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Crude: A Stepbrother Romance

Page 11

by Irons, Aubrey

  Because this is all about her, and showing her the things and making her feel what she’s never felt before.

  She’s breathing heavily as my lips draw closer to her center, and she whimpers as they brush across the place where her thighs almost touch her pussy. She’s so wet that I can see it glistening in the moonlight, and the honeyed, sweet smell of her is more than I can take anymore.

  She cries out when my tongue touches her there; her whole body going rigid and then melting into the lawn chair. She sighs contentedly, and moans as I drag my tongue up through her folds, curling it around her clit and making her whimper before dropping back to her opening and sliding it as deep as I can.

  My hands tease over the skin of her thighs, tracing up her legs and pushing them up and over my shoulders. She writhes against me, making these sexy as fuck mewling sounds as I slowly tease her with my tongue. I’m dragging up through her wetness, just teasing her clit with the tip of my tongue on every stroke. I’m coaxing her higher and higher, never pushing her, never forcing it; just a long slow build until I can shatter her world with my tongue.

  She’s gasping harder and faster then, arching her back off the lounger chair with her face squeezed up tight and her thighs squeezing down on my head as she starts to crash towards that release. I wrap my lips around her clit and start to rock my tongue back and forth across it as I slide a finger deep into her channel and curl it against that spot, and she starts to absolutely lose it.

  And when she comes, it’s like a dam breaking; like the sun cresting over the horizon. She goes still as a board, every single muscle in her body tightening in a single moment before she just explodes. She gasps out my name, her hands in my hair and her wetness like honey against my tongue.

  “Is someone out here?”

  We both freeze at the sound of Joe’s voice from the patio by the backdoor. My head jerks up from Paige’s glistening pussy to see her eyes so wide with fear that I think she might be about to cry; “OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod!”

  She’s frozen in shock like a deer in headlights, but I’m grabbing her by the wrists and pulling her out of the chair as I push her towards the door of the pool house; “Go!” I hiss, hating the fact that this is ending like this; “Just, stay quiet. I’ll deal with this.”

  “Knox, I-”

  “I keep guns in the house, and I’m getting one now if you’re still out here.” Joe’s voice is level and edged, and Paige shoots me another terrified look.

  “It’s just me, Mr. McCauley!” I call out. I grab her suddenly and yank her tight against me, kissing her once more on those perfect lips with everything I have before I push her towards the door; “Hide!”


  I can hear footsteps across the gravel path around the pool as Paige gently closes the pool house door behind her.

  “I knew you didn’t want me smoking on the front steps anymore, Mr. McCauley,” I say, my pulse roaring in my ears as I quickly pull my pack out of my pocket and jam one in my mouth as I hear him get closer. I suddenly look down and about have a fucking heart attack as I see Paige’s fucking panties just sitting there on the ground. I quickly shove them under the lawn chair with my foot just as he steps around the side of the pool.

  He gives me a strange look before he nods; “Oh, well, that’s OK, Knox.” He shakes his head; “You know, I know you’re never going to call me dad, and that’s fine. But Mr. McCauley seems, oh, a little strict don’t you think?”

  I smile as benignly as I can with how on edge I am, trying to look as cool as possible as I light my cigarette even though it’s taking everything I have to keep my hand from shaking.

  “Let’s just keep it to Joe, OK?”

  “You bet, Mr-” I grin; “You bet, Joe.”

  “You know, that’s a bad habit, son,” He says, nodding at the cigarette in my hand.

  “I’ve been told.”

  Joe looks around and chuckles to himself before he pulls a cigar out of his shirt pocket; “Mind if borrow that lighter?”

  I grin in spite of myself and hand my soon-to-be-stepdad the lighter, watching him pull on the cigar in his mouth as plumes of smoke rise around us.

  Well, fuck. My first “dad” moment with Joe and I’ve got the taste of Paige’s pussy on my lips.

  He nods as he exhales, looking up at the night sky as I suck down nicotine to calm my roaring nerves; “So, Mike tells me you’re doing well.”

  “Yeah, it’s-” It’s what, shitty, dirty work and nothing I really want to be doing with my time? “I’m learning a lot.”

  Joe nods; “Well that’s good to hear. You know, there’s a place in McCauley Oil for you when you’re ready for it, son. And I’m not saying that because of your mother, I’m saying that because she’s shown me those transcripts of yours.”

  I frown, and look down at the ground as I kick the turf with the toe of my shoe; thanks, mom.

  “I know you don’t want to hear it from me, but if you just applied yourself-” He must see the soured look on my face because he stops himself from going any further down that particular path of tired old soundbites; “Anyways, there’s a place when you’re ready for it. Just thought you should know that.”

  I nod; “Uh, thanks.”

  “So, you and Paige-”

  I about swallow my cigarette as I hear those words come out of his mouth, and for a moment, I actually consider just running for it right then and there..

  “You and Paige are getting along pretty well then now?”

  I blink, my heart threatening to climb out of my fucking mouth as I just stare at Joe for a second.

  Holy fucking Christ.

  “Yeah she’s, uh, pretty OK,” I say, feeling my pulse staggering back to that of a normal person’s as I shakily pull on the cigarette between my lips; “Actually, she’s pretty great, sir.”

  Joe shoots me a quick look that almost says “careful, kid”, and I can almost see him suddenly re-thinking all those nagging little fears he had about me that first day in the driveway.

  I need to nip this little flicker of doubt in the bud right here and now; “I mean, you know, for a being kind of a book-nerd.” I shrug, trying to look totally casual and forcing my face to look like even the thought of Paige McCauley turns me off.

  Joe nods, smiling at me.

  Mission, success.

  “She needs to concentrate on her studies.”

  “She’s a hard worker, Joe; she’ll be great.”

  Joe nods, puffing on his cigar; “She’s tough to get through to sometimes; you know, since her mother left like that when she was so young.”

  My mom’s mentioned this before, of course, but I’ve never heard details. I feel like now with Paige hiding half-naked and probably freaking the fuck out four feet away in the pool house is probably not the opportune time.

  “Well, she’s a great kid; she’s gonna be ready for Columbia with no problem.’”

  He turns and nods at me; “I’m counting on you to make sure she is, Knox.”

  I shoot him a quick look; “Sir?”

  “I’d like you to keep a close eye on her,” He turns and looks me dead in the eye; “You know, spend time with her and keep her in line.”

  So, Joe’s asking me to spend more alone time with Paige? Spend more time shadowing her and “keeping her in line”?

  “I’m on it, sir,” I say with a big grin on my face that I suddenly hope to God Paige can see from where she’s hiding.

  “Good man, Knox.” Joe nods before clipping the end of his cigar and tucking it back into his case; “You know, I’m glad we had this chat, and I’m glad to have a guy like you keeping tabs on my little girl.”

  Noooo problem; I think to myself as I try and calm my raging nerves once more just long enough to shake Joe’s hand before he turns and heads back to the house.

  “Keep a close eye on me!?” The door to the pool house bangs against the wall as I slam it open, clutching the towel and my jeans to my body as I glare at Knox; “keep me in fucking
line?” I mean what the hell, Knox!”

  He frowns, and even in the dim light from the back porch and the moon, I can see how tense and shaken he is; “Hey, I handled it, OK?”

  “You handled it?”

  “Yeah, I handled it, Jesus.” He suddenly bends down and plucks something from underneath the lounger chair; “Oh, here, you forgot these.” He grins as he hands my damn panties, and I snatch them out of his hand as my face blooms hot with embarrassment.

  And suddenly all the shame comes rushing back at me as I think about what exactly I just did, and specifically who I just did it with. What the hell am I doing, and what is wrong with me?

  More importantly, what is wrong with my dad? “Keep a close eye on me?” I mean what the hell?

  But of course, deep down, I know he’s also right. I am slipping, and there’s no room for slipping when it comes to my future and success.

  “Hey,” Knox says with that roguish grin on his face; “I think I did OK.” He steps close to me; “Maybe a reward kiss is in order, huh?”

  And I want to. Of course I want to. I want to keep kissing those lips until I’m gasping for breath. But we can’t; I can’t. I can’t keep flirting with this sort of danger anymore, not with what’s at stake for my future. Sneaking off with bad-boy Knox to roar around town on his motorcycle and play secret concerts as some sort of alter ego is fun for right now, but it’s only going to hurt me in the long run.

  And I know I have to stop this right now, before it gets any worse.

  I’m pushing him away before I can think about his lips anymore, and shaking my head; “I have to go study.”

  He frowns; “Hey, not even a ‘thanks for a great night’ goodnight kiss?”

  “I said no, Knox.”

  His eyes narrow at me; “Well, fucking fine, then.”

  I’m turning and running for the back door of the house before I can say something worse; before I can say more things to just make the whole situation fall apart more than it already is, leaving Knox there in the shadow of the pool house. And then I’m sneaking in through the kitchen, hearing the sounds of television playing sports news in the great room as I slip quietly up the back stairs clutching my panties and my jeans in my hands like some horrible walk of shame.

  A horrible incestuous walk of shame.

  I panic for a second when I can’t open my bedroom door before I remember that Knox locked it from the inside. I groan as I make a quick dash for his room to sneak through the connecting bathroom into mine.

  The room smells like him. It’s a weird thought, but it also stops me cold in the middle of the floor once I’m in there. There’s a shirt of his draped over a chair, and I bite my lip as I let my fingers trail over it. I frown, puzzled by the business school books on his desk before I hear the slam of the back door and quickly dart into the bathroom and then the sanctuary of my own room.


  I’m trying to fool myself into believing I’m actually studying later, my eyes roaming over the same six words in my biology book again and again as my heart still races in my chest. I hear the sound of him stomping up the stairs eventually, and then the sharp punctuation of his door slamming shut.

  Crap. I sink my head down into my book, feeling horrible about the way I handled all that downstairs. Yes, I was freaked out after standing there, scared shitless in the dark while my freaking father talked with Knox, and I was confused by him telling Knox to make sure I wasn’t “messing up”. But still, Knox didn’t deserve that. A part of me wants to get up and go say something to him, but I force myself to stay where I am and focus on the stupid book in front of me.

  Oh my God, I had oral sex.

  I mean, can I just stop and appreciate that for a second? OK, of course it sounds so damn clinical when I say it like that, but seriously; someone’s mouth and tongue were on my clit, and it felt fantastic.

  No, not someone, Knox.

  My stepbrother.

  I cringe a little as the word reverberates through my head. OK, not yet he’s not. And even if he was, it’s not like it’s illegal or anything, right? I mean we’re both eighteen, both consenting adults, and we’re not actually related. Frowned upon? Mortifying and world shattering if anyone - say, my dad - found out? Check and check.

  But he’s not your stepbrother….not YET.

  Fuck this. I’m slamming my book shut and jumping out of my bed before I can second guess myself. And I’m storming into the bathroom not even caring that all I’m wearing is a t-shirt and panties as I slam the door to his room wide open and step.

  “Paige?” He’s in bed, reading a book, and he looks up sharply at me and my wild entrance. His eyes suddenly land on the fact that I am very, very much not wearing any bottoms aside from my panties; “What the fuck are you doing?”

  But I’m striding across the room, feeling all the bravado and fearlessness I can muster in the world coursing through my veins as I pull back the sheets and slide into bed with him.

  “Jesus, Paige, what the f-”

  “Shh, shut up,” I say, grinning as I press a finger to his lips. His perfectly curved, totally kissable lips; “I know what I’m doing.”

  “I seriously doubt that.” His eyes are sharp as his icy blue gaze bores into mine.

  “I do, and I know what I want.” I’m sliding against him, pressing my body against his and feeling the heat of the bare skin of his shirtless torso pressing hotly against mine.

  “I’m supposed to keep an eye on you,” Knox growls.

  “I can help with that,” I say quietly, pulling my t-shirt up over my head and dropping it over the side of the bed.

  His eyes drop down to my naked breasts, dancing across my rapidly stiffening pink nipples; “I’m supposed to keep you focused,” He murmurs, leaning down towards my mouth.

  “Believe me,” I breathe; “I am.”

  I can feel my pulse pounding in my ears, my heart about to jump out of my mouth. Part of me wants to run from this room right now, to flee and forget this whole thing every happened.

  But the other part is very ready to see what comes next; “You were right, you know,” I say softly, leaning into him and letting my hand trail over the muscles of his abs and chest; “You handled that very well outside, and I think you do deserve that reward.”

  It’s now or never. It’s moving this final inch closer to his lips or running away right now.

  I kiss him.

  He groans into my mouth as I open my lips for him, our tongues dancing around the other’s as our lips seal tight. His hands are on my skin, sliding up my body and making me melt under his touch as they trace up to cup my breasts in his palms. His thumb flicks across my nipple, and I whimper into his mouth, my hands clutching at his skin and drawing him closer and tighter against me.

  I’m so hot for him, so ready for this moment, and it’s then that I know exactly what I’m doing. On a night of firsts, there’s another one I’d like to check off the list.

  He looks confused when I break our kiss, his brow knotting. But that looks quickly turns into something else as I start to slide my way down his body.


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