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Player of Life (Perception Book 4)

Page 22

by Shandi Boyes

  I have turned up to the ‘Dungeon’ today to collect the check he had drawn for us. Once I hand it over to the real estate the deeds will be placed into our name. Tina squeals and runs over to me when she first notices me entering.

  “Did you miss me?” I chuckle while returning her embrace.

  “You were here every day for years, then poof I never see you again” she replies before she slowly removes her arms from around my neck.

  “Did you hear I’m going to be a dad?” I question excitedly.

  “I did” she replies happily. “With beer girl” she continues laughing. I laugh loudly and gently shake my head. I guess Jenni is forever going to be known as beer girl to Tina.

  “Congratulations” informs a voice to my left. I turn towards the voice to thank them for their well wishes and spot Megan standing to my side, my smile wiped straight off my face. Her hair has returned back to its normal light brown coloring and she is wearing a cotton floral dress.

  “I’ve been looking for you everywhere, where did you go?” she questions, her eyes darting between mine.

  “You can’t be within five hundred feet of me” I advise, triggering Tina’s eyes to dart from staring at Megan to look at me. When she notices the concern on my face she heads straight for Isaac’s office.

  “I’ve missed you” Megan informs through a quiet sob.

  “You need to leave me the fuck alone” I state angrily, just as Isaac comes barrelling out of his office, signalling for Travis to follow him.

  Megan lunges at me before Travis has a chance to grab her around her waist. She screams obscenities while her sharp nails run down my face.

  “You said you loved me! You said you wanted to have my baby!” she yells at the top of her lungs as Travis pulls her off me and drags her away. Her arms and legs thrashing harshly against his tight hold.

  I lift my hand to dab my face that is stinging from her nails marking my skin. When I pull my hand away, I notice a small trail of blood on my fingers.

  “Who the fuck was that?” Isaac questions furiously.

  “A psychopath” Tina answers roughly, matching my sentiments exactly.

  Chapter 35


  I watched him every day. I claimed him first. He is mine.

  I don’t care what the doctors, judges or police officers say.

  Nicholas Holt is mine and I will never give him up.

  I spotted him nearly two years ago when he strolled into a nightclub. I needed to use the bathroom since I had been travelling for six hours straight. When he walked in to the room, I felt a bolt of electricity course through my body. I was supposed to continue on my trip as I still had another four hours of driving to do, but I couldn’t leave him. It was like finding the other half of my soul. I was drawn to him, magnetized and now I finally understood what instant love meant.

  I moved towards the end of the bar and watched him from afar. When his eyes roamed around the space, I could tell the instant he spotted me. His love for me was practically beaming out of him. He was just about to come over and talk to me before his friend interrupted our intense connection. Not wanting to be rude to his friend, he handed him a bottle of beer and they went and talked in a booth just to the side of the bar. I reposition my stool so I could still see him, I wanted to keep our connection strong. As the night went on the floor space started to fill with dirty, sinning whores who wore scraps of material as clothing. All it took was requesting a glass of water from the bartender to lose my visual of him within the crowd.

  I was frantic. I jumped off my barstool, knocking over my glass of water as I searched for him everywhere. The instant I stepped onto the mahogany wood dancefloor, I was elbowed, poked and prodded by filthy disgusting pigs.

  When my cell phone started ringing in my pocket, I knew it was time for me to leave.

  “Wait for me” I whispered into the air, knowing that he would be able to hear it.


  It took me a lot longer to return than I had hoped. Daddy was even sicker than the doctors had let on. I thought about my love every day and I was confident that he would be waiting for me. My heart leaped out of my chest when I spotted him sitting at the bar. He quickly jumped off his barstool and pulled his keys out of his pocket. The wicked witch behind the bar snatched them out of his grasp and placed them down the front of her shirt. I was disgusted and mortified that she would do such a thing. I quickly made my way towards him and offered him a lift. I was more than happy to take him anywhere he needed.

  The whole drive to an old rusty bar I told him all about myself. He was so invigorated by everything I was saying that he sat quietly absorbing every little word that escaped my lips. We made our way into the bar together, but his job was very important to him that he quickly made his way to the stage to prepare himself for his performance. I could feel his eyes on me during the whole show. When the band finished their performance he quickly rushed towards me. The excitement must have been a little overwhelming for him, that he dashed into the bathroom to freshen himself up first. We spent the next several hours at the bar talking about everything. Our plans for the future, where we should live and what our children will look like.

  It is lucky that I am use to helping my daddy into bed every night, as Nick was so excited about seeing me again that he could barely hold his own weight as I helped him into my car. I was glad the motel was able to give me a ground floor room, or I may have had no chance of getting Nick inside. He didn’t murmur a single sound as I removed his shoes, jeans and shirt. Once I had him prepared for bed, I snuggled in close to his side. I had the most peaceful sleep I have ever had in my life.

  I didn’t realise that night that Nick had to work the next day or I would have set an alarm clock to wake him up earlier. Then he wouldn’t have had to rush out of the room so quickly. When he nodded his head saying that he would see me next week, I gave him a long and love filled kiss.

  I thought about Nick all week and was so excited to see him again. When I noticed him strolling past the long queue I was standing in to enter the club I had originally met him at my heart raced. It soon plunged when I noticed that he was holding another girls hand. She had obviously brainwashed him into thinking I wasn’t coming back for him. A week can be a very long time to be away from the person you love. I was certain the instance he saw me the sparks would reunite again. I quickly made my way to the front of the queue to plead to the bouncer to let me in. No matter how many times I told him my love was waiting for me inside, he wouldn’t let me in. Because I had left the queue, I had to join it again at the end. By the time I had made it inside, Nick was walking back out. That girl was still holding his hand. I didn’t know who that girl was, but I didn’t like her. I hated her.

  I ended up following them to a lookout not too far from the nightclub. I felt ill when I saw the unimaginable things they did together in his truck. I can’t tell you what they did as it is too vulgar and disgusting for me to repeat. I went home, heartbroken and distraught. It was only a few weeks later did I realise why my stomach wouldn’t stop swirling. It wasn’t because I was upset about losing the love of my life. It was because I was pregnant with his child. He blessed me with god’s greatest gift. It was his way of making sure I was going to be forever tied to him.

  Nick seemed pleased when he first saw me waiting for him outside of the rusty old bar. Although, he didn’t take the news about the baby as well as I was hoping. He was so concerned about not being able to supply a good life for our baby, but he didn’t need to worry. I made sure I took care of everything before I returned to him. I now have enough money to be able to look after all three of us. I waited and waited for his call on Saturday morning, but he never rang. I was crying in my hotel room bed when my phone finally rang on Monday morning. It was Nick’s lawyer calling me to organise an appointment.

  The appointment didn’t go well. She wants to put a needle into my belly to prove my baby is Nick’s. I sternly told her that my baby isn’t anyone else
’s. I have never slept in another man’s bed, so I knew it was Nick’s baby. I tried to explain this to Nick, but every time I turned up to the rusty old bar he was too busy working to have a chance to talk to me.

  I went to the doctor’s appointment as requested. The gel was cold and made me giggle when the doctor placed it on my belly. I was so excited about seeing the baby I had created with Nick. The doctor waved the grey wand over my belly as I stared eagerly at the screen. I saw a flicker and from what I have read in the maternity books that is the baby’s heart. I ended up leaving the appointment feeling dirty and violated. After he had run the wand over my belly, he made me lay down on the bed and looked at me down there.

  The following week, Nick’s lawyer turned up to my hotel room. The place they took me to was much nicer than the hotel I was currently staying at. The staff were super talkative and would ask me all type of questions about Nick and my dad. Although the prenatal vitamins they were giving me made me very tired and woozy. But I couldn’t complain, I had my own room, my meals were cooked for me every day and I didn’t have to use any of the money I had saved.

  They must be really desperate for customers at this hotel as they won’t let you leave. I had to be extra sneaky when I wanted to visit Nick, normally sneaking out in the darkness of the night. Most of the nights Nick was alone, except for one night he was kissing a whore on the back of his truck.

  The hotel staff must have caught on, now my bedroom door gets locked.

  I was so tired of talking about Nick and the baby all the time. That is all they ever ask about. I realised if I just stayed quiet and kept my thoughts in my head, they stopped asking the same questions over and over again. Over time, they started to let me go out during the day and then as the weeks went on, I was allowed to go out on weekends. The very first place I went to was Nick’s house. I had followed him there one night a few months ago. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I realised when I was watching him that his eyelashes are so long they touch his cheeks when his eyes are closed. I hope our baby has his eyelashes.

  Nick is definitely not a morning person. He was so angry when he woke up. I was in the process of cooking him breakfast when he rudely removed me from his house. Maybe he was upset about his dad seeing my bare legs in his shirt? I should probably make sure I wear pants next time. I followed him when he left later that morning. He went straight to her. Again! I hate her! I don’t understand why he keeps running back to her. It was only when I caught my reflection in the revision mirror did I realise. Nick likes blondes. I can fix that. First thing Monday morning I went to a hairdresser to dye my hair. Making sure I perfectly matched it to the whore he keeps running too.

  I think Nick liked my hair. His kiss was so passionate, he even let me put my tongue in his mouth. It was only a quick visit as he had to get back to work. He is always so busy.

  I was shocked when the police officer arrived at my hotel and gave me a piece of paper, but the staff at the hotel were not happy at all. I am now in a room where all the doors are locked and the questions about Nick and the baby started all over again.

  My throat was so raw. It had taken so much effort to get all the tablets they were giving me back out of my stomach. I probably shouldn’t have hit the hotel staff so hard with the steel chair, but no matter how many times I told him I wanted to check out, he never listened.

  It had taken weeks for Nick to finally show up. I don’t know where he had been, but seeing him again made my love for him grow even stronger. He was excitedly telling the wicked witch about our baby when I first walked towards him. I was confused when she said Nick was having a baby with beer girl. I don’t drink beer. I don’t drink any alcohol.

  I didn’t mean to attack Nick. Truly I didn’t. But I was so hurt and confused when he told me to leave him alone. I love him and I know that he loves me.

  It is her that is keeping us apart. I can fix that.

  Chapter 36


  “Oh my god Nick, what happened to your face?” I question concerned when he walks back into his dad’s house. I rush towards him and notice three large red scratch marks down his right cheek. Someone had scratched him that hard, they had drawn blood.

  When I notice the sullen expression on his face, I immediately know who did this to him. Nick had told me all about Megan. At the start, it really hurt hearing all the details, but as the story went on I started realising that something wasn’t quite right with her. We all have a little bit of a stalker in us, heck I did it myself when I stalked Nick’s Facebook page. But her level of stalking is a little more exaggerated with a hint of craziness.

  I grasped Nick’s hand in mine and walked us into the bathroom. Once I had him sitting on the edge of the tub, I went and gathered the antiseptic liquid and cotton dabs out of the cupboard. After dabbing the liquid gently on the scratches, I blew on them to help cool the burning sensation. Nick quietly watched me, his large hands holding onto my hips, my thirty-three-week pregnant belly keeping a decent gap between us.

  “There you go” I advise, once I am happy the scratches are dressed properly. She must have attacked him pretty aggressively as the scratches are imbedded deep into his cheek.

  “Thanks” he replies quietly. His eyes slowly lift from looking at my swollen belly to look into my eyes. I offer him a small smile and I am awarded with his trademark smirk. He pulls me in closer to him and the roughness of his unshaven jawline scrapes against my breasts as he snuggles in close to my chest.

  “You know they will disappear the instant I give birth” I inform while giggling. Nick has become obsessed with my boobs the past few months.

  “That’s why I have to enjoy them as much as possible now” he replies, before he gently bites down on my nipple through my thin cotton maternity shirt.

  My head automatically darts to look at the open bathroom door. Nick’s dad house is small and I don’t just mean compared to my parent’s house. It is small as in tiny small. It only has one bathroom, two bedrooms and a combined kitchen, dining and lounge area. I think his whole house would fit in my parent’s kitchen. It is awkward enough trying to stay quiet when we are in Nick’s room, let alone the bathroom. I would be mortified if his dad walked in on us.

  Nick chuckles when he notices the expression on my face. His places his rough hand under my shirt and slowly glides it over my swollen stomach, until he cups my engorged breast in his hand, his skilled fingers teasing my nipple. When I express a slight moan he whispers for me to “close the door”. I lean over and slam the door shut. Putty, once again I am nothing but putty against his touch.

  The next morning, we are excitedly driving towards our new house. The excitement beaming out of me that we are going to have our own home. I will finally be able to set up all the nursery items that we have stored in the shed on Nick’s dad property. Nick looks over at me fidgeting in my seat and smiles. I lean over and place a quick kiss against his freshly shaven jaw. I don’t mind the roughness of a few days of stubble, but I like seeing his rugged jawline and hate when it becomes hidden by too much facial hair.

  Nick lifts his hand and adjusts the revision mirror before he softly cusses under his breath. He indicates to turn left and once he turns down the street, his gaze instantly flicks back to the revision mirror. I turn my head to look out the back of his truck and notice a little yellow car following us. Nick indicates to turn right and when the car follows us, he harshly pulls over to the side of the road.

  “Stay in my truck” he pleads sternly. Once I nod my head, he bolts out of his truck and strides quickly towards the yellow car that has stopped in the middle of the road. I try to look at the occupant inside, but with the tint on the window and the fact she is wearing large sunglasses makes it hard for me to see her features.

  I don’t know what Nick said to her, but not long later her car goes flying past Nick’s truck with so much speed his truck wobbles. I turn my frightful eyes back to Nick, who is standing in the middle of the street cursing obscenities with hi
s fists clenched tight. When he notices me watching, he roughly runs his hand down his face, before he walks back to his truck. He sits in the driver seat and takes in several large deep breaths, before his eyes turn to look at me.

  “I think we should wait to move into the house until after I come back from the road” he suggests quietly.

  “No Nick, then she wins, you can’t let her dictate our life” I reply. Yesterday was the first time Nick has seen Megan in months. I’m sure once she realises that he has moved on, she will move on as well.

  “I can’t leave you here knowing she is around, I don’t trust her Jenni, I am scared she is going to hurt you” he informs roughly. His blue eyes full of turmoil as they roam over my face.

  “I’ll be fine” I reply confidently. “I am not who she wants” I continue while scooting across the bench seat to sit closer to him. If anyone should be concerned for their safety, it should be Nick. I run my hand down his cheek, making sure I don’t touch the scratches that have marked his handsome face.


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