because I didn’t want the awkwardness of him giving me my marching orders.

  I didn’t get a chance to talk to Nick at all the whole afternoon as Slater never left my side. When I headed to my car with Slater, Nick followed closely behind. His truck was parked directly behind mine blocking my exit. I gave him a quick wave goodbye as he jumped into his truck. Once I exited Jacob’s driveway, Slater’s rumbling motorcycle barrelled past me, making me slightly jump from its loud engine. When I peered in my revision mirror I noticed Nick’s truck following behind me. When I indicated to turn left to take me back to Erkinsvale, Nick’s truck also signalled to turn left. He should be turning right to go back to Petersburg. When I turned right at the next intersection and Nick followed me, I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face. Once I found somewhere safe to pull over, I pulled my car off the side of the road and smiled brightly when Nick’s truck pulled in behind me.

  My heart beats faster and my palms sweat as I watch him in my revision mirror climb down from his truck and sexily stroll towards me. Once he reaches my window, I wind it down. He opens my car door and offers me his hand to help me out. Once my hand is grasped in his, he walks us around the front of my car. His confused eyes slowly roam over my face before he lifts his hand and rubs my earlobe gently, triggering a slight moan. I never knew an earlobe could be classed as a sexual trigger, but the way Nick always rubs mine causes my pussy to throb.

  When he hears my slight moan, he smiles before he leans down and slowly starts ravishing my mouth with his skilful lips. I don’t know how long we stay standing on the side of the road making out, but by the time Nick pulls away from our embrace, my knees are weak and my panties are soaked. His eyes lazily roam over my face before he briskly strides back to his truck. He stares at me
as he fires up his truck, before he manoeuvres a U-turn to head back towards his home town.

  I hop back into my car and drive home completely confused. Nick has never been much of a talker, but his actions are really confusing me. My confusion only intensifies when I get a message from Nick later that afternoon.

  Next week?

  I stare at the message, trying to work out if he was asking me out or did he just want a booty call?


  The Dungeon.

  I can’t help the smile that forms on my face. So it isn’t just a booty call, he actually wants to take me out on another date.


  You and me getting hot and sweaty with our clothes on. I’ll pick you up at nine.

  I grab my pillow off my bed and squeal excitedly into it, ensuring that my dad didn’t hear my excited screams.

  Nick arrived promptly again at nine pm the following Saturday. Thankfully this time, my dad stayed inside the house. Dancing with Nick a second time was even more exhilarating than the first. I knew that his moves on the dance floor matched his moves beneath the sheets, which only enhanced our sexual connection.


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