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Always Wanting (Consumed, Book One 1)

Page 7

by Alex Grayson

  I bury my face in her neck, licking up the column until I reach her ear. “This what you wanted? Should I fuck you harder?”

  “Yes,” she cries. She lifts her head and shows me wild eyes filled with lust. She bites her lip so hard, that it’s a wonder it doesn’t bleed.

  I hiss when she brings her hands under my shirt and rakes her nails down my stomach, hard enough to leave marks. The pain only amps up my need to give her what she obviously wants. I pump my hips harder. She takes my dick into her body like it’s meant to be there.

  Her cries become louder, and her pussy tightens around me, telling me she’s close. I push all the way in and grind my pelvis against her clit, until I feel her clamp down, impossibly tight. My eyes roll back in my head at the feeling of being hugged within her walls. My hands grip her ass to hold her in place as I pull back and thrust back in a few more times. My cum spills from my body and into hers in powerful pulses, leaving me feeling drained and sated.

  My chest heaves as I relax against her. Her arms wrap tighter around me as we both stand there, trying to catch our breaths. I have no clue what just happened, but whatever it was, wasn’t normal. I’m determined to find out once we get back to my place.

  “You okay?” I ask, and pull my head back from her neck to look into her eyes. Her head is still leaning back against the wall, and her eyes are closed. I’m pleased as shit to see a look of immense pleasure on her face. She no longer looks pale like she did before, either; her cheeks now carry a flushed look. There’s a sheen of sweat along her brow, but I know that’s from the sex we just had, not the sick look she had earlier.

  “I’m fine,” she sighs, and opens her eyes. She smiles when she leans forward. At first, I think she’s going to kiss me. She looks at my lips, like she’s thinking about it, so I hold my breath and wait. Right before her lips meet mine, she veers to the right and places a soft kiss to my rough cheek. Her lips linger for several seconds, before she lifts her head.

  Hiding my disappointment, I gently pull from her slickness. The sensation of sliding out of her reminds me that we didn’t use a condom.

  “Shit,” I mutter. I whip off my shirt and hand it to her to use to clean herself.

  Her head snaps up from my harsh curse. Looking from the shirt I’m holding out to her to my face, she blanches. I curse again under my breath.

  “It’s okay. I’m on the pill, and I never go without a condom. I’m clean.”

  I nod, waiting for her to discreetly clean herself before grabbing her hand.

  “Come on.” I lead her down the dark alleyway to the lit parking lot.

  “Where are we going?” Her voice is small and filled with uncertainty.

  “To my place. It’s only a few blocks from here,” I answer, without turning around.

  I pull my keys from my pocket and unlock my truck before we get there. I steer her to the passenger side and open the door.

  My hands land on her hips to lift her up, but before I can, she stops me with her hands on my chest.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Too fucking bad. You owe me an explanation for what happened back there.”



  I don’t know if she’s going to argue, but I don’t give her time before I’m lifting her, depositing her in the seat, and slamming the door. I walk around and climb in behind the wheel. When I look over at her, her arms are folded over her chest, and she has a cute pout that’s pulling down her lips. I reach over and grab her seatbelt. She watches as I buckle her in.

  A smirk plays on my lips as she glares at me. She’s sexy as hell when she’s pissed. I want to take her again, but I refuse to do that until I get some answers.

  I buckle myself in before starting the truck and peeling away from Blackie’s.

  Chapter Six


  I am such a coward, and a bitch.

  I look behind me at the darkened living room as I silently slip through the front door, making sure to carefully close it behind me. I tiptoe down the sidewalk and scan my surroundings, like I’m afraid someone’s going to jump out at me. Once I make it to the street, I jog several blocks, until I’m reasonably sure no one is following me. I breathe a sigh of relief and whip out my phone to call Nathan to pick me up.

  Yes, you guessed it. After we made it to Blue’s house, I managed to distract him away from my weird behavior with more sex. It didn’t take much. All I needed to do was drop to my knees and palm his cock with one hand, while I yanked down his pants with the other. He tried forcing me to stand, but when the tip of my tongue touched the head of his cock, he was a goner. I felt guilty afterwards. That’s the second time he’s tried pulling me away to talk, to find out what my issue was, but when the pain takes hold, the need to relieve that ache consumes me. I needed to make it go away.

  While Blue was in the shower, after reluctantly rejecting his offer to join him, I snuck out like a chicken to avoid having the dreaded talk he demanded we have once he was finished. There was no way I was going to spill my problems out to him, and watch the revulsion that I was sure I’d see on his face. And I knew that was what would happen, it always does. People never understand what me and my friends go through, unless they have their own weird addiction or perversion. The thought of seeing disgust on Blue’s face sent me into a panic. I had to get out of there. I’m not sure I would be able to handle such rejection from him.

  So, now, here I am. Standing in the dark, freezing my ass off, waiting for Nathan several blocks from Blue’s house. A cold wind blows, whipping my hair across my face. I push it back and shiver. Headlights appear down the street, and I step behind a tree, still not sure if Blue would follow me or not. I peek my head around the tree as the car slowly creeps its way down the street. When I notice the blue mustang from the street light, I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and step out. It crawls to a stop five feet from me, and I make my way to the passenger door.

  Once I’m inside the warm car and buckled up, I look over to the silent man who’s watching me.

  “Please don’t say anything,” I say with a ragged whisper.

  “Just tell me if you’re okay.”

  I nod and lean my head back against the headrest, looking out the window as Nathan starts to drive. I should have never got involved with Blue. I should have known right away when I felt the connection, that he was going to be nothing but trouble. I can’t afford to get attached to someone. Not with my lifestyle.

  My stupid eyes water at the thought of never seeing him again, or never having had him in the first place. Or worse, seeing him again and not being able to touch him. It’s stupid to feel this way about a man I’ve just met. There’s no reasonable explanation for these feelings. You don’t develop feelings for people you don’t know anything about. This isn’t a romance novel, where the couple falls in love at first sight. This is real life, and it sucks.

  I sit silently in my seat and stew over my self-made misery until we reach my apartment. I thank Nathan for the ride and climb from the car, not at all surprised when he gets out as well.

  “You don’t need to walk me up,” I tell him, knowing it’s fruitless. He gives me a stern look, proving my thoughts right.

  I turn and lean back against my apartment door once we reach it. Nathan’s worried eyes pin me in place. I’m not sure why I feel the emotion, but I drop my head in shame. Maybe it’s for my slutty behavior tonight. No wonder he called me a whore. Or maybe it’s because I skipped out on the one guy that’s made me feel more than anyone has before, after using his body for my own selfish needs. It could also be for thinking about Blue the entire time Nathan and I were having sex the night before. Guilt weighs heavily on me for that. I’m a firm believer in being in the moment with the person you’re with, not thinking of someone else. It’s disrespectful and insulting. Guilt also eats at me for dragging Nathan into my problems. He has enough of his own, and he doesn’t need to take on mine too.
/>   I hang my head down, refusing to look at one of my closest friends. I know it’s all of those reasons. A finger appears in front of my face, before it’s being lifted to look at a pair of concerned black eyes.

  “What happened tonight?”

  I swallow thickly, not really wanting to talk about it, but knowing I owe him an explanation.

  “Blue showed up when I was in the hallway with a guy. He didn’t like it and hit the guy a few times. After I calmed him down, we were leaving out the back way when the pain got worse. I pretty much forced him to have sex with me in the alley.”

  Pain hits me square in the chest with my confession. I can’t believe I attacked him like that, and insisted he fuck me after he initially refused. I don’t see how he could look at me afterwards, let alone take me back home and fuck me again. When he caught me in the hallway with the unnamed man, I was just getting ready to push him away. I couldn’t follow through with my usual, casual hookup. I had to constantly force back the bile trying to force its way up my throat. I couldn’t stand the feeling of the guy’s hands on me. Then Blue came out of nowhere, like my constant thoughts of him made him appear. At first I was shocked to see him, then I was pleased, but when I saw the look on his face right before he smashed the guy’s face into the wall, a hint of fear replaced the shock and pleasure. He looked like he was ready to kill someone. I pushed the fear aside and grabbed his arm before he could do any real damage. The evil look he threw my way pissed me off. It reminded me of the look he gave me when he told me to start charging for my services. But then the anger gave way when the pain took hold. We needed to get out of there before it consumed me. We didn’t get far before I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like my insides were crushing in on themselves. I needed relief, and I needed it right then. Luckily, Blue was there, or I don’t know what I would have done.

  Nathan steps closer to me and cups my cheeks. The look in his eyes almost brings tears to mine.

  “Stop looking like your best friend just died, Abs,” he murmurs, swiping his thumbs down my cheeks. “He wouldn’t have taken you if he didn’t want you.”

  I don’t believe that. Maybe his body wanted me, but that doesn’t mean his mind was there. It could have simply been a pity fuck. Lord knows, I must have looked pathetic enough for it.

  Nathan sees my doubt and smiles sadly. “Babe, you’re beautiful. He’d be a fool not to want you. Not just his body, but every part of him. You don’t see how gorgeous you are on the inside, just as much as you are on the outside, but everyone else around you does—flaws and all. And if for some insane reason he didn’t, you wouldn’t let him get to you like he is.”

  “He knows something’s wrong with me, and wants to talk about it. I snuck out while he was in the shower to avoid him.”

  “Maybe you should try opening up. Not everyone is going to judge you based on your sexual needs. Give him a chance. You’ll regret it later if you don’t. And if he turns out to be an asshole, then I’ll kick his ass.” He smirks, making a strangled giggle escape my lips.

  My head falls forward and lands on his chest. His arms go around my shoulders, and I wrap mine around his waist. I want to believe him so much, but I’ve been put down and looked at with revulsion so much in my life, that it’s hard to believe anything different.

  I lift my head and stare up at Nathan. “I love you.”

  He smiles and leans down to place his lips gently across mine. It’s not sexual, just an innocent kiss between friends. It’s how we’ve always been. Out of all four of us, me and Nathan are the closest.

  “Love you too, Abs. Now,” He slaps my ass and pulls back, “go take a shower. You reek of hot, sweaty sex.”

  I laugh and slap his stomach.

  “Thank you for rescuing me tonight, Nathan.”

  “You know I’m here whenever you need me. For anything.”

  I smile, lean up and kiss his cheek, then turn to unlock my door. Nathan stays on the other side until he hears the click of the lock. I slump back against the hard wood and take in a deep breath.

  Could it be that easy, telling Blue about my… problem? I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. But what happens if he’s okay with my sexual appetite? It still wouldn’t work out between us. I can’t expect him to always be at my beck and call, and there will come a time that he won’t be around when I need him. I refuse to be the cheating girlfriend because she can’t get a handle on her sexual needs.

  I fist my keys in my hand until the steel digs painfully into my palm.

  It’s hopeless. It doesn’t matter if he accepts me for me.

  I walk to my bedroom and straight for my shower. Nathan was right; I do smell like sex. I want to keep the smell on me forever, because I know part of that smell is Blue.

  Suddenly feeling sadder than I was before, I strip down and step inside the steaming hot spray. I roughly wipe away the tears that mingle with the water now cleaning away the smell of the one man that has the potential to change my life. If only I had the courage to take that step.

  The next afternoon, I’m nursing a much-needed cup of hot tea, while waiting on Ava to join me for dinner. It’s six o’clock, and I’m glad as fuck the work day is finally over. My head has been killing me, thanks to the restless night of sleep I got. My thoughts and dreams kept turning to Blue, no matter how hard I tried thinking of something else. I thought I had to worry about a hangover in the morning from the whiskey last night, but nope. My hangover has nothing to do with alcohol, and everything to do with a man with a pair of striking blue eyes, and a body seemingly made just for me.

  A jingle sounds, and I look up to see Ava walk through the door. Her eyes immediately go to me in our usual spot, before making her way over. Her purse drops on the bench seat, before her ass lands next to it.

  “I am so damn glad the day is almost over,” she gripes, dragging her mound of hair back and fastening a band around it.

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” I mutter.

  “What happened with you today?”

  Not wanting to get into my problems, I deflect it back to her. “We’ll talk about me later. What’s up with you?”

  Rolling her eyes, she emits a low growl in her throat. “My fucking boss is being a dick again. I was in the supply room and felt something touch my ass. I turned and confronted him, but he denied it. I know the fat nasty bastard did it.”

  “Have you talked to human resources?”

  “Nope. I have no proof he’s harassing me. Besides, he’s the owner of the company. What the hell are they going to do? You know how those high-powered pricks are. They could get away with murder without a slap on the wrist.”

  I take a sip of my tea, praying the Tylenol I took a few minutes ago starts working soon. “What are you going to do?”

  “Not a fucking clue. Break his fingers the next time he touches me?” She forms it as question, like she’s asking for my permission to do bodily harm to her boss. She doesn’t wait for my answer, which would have been a hell yes. I hate guys that think it’s okay to touch women if they haven’t asked for it. “If I didn’t need this job so badly, I’d tell him to shove it up his ass, then start a nasty rumor around the office about him having crabs or something, before walking out.”

  I laugh, because that’s exactly something Ava would do.

  Beatrice, our usual waitress, walks up just then for our orders.

  Ava flips her coffee mug over and holds it up to Beatrice. “Fill this to the brim with tequila, and make it snappy, please.”

  Beatrice, a grandmotherly looking woman in her late fifties, looks at Ava with sympathy. “You know we don’t carry that nasty stuff, Ava. How about I fill it up with warm tea and bring you a slice of the house pie instead?”

  Ava wrinkles her nose and grumbles. “Fine. That’ll do.”

  Ava may act likes she’s butt hurt, but when Beatrice offers the house pie, you snap that shit up quick like. It’s the best pie in town, and you’re lucky if you get a slice.
Her daughter makes them, but only a couple times a week. When she does, they normally don’t last long. She must have dropped some off today.

  Beatrice looks to me. “You want a slice as well, sweetie?”

  “You know I do.” I smile. There’s no way I’m not going to act grateful for the slice of heaven that she’s about to grace us with.

  “Are y’all getting your usual as well?” she asks.

  We both answer with a “Yes” and she walks away to submit our orders.

  Ava giggles, and I look over to see her looking at her lap, the scowl she wore before gone.

  I kick her underneath the table. “Hey, what are looking at over there?”

  She lifts her phone and shows me the screen. I choke out a laugh at the picture I see, then narrow my eyes and lean closer.

  “Holy mother of hell,” I say in awe, twisting my head to the side, completely amazed. “I’ve never seen one so big before.”

  “I know, right! He’s fucking massive!” She tries to take the phone back from me, but I grab her wrist, stopping her.

  “How the hell does a girl fit that in her? It’s got to be fake. Wait! Is this one of your guys?”

  “Yep,” she chirps proudly, a big grin crossing her face. “It’s very real, and feels phenomenal. It takes time for that bad boy to slide inside, but it’s worth every tortured second.”

  I run my eyes back over the huge man on the screen. And when I say huge, I don’t mean the size of his body, I mean the size of his dick. It’s got to be at least twelve inches in length, and the size of my forearm. Even I’m scared of someone that size, and I’ve had a wide variety of dicks.

  Through all this, it wasn’t his dick size that made me laugh, but the Santa gear he’s wearing. He’s leaning back against a headboard with the Santa suit jacket wide open, displaying all his manly goods, and a wide happy smile on his face. He has a candy cane hanging out of his mouth, and is wearing a Santa hat on his head. What’s so funny is the Santa hat perched on the tip of a mammoth-sized dick.


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