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Salvation: Saving Setora Book Seven

Page 51

by Dark, Raven

  They both settled and I lifted my hand and foot away slowly.

  It was exceedingly rare to have them all asleep at once. Hoping that the quiet would last was a little like hoping the sun wasn’t hot, but a mother could always dream.

  The door to the sunroom opened. “Sweetheart, there’s another letter—”

  I glanced at the door and meant to put my finger to my lips.

  Too late. Angel started to kick and cry.

  Sheriff crossed the room and looked inside the cradle. He rested his hand on my back and kissed my temple. “How are they?”

  “They were asleep, Master.”

  He smirked at my accusatory tone. “They’ll have to deal. I want to talk to my wife.” He sat down with me and stole a long, probing kiss that made me moan against his lips in pleasure. Then he pulled back and handed me an envelope. “Another letter for you.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  I took the envelope and turned it over. The wax seal, an unmistakable black sunburst, made me curious. I noticed that the seal was unbroken. He hadn’t opened the letter. His respect for my privacy warmed my heart.

  “It’s from the Ladies of Shana Ra.” I broke the seal and unfolded the paper within.

  Dalathine started fussing now, making Angel cry harder.

  “All right, come here, you little troublemaker.” Sheriff stood up and reached into the crib. “You’re as much of a shit disturber as your father, aren’t you?”

  I smiled and watched him pick Angel up with such astounding gentleness, cradling her head with one palm and sitting her on his upraised knee until he had her settled on his big forearm. His long fingers brushed her downy curls, as pale blond as Pretty Boy’s. My heart melted into a puddle.

  I’d meant to tell him about Marna’s letter, but I read the one from Lanaya first, relaying the gist of it. “Oh wow. Master, listen to this. She says they want to send Falor Superior over here again next month. They’ve already set up more of the clinics in two more zones, and they want to set up a third in Delta. They’re asking me to speak in Delta after Falor’s visit.”

  “You wanna go?” He rocked Angel in his arms and she stopped crying. A few seconds later her sister Dalathine stopped as well. Sheriff gave both babies a now familiar suspicious look, then shook his head and rocked Angel some more.

  “Do we have time to make the trip?” I asked. “Can Doc spare the time?”

  “Oh, you know him.” Sheriff sat on the couch beside me again, baby snuggled close. “He’ll jump at the chance. He loves these medical conferences. And if they need you a month from now, we’ll be there for the yearly summit anyway, so we’ll just do both.”

  I rubbed his arm lovingly. It never ceased to amaze me that he and the others were so easy going about this whole thing. Even with the new laws already being passed, most men still found ways to stop women from doing things like that, ignoring complaints about equal rights. It left me as dumbstruck as I was with what the Ladies of Shana Ra had accomplished.

  In just a few short months, the priestesses already managed to convince six zones to accept what they proposed—expert, mandated medical care, not just for the rich, but made affordable to all women and men. And if one couldn’t afford it, charities were set in place. Better yet, hundreds of Violets, including me, had donated blood to the clinics for tests in hopes that it could reverse the affects of the Virus the same way we healed ourselves.

  “This is wonderful, Master. If they keep this up, they might finally see results from those blood tests. They’ll finally be able to solve the infertility issue.”

  “And then every household in the world can experience the joy of sleepless nights and grumpy dads,” he deadpanned.

  “Yes.” I giggled. “Oh, Master, listen to this. I heard from Marna. You won’t believe this. She finally did it.”

  “The rally?”

  I nodded. “It’s next month. She already has fifty-three women ready to sign up for the march.”

  “Speaking of troublemakers.”

  “Master.” I grinned.

  But his eyes twinkled at my annoyance. He settled Angle back down and then grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet and yanking me to him. “What do you think she would say if she knew you still called us master?” He nipped my neck.

  “Nothing. It’s a lifestyle choice, she knows that.” I squirmed in pleasure against him.

  That was what I loved about Marna and her husband. Along with dozens of other men and women, after months of hard work, they’d finally managed to convince enough zones to pass a law that forbid slavery of any kind, and yet they understood that my choice to call my Four masters was one that I made. They understood that submission was something I craved as much as my men, that I didn’t do it out of some twisted unwillingness to accept my rightful role as a freethinking female in the already fast emerging equal world. Not all the women in our movement were so accepting.

  “That said, it wouldn’t be wise to make me call you that at a rally,” I told him. “Something tells me a woman addressing her men that way at a march for women’s rights wouldn’t go over well.”

  He smirked. “I’ll try to restrain myself.”

  There was a rap on the door and Pretty Boy stuck his head in. “Oh, good, they’re awake.” He strode over to the third crib and picked up Peaches—he refused to call her by her real name, Dalathine—with just as much care as Sheriff had done.

  “Galan is still asleep, Master , so keep it down.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” He winked at me and rocked Peaches lovingly in his arms.

  Maker, now he had me calling her that.

  Peaches kicked her little leg. In her crib, Angel did the same.

  “Okay, see, that’s not normal.” Sheriff pointed at Angel and then her sister with half-feigned alarm. “One of them’s a Violet.”

  Pretty Boy rolled his eyes. “Why is it every time you say that, you make it sound like my little princesses are going to turn into little fucking terrors?”

  “Because they will. A brat like yours with Violet abilities? Maker fucking help us all.” Sheriff ignored Pretty Boy’s middle finger and picked up Angel again. “Isn’t that right, Angel Face? You and Peaches like to make trouble, just like Daddy. Yes.”

  “Actually, I think they inherited that gene from their mother.” Pretty Boy leaned over and snatched a kiss.

  “Well, we’ll see soon enough,” I said with a shrug. “The simultaneous reflex thing could be because their triplets.”

  “How long until we know?” Pretty Boy tickled Dalathine’s cheek and grinned at her soft coo.

  “Since they’re girls, oh, about twelve years. At that point, if they’re Violets, their hair and eyes will start to turn purple.”

  “I still can’t believe this whole multiple dad—conception thing,” Sheriff said, his brow furrowed. He reminded me of Steel when the subject of math came up.

  Pretty Boy went over to Galan and looked in, not daring to disturb him, whatever his earlier joke about doing so. “Will he have Violet...traits?” He looked at me.

  “Nope. If he was one, he’d have to have blond hair.”

  “Thank fuck.” Sheriff chuckled. “I don’t want him throwing a mountain at me when he gets pissed off.”

  “Which is apt to happen quite often, I’m sure.” Hawk strode in, and when I stood and put my arms around him, he set his hand on the small of my back. He looked as sexy as ever, decked in his black Yantu garb, a sheen of sweat on his chiseled face indicating he’d just been practicing.

  “Hello, Master.” I titled my head up to meet his kiss. He smelled fantastic. Like clean sweat and male.

  Galen started kicking, then whined.

  “Make yourself useful, Hawk,” Pretty Boy said. “Have a baby or two.”

  Hawk reached in and picked up the dark-haired bundle. “Come here, you. Just don’t spit up on me again. I just spent an hour cleaning these silks. Kitten, are you up to receiving visitors?”

  “Sure. Why?”

  “Cherry and her guys are here.”

  “Oh!” I set down the letter, excitement bubbling up. “Here, I’ll take him.” Gently, I took Galan out of Hawk’s arms and cradled him in mine, cooing at him until he settled. “Where are they?”

  “Steel’s already brought them to the clubhouse.”

  “Perfect.” I snatched a kiss from Hawk’s lips and meant to head for the clubhouse, but stopped in the doorway, unable to resist a last look at my men.

  Sheriff and Pretty Boy were up to their usual banter, both of them rocking their curly haired bundles. Funny how the sight of two leather-clad Dark Legion bikers rocking tiny babies didn’t look anymore out of place than they would have if they’d have been tearing across the desert on a motorbike and branding swords. Or how Hawk didn’t look any more strange wiping drool off a tiny chin while dressed in his warrior silks with a sword on his back. Or how Steel could sit and read with a baby so small it practically fit into his palm.

  Speaking of my first husband…

  “Petal, guess who’s here—oh, you know then.” Meeting me at the door, Steel smiled and kissed Galan’s head, then mine. “How’s my Petal and our little man doing today?”

  “Perfect, Master. Perfect.” I kissed him again.

  The ease with which my men had grown into their roles as fathers still left me reeling sometimes.

  Leaving three of my husbands to dote, Steel and I made our way toward the clubhouse to reunite with my best friend and her men.

  It was hard to believe that I was the same woman who’d come down these halls over a year ago with Pretty Boy and Steel. That woman, that scared woman whose future was so uncertain, felt like someone else, someone I barely knew.

  As we headed for the clubhouse with my baby in my arms, my heart swelled with the realization as to just what had happened to me. To us.

  The world might have undergone some radical changes in the past six months, but so had I, and so had my men.

  Once, not so very long ago, I’d come here believing that the Dark Legion were savages, men who meant to steal away my hope for a future and shatter my soul. But in the year that had passed since then, I’d learned they were so much more. They were men any woman would call herself lucky to spend the rest of her life with.

  They were pirates.

  They were warriors.

  They were fathers.

  They were revolutionaries.

  They were husbands.

  They were Dark Legion.

  They were the Four.

  And they were mine.

  The Conclusion of


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  From Raven & Petra

  To our wonderful readers,

  When we set out to write Setora's story, we both knew we wanted to write a dark series that ended with light and love. That the darkness in others sometimes requires a special lens to see the good. That innocence isn't a fault. That bending isn't always weak. And that warriors don't always use swords.

  We hope you enjoyed Setora's journey with her Four as much as we enjoyed writing it. This series is so very close to our hearts. The laughs, the joys, the OH!s, and the tears...our characters brought us so many feels. And to have you all love them just as much? Yeah, our hearts get all kinds of mushy.

  For our loyal fans in The Grotto, thank you so much for all the love and support. We can't wait for you to meet Cherry's guys in her story, so stay tuned!

  Lots of love your way,

  Petra and Raven

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