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Ecstasy From the Deep: Venora Mates Book One

Page 8

by Octavia Kore

  “So you like it?”

  “Can we make them now?” He ignored her question, pushing his chair back as he grabbed the plate and headed into the kitchen.

  “No patience.” She grumbled, grabbing a bowl from where it had been drying on the counter as she followed behind him. The ingredients were still set out, and she tapped her finger against her lip as she considered where to start. “Flour first. Can you hand me that white bag?” When Oshen moved to follow her instructions, she grabbed a whisk and turned back just in time to see his sharp claws cut into the bag. The contents plummeted to the ground before a cloud of fine white flour shot up, covering both of them.

  With his eyes and lips closed, Oshen forced air through the small slits that passed for nostrils, making it look like he was breathing smoke. She let loose a howl of laughter when he shook his whole body, sending flour back into the air as he tried to dodge the drifting particles.

  Oshen’s golden gaze caught hers and sent heat flaring through her, curling like a fist in the pit of her stomach. The laugh died in her throat as he leaned forward, wiping his hand along her cheeks and nose. A smile curled his dark lips as he stared at her.

  “You’ve been hiding from me, little one.”

  “I haven’t,” she countered, her chin jutting out in challenge.

  “No?” His breath whispered over her lips as he closed the distance between them.

  Heart racing frantically within her chest, Amanda wondered how he was able to affect her so quickly.

  “Some days I wish I had the defenses of a giant squid. I’d have ink made up of melanin, and whenever I needed it, I could release it and escape through the cloud.” His lips only curved more, pulling back slightly over the sharp fangs in his mouth. “But then you wouldn’t be covered in white because you’d be surrounded in the blue-black cloud.” Her cheeks heated when she realized she was rambling again, and she ducked her head when he leaned forward to kiss her.

  Feeling like a coward, Amanda fled down the hall into the bathroom. She locked herself in and pressed her forehead to the door, waiting to hear his footsteps, but he let her be and she wasn’t sure if she was thankful or upset over it. She could feel all of her defenses breaking down, insisting she follow her heart, but how could she when she had barely known him a full week? They needed to get out of this house, even just for a moment, or she was going to give into everything her heart desired.

  She’d managed to slip out to Mrs. Rogers’ house for a few minutes. The older woman had been more than willing to let her use her house phone to give Jun a call, but it went to voicemail straight away. This wasn’t anything new. There were times when they went days without speaking because Jun was so busy at the hospital. The war kept her and the rest of the staff on their toes, and if her phone was turned off, then there was most likely a good reason for it.

  “This isn’t anything new, Amanda,” she told herself. But it is the first time you’ve been left alone with an alien.

  Was it possible for aliens to have some type of pheromone that made you want to sleep with them and say screw the consequences? Maybe you’re just a hussy? Frowning at her own thoughts, Amanda sighed as she flipped through the book in her hands. Maybe you just need to get laid? Sure, it had been a little while, but had it really been so long that she was looking at her alien houseguest like he was a slab of meat?

  Amanda sat the book back on her shelf, peered around the corner, and watched as Oshen jerked the laser pointer to the right, his face scrunching in amusement as Hades chased it. She shook her head as he moved it to the wall, a laugh rumbling up from his chest as Hades ran headfirst into it.

  Oh gods, she was falling for him. It didn’t seem to matter what she did to keep him at arm’s length because he was wiggling his way into her heart anyway. She couldn’t afford to become attached to him.

  A knock on the door startled her. “Shit.” She rushed into the living room. “Get in the bedroom.” He opened his mouth to protest, but she shoved him as hard as she could. “If someone sees you here, we’re both in deep shit.” The look he gave her said he didn’t like the idea, but that he also didn’t want to cause either of them problems. Another knock had her jumping and yelling, “I’m coming!” before she shooed him toward the hallway.

  She waited for him to get in place and then rushed to the door, anxiety coiling within her. Turning the knob, Amanda took a deep breath and swung the door open.

  “Jack?” She stared up at the familiar, handsome face. “I, uh, wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I tried to call but your phone was off.” An easy smile played on his lips. “I got worried when I hadn’t heard from you so I wanted to stop by and see how you were. Especially after what happened at work.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She laughed nervously. “My phone took a bit of a dip into the tub so it’s out of commission for a while.” The lie felt heavy on her tongue. She should have known Jack would come looking for her. They’d gotten to know each other at work, had even been on a date or two, but nothing too serious. Even though things hadn’t worked out for them, she suspected that he still very much wanted her. Jack was a nice guy, easy to talk to, charming, smart, but he just wasn’t… hers.

  Not your mate, huh? She groaned inwardly, feeling herself blush at the thought.

  “Well, accidents happen.” Jack smirked, his green eyes sparkling humorously. “Can I come in for a minute?” His hand moved to the door as he stepped forward.

  “Uh…” Fuck, the couch is covered in blue alien blood. “No!” Jack pulled back slightly when she slammed her hand against the back of the door. “It’s just… I’m not really up for company today. My house is a mess and I’m a little upset over the project getting shut down.”

  “Let me help you clean.”

  He attempted to push past her again and she pressed her hand to his chest. “That’s really sweet of you, but how about a raincheck?” She forced a smile, but from the look in his eyes, she could tell it wasn’t convincing. “I think I’ll replace my phone and give you a call later, okay?”

  “Later? It’s already well into the evening. Is there something wrong?” He looked over her head. “Are you hiding something?”

  She could tell him, end this whole thing right now, but everything inside of her rebelled at the idea. “Nope.”

  When she opened her mouth to excuse herself, he closed the distance between them, cupping her face in his hands and placing a soft, delicate kiss on her lips. The growl that echoed from somewhere behind her had him breaking the kiss and pulling back in confusion.

  “Did you get a dog?”

  “Probably just Hades. You know how he gets.” Before he could respond, Amanda shoved him out the door, an apologetic smile firmly in place. “I’m really sorry. I appreciate you stopping by to check on me but, I uh, have my period, so I need to go.” She slammed the door closed and covered her face with her hands. “On my period?”

  “Who was that?” Oshen snarled quietly at her back.

  “Just a friend from work. No big deal,” she muttered, looking through the peephole to make sure Jack was leaving.

  “He touched my mate. That is a big deal to me.”

  “I haven’t agreed to that.” She reminded him as she turned away from the door. “I’ve known Jack for a long time.”

  “He is not your mate. You are mine!”

  Her breath caught in her lungs, fear spiking through her as his body seemed to grow even larger. Stumbling backward, Amanda gripped the doorknob tightly in her hand, ready to run if she needed to, but regret instantly flashed across his face, the yellow lines on his body he called his fushori lighting up as he took deep breaths.

  “I need to go,” he whispered before turning away.

  “Go? You can’t leave.” The protest flew from her mouth before she could even think. “They’re already looking for you.”

  “It’s dark out.” Oshen refused to even look her way. “I need space.”

  “If you go out the kitchen door, you can
at least sit on the—” The words had barely left her mouth and he was moving, slipping out onto the back porch silently. She wondered if he’d be back as the door closed with a soft click.

  Chapter 9


  One uur and then another passed as he paced her backyard. Frustration, confusion, and pain churned within him, pulling his mind in every direction. The human male had kissed her, and Amanda had acted as if this wasn’t something to be upset about. She was his mate. If he were home, this wouldn’t even be a discussion because it would not have happened. On Venora, the mate bond was sacred. The moment a pair felt the pull, all other partnerships were dissolved. It was the way things were.

  Your mate isn’t Venium, and you are not on Venora.

  Oshen sighed, rubbing his hands over his face in exasperation. Coming to Earth had been about protecting his people, making sure they weren’t being led on by the Grutex. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined he would find his mate, and yet here he was, struggling to give her the time she asked for as he fell deeper and deeper into the pull of the bond.

  It didn’t matter that they had only known each other a handful of days. She belonged to him as fully as he belonged to her. His entire being thrilled when she walked into the room, when she laughed, when she touched him, but humans were different.

  Amanda had told him that they didn’t mate in this way, that they could sever a bond just as easily as it was made, and the thought that she could decide to do this with him was terrifying. She wanted time to get to know each other, but this was so foreign to him. Venium who found themselves bonded learned about their mate from being with them, from interacting and living together. While they were essentially doing this within her home, Amanda had placed an emotional barrier between them that he didn’t know what to do about.

  It was understandable that the thought of leaving everything and everyone she knew was terrifying, and he knew asking this of her was only going to strengthen that barrier, but what choice did he have? If he stayed on Earth to bond with her, he would be condemned to a life within a cage and caught in the middle of a war. On Venora, his mate would be safe, but could he actually convince her that this was best? The only way to find out was to try.

  Guilt over the way he had reacted inside slithered up and down his spine, settling heavily in his stomach. He had frightened her, and that knowledge shamed him more than anything he had ever done in his life. He didn’t want her to look at him like he was some sort of monster, like he was no better than the Grutex, but he had seen and smelled her fear. As much as he had wanted to gather her up and reassure her that he would never do anything to hurt her, Oshen realized that sometimes distance was the answer.

  Turning toward the house, Oshen smiled when he saw her shadow dart away from the window she had been watching him from. As he took a step forward, a noise from the tree line that bordered the back of the yard caught his attention. He turned, scanning the shadows for any movement. Behind him, Oshen heard the door crack open, followed by the soft patter of Amanda’s feet.

  “Hey. I wanted to say that I’m sorry—”

  Oshen cut her off, placing his hand across her mouth and nodding toward the woods. Something or someone was out there.

  A small group of bushes rustled, and a flash of deep purple darted through the shadows. Grutex. He had expected human authorities, but a Grutex? Why would one be sneaking through the underbrush? A growl worked its way up his chest as he pulled his mate behind him. “In the house,” he whispered, his fushori flaring to life.

  Six red eyes glowed back at them. The Grutex tilted his head when Amanda gasped, watching as she stumbled backward. “Oshen…” Her face paled and she looked as if she was seeing a ghost.

  With a snarl, Oshen rounded on Amanda, sweeping her up into his arms and rushing into the house. As soon as her feet touched the floor, Amanda was at the door, her hands fumbling with the locks.

  “Mouni, commence perimeter sweep and then ping Brin.” Oshen sent up a silent plea to the goddess. Let this one through.

  “Sweep completed. No other life forms detected.” There was a pause as his AI flashed through the information. “Pinging the most handsome man in the verse.” The signal was weak, but it was there.

  The screen on his forearm blinked in and out, crackling loudly before a fuzzy picture of Brin appeared. The other male looked exhausted, his normally bright blue eyes dull. “Where have you been?” Oshen hissed, parting the window coverings to scan the yard. “You look awful.”

  “Don’t start with me, old man. I’ve been working day and night to get this braxing signal through. Fine timing, by the way.” As Brin turned, Oshen caught glimpses of the background and narrowed his eyes. Was his brutok in a human dwelling?

  A small portion of his screen still showed the life forms within the perimeter he had set up, each one represented by a small green dot. “I suppose I shouldn’t have ever doubted your exemplary skills, Havacker.” Amanda paced beside him, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. “What was causing it?”

  “What else? The Grutex obviously don’t want us knowing what they have going on here. They’ve put up shields that scramble everything. The humans wouldn’t be able to reach out for help even if they knew we were here.” A noise behind Brin had the male turning, and Oshen saw the blue glow of his fushori. For someone who exerted an immense amount of control over his emotions, Brin seemed to be having a difficult time. Interesting. “What is your status?”

  “My mate is in trouble. One Grutex—”

  “Mate?” Brin interrupted, his eyes going wide.

  “I’ll explain later.” Oshen tapped out a message before pulling Amanda away from the window she had crept over to. “I’ve sent our location. Brin?”

  “Yes, brutok?”

  “Don’t get us into any trouble.”

  Brin gasped dramatically. “Me? I’ll remind you that this little excursion was your idea.”

  “Noted. Be ready for a confrontation. I have no idea how many are out there.”

  “You know I’m alway—” Brin’s words were cut off, but Oshen sighed in relief when he saw that his message had gotten out in time.

  “Signal lost. Should I try to ping him again, Meatface?”

  “No, resume the perimeter sweep.” With gentle hands, Oshen scooped Amanda up, carrying her into the living room before placing her on the couch. When he moved to pull away, she reached out and grabbed his hand like she was afraid he was going to leave. “I’m not going anywhere, gynaika.”

  “What does he want? Why would he come here?” Her lip trembled as she curled in on herself. “There are so many humans on this planet and he stalks me?” They sat in silence as he mulled over her words.

  He was so used to her nervous rambling, the way she went on and on about the creatures of Earth’s okeanos, none of which he was familiar with, that it was strange to see her so quiet. “You know this Grutex?”

  Tears welled up in her eyes as she nodded. “I didn’t realize it at first, but I know he’s the one from the lab. The same one I told you Jun and I saw take that woman years ago.”

  “You’re sure?” Oshen hadn’t taken the time to really look at the male before attacking him on the dock. He wouldn’t have been able to identify the Grutex even if he had gotten a better look at him in the shadows.

  “I know it is.” The way she looked at him told Oshen she absolutely believed it to be true.

  “He won’t get to you. I’m going to make sure the windows and doors are locked. Stay here.”

  The locks on her windows were far more primitive than he liked. The Grutex could easily take them if they were so inclined, and there was little Oshen would be able to do to prevent it. Hades followed on his heels, meowing out commands as if he doubted Oshen’s competency. “Yes, Commander,” he mumbled with a sarcastic salute. Big innocent eyes stared up at him, but he wasn’t going to be fooled. On Venora, the more innocent the creature looked, the more dangerous it was. Nice try.

bsp; He stepped back into the living room and watched Amanda as she moved around the space, frantically rearranging everything in her path, down to the tiniest figurine on her shelves. His dam had done the same when she was close to whelping, and although he knew that wasn’t the case here, he couldn’t help the surge of excitement at the thought that one day they would be waiting on their own pups. Hopefully.

  Amanda stopped, her hand braced against the wall as she shook, taking deep, gulping breaths. He moved without thought, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms across her torso, just beneath her breast. She stiffened for the briefest moment before relaxing into his embrace, her small hands coming to rest on his arms as he hummed one of the lullabies from his childhood.

  It reminded him of his youngest sister, Ina. His dam’s last pup was perhaps the hardest to deal with, and when all other options had been exhausted, this song had restored peace. Sadness thrummed through him at the memory and he nuzzled his face into Amanda’s hair, drawing in the intoxicating scent. He missed his family so much and wanted more than anything to get home to them with his mate.

  “I’m right here with you. Everything will be okay, I promise. Be calm,” Oshen whispered into her dark strands as they brushed his face. He pressed his lips to the skin on her neck and felt her shudder.

  “I don’t know how to be calm right now.” Her voice sounded strangled and it tore at him to know she was hurting. “He hasn’t even tried to attack. What if he’s waiting for backup?”

  Although Oshen hadn’t wanted to involve anyone other than Brin in this, he was starting to see that perhaps he had been arrogant. This wasn’t something he could or should do on his own. It was time to admit that he needed Vog. “Do you trust me, gynaika?”

  His mate turned in his arms, her eyes roaming over his face as she considered his question. “I don’t know if I should.” She sighed. “But I do.”

  Relief swarmed through him and he dropped his forehead to hers, taking a moment to thank the goddess for this small victory.


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