Their Shadow Queen

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Their Shadow Queen Page 7

by Kim Loraine

I drop my hands from where they’d drifted to her shoulders. “You’re to be married?”

  Breath hitching, she nods. “Some prince. I don’t know how to tell my aunts I’m not marrying him.”

  My chest lurches. “You have to.”

  “What?” The incredulity in her voice makes it clear that’s the last thing she thought I’d say.

  “If they’ve forged an alliance, you can’t break it without risking everything.”

  A laugh falls from her. It’s bitter and colors the air with disdain. “You just had your tongue down my throat and now you think I should marry someone who isn’t you?”

  Honestly, that thought makes my stomach churn. I want her to spend her days with me and her nights in my bed. “Yes. I do.”

  She pulls away and I don’t stop her. The look in her eyes tells me that choice has done irreparable damage to the fledgling connection between us. Lightning strikes around her as she walks away, scorching the grass and making the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

  With one last glance over her shoulder, she mounts her horse and rides away, long blond waves flowing behind her. All I’m left with is the memory of her lips on mine and the taste of her on my tongue. But it’s more than I could have ever hoped for. I’ll serve her until my dying day even if I never get to have her as my own.

  Part II

  Dark Ember



  My lips still burn from Jensen’s kiss, even as I walk down the stone corridor that leads to my aunt’s chambers and toward the prince I’m supposed to marry. Out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of Finn standing at the end of the hall. He’s leaning against the wall, watching, and my heart lurches with a mixture of excitement and guilt. Mostly guilt. I’d been ready to give myself to him. I would’ve let him have everything. But after he denied me, I turned around and basically threw myself into Jensen’s embrace. Now, I’m about to meet my future husband. I’m a mess. There’s no way I can be a wife, certainly not a queen.

  “I can’t…” I begin, but trail off, unable to finish as my gaze flicks to the ornately carved door. He must see the fear on my face because he pushes off the wall and strides toward me, taking me in his arms and crushing his lips to mine. His tantalizing scent of cedar and leather makes me weak in the knees. I never want him to stop kissing me, but then Jensen flashes in my memory and a fresh wave of guilt hits me.

  Pulling away, I stare deep into his eyes and all I see behind them is hurt. “Finn, I’m not going to do this.”

  “You have to. It’ll be fine, Maeve.” His voice is tight and he won’t look me directly in the eyes any longer.

  Any other time his avoidance would sting, but now I’m thankful. I don’t want to face his scrutiny. He’ll know I let Jensen kiss me. I’ve never been good at lying and I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. “Finn—“

  “Don’t. You’ll go in there and do what you have to. Jensen and I both knew this was how it was going to be. Only he did a better job at keeping his distance. I should’ve listened to him.” He runs a hand through his hair, glancing up at the ceiling and sighing. “Fuck. I wanted you to choose me.”

  He won’t after he finds out I was just making out with Jensen in the meadow. “I…Finn, I want you too. But there’s something—“

  The door between us opens and Imogen offers me a saccharine smile. “Am I interrupting a tender moment?” She shoots Finn a glare and my pulse picks up speed at the thought of him being in trouble for his relationship with me. “Finn, you are dismissed. Queen Maeve is safe here with us and her betrothed.”

  Closing his eyes, Finn clenches his jaw and nods. He takes a harsh breath before offering a bow and walking away. I don’t want him to go, to leave me here with this man I don’t know.

  Imogen clicks her tongue in disapproval as she surveys me. “What have you done to yourself? You look like a drowned rat.”

  My cheeks heat. “I went riding. There was a storm.”

  She rolls her eyes and flicks her wrist. Looking down my dress I watch as the water spots on the silk disappear, leaving the fabric vibrant once again. I’m sure my hair and makeup are fixed as well thanks to her. “There,” she mutters, dusting off her hands. “You’re perfect for Prince Christian.”

  “Prince Christian?” I ask.

  “Yes, child. The prince you’ll marry tonight.”

  My stomach drops. “Wait. Tonight? I can’t get married tonight.”

  She lets out a high, bell-like laugh. “Of course you can. Don’t be ridiculous.”

  I’m the one being ridiculous? I don’t think so. “Look, marriage is a big deal where I come from. We don’t typically just rush into arranged marriages and expect success.”

  Putting her hands on her hips, she stares me down. “You are the queen of the Shadow Court. Things are different for royalty. And, in case you forgot, you don’t come from the human world. This is your home. This is where you come from.” She takes my hand gently between both of hers. “It’s perfectly acceptable for royalty to have their marriages arranged from birth. The white lady foresaw this union on the day Christian was born.”

  “She foresaw this?”

  “Yes. And she’s never wrong. You have to take him as your husband. Do what you want after your wedding night. You can choose to never see him again after consummation, but the union between you and he will forge a bond with the Night Court. One we sorely need to protect our kingdom.”

  “The Night Court. I thought you said there were only four fae courts.”

  “There are. The Night Court is ruled by vampires.”

  My stomach twists. I’m marrying a vampire? “He’s a…vampire?” I whisper the word, it sounds so ridiculous coming from my lips as a serious question.

  Imogen does not seem amused. “Technically. He’s mostly fae. His father was of our court until he was turned. His mother…” She takes a moment to swallow back what I can only imagine to be revulsion. “She is the queen of the Night Court. A vampire.”

  “Obviously you don’t like her. Why would you want me to marry this guy?”

  “It’s not about what’s best for you. This will align us with the most powerful court outside of our realm. The vampires’ curse is broken, they can walk in the sun. Don’t you realize what a benefit having them on our side will be?”

  I shake my head. “Not really. You’ve barely told me anything besides the fact that faeries control the elements and rebels killed my parents when I was born. As far as I can tell, you haven’t spent the last twenty-one years fending off rebel attacks. Seems to me these rebels gave up after they realized killing my parents wouldn’t get them the crown.”

  Imogen’s eyes spark with anger, sending a cold wash of fear through me. “Listen to me and listen well. You may have spent your life a pampered little human, but you are destined for more. You can choose to avoid your responsibilities, but know this, if you do, you sacrifice all of us.” She sighs and closes her eyes, gathering her composure. “Your mother married your father out of obligation, but she was lucky enough to find love as well. There’s no telling what will happen with Prince Christian. But he’s handsome and strong, and he will solidify a good match between our courts.”

  I don’t care if he’s handsome. All I can think about is Jensen’s kiss and Finn’s desperate words. Where will they end up in all of this? “And my guards? Will they stay with me still? I don’t trust Prince Christian as far as I can throw him.”

  She cocks her head and frowns in confusion. “What?”

  “I don’t know him enough to trust him with my life. I want Jensen and Finn to remain at my side.”

  A heavy sigh falls from her but she nods. “Fine. Now come along. He’s waiting for you.”



  It physically hurt to walk away from Maeve knowing the next time I see her she’ll be married. Married. While that notion might not hold the same weight of commitment to the fae, it means everything to someone like Maeve. She was raised
by two loving human parents who had core values that very clearly included monogamy and devotion. To think the kiss I gave her before I walked away was truly our last makes my stomach ache.

  When I walk into the small pub about a mile from the castle, I’m tempted to turn around and leave immediately. Jensen sits at a table, nursing a mug of ale with a brooding scowl on his face.

  “You know, you keep making that face and eventually it’ll stick,” I tell him.

  He turns his gaze up to meet mine and shakes his head before raising a hand and signaling the barkeep. The buxom woman bustles over to us, a smile on her face and a glimmer of lust in her gaze.

  “Will you be needing a pint, warrior?” she asks, sizing me up.

  “Thank you. Keep them coming, love.” I offer her a wink and a smile, but my heart’s not in it. It hasn’t been since the night we took Maeve to the white lady. Now that I’ve kissed her, I understand why.

  “She’s getting married,” I tell Jensen.

  He doesn’t look up from his ale, instead choosing to bring the glass to his lips and down the contents.

  “He’s the prince of the Night Court,” I offer.

  Jensen splutters and coughs before slamming the empty pint glass on the table. “What?”

  “He’s Queen Felicity and Thomas’ son.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “I overheard Lady Imogen telling Maeve.”

  He lets out a harsh breath before sitting up straighter. “Did she tell her the whole story?”

  The barmaid reappears, sliding a glass filled to the brim with dark ale across the table to each of us. When she continues to stand there, I raise my gaze to her but Jensen speaks first. “What are you standing over us for?”

  Her cheeks go pink and she turns on her heel.

  I fight a smirk, thankful for the break in serious conversation. “You certainly have a way with women.”

  “Finish your drink, we need to leave.”

  And the light moment is over. Damn. I just wanted to come in here and have a good wallow. But Jensen, ever the protector, is right, as usual. He pulls some money out of his pocket and drops it on the table before slinging his coat over one shoulder.

  “Come on, Finn. Who knows what he’s done to her. We have to keep her away from that vampire.”

  My blood runs cold as I follow him out the door and into the cool evening air. “He’s fae. There’s no danger to her.”

  “We don’t know that. His father was turned, his mother is the vampire queen. Our blood is like a drug to them. If he needs to feed, he’ll likely kill her. Whoever arranged this had plans to kill Maeve.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  “Finn, there has been someone out to get her every day of her life. Now she’s suddenly safe because she’s here? That makes no sense.” He picks up his pace as we make our way to the castle gates. “It’s the perfect set up. If the Night Court’s prince murders our queen, war will be imminent. Then those who feel the Night Court responsible for the deaths of our king and queen all those years ago will have exactly what they want.”

  A sinking feeling takes hold in my gut. He’s right. One word flashes in my mind.




  My heart is beating too fast. The rush of adrenaline is making my head spin and my ears ring with every step toward my betrothed. Imogen’s chambers are large and spacious, smelling of fresh cut flowers and the earth after it rains. Her gown trails behind her, a moving blanket of vibrant blossoms as she leads the way to the adjoining room.

  “You’ll be married before the sun sets and our worlds will be joined. Believe me, niece, this is a wise move politically.” She throws me a glance over her shoulder. “And he’s quite handsome.”

  My stomach churns. I don’t care if he’s handsome. He isn’t Finn…or Jensen. How can I add another man into the mix when I’ve already got two I’m conflicted about? “It doesn’t matter.”

  She sighs. “Sullen. I forget how young you are.”

  I want to offer a cutting remark, but she pushes open the doors and steps aside. Everything changes when I see him. Prince Christian rises from the wingback chair he’d been seated in and my heart nearly stops. There’s an instant pull between us, a sense of destiny fulfilled and absolute certainty that he’s meant for me.

  I wonder for a moment whether I’ve been caught in a spell of some kind. This feeling isn’t unfamiliar, however. It’s the same way I felt when I met Finn and Jensen, though I didn’t understand it at the time. I’d pushed it aside and labeled it attraction. Now that I’m experiencing it again, with a new perspective on my life, I know beyond all doubt they stirred the same reaction in me.

  He’s dressed in dark trousers and a charcoal gray sweater, strange for a royal. In my limited experience anyone who is of noble birth dresses extravagantly. Why else would my aunts constantly be changing my clothes to their liking? Running his hands through his thick, dark hair he locks gazes with me and smiles. My breath catches. The expression makes his emerald green eyes brighten with genuine pleasure and, if possible, he becomes even more staggeringly handsome.

  “Your Highness,” he offers, his voice warm and comforting as he gives a bow and I close the distance between us.

  “Prince Christian.” I have to clear my throat before I can get his name out. I’m a mess of nerves and attraction.

  He takes my hand and presses a gentle kiss to my knuckles before returning to standing. “Please, just call me Christian. I’ve never held to royal titles in my home.”

  I nod and mourn his touch a little when he releases my hand. “You can call me Maeve.”

  “Enough chit-chat. You two can get to know each other for the rest of your lives.” Imogen strides past us and makes her way to a table in the center of the room. On it is a piece of parchment and an honest-to-god quill and inkpot. “Come along. The high priest will be here any moment to perform the marriage rite.”

  Christian must see the fear reflected in my expression because he takes my hand. “It’ll be all right, Maeve.” Then he leans in and whispers, “I won’t bite unless you ask me to.”

  A thrill runs through me. I’d forgotten that he was a vampire. A freaking vampire. “I’m not sure, Christian,” I say. My knees are shaking and I can’t seem to stop them.

  Christian slides his hand to the small of my back and guides me with him to the table. “It will only take a moment, then we can figure out how things will be between us. I know it’s not ideal. My father used to be human.”

  “I thought he was fae.”

  He grins. “He has fae blood. Lots of humans do. But he was raised in the human world. He understands it.”

  “So he told you this isn’t normal. Arranged marriages aren’t common anymore.”

  “I’m aware. All I know is, the white lady foretold our union when I was still a child. The Shadow Court called, I came.”

  The door opens and Saskia enters with a man who seems too young to be a high priest. But he’s wearing a strange stole that reminds me of one I’d seen a Catholic priest wear years ago, although this one holds no familiar religious symbols.

  “Are we ready to begin?” he asks.

  “Yes,” my aunts say in tandem.

  I glance at Christian, needing his confidence to help me get through this. He nods and pushes me forward with a gentle hand. “I promise,” he whispers. “It will be fine.”

  “How do you know?” I whisper back.

  He shrugs. Shrugs. “I have faith.”

  Panic claws at my throat and I touch the Claddagh necklace Finn gave me for my birthday. I have faith in Finn and Jensen but here I am, marrying another man. Stepping away from Christian, I shake my head.

  “I can’t do this.”

  His eyebrows rise before furrowing in a frown. “Maeve—“

  “No. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. I just…I can’t marry someone I don’t know. I’m not ready for this. I’ve only been here a few days.
God, I just found out I’m a faerie queen. I need some time.”

  Imogen closes her eyes and huffs. “We don’t have time.”

  Christian shoots her a sharp look. “You said she was ready. I can’t force her into this.”

  “She doesn’t have a choice in the matter. This is what her kingdom requires of her.”

  He rakes a hand through his hair and stares at the ceiling. “Give me strength,” he mutters before turning his gaze to me. “Maeve, I know this is difficult for you. There’s so much neither one of us truly understands, but I promise you, I will not make you do something you don’t want.”

  Relief floods me making my shoulders relax instantly. “Thank you.”

  When his fingers trail up my arm, I shiver with longing. “Will you consider an alternative to turning me away completely?”

  I don’t understand what he’s trying to say. “What do you mean?”

  “Time together. You and I. We leave in the morning just as we would have for our honeymoon, only now we go, not as newlyweds, but as two people who may end up together.” Imogen opens her mouth, obviously ready to protest, but Christian silences her with a cool stare. “Maeve? Would that be agreeable?”

  Finn and Jensen flash in my mind. What will they say? “I…I’ll need to bring my guards.”

  Christian nods. “Easily done.”

  “And we sleep in separate bedrooms.”

  Another nod, this time accompanied by a smirk. “As you wish.”

  “And you can’t…” I can barely bring myself to say it. “You can’t bite me.”

  This time he laughs. The sound is full and warm and beautiful. “I’ve already told you, not unless you ask me to.”

  “And after this not-honeymoon? What then?”

  “You make your decision. We can marry, or I return to the Night Court.”

  “Okay,” I croak.

  He leans close and brushes his lips over my cheek. “Thank you, beautiful Maeve. I promise you won’t regret giving me the chance to earn you.”


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