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Grizzly Perfection

Page 10

by Becca Jameson

  What other options did they have? She was right about another thing—separating wouldn’t fix the problem. Even if they lived in two separate homes, they would suffer just as much. Maybe the desire would ease a bit to allow them to breathe without inhaling the essence of the other, but only marginally. Their plight would infiltrate their dreams.

  Reid would give anything to be able to unzip his jeans and jerk himself off. He didn’t think it would take the edge off, but he would do it if he could. But he wouldn’t leave her alone outside to take care of such a carnal need. He needed to get a grip. He needed to be strong for her. She needed him.

  His chest clenched as he watched her sink to her butt at the edge of the deck and lean her elbows on her knees. When she put her forehead against her palms, he swallowed the pain he knew she felt.

  The doorbell rang.

  Damn. The food.

  He turned around, rushed across the room, and opened the door. Thank God he’d paid online, because he didn’t think he had enough sense to count money. He thanked the delivery guy and rushed back across the room to find Adriana still in the same location.

  Jesus. He was a wreck. How could he protect her with his brain jumbled like this? He was not in the right state of mind to keep her safe. But the thought of turning her over to someone else’s care brought bile to his throat. Nolan wouldn’t go for it anyway.

  He set the paper bag on the table and leaned a hip against the glass door again. He ached for her. Even through the glass, he could feel her stress. He felt it too. It was palpable. And it would only get worse.

  Denying one’s mate was inconceivable. Doing so while remaining in a confined space with them was beyond imagination. And yet, he was going to manage this somehow.

  He watched her for half an hour, not bothering her until he finally opened the door and stepped outside. She would be freezing.

  He eased up next to her, sat on the top step, and wrapped his arm around her to pull her against his side.

  She’d been crying, which broke his heart, and she wiped her tears on the back of her hand and leaned into his chest. “I’m sorry. I’m being a bitch about this.”

  “Don’t apologize. You have a right to be freaked out. I’m in the same boat, babe. I feel the same things you do.”

  “You’re controlling it better.” Her voice hitched on a hiccup.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Only externally. On the inside, I’m slamming you against the wall and ripping your clothes off.” Yeah, that probably wasn’t a helpful thing to say.

  She giggled though, the sound vibrating through him and doing nothing to ease the throbbing in his cock. Setting a palm on his chest, she tipped her head back and met his gaze. “I’d like to see you try.”

  He lifted a brow in confusion. Was she challenging him?

  She shook her head. “That came out wrong. What I’m trying to say is that I wouldn’t let you do that even if we were mates and Nolan wasn’t involved.”


  “Not this soon anyway. I’m not that kind of girl.”

  He stared at her. “What kind of girl? The kind who has sex with her mate?” What was she saying?

  “The kind who has sex…” She bit her lower lip hard enough to make him wince.

  He couldn’t even blink. He opened his mouth finally to lick his lips. “Uh…ever?”

  She shook her head.

  Still not sure he understood, he asked the question straight out. “You’re a virgin?”

  “Yes. And ordinarily I wouldn’t share that with anyone, even you, but since I told Nolan last night, it only seemed fair.”

  “You told him that?” Why would something like that come up in conversation?

  She nodded. “It slipped out. He asked me to tell him something no one else knew about me.”

  Reid’s mouth was so dry, he thought he might choke. Fuck me. That revelation did nothing to calm his cock. Nothing.

  After a few seconds, when he was finally able to communicate in the English language, he spoke. “I’m humbled. Thank you for sharing with me. It means the world to me.” He squeezed her tighter. If he didn’t change the subject, he was liable to slide to his knees in front of her and make a fool of himself. Deep breaths. “The food came.”

  Her stomach grumbled. Perfect segue.

  He smiled. “Guess I should feed you.” He pushed to standing, pulling her up with him. Luckily, her hysteria had temporarily passed, and she followed him inside.

  After the reprieve from inhaling each other’s pheromones, they managed to sit at the table and eat Chinese food right out of the containers like any normal couple would do. They used chopsticks and passed the cartons back and forth, not bothering with plates or utensils.

  When they were done, and the mess was cleared, it was dark out. It wasn’t late, but it was dark. The darkness made their world shrink. Reid couldn’t quite imagine going to bed and calming down enough to relax or sleep. And he had yet to discuss their sleeping arrangements.

  He led her upstairs silently, not touching her.

  When they reached the master bedroom, she finally brought up the elephant. “You brought my stuff in here. I should sleep in the guest room.”

  He knew she was right, intellectually. But he didn’t think he could stand having her across the hallway. He needed to feel her during the night. Not physically, but at least know she was in the room. Listen to her breathing. Smell her sweet scent. Know she was okay.

  She shot him a look. “I’m in your home. You’re planning to follow me to school tomorrow—” she lifted a scolding finger, “—which I still intend to discuss in the morning. You can’t expect me to also sleep with you. Let me have my space.”

  He considered her request, knowing he was frowning. Was he being unreasonable or greedy? “You’re right.”

  She blew out a sigh of relief. “Thank you. Between you and Nolan, I don’t feel like I’m entitled to my own opinion.” She grabbed one suitcase and pulled it toward the door.

  He took the other, following her. When they reached the room across the hall, he stopped her with a hand to her forearm. “You’re always entitled to your opinion. Yes, we’re both rather dominating. But it’s only because we care, and we put your safety first, even above your wishes.”

  She lifted up on her tiptoes, kissed his cheek, and shoved him toward the door. “Get out. Let me study for a while and then sleep.”

  He backed out the door, which she shut in his face, and then leaned against the frame for a moment. This was going to be the hardest test of his life. Failure seemed imminent.

  After listening to her move around for a few minutes, he headed for his own room. It was seven in the evening. Not even close to bedtime. He closed his door anyway and grabbed the remote, hoping the television would drown out at least some of his problems. He reached into her mind. “If there’s anything you need, just ask or come across the hall.”

  “Okay. Thank you. I’ll be fine.”

  “The alarm is set. Don’t leave the house for any reason.”

  “Yes, master.” Her sarcasm made his cock harder again.

  Reid propped himself up at the headboard and started flipping through the channels, though he didn’t have any idea what passed by because he wasn’t paying attention. When his phone buzzed in his pocket, he muted the TV and pulled it out, assuming the unknown number would be Nolan. “Hello?”

  “Hey. You okay? Adriana?”

  “About as you would expect. It was a rough day for both of us. She’s in the guest room. I’m in my room.”

  A few seconds of silence. “I’m sorry that pleases me.”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  “Is she agreeable to letting you follow her around tomorrow?”

  “Not at all.” He chuckled. “But we’ll work it out. I find it’s easier to act first and catch her off guard. When I give her every detail ahead of time, she has too much time to think and then argues with me.”

  Nolan laughed. “I can see that.” />
  Reid changed the subject. “You safe?”

  “Yeah. I’m in a new location. I have a burner phone. I’ll call you on it when I can. Don’t call me. I’ll call Adriana when I hang up with you.”

  “What do the police think? I haven’t watched the news.”

  “It’s a giant mess. This guy is huge. He’s squandered away millions of dollars in offshore accounts over decades. I’m betting I’m not the only person who will need protection until we can testify. He probably has a different accountant for every alias. It’s just a matter of time before the police can find other witnesses.”

  “What a fucking idiot.”

  “No kidding. I guess he thought if he had an accountant, it made him look less suspicious. But he didn’t count on me having a brain, I suppose. He’s a relatively new client. Until a few days ago, I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, and then some numbers didn’t add up.”

  Reid smiled. Nolan certainly was sharp. No much got by him. That’s how he’d ended up in this situation. “How are you going to handle your other clients?”

  “Luckily this isn’t the time of year when everyone needs me desperately. I have my computer. I can work from anywhere. Not many people need an appointment in October. I can put them off. Reschedule.”

  That was good. At least he wasn’t going to lose his job.

  “What about you? I’m keeping you from working.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I have guys. They can handle things.”

  “It’s a lot to ask.”

  “Don’t forget, I would do it even if you didn’t exist. She’s important to me. I won’t let anything happen to her.” As long as I can keep my dick at bay and not lose sight of what I’m promising.

  “You’ll do whatever it takes, right?”

  “You know I will.”

  “Even if it means you have to bind to her and cut me out.”


  “I mean it.” His voice rose. “Promise me.”

  “I promise you it won’t come to that.”

  “Fine, but if anything suspicious happens or you hear from me that I’m afraid for her life, you’ll bind to her, right? I don’t want you to hesitate and risk her life. There could come a day when she needs the connection.”

  “Yes. Nolan, stop talking so morbidly. We’re going to figure this out.”

  “Okay, just so we have a plan in place, let’s establish an easy, quick, communication. One word that will tell you the situation has gone FUBAR if I text it to you.” He paused. “Rope.”


  “Yeah, as in bind. It wouldn’t mean anything to anyone else, but it gets the message across to you.”

  “Okay. Got it. Rope.” Reid prayed he never received that message, because the option to bind to her without letting her exercise her free will and choose between the two men was not on the table. If it came down to it, Reid wasn’t sure he could go through with it. But how could he not?

  What if he didn’t bind her to him and she was taken from him, and he had no way to communicate with her? The thought of her in harm’s way because he was too stubborn to bind her to him made him grimace.

  All he could do was pray the situation never came up.


  Adriana was trying to concentrate on her assignment when her cell rang. She picked it up, saw it was Nolan, and smiled as she connected. “Hey.”

  “Hey. You okay?”

  “No. What kind of question is that?” She laughed. More like forced herself to laugh.

  “I just hung up with Reid.”

  “You called him first?” There was a moment of silence before she put him out of his misery. “Just kidding. Don’t worry. I know you need to speak to both of us. But don’t spend all your time with Reid plotting my every move. It won’t bode well for either of you.”

  “Adriana, I don’t want you to spend all your time arguing with Reid about your safety. Do what he says. Please. If I have to worry about you on top of everything else, I’ll lose my mind.”

  She stiffened. Do what he says? “I’m not a child. I haven’t been obedient since I was like ten years old. I can take care of myself. I need my car, and I need to go to class.”

  “Where’s your car?”

  Ah, so Nolan wasn’t in on the scheme to leave her Honda behind. “At your parents’ house. Reid wanted me to leave it there. I feel a bit trapped.” That was an understatement.

  “You don’t need a car right now. Let Reid drive you.”

  She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Listen, I don’t want to spend every second arguing with you.”

  He sighed. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to either. But my gut tells me to be cautious.”

  She hoped she could get him to be reasonable. “Nolan, the police picked Rimouski up today. I was already with Reid. No one has any idea I even exist. Why are you so convinced someone is coming after me?”

  “I don’t know, but I feel uneasy. That’s the only way I can explain it.”

  She suddenly had a new thought in her favor. “Hey, my car isn’t helping by sitting at your parents’ house. If someone decided to watch your family members, they would start with your parents. They might wonder why there’s an extra car there. What if they run the plates?” She was exaggerating. No part of her believed anyone would bother to go to that much trouble, but she hoped it would help her cause. I need my car. I need my independence.

  “Aren’t you the detective,” he teased. “You’re right. I’ll have my dad move it.”

  “Move it where? How about here? How about you stop trying to control my entire life?” She didn’t mean to be a bitch, but this situation was totally overboard. Both of the men she felt drawn toward were bossy and controlling. That wasn’t going to happen. At the moment, pheromones aside, they were competing for last place.


  Okay? That was it? He was going to “let” her have her car? There had to be a catch.

  Wait for it…

  “But that doesn’t mean I want you to drive around on your own.”

  Of course. She rolled her eyes.

  “Adriana…” His voice was softer. It got to her in a way she knew it would for the rest of her life. All he had to do was say her name in the particular fashion that he always did, and she would melt.

  Maybe if she could get him to call her Addy instead, she wouldn’t become a total pile of goo every time he said her name. “You know, my close friends call me Addy.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “You could be one of my friends,” she added.

  “I could be your mate. Anything is possible. But no matter what happens, I love your name. It’s beautiful. Sexy. Mysterious. Let me have this.” His voice was deeper as he finished speaking, as sexy and mysterious as he proclaimed her name to be.

  She shuddered, shaking the feeling from her mind. She needed to get back on track. She cleared her throat. “Whatever. Fine. Listen. Here’s the thing. I realize you’re both older than me. Significantly. I get that. But I’m not eighteen or sixteen or twelve. I’m twenty-three. And yes, I’ve been living with my parents until a few months ago. But they haven’t questioned my whereabouts or my driving skills or anything else for about five years now. I’m a capable adult.” Maybe she was going overboard. Again. Maybe she shouldn’t dig her heels in so hard on this issue. But she was afraid if she let either of these men steamroll her now, they would do it for life.

  And what was she even thinking? They weren’t both going to be in her life. Just one. One domineering man. Perhaps she should open a spreadsheet and keep a tally of how often each of them bossed her around. Then at the end of the month, she could pick the one with the least infractions. She almost laughed out loud.

  “I’m not questioning your ability to take care of yourself, hon. I’m not worried about you. It’s the other guy I’m concerned about. The man is powerful. He has billions of dollars. I have no doubt at the snap of his fingers, even from jail, he can get someon
e eliminated from this earth, and the body would never be found.”

  She shuddered. He was right. Why did he have to be right? “Okay. I’ll let Reid take me to class. But I want my car here at his condo in case I need it. You never know. If someone did come after me, wouldn’t you want me to have the ability to escape?”

  He chuckled. “You sure you aren’t studying to be a lawyer? I thought it was fashion.”

  “Ha ha.”

  “Please, hon. Do what Reid says. He knows how to keep people alive. I want you to be one of them.”


  “Now, tell me about your classes.”


  Joe Stringer stared hard at the man in front of him who the boss had put in charge of several aspects of their operation. He had no earthly idea what Rimouski saw in this guy or why he felt he could trust him, but Joe certainly did not.

  The guy was gangly and uptight as if he was hiding something. His expression was always serious. There was something about him that put Joe on edge, and Joe was usually a good judge of character.

  But the reality was Rimouski put his faith in Vinny, so Joe’s hands were tied. When he’d gotten the call about an hour ago that Rimouski had been arrested, Joe had gone into protect mode. They’d discussed the plan all of them would follow if anything like this happened. And today was that day.

  They were prepared. They would get their boss out on bail ASAP and return to business as usual while Rimouski obliterated anyone who dared testify against him.

  Joe reluctantly handed Vinny a thick file. “This is a comprehensive list of people who have dealings with the boss. Find everyone on this list.”

  “Find them?” Vinny lifted a brow. “That’s it?”

  “Yep. That’s it. If you can find them, they aren’t the problem. It’s the ones you can’t find we need to worry about.”

  Vinny nodded sharply. “Ah. Got it.”

  “Rimouski is very powerful, as you well know. Everyone in that file works for him in some capacity. If the police have taken the boss into custody, there’s a rat or two. I need to know who those assholes are so we can take them down.”

  “On it.”

  Joe watched as Vinny strode from the room. Was there a chance in hell he could find all those people? Joe had no faith, but at least the task would keep Vinny busy and out of Joe’s way while he worked on figuring out what to do next to help his boss from behind the scenes.


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