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Page 28

by Riley Edwards


  “Please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t say anything because I knew you weren’t ready to talk about it. Any time Kalee or I brought up something that resembled being personal you shut down. I was afraid if I told you I knew, you’d stop being my friend and I didn’t want to lose you.”

  Shit, she was right. I would’ve exited stage right and I would’ve done it in a way that ended our friendship forever. My eyes closed trying to block out the shame. I was a horrible friend.

  “Did Kalee know?”

  “God, no. I would never share your secrets. I wanted you to tell me when you were ready. And, honey, I wish you would’ve told me sooner but I understand why you didn’t. I understood why you’d closed yourself off and I couldn’t blame you. The only reason why I wanted you to tell me was so I could tell you how proud I am of you.”

  My eyes opened and I focused on the tears that now streamed down Evie’s pretty pale cheeks.


  “But I get to tell you now. Anaya, I always thought you were the bravest, strongest, smartest woman I know. But now that I know the rest, I know I was wrong—you’re not just strong, you are resilient. You’re not only brave but you’re tough. You’re made of something so fierce and formidable that nothing can stop you. When I tell you I am proud of you, I mean it. Everything you’ve overcome is astounding.”

  I waited for more shame of being a shit friend to hit but it never did. Instead, more of the acid and poison in my belly neutralized. More of the toxic venom I’d allowed to overtake my life was gone. Just like that.

  “Thank you for always being such a great friend, even when I wasn’t a good one.”

  “Say what? Girl, you’re crazy. You’ve always been a good friend. Always. When my mom died, who was the first one to rush to my side and hold me together when I was falling apart? You. And when Tommy Bradshaw broke my heart into a million pieces, who offered to go key his car and kick him in the balls? You. I can go on and on. Story after story. You always being the first person to lend an ear, a hand, your support. So shut up with the ‘I’m not a good friend’ shit.”

  “Tommy was a dick,” I reminded her, then turned to Kyle. “He was married. Married with kids and lied to Evie for six months. She had no clue. He worked hard to make her fall in love with him. He even had an apartment. Can you believe that shit?”

  “No, sweetheart, I can’t.” Kyle’s lips tipped up. “I’m thinking it’s a shame you didn’t get to kick him in the balls. A man who would set out to cheat on his woman, then go about getting his hooks in a good woman while he was tied to another isn’t just a dick—he’s no kind of man. I’m thinking a kick to the balls would’ve been sweet to start but he deserved a hell of a lot more than that.”

  “Right? That’s why I wanted to key his car, too. But Evie wouldn’t let me.”

  “That’s a shame.” He chuckled.

  “See?” I turned to Evie. “He gets it. You should’ve let me do it. The pompous asshole loved that stupid Mercedes. He would’ve pitched a fit if I’d scratched it to hell.”

  “And she thinks she was never a good friend.” That came from Evie but she wasn’t talking to me, she was talking to Kyle.

  “She knows better now,” he told her.

  “Thank you,” Evie whispered.

  “No need to thank me.”

  The two of them were talking like I wasn’t in the room, but instead of being annoyed, I was grateful.

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t be thanking you, because now I’m gonna have to get on a plane to go see my best friend and I hate flying.”

  “I wish I could say I was sorry, but that’d be a lie.”

  Evie laughed and turned her blinding smile to me. “I think I like him.”

  “That’s good, because I love him and it would suck if my best friend didn’t like my boyfriend.”

  “Not your boyfriend, Anaya.”


  “I’m not your boyfriend, first because I’m not a boy, I’m a man.” I shivered at his declaration thinking he was correct, he was a man—all man—nothing boy about him. “That would mean I’m your man, but more than that, I’m the man that’s gonna make you my wife.”

  The shiver turned into a full body earthquake and I tried my best to stop the quaking. But I must’ve failed because Evie’s peal of laughter filled the room.

  “I love it,” she said through her hilarity. “So worth the stupid plane ride. I’ll take a thousand of them if it means my girl gets this kind of happiness.”

  Kyle and I stayed a while longer, the three of us laughed a lot, Kyle and Evie got to know each other, and when we got up to say our goodbyes, Evie promised to fly out to Maryland soon and I knew she meant it, she’d brave flying to come and see me. Evette London was the best and I couldn’t wait for her to meet Tatiana, Emerson, and the rest of the women. She was going to love them, and they’d love her.

  When we walked down to the car I felt lighter, freer, better than I had in forever—save when Kyle told me he loved me, or when he was holding me, or when he made love to me, or when he was being sweet, or bossy, or protecting me, or healing me. Those were the best of times and nothing could compare to how he made me feel. But knowing I’d given Evie what she needed—which was all of me—was definitely a close second.

  The second the hotel room door closed behind us, Kyle pressed against my back. His hand swept my hair from my shoulder and he gathered it in one hand, the other went around and pressed to my belly. Then it was moving down.

  “Before I get you naked, I got something I wanna say,” Kyle said conversationally. “Your friend is right.”

  “About what?” I asked even though he’d unsnapped the button of my shorts and his hand disappeared into my panties, which meant I was close to not being able to comprehend his answer.

  “About everything.” His finger dipped inside of me and he continued. “Made from steel.”

  “Kyle,” I panted as he continued to tease me, coating his finger with my excitement.

  My head hit his shoulder, his lips went to my jaw first for a kiss, then to whisper against my skin.

  “So fucking proud of my girl. So strong.” He added a second finger and his thrusts become harder. “So beautiful.”

  “Honey,” I whispered because really, he was doing great things between my legs and I was beyond words.

  “Naked, Anaya. I want to taste you before I fuck you.” A shiver ran through me and my pussy clenched around his fingers. “You like when I’m hungry, baby?”


  “Good, because I’m gonna take my time eating before I flip you over and take the rest of you.”

  Kyle did indeed take his time eating me and after he’d brought me to a screaming orgasm, he took more time licking and tasting the rest of me. And by the time he’d finished with me riding on top of him giving him a show, because, well, he’d given me a second orgasm that was arguably better than the first, he deserved it. And when he groaned his pleasure, I continued to ride him harder, until he exploded with a shout, yanking me down so he could kiss me through it.

  It was everything Kyle had promised it would be. It was thorough, it was rough, it was sweet. And through it all, I felt it in my heart, in my soul, from top to toe, and all the places in between. All the cracks and voids that once had dominated my life were now filled. Each and every one of them. And he was right about more—he’d cemented over them in a way I’d never forget. I was invincible because that was how he made me. And I was fearless because I was strong.

  Chapter 39



  I’d watched Declan stroll up to the front door of a small but well-kept house in a nice and quiet neighborhood and knock on the door. I’d also watched a very beautiful blonde open the door. In her defense she did scowl at him before she allowed him in.


  I should’ve felt like a dick for following my teammate and invading his pri
vacy, and I had, right up until I saw who’d opened the door. Now I was fucking pissed. Declan wasn’t stirring the pot, he was shaking a hornet’s nest and it wasn’t just him who was gonna get stung.

  At least I now knew where he’d been sneaking off to when he said he had shit to do the last month and a half. He didn’t have shit to do, he had someone to do. Jesus Christ.

  I hadn’t stopped staring at the door he’d entered thirty minutes ago and I was debating whether or not I should go knock, then knock some sense into him. This was a disaster waiting to happen. No, fuck that—this would be an atomic bomb that when detonated would wipe us all off the map.

  Goddamn it.

  My phone vibrated, clattering in the cupholder, and I angrily picked it up. But when I saw the caller ID, my anger slid to worry.

  “Tex,” I greeted. “Everything okay?”

  It was late and even though the man worked all hours of the day, his evenings were normally dedicated to his gorgeous wife Melody and their two daughters.

  “I need a favor.”

  “Anything,” I agreed immediately.

  “I need you to go to Florida and grab a woman. You got two choices, bring her up here and Mel and I will figure out what to do with her, or you keep her until I work something else out.”

  “Is there a reason you’re coming to me about this and not Zane? You know I’ll have to clear it with him first.”

  “Zane’s my next call, but I wanted to talk to you first, see if you’d be willing to go.”

  “Of course I’ll do it, but who is she?”

  “She’s…just someone who got herself wrapped up in something she had no choice but to get involved with. She did something she’s not proud of, something she had to do, and believe me, I wouldn’t have helped her out of it unless I didn’t believe she was sorry for what she had to do.”

  Well, that was cryptic as fuck, but I also knew Tex had a moral compass that pointed north. There was no bending it, so if he said he believed her, I’d trust him, even if that trust wouldn’t be extended to the mysterious woman. I didn’t share the same compass as Tex. Mine tended to lean into the gray and I sure as fuck didn’t trust people.

  Particularly women.

  Especially women who got themselves wrapped up in situations that forced them to fuck over those they’d once said they loved.

  Learned my lesson and I learned it well.

  “When do you need me to go?” I asked.

  “She has two kids.”



  “As soon as you can. The longer she’s there, the more danger she’ll be in.”

  “Does she know she’s in danger?”


  Fucking hell. Great, so now I needed to go to Florida, nab a woman and her kids, and convince her it was for her own good. A woman who’d already gotten herself into enough shit that Tex had to bail her out. Perfect. Fantastic. Should be a walk in the park—not.

  “But I’ll call Zane, explain the situation, then I’ll call her and tell her to expect you.”

  “Don’t tell her when I’m coming, just to expect me.”

  “You’re gonna investigate her.” It wasn’t a question, Tex knew me well enough to know that was exactly what I was going to do.

  “Respect, Tex. I trust you. But if she got her shit jacked once, I wanna make sure she’s not playing you.”

  “She’s not.” His answer was firm.

  “Then me watchin’ her a few days won’t be a problem. Bonus is, she’ll have protection while I’m doing it.”

  “Appreciate it. I owe you—”

  “Shut the hell up with that nonsense. You owe me nothing, you always have our back.”

  “Can you leave tomorrow?”

  I looked back at the door Declan had disappeared into and figured the damage had been done. What was a few more days?

  “Sure can.”

  “I’ll be in touch with the details.”

  “Great. Later.”

  I rang off with Tex, started my Jeep, and drove home, to the house I shared with Brooks, Thad, Kyle, and their women. Declan lived there, too, when he wasn’t off doing shit he wasn’t supposed to be doing.

  Goddamn clusterfuck.

  Now we’d have a woman and her two kids to deal with. Perfect. What’s three more people to contend with when we were still at war with Omni?

  Easy day.

  ** To find out who the mystery woman Tex needs help with is, read Susan Stoker’s Securing Zoey.

  And then pick up the next book in the Gold Team series, Maximus and find out all about what happens in the next installment!

  About the Author

  Riley Edwards is a bestselling multi-genre author, wife, and military mom. Riley was born and raised in Los Angeles but now resides on the east coast with her fantastic husband and children.

  Riley writes heart-stopping romance with sexy alpha heroes and even stronger heroines. Riley's favorite genres to write are romantic suspense and military romance.

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  Other Books by Riley Edwards

  Available on Amazon

  The Red Team


  Protecting Olivia

  Redeeming Violet

  Recovering Ivy

  Rescuing Erin

  The Gold Team





  Gemini Group

  Nixon’s Promise

  Jameson’s Salvation

  Weston’s Treasure

  Alec’s Dream

  Chasin’s Surrender

  The 707 Freedom Series


  Freeing Jasper

  Finally Free


  The Next Generation

  Saving Meadow

  Chasing Honor

  Finding Mercy

  Claiming Tuesday

  Adoring Delaney

  Keeping Quinn

  Taking Liberty

  The Masters Collection

  The Awakening

  The Collective

  Unbroken 1 & 2 – Season One

  Trust – Season Two


  Romancing Rayne

  There are many more books in this fan fiction world than listed here, for an up-to-date list go to

  You can also visit our Amazon page at:

  Special Forces: Operation Alpha World

  Christie Adams: Charity’s Heart

  Denise Agnew: Dangerous to Hold

  Shauna Allen: Awakening Aubrey

  Brynne Asher: Blackburn

  Linzi Baxter: Unlocking Dreams

  Jennifer Becker: Hiding Catherine

  Alice Bello: Shadowing Milly

  Heather Blair: Rescue Me

  Anna Blakely: Rescuing Gracelynn

  Amy Briggs: Saving Sarah

  Julia Bright: Saving Lorelei

  Victoria Bright: Surviving Savage

  Cara Carnes: Protecting Mari

  Kendra Mei Chailyn: Beast

  Melissa Kay Clarke: Rescuing Annabeth

  Samantha A. Cole: Handling Haven

  Sue Coletta: Hacked

  Melissa Combs: Gallant

  Anne Conley: Redemption for Misty

  KaLyn Cooper: Rescuing Melina

  Liz Crowe: Marking Mariah

  Sarah Curtis: Securing the Odds

  Jordan Dane: Redemption for Avery

  Tarina Deaton: Found in the Lost

  Aspen Drake, Intense

  KL Donn: Unraveling Love

  Riley Edwards: Protecting Olivia

  PJ Fiala: Defending Sophie

  Nicole Flockton: Protecting Maria

  Michele Gwynn: Rescuing Emma

  Casey Hagen: Shi
elding Nebraska

  Desiree Holt: Protecting Maddie

  Kathy Ivan: Saving Sarah

  Kris Jacen, Be With Me

  Jesse Jacobson: Protecting Honor

  Silver James: Rescue Moon

  Becca Jameson: Saving Sofia

  Kate Kinsley: Protecting Ava

  Heather Long: Securing Arizona

  Gennita Low: No Protection

  Kirsten Lynn: Joining Forces for Jesse

  Margaret Madigan: Bang for the Buck

  Kimberly McGath: The Predecessor

  Rachel McNeely: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby

  KD Michaels: Saving Laura

  Lynn Michaels, Rescuing Kyle

  Wren Michaels: The Fox & The Hound

  Kat Mizera: Protecting Bobbi

  Keira Montclair, Wolf and the Wild Scots

  Mary B Moore: Force Protection

  LeTeisha Newton: Protecting Butterfly

  Angela Nicole: Protecting the Donna

  MJ Nightingale: Protecting Beauty

  Sarah O’Rourke: Saving Liberty

  Victoria Paige: Reclaiming Izabel

  Anne L. Parks: Mason

  Debra Parmley: Protecting Pippa

  Lainey Reese: Protecting New York

  TL Reeve and Michele Ryan: Extracting Mateo

  Elena M. Reyes: Keeping Ava

  Angela Rush: Charlotte

  Rose Smith: Saving Satin

  Jenika Snow: Protecting Lily

  Lynne St. James: SEAL’s Spitfire

  Dee Stewart: Conner

  Harley Stone: Rescuing Mercy

  Jen Talty: Burning Desire

  Reina Torres, Rescuing Hi’ilani

  Megan Vernon: Protecting Us

  Police and Fire: Operation Alpha World

  Freya Barker: Burning for Autumn

  Julia Bright, Justice for Amber

  KaLyn Cooper: Justice for Gwen


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