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Training Planet

Page 13

by Tilton, Emily

  Chapter 19

  Britana remembered the nozzle of the enema bulb, how it had felt so wickedly good in her anus. The captain’s fingers had felt nice, too—even when he had put two in at once. The size of the hard penis that now pressed at her smallest, most intimate place, though, brought the true beginning of the ordeal Sister Portia’s mortifying hints had promised.

  Britana cried out as the tight ring of her bottom contracted in alarm and discomfort. Her cheeks burned with shame, so hot that she felt glad the captain had told her to turn away. It felt terribly degrading to know he had bound her in place, and the knowledge that he had decided she needed those restraints—that he would decide, from now on, about when and how he used her backside for his pleasure—made her blush even hotter.

  The very worst part—so Britana’s mind told her, though her body’s ideas differed on the matter, confusingly and dismayingly—lay in the way she had to hold her bottom open for the cock. The very feeling of the air moving against the tiny aperture that Britana had been made to clean for him had made her feel faint.

  Now, though, Britana had her wrists bound to the belt and her hands had to clutch the sore, strap-marked cheeks. The captain had made it very clear he would spank her if she disobeyed him, hadn’t he?

  She felt her master’s rigid manhood push firmly against her littlest hole, her last virginity. In that moment she knew for certain why the Magisterians made girls like Britana Geran into fucking pieces and delivered those little whores to their starships’ crews.

  For their own good… for the good of the galaxy and the good of the girl.

  She moaned softly, “It hurts. Oh, please… it hurts.”

  Britana knew the captain could push in much harder, could make it hurt much more, if he wanted to punish her with his penis that way. The sins of her planet warranted it, didn’t they? Shouldn’t he take her poor little bottom like that, without compunction, and fuck her as she cried out in agony that it hurt to have his cock that deep and that hard in the place nature hadn’t intended a girl to be fucked?

  Captain Edwards didn’t do that, though. Instead, he eased the pressure of his penis’ head against the tiny opening. He didn’t pull his manhood away entirely, but left its soft-but-somehow-also-very-firm tip against Britana’s anus, so that she shuddered at the sensation, and clutched her punished cheeks convulsively.

  “Shh, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I know it hurts. I know you can open up, though, and so do you. Keep those cheeks spread, and relax. I’ll go slowly in the beginning, but I’m going to get in there now.”

  “Oh, no,” Britana sobbed as she felt the pressure begin in earnest again. “Please…”

  “Hush,” the captain said, a little severity coming into his voice. “You have this coming, you little whore.”

  To her shame, his humiliating words accomplished what her own mind could not—would not. Britana felt her body give in, and she felt herself open, though that sensation caused a new blaze of heat in her face that seemed like it might actually cause the air to catch fire.

  I’m a little whore. I have this coming. I need my bottom fucked.

  It hurt, but… but…

  It should hurt. Britana cried out, and she remembered about the little knob she had discovered a few moments before while he had fucked her pussy. She had forgotten it when the captain had told her to spread her bottom-cheeks, and even while he had begun to train her to take his penis, but now, at the height of the discomfort, she found it again. She ground her clit against it as she felt the captain’s cock enter her fully.

  “That’s it,” he said from above her. “Oh, that’s nice and tight. Good girl. Just take it now and learn to give pleasure the way a little whore should.”

  Britana felt his hands come down atop her wrists, bound to her waist in the leather cuffs the captain had decided she needed. Her fingers tightened on her bottom, and she cried out as he used his hold on the cuffs to drive his cock deep into her anus.

  She could feel the welts Sister Portia had made with her cruel strap; they didn’t hurt, now, as much as they added to the overwhelming sensation of being mastered by the captain. Britana pressed her clit against the little knob, and she remembered that when Captain Edwards’ penis was inside her, he had said he permitted her to climax. That very thought made the orgasm burst outward from her pussy so that she writhed and screamed under her shameful impalement, the pain and pleasure coming together into one white-hot idea: I’m getting what a little whore gets… what a ship girl gets… what a girl like me deserves.

  Her little bottom squirmed in her fingers, her anus contracting around the hardness that moved inside her in a vain, instinctive attempt to expel her master from her most shameful place, the tiny ring where his penis didn’t belong—the opening made for so very different a purpose.

  The captain gave a grunt of pleasure, and gripped her wrists tightly, pressing more deeply into her little bottom, withdrawing a little, then invading her backside at full length. Britana felt the taut muscles of his lap come up against her fingers, and he held her there, fully shafted on his rigid manhood as she worked her neglected pussy desperately on the little knob that turned the terrible discomfort into submissive need.

  “There, girl,” he growled, as he began to ride more firmly, so that she sobbed with each thrust. “There you go. Good girl.”

  Britana could only hold her bottom open and take her fucking, now. She could tell that Captain Edwards found her anus very pleasurable; his breathing grew thick as the pace of the hard shaft’s motion increased. He moved one hand to her back, to stroke gently, taming her and reassuring her.

  “Please,” Britana moaned. “Oh, please.”

  With a final deep thrust the captain held himself rigid for a long moment, and then he growled in a way Britana hadn’t heard him do before. She felt the penis jerk in her bottom, and she cried out at how opened, how mastered she felt as she received a man’s seed for the first time.

  * * *

  Captain Edwards held her in his arms deep into the night, after he had claimed her as the Magisterian Navy’s newest ship girl. Allowed to take a bath in the sumptuous tub of the hospitality suite, she fell asleep in his arms—still naked, of course, but not quite as self-conscious about it now that a naked man’s firm embrace surrounded her soft, warm nudity.

  He fucked her again in the morning, putting her sleepy form over the cushion on the bed and taking her pussy from behind. He pulled his cock from her pussy, rather sore now from her master’s pleasure, and presented it to her lips, so that she had to taste her whorishness, for of course she had grown very wet at the first waking touch of his hand.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, as he fucked her face, kneeling up over her on the bed and holding her head in place for his thrusting manhood. “Swallow it all now.” His cock jerked, and Britana received the warm seed down her throat as she worked to obey him.

  “Oh, that felt good, sweetheart,” he said as he gazed down at her, his penis beginning to soften in her mouth. She blushed deeply as he took it from her lips, and then bent down to kiss those same lips with his own. He lay beside her, stroking her cheek, after that.

  “Britana Geran,” he said in a tone so gentle that a smile came onto her face. “We captains don’t generally have romantic feelings about ship girls, but…”

  Britana felt her face grow even hotter. The world of the training center had seemed, until now, a place where romance could never enter. Growing up on Normeria she had learned—thought she had learned—that romance had to do with egalitarian friendship and a feeling of honest affection. Now she felt sure that romance of that kind belonged to other girls, and that it was probably fine for them.

  But not for me.

  Not for a little whore fuck toy like Britana Geran.

  “But what, sir?” she whispered, the smile widening on her face.

  The captain’s answering smile, framed so handsomely and masculinely by his dark beard, made Britana’s heart skip a beat.
/>   “But it’s been known to happen,” he said, and kissed her again.

  * * *

  “Britana Geran, stand up,” Sister Portia said one afternoon two weeks later. “You will join the MS Indus this evening, in orbit, where you will serve the crew’s pleasure.”

  Britana’s eyes went wide as she obeyed, rising from her desk in the advanced girls’ classroom. At the desk next to hers, Melora looked up with wide eyes. They both wore the dark, modest dresses that marked a girl in advanced training, just like the fourteen other girls in the room.

  “Sister… why?” she asked timidly. Even Melora, with whom she had joined the advanced girls only two days before, had more seniority than Britana did.

  The head sister regarded her coldly, and turned to Sister Remia, who had been leading a lesson about Magisterian art when Sister Portia had entered the room.

  “This disobedient slut hasn’t learned not to question a sister’s instructions?” the head sister asked, making her voice incredulous.

  “I’m sorry,” Britana blurted. “Please, Sister…”

  “Evidently not,” Sister Remia replied. “Britana, you had better get undressed. Sister Portia, shall I…”

  “I will discipline her,” said the head sister, looking Britana up and down as her knees trembled beneath her. “Would you please get the punishment harness for me, Sister?”

  “Please,” Britana begged.

  Sister Portia inclined her head toward Britana, her eyes narrowing.

  “You are dawdling again, you little slut, aren’t you? Get your clothing off immediately. I am going to shaft you and then I am going to whip you, and after that perhaps you will remember your duty. I am surprised, since Captain Edwards is not known as a poor judge of character. You should feel very lucky to have fooled him, you little whore, but you will not fool me.”

  With fumbling fingers Britana managed to unbutton her dress. Tears in her eyes, she slipped it off so that she stood before the class and the sisters in her thick white camisole and briefs. She couldn’t help giving Sister Remia a pleading look, but she saw the horrid harness in the teacher’s hands, the long red dildo jutting from it. The look on Sister Remia’s face said that although she might not possess the cruelty of Sister Portia, she shared the head sister’s belief in stern discipline for ship girls in training.

  Britana turned toward the back of the room, to see that Sister Portia had removed her habit, and taken the strap from the wall to lay it on the little table next to the whipping bench. Britana couldn’t keep down the little cry of alarm that rose to her lips at the sight of the nearly naked head sister—nearly naked and worse than naked because of the frightening black lingerie she wore.

  Sister Remia walked past Britana, and helped Sister Portia don the harness, as Britana’s hands trembled at the hem of her camisole.

  “Britana Geran, remove your underwear this instant, and come here,” the head sister said, the cold smile Britana had learned to dread most playing on her frighteningly lovely mouth.

  Going to her ship this evening. Did that mean Captain Edwards had come back? Was he here, at the center?

  Britana’s heart thudded wildly in her chest. She looked at Sister Portia’s hard face, and knew that she had to do anything she could to make the punishment she had coming as lenient as she could. With her brow deeply furrowed and her lower lip between her teeth, she started to pull her camisole over her head.

  Chapter 20

  Sister Portia had told Vincent he must wait for Britana to be brought out to him. He stood, impatient despite the amenities of the luxurious room set aside for visiting officers—the sumptuously furnished former office of the president of Normeria.

  “She likes to discipline them one final time before they join their ships,” Doctor Hascom told him as he poured a coffee for himself from a golden urn set atop the former president’s antique desk.

  Just then, as if to confirm what the doctor said, he heard, distinctly through the open door of the visitors’ room, a cry from down the hall that he immediately recognized as Britana’s. Vincent couldn’t keep a grimace from his face. His hope that the doctor wouldn’t notice proved vain.

  “Falling in love with that one, are you?” the doctor asked a little teasingly—though the man’s good nature seemed plain as well. “You do remember you’ll have to share her with your lieutenants, don’t you? Or are you going to leave the service and carry her off into the sunset?”

  Vincent laughed. “Do I look like Prince Charming?” He didn’t mind joking with Doctor Hascom, but truth to tell he did feel the tug of a certain quantity of alpha rage. If Britana were undergoing Sister Portia’s final lesson in obedience, it did not please him very much that her master apparently didn’t have the right at least to oversee it.

  Britana cried out again, the sound’s sheer ambiguity, between pain and pleasure, between shame and need, making Vincent’s cock leap against his thigh in his green uniform trousers.

  He strode through the door.

  “Edwards,” the doctor called out after him, “don’t be an idiot. If you cross Sister Portia, you’ll never get another ship girl.”

  Maybe I don’t need another ship girl, he thought as he opened the classroom door.

  He had followed Britana’s progress with growing impatience as the days and weeks of station-keeping and patrol in the LFT 76 system had taken the Indus out to the rings of a distant neighbor of Normeria, where pirates seemed to have congregated.

  After a skirmish in which three of the pirates’ ships were taken, Vincent had watched the video feed compiled from Britana’s day by the training center’s AI curator to find her clothed in the modest dress of an advanced ship girl in training. That first day in the new classroom, Britana had fidgeted adorably in her unfamiliar clothing, her cheeks going pink every time she squirmed at her desk. When she had looked down at her dress, the pensive expression on her face had seemed to Vincent full of memory of the time she had spent naked with the captain of the Indus.

  His manhood hard as rock, he had called in a favor from his commodore, and sent the message to the training center—he would come get Britana the next day.

  Now he saw her again for the first time since the morning after her defloration. She lay atop the whipping bench, bound nude for Sister Portia, who stood behind her, fucking her poor, nearly virgin cunny with the huge red dildo. Britana turned to see Vincent come through the classroom door, the look of shock on her tearstained face so caught between happiness and mortification that Vincent wanted to run to the back of the classroom and simply toss the cruel head sister aside so that he could fuck his ship girl himself.

  * * *

  The sight of Captain Edwards, striding across the classroom toward her, made Britana think for a moment that the terrible degradation of Sister Portia’s discipline had made her start hallucinating. Then, when she realized that she must have been correct—that he had come himself to take her to his ship, but that the head sister wanted to keep him from her—thoughts and emotions crowded in as her whole body seemed to go hot with shame.

  It seemed ridiculous to the logical part of her mind, because of all the humiliations the captain himself had made her undergo, and all the lewd things he had already watched her undergo as well. But the idea that her new commanding officer would see Britana having her pussy shafted by Sister Portia’s artificial phallus still brought the same kind of mortification she had felt on her first day at the training center.

  He would see her writhing in the leather straps not in true resistance, but merely in order to increase her arousal, so as to make her shafting by the head sister more bearable. He would know how his new ship girl couldn’t help responding to the whorish pleasure the dildo gave her. He would watch closely as her soon-to-be-punished backside bucked over the bench, and he would see in the obscene movement her wanton clit’s vain search for the consoling pressure of the knob that wasn’t there.

  “Captain… Edwards…” Sister Portia said, her voice very stern
as she continued fucking Britana. “I… requested… that you… wait until… I brought this… little… whore… to you.”

  Britana cried out as the long, hard, thick thing filled her vagina more forcefully with each deep thrust. The sister had her hands on the belt around Britana’s waist, and she used the traction she had there to make certain her pupil took the dildo so deeply that her soft, feminine lap, so different from the captain’s sinewy one, came up against Britana’s little bottom.

  Now, as she continued to converse with Britana’s new commanding officer, she kept the artificial cock embedded deep inside her pupil’s pussy, stroking Britana’s back with condescending gentleness as the naked girl sobbed at her shafting.

  “I understand you may be impatient, Captain, but this young woman has dawdled for the last time. I intend to shaft her, and whip her thoroughly, in front of this class.”

  Britana opened her eyes to see the other girls, her eyes automatically finding Melora’s. Britana’s red-haired friend chewed her cheek, forehead puckered as she watched, and a new surge of heat came to Britana’s cheeks as she saw the same kind of expression on every girl’s face: all of them ship girls in training, all of them feeling, just as Britana herself would feel, the confusing mixture of arousal and fear and happiness that another girl had been bound to the whipping bench for discipline.

  We’re all little whores, she thought. Each of us in her own way, perhaps, but we all need it.

  The thought reassured her, but it also made her body move in a desperate search for gratification. She closed her eyes so that she wouldn’t see how the captain reacted to that lewd movement.

  “Hush, little whore,” said Sister Portia’s chilly voice. “We all know how wicked you are.”


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