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The Ian Dex Supernatural Thriller Series: Books 5 - 7 (Las Vegas Paranormal Police Department Box Sets Book 2)

Page 35

by John P. Logsdon

  Once I was in position, I grinned to myself knowing that I’d figured them out.

  I flicked my wrist, causing the pellets to all explode in a dazzling array of colors.

  The ladies clapped their hands just as I launched myself at their backs.

  That was when I realized that these chicks were even better at knowing their arena than I was at knowing my condo.

  One hand snaked back and grabbed me by the throat, stopping me dead in my tracks, another hand punched me in the stomach, and yet another punched me in the head. Three hands, three different warrior mamas.

  I hadn’t stood a chance.

  If you counted the start of the magic show, though, I’d lasted nearly a minute. But if we were just measuring the actual physical part of the fight, the only part that genuinely mattered, I don’t even think I hit three seconds.

  That alone was enough to piss me off.

  Seeing three valkyries standing in front of me with crossed arms and smug faces only made it worse.

  But what really sent me into a complete rage were the laughs from my crew.

  Not cool.

  The animosity inside me welled up to a point where it burned. Not like a soul-burning type of thing that Serena had me do, but rather a pit of pure anger. I knew I should have put a damper on it, but I was so fucking frustrated that I decided to let it flow.

  A howl escaped my lips as the pain racked my body.

  I’d gone full werewolf, and that shit hurt.

  Finally, the pain subsided and the world became something entirely different than I’d ever experienced.

  The smells in the air were unfathomable. I picked up pheromones, dirt, breath, sweat, and even heartbeats. Yes, I realize that sounds strange, but I could actually smell the beating of each heart in that room.

  I was also much bigger than before. I knew this because I was looking eye to eye with my three opponents, and they weren’t exactly short.

  My muscles bulged and my teeth ached for flesh.

  There was no hesitation this time.

  I launched at the nearest valkyrie and bit her arm.


  She grunted and clobbered me on top of my head, but I refused to let go. The taste of her blood was almost orgasmic.

  Whipping my head back and forth, I fought to tear the limb right from her person.

  Just when I thought I would succeed, her two warrior pals came to her aid and I felt a sudden whirlwind of activity.

  There was painful cracking, pathetic yelping, horrific shrieking, and unholy squealing filling the arena…all from my lips. Or was it maw?

  It seemed like an eternity of anguish before the world finally settled.

  I was completely lost.

  My brain was not functioning right at all.

  I heard a voice yelling at me, imploring me to do something, but I was still fighting through the fog.

  Straight in front of my eyes was dirt.

  Whatever they’d done to me, it hadn’t been even slightly fun. The pain had been beyond belief, even worse than what I’d felt going full wolf, but it seemed to be slowly subsiding.

  That voice screamed to me again. I just couldn’t make out what it was saying or where it was coming from. It was like hearing a dull echo in a massive underground chamber.

  My spine felt curved.

  That was odd.

  The pounding in my head gradually relaxed as my body fought to heal itself. I wasn’t exactly in a position to use magic, after all.

  Speaking of positions, I was having a difficult time comprehending how my hind leg was resting on the back of my head.

  And that’s when my mind cleared enough to allow me to hear The Admiral swearing at me.

  “Dude, get your fucking mouth off me!”

  Son of a bitch.

  The valkyries had used my doggie form and stuck me in a full lip-lock with The Admiral.

  I untangled myself, nearly vomiting in the process.

  “It’s about fucking time,” The Admiral complained. “That was horrible, man. No means NO, remember?”

  The laughs were radiating through the room, but I no longer felt anger. It was more like disgust. Unfortunately…or maybe fortunately, based on what the valkyries had done to me, I began losing my werewolf form.

  “I’m honestly going to need therapy,” The Admiral sulked. “I just can’t even begin to tell you how terrible that was.”

  I didn’t reply. I was too focused on getting my mind back in order. This wasn’t easy because the wolf-transition shit apparently messed you up pretty good. Felicia had warned me about that, but I guess I didn’t anticipate how bad it could actually be.

  If she had to go through this every time she changed over, I’d have to be more understanding about her mood swings in the future.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have sex again, man.”

  It took some effort, but I got to my feet and shook my head, nearly falling over in the process.

  “What the hell just happened?” I mumbled, my ears ringing with each word.

  “You attacked us as a full wolf,” said one of the valkyries.

  They were all staring down at The Admiral, though.

  “My eyes are up here, ladies,” I said. Two of them jolted and glanced up, looking somewhat ashamed. The other didn’t seem to care what I thought about her staring at my middle part. “Anyway, what happened after I attacked you?”

  “We retaliated.”

  “They stuck me in your mouth, man,” The Admiral whined. “I’ll never be the same again.”

  That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Not the part about him being stuck in my mouth. That was bad. I meant the part about him never being the same again.

  I looked down to find that my suit was completely ruined.

  I pulled the ripped sleeves off and kicked away what was left of my pants. That left me stark naked, except for my red tie and the collar of my dress shirt. I guess my legs and butt had grown so much during the transition that even my boxers had been shredded. That seemed unlikely, though. I glanced up at the valkyries and noted the one who was staring at my junk was also spinning my undies around with her index finger.


  So there I was, essentially nude in front of everyone.

  “Honestly, dude,” The Admiral said with a defeated sigh, “this is one illness that will never fade.”

  Valerie stood up from her throne and began walking across the field toward us.

  “The damage caused is permanent,” lamented The Admiral. “There’s just no returning from something that horrific. I’m done for.”

  Valerie’s three soldiers came to attention, taking a single step backward as their leader approached. The one holding my boxers had tucked them into her leather belt. My assumption was she wanted to keep them. I didn’t want to know why.

  “We may as well put up an ‘out of business’ sign,” The Admiral continued his tirade, “because it’s really, truly, deplorably that bad.”

  Valerie walked around me, looking me up and down the entire time.

  “I’ll never be the same again, man,” my dick moaned. “I’ll just never be the same.”

  “Your training is done,” Valerie declared in a stern voice. “We will now discuss the various methods by which you will pleasure every single one of us.”

  “I’m cured!”


  N ot only did we discuss it, we enacted a few of the seedier scenes from the roleplaying that was suggested by the valkyries.

  My favorite was the one where I was the king and they were all members of my harem.

  I’d made Warren the court jester.

  He was not pleased.

  Griff and Chuck had gone elsewhere, deciding not to participate, for obvious reasons.

  Two hours in and I was exhausted.

  As if fighting a battle wasn’t difficult enough against these ladies, sexing with them—while amazing—was like waging war with your naughty bits.

on’t get me wrong here. I wasn’t complaining. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that it was by far the best sex I’d ever had in my life, and that included the succubus orgy I’d attended before joining the force. I felt bad putting Rachel as third in my list of all-time greats, but she couldn’t possibly compete with a harem of succubi and another of valkyries. Fortunately, she knew that. Her smile was so painfully wide that it was clear I was no longer in her first place position either…assuming I had been before.

  Once we were all spent, Griff and Chuck rejoined the group, looking rather disheveled themselves.

  “That was far better than we had anticipated, Ian Dex,” Valerie cooed, still swooning. My sex-touch would do that to a lady. “I daresay that was even better than when the gods visited so many millennia ago.”

  “Gods?” I asked, furrowing my brow.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Zeus, Odin, Aegir, Ganesa, Poseidon—”

  “You are mixing various mythologies there, my dear,” Griff pointed out.

  Valerie turned to him with bright eyes.

  “Technically, I’m mixing human mythologies,” she replied. “The reality of the gods is different than the stories that have been told. Some of the gods carry different names, depending on the society they visited, but are actually the same person. The only true differences come from the fact that there were multiple cultures experiencing them.”

  Griff said, “Hmmm.” He then wagged his finger at her. “That is quite fascinating. I would thoroughly enjoy a solid banter on the subject at some point, should the opportunity avail itself.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” Valerie replied with a genuine smile.

  Everyone was busily getting dressed again, except for me. I could only put my tie back on, and I didn’t even bother with the piece of my dress shirt that remained.

  The Admiral was back in full spirits, but he did request that we never mention what happened again. He insisted that if we just forgot about it, bury the memory, and act like it was naught but a terrible dream, we would eventually recover fully.

  I agreed.

  “Chief,” said Chuck, his eyes locked on my dangling rope as if he were in shock by the size of it, “what the hell do you feed that thing?”

  “Women,” I replied without hesitation.

  He jolted and looked up at me, blinking.

  “Oh, no!” he said quickly. “I wasn’t implying that…” He looked away. “Right.”

  Griff patted his arm in understanding.

  I turned around, walked up to the chick who had my boxers, and put my hand out. She pouted but finally relented and gave them back to me.

  Now I had a tie and boxers. It wasn’t much, but it was better than being fully nude.

  “What’s the plan?” asked Rachel, still glowing from the mind-blowing sexcapade.

  “I have to speak with Valerie alone,” I replied. “There are some questions I have regarding the levels here. Since none of you have traversed them, you’re not allowed to hear the secrets. It’s in the rules.”

  Rachel tilted her head in such a way that implied she wasn’t sure if she believed me or not, but she eventually shrugged and walked away.

  I took Valerie by the hand and led her a good distance away from everyone else.

  “You do know that your words were untrue just then, yes?” the Amazonian woman asked me.

  “Yeah, I know, but I had to speak with you alone and that was the only way I could think of that wouldn’t arouse suspicion.”

  She glanced over her shoulder.

  “Why would there be any suspicion?”

  “Because, Valerie,” I said, feeling like a heel for what I was about to say, “I need to leave them here as I go topside and deal with the people who are hunting me.”

  She stood at full height and crossed her arms as she stared down at me. Clearly, she was no more fond of my plan than my crew would be if they’d known the truth.

  “It is unwise for you to walk into the belly of the beast without assistance, Ian Dex.”

  “That’s probably true,” I agreed, “but I’ve rarely been accused of being wise, Valerie.”

  She grimaced. “Why do this?”

  “Because I don’t want them to die,” I replied, staring into her eyes. “You saw me on the field of battle today. While I was no match for your warriors, do you think that any of them in that group over there are a match for me?”

  “Not even together,” she answered, lowering her arms in defeat. “You have become very powerful since your first visit here. If you had fully utilized your magic, I fear that not even my three soldiers could have contained you.”

  “Exactly,” I agreed, even though I found that incredibly challenging to believe. “So now think about the fact that there are four more of me topside right now.”

  I looked past her and stared at my crew. Yeah, it would piss them off something fierce when they learned I’d left them behind, but better that than all of them pushing up daisies. Some of them were immortal, yes, but only as it related to living in normalcy. Wooden shards striking a vampire heart erased that immortality pretty quickly. Killing werewolves, mages, and wizards wasn’t all that difficult either, if you had the strength and the know-how. And pixies? Simple, assuming you could catch them.

  “You do realize that not even you could manage to succeed in battle against four who are your equals?” Valerie questioned.

  “Normally, yes,” I answered, “but I don’t think they are my equals.”

  Granted, everyone reported seeing my ‘brothers’ sporting fangs and doing magic, but it couldn’t have been to the level I was at right now. If it had been, they’d have blown right through my team’s defenses and taken, or killed, everyone in a matter of minutes. Probably sooner.

  “Still,” she stated after a few moments of silence, “your friends have a right to die by your side, Ian Dex. It is not up to you to decide their fate.”

  “I’m their chief, Valerie,” I countered. “It’s absolutely up to me to decide their fate.”

  She slightly bowed to me.

  “Well said, Ian Dex,” she remarked as one leader to another. “Very well said.”


  A fter we had agreed on our story, Valerie closed her eyes and a thin glow could be seen where her lids pressed together. Finally, she opened them and gave me a nod.

  “My soldiers have been informed of our plan,” she stated. “Some were unhappy, but all will follow my commands and keep the truth hidden.”

  “Cool,” I said as I reached out and touched her hand. “I really appreciate you doing this for me…and for my team, too.”

  We walked back to the group. I took the time to put on a serious face and to build my angst. If I played it too aloof, they’d know what was going on. That was especially true of Rachel. She could read me like a book.

  Which reminded me…

  “You keep your mouth shut, got it?” I instructed The Admiral, knowing how easily Rachel could overhear our discussions.

  “Of course I will,” he replied, sounding miffed. “And next time just ask, pal. You don’t have to be a douche about it, you know.”

  “Uh, Chief,” Chuck started as we approached, “about before. I was—”

  “It’s okay, Chuck,” I replied, patting him on the shoulder. “I know you weren’t implying anything.”

  “Actually, I kind of was, which is why I feel bad about it.”

  “Ew,” rasped The Admiral.

  “Oh,” I said and then cleared my throat. “Well, let’s just call it water under the bridge, Chuck. Cool?”

  “Cool,” he said, adjusting his hat.

  With a nod, I stepped out and stood before the entire team. They were all glowing slightly, which made sense seeing what we’d just been through. Leaving them behind was going to be rough on both them and me, but they’d be able to play some more down here, and as long as my story held together, they wouldn’t know I was going topside anyway.

  I just had to be smooth a
bout it.

  “Valerie and I just had a conversation regarding the various levels of this place,” I started. “I know you’ve all been to the lowest level before, which is why I can share this tidbit of information with you.” I gave a moment for that to sink in. “It seems that the basilisk has the ability to put controls on my mind, but only insofar as I allow it.”

  “So?” asked Rachel, looking concerned.

  “It means I can ask him to limit how far the magic can take me, Rachel,” I explained. “That would give me the ability to cast spells only strong enough that the power won’t overtake my mind.”

  “That would be ideal, actually,” Griff affirmed. “My concern is knowing what the basilisk will request in return.”

  “Multiple things,” I replied. “Each of which can be retrieved by going to the other zones. It will take some time, though.”

  “But—“ began Griff.

  “Plus, Basil owes me a favor,” Valerie lied on my behalf, using the basilisk’s chosen name. Well, at least I assumed it was a lie. “And seeing as how I do not wish to lose Ian Dex, I shall spend that favor to get him what is needed.”

  I gave her a sad smile and nodded. That wasn’t play-acting either. I genuinely felt sincerity for how much the valkyries had helped. I wanted to believe there was more to it than merely sex, but I had the feeling there wasn’t…at least not yet.

  That’s when I locked my eyes onto Rachel’s and direct-connected to her.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, speaking specifically about the sex. “As I’ve said before, there’s a big difference between fantasy and reality, babe.”

  “It was amazing,” she replied, her eyes sparkling. “Seeing you pleasuring them all was such a turn-on. I could seriously watch that every day. Also, I found it beyond hot to play with them myself!”

  “Oooookay,” I replied, unsure of how I should feel about those admissions. “We’ll have to see about that. Anyway, for now, I need you to stay here and keep the team occupied. If that means more playing with the valkyries, that’s fine by me.”


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