The Things We Do For Love (The Swingtown Series Book 2)

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The Things We Do For Love (The Swingtown Series Book 2) Page 2

by Jaime Whitley

  “I understand.” I can see the disappointment in her eyes as she tries to hide it behind a smile. I lean down and kiss her pretty lips, telling her that I love her.

  “Okay, I’m ready. What do I need to do to help?” Katrina appears in the office with a huge smile, catching me completely off guard.

  “Help?” I raise a questioning eyebrow at Hayley.

  “She popped over and I told her what happened with Freya being ill. She said since Justin got called into work she would love to come and help. I’ll teach her quickly how to check in existing members and I’ll handle all the new ones.”

  “You’re a lifesaver.” I get up pulling Hayley’s face into mine and give her a kiss.

  “If ya’ll excuse me, it’s getting a little too chummy in here and I have a show to prepare,” Skye says getting up from the desk and walking to the door.

  “Do I even want to know?” I probably shouldn’t ask, that the old saying of what you don’t know can’t hurt you probably applies here, but curiosity always wins with me.

  “It’s a surprise.” I shake my head at her and watch as the sassy red-headed vixen walks off again.

  Chapter 3

  The doors open and people are flooding in, thankfully Katrina is a quick learner. She looks like she's done this before and is doing a great job keeping the existing customers happy. I can’t help but chuckle at the “outfit” she is wearing. It’s one of Hayley’s toga dresses and let’s just say, it doesn’t leave much to the imagination. I walk over to make sure she doesn’t need any help, but she assures me she’s good and shoos me off. When I leave the front office, I see that the lights aren’t dimmed. Normally, I’ll have the lights lower creating a more intimate setting. Walking over to the DJ booth, I go around and join James, standing by his side before speaking.

  “Hey man, what’s up?” He grabs my hand and pulls me in for a man hug before I manage to say anything to him. I pull back and point to the bar area.

  “Why are all the lights on?” He holds up his hands in a defensive move.

  “I’m just doing what boss lady told me to do.” I can feel the frown cross my face as I wonder what Hayley is up to.

  “Hayley told you to keep the lights on?” Now it’s James’ turn to frown.

  “No, Skye. She said no matter what anyone says, or tells me to do, leave them on. She has something special planned.” I sigh knowing that this night is going to be interesting to say the least.

  “Do you happen to know what that might be?” I know she wouldn’t tell him, but it’s worth a shot.

  “Nah man, I just play music and take requests.” Shaking my head, I chuckle at James. “What are you laughing at?”

  “You know I’m the boss around here, right? So get those lights dimmed.” He looks at me like he’s torn and doesn’t know what to do.

  “I'm sorry, but I can’t do that. Boss or not, Skye will kill me. She’ll put my ass in the dog house and I love a good fuck before I go to bed.” He winks as he talks and I can’t help but wind him up.

  “See, if you guys opened your marriage, you wouldn’t have to worry about being in the dog house. You can shag someone else until she forgives you.” I am constantly joking with him about accepting others into his marriage, and as accepting as he is with it, I know it’s not for their relationship.

  “There would be no one to fuck because she’d cut my shit off with a machete.” I laugh as the image of Skye with a machete flashes across my mind. Yup, that’s something I can totally see her doing. With all the shit I already have on my plate, I decide that this is a fight I don’t need and say fuck it and walk to the bar to grab a much needed drink. Hayden is there tapping the kegs and looks up when I reach him.

  “Hey man, want me to pour you one?” He points down to the kegs he's just tapped.

  “Thanks, but I think I’m going to need something stronger,” I answer rubbing my temples. I'm pretty sure that it would take an entire bottle of whiskey to make me feel better.

  “It looks like you need a Pissed Off Japanese Fisherman.” Roxy walks over to me and I'm greeted with a smile.

  “A what?” I look at her like she’s gone bonkers.

  “Trust me. My boyfriend Becker taught me how to make this and it’s amazing. It’s his own concoction.” I watch as she grabs a bunch of different liquors, pouring them into the shaker along with a load of ice. She shakes it before pouring the mixture into a glass and pushing it towards me. I look at the drink, eyeing it skeptically and Roxy crosses her arms. “Well, aren’t you going to try it?” I don’t want to offend her, but I'm just not feeling the urge to take a drink.

  “It’s pink.” This obviously upsets her more and she cocks a hip in my direction.

  “Your point?” She tilts her head and I try to keep from laughing at her.

  “It looks like something my wife would order. I feel like it should have a little umbrella in it or something.” Unfolding her arms, She mumbles something under her breath and hastily puts a cocktail umbrella in the glass. “There ya go, princess, now will you just try the fucking thing?” She quirks a smile at me.

  “Okay, don’t get your knickers in a twist.” Picking up the glass, I bring it to my lips and take a sip. To my surprise, it tastes a lot better than it looks, but fuck, it’s strong. It goes down so smoothly I practically finish it in two big chugs. Placing the empty glass on the counter, I nod and give credit where it is due. “Becker sounds like an excellent bartender, you should tell him I want to hire him.” She throws her towel at me and I laugh. “Seriously though, I’ll take another one, but this time with no umbrella. And you’re in charge of teaching Hayden how to make that, we need to add it to our specials.” She’s smiling as she quickly makes another one, which I drink just as quickly.

  “I’d slow down if I were you. Those have a tendency to sneak up on you. If you have one more you will be on your ass. Trust me.” I don’t feel any effects from it yet, but I like to give my bar staff credit for knowing their stuff.

  “Got it, add it into the computer.” That’s one thing I don’t leave to chance. I will happily allow the members to bring in any kind of sealed beer they want, but hard alcohol is not permitted. Each membership card has a barcode that the bartenders scan, it monitors how many drinks they order from us. We only allow one drink per member. This isn’t the sort of club that you want people getting drunk at, we need everyone to be in control and not causing problems. This is a safe place, and we want to keep it that way. Just the thought of this brings my mind back my current problem in London. This night needs to hurry up and be over so I can be on my way.

  The music is pumping and I’m annoyed, as the lights still haven’t been dimmed. I know I decided it wasn’t an argument I wanted to have, but now I want my club the way it should be. I’m about to walk to the back and do it myself when the room goes dark. Seriously? What the fuck else could go wrong tonight? I’m about to apologize for the brief moment of a power shortage when the black lights turn on and everyone’s togas are glowing under them. The music dramatically changes and a spotlight hits the stage as Skye’s voice comes through the speakers singing to Lady GaGa’s ‘Dance in The Dark’. She’s wearing a short white toga that drapes down the front with a low cut center, it’s held up with gold sparkly straps that wrap around her neck and again around her back completely exposing her creamy pale skin. Nothing is left to the imagination with this dress. Her black leather boots lace up her legs and tie into a bow at the very top. Everyone starts to scream and applaud her as she’s singing and dancing on the stage. As she’s about to break out in the chorus a bunch of drag queens come onto the stage and lift her up by her arms, sitting her on their shoulders as they walk her down the stairs. Once they are off the stage, they all break out into a dance routine and it basically looks like she’s organized a flash mob in my club. Leave it to Skye to put on a one of a kind show and making herself the center of attention. As soon as the song is over, she takes a bow and winks at me as I applaud her. “Now that m
y dear friends is how you open a club! I’m sorry I missed last night, but I think I did a great job making it up to ya’ll. Wouldn’t ya say?” The crowd yells out to her and she throws her hand in the air like it’s no big deal. There’s a reason why she’s my main MC and she just showed it to the world tonight. Damn, now I’m going have to give her a raise. She hands the mic over to James, placing a kiss on his cheek before strutting over to me.

  “You’re bloody brilliant,” I say to her as she approaches me. She gives me a little curtsey and I chuckle.

  “Duh. Now, get your ass out of here and get ready for your flight tomorrow. I can manage Infinity perfectly well on my own. And take Hayley home with you, enjoy your last night together.”

  “You sure? I can stay and help you out tonight. I could be gone at least a fortnight and I don’t want to take advantage of you.” She’s looking at me like I’m an idiot.

  “In English please.” I always forget that not everyone speaks the same English as me.

  “Right, sorry. It could be two weeks before I get back.” She rolls her eyes at me and I can’t help but laugh at her.

  “See was that really so hard, I swear, every time you talk to Declan it gets harder and harder to understand your ass. But seriously, go. If I have any problems, but you know I won’t, I’ll call you.” Pulling her into my arms, I hug the shit out of her and pull away placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “You’re my hero, Skye. I swear you’re my savior.” She rubs her hand over my chest like she's removing a piece of fluff from my shirt.

  “I like to think of myself more like a saint, but either will do. Now grab your wife and go.” She pushes me off towards the front of the club. I suddenly remember that Katrina is here filling in. I can’t take Hayley home with me and leave her there on her own. Taking a detour to the bar, I find Hayden.

  “Hey man, I have to bolt. Could you help Katrina out and hang with her up front until the night is over?” I'm silently praying that he can because I really want to take my wife home and show her how much I'm going to miss her.

  “No problem, boss.” He throws the towel on the bar and comes around it, walking with me to where Katrina and Hayley are. I lean down and wrap my arms around Hayley from behind, placing a kiss on her neck.

  “Hey, baby.” She leans her body back into mine, her head falling back onto my shoulder slightly.

  “How’d you know it was me?” I whisper in her ear, enjoying the shiver that runs through her body.

  “I know your smell, babe, no one smells as sexy as you.” She turns her head and kisses me on the cheek. “Was that Skye I heard singing in there?”

  “Oh, it was her alright. She put on a whole show.” Hayley laughs.

  “Better her than me. So what’s up? What brings you guys up here?” She turns in my arms until she's facing me.

  “Skye told me I should take you home and dirty you up a bit since I'm leaving early tomorrow.” I wiggle my eyes brows at her and she licks her lips. She is so sexy.

  “She said that to you?” I shrug my shoulders before answering.

  “She said I should spend some time with you, isn’t that the same thing? And Hayden said he’d sit with Katrina if she’s okay with that.” I look to Katrina who is eyeing up Hayden and his toga suddenly realizing I never had time to change into mine.

  “Sure, no problem. You guys have fun and I’ll see you when you get back. Have a safe flight.” She doesn’t take her eyes from Hayden as she waves us away with her hand, dismissing us like we have overstayed our welcome.

  “Thanks.” I laugh and walk over to her, giving her a hug before I grab my wife and head out.

  Chapter 4

  We pull up in front of the house and I look over to Hayley. The drive home has been quiet and I know we’re both thinking about being apart for so long.

  “You know, you can fly out later to London. Just because I'm leaving tomorrow doesn’t mean you can’t meet me there.” I know that my visit to London isn’t going to be pleasant, that a lot of shit has happened and we need to get it sorted, but I don’t want her feeling that she can’t come and be with me.

  “I think I should stay here, help Skye with the club so you don’t have to worry about anything here. I want you to be able to focus on what needs to be done.” This is one of the reasons I love this woman, she truly would do anything for me. I reach over and run my thumb along her jaw, my hand gently holding onto her throat like I know she loves. I lean forward until my lips are brushing against her ear as I speak to her.

  “Then come into the house, let me make love to you. I need to spend the night inside you, giving you pleasure like only I can.” Her breath catches in her throat and I smile knowing I have this effect on her after all this time. This woman is my everything and I would do anything for her.


  I'm sitting on the end of the bed watching Hayley getting undressed. There is nothing sexier than a woman revealing her skin inch by inch, enticing you to want to see more. She slips the straps of her toga off her shoulders and makes eye contact with me. Her dark eyes trap mine and I'm unable to look away, even when she drops the toga to the floor I'm stuck on her eyes. She walks closer to me and I see unshed tears lingering in them. I pull her between my legs so her body is flush with mine, and look up into her beautiful face.

  “Please don’t be upset, my love. The time will pass quickly and I'll be back before you know it.” She doesn’t speak and I have a feeling if she does the tears might come. I lean my head forward and kiss her stomach, causing her muscles to quiver. I need to take her mind off me leaving, and there is only one way I can think to do it.

  “Get on the bed, on all fours. I want to see everything.” I look up at her again and this time I'm met with a little smile. She still doesn’t talk, but she does as she's told, crawling seductively across the bed on all fours. I stand slowly and remove my clothes, my eyes never leaving her body. Keeping my boxer shorts on to stop too much temptation, I kneel on the bed behind her. When I run my finger up her outer thigh she lets out a moan and I swear it makes my already hard cock throb.

  “You are so fucking sexy, baby. I swear there is no one that turns me on like you.” I lean forward, brushing my nose over her dripping pussy. I inhale deeply, groaning when her scent overcomes my senses and I can’t help when my tongue darts out for a taste. The sweetness explodes on my tongue and I take another swipe, lingering over her clit, sucking it between my teeth. Her head drops to the bed as I continue my assault on her, her thighs shaking around my head. I want to take her like this, to pound into her body until she's screaming my name, but I know that tonight we need something different, I need a connection that will last until I come home.

  “As much as I love this view, I want you on your back.” I gently press against her hip until she turns and looks up at me. I get lost in her eyes as I lean down to claim her lips. The kiss is soft, telling each other how much we care. It’s a slow burn, one that will consume us both eventually. I leave her lips, kissing down her jaw and over her neck, biting her shoulder as she grabs my hair. Continuing down, I lick between her breasts, moving over to take a nipple into my mouth as her body arches off the bed.

  “Klaus, please. I need you inside me. Don’t make me wait.” I raise my head and look at her, seeing the pleading look in her eye. I think we both need the connection tonight, to just feel each other. I sit up on my knees and pull my underwear down my legs, kicking them off when they get to my feet. I cover her body completely with mine, just feeling the heat move from her to me. I claim her lips again, and my hand entwines with hers. I can feel her wetness against my cock and I know she's ready for this, ready for me. I use my free hand to slide my tip through her wetness before settling at her opening. I watch her eyes as I slowly sink inside her body letting her feel every inch of me. When I am fully inside, her eyes close and her head tilts back. I try to go slowly, to let the feelings build inside us both, but it’s too much. She is so tight that my body is on the edge before I kn
ow it.

  “Look at me, my love.” She opens her eyes and looks directly at me, the heat showing clearly in them. I feel her body tighten around me as I move inside her. It’s like she doesn’t want me to leave her even for a second. Her orgasm hits her quickly, shocking me with the intensity of it. Her pussy walls clutch around me and it feels like I’ve been caught in a vice with the pressure. A few more strokes and I release inside her, the feeling of euphoria exploding through my body. I collapse down onto her chest, my head resting on her neck as I try to recover. I feel her hand stroking over my hair before her lips kiss my head.

  “I love you, and I'm going to miss you.” I look into her eyes, needing her to see how much I mean what I'm about to say. “I love you, and there will never be anyone as important as you. No matter what happens with all this shit in London just know I love you more than anything.”


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