The Things We Do For Love (The Swingtown Series Book 2)

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The Things We Do For Love (The Swingtown Series Book 2) Page 3

by Jaime Whitley

  Chapter 5

  My flight was long and I’m completely knackered after my night with Hayley. We ended up staying up most of the night together, making love and just enjoying each other. Of course, my seat had to be next to a chatty Kathy so every time I started to nod off, she started yapping again. I was more than happy when the plane touched down, ready to get off the flight to see what the hell was happening with my baby.

  Now I'm at baggage claim, and as soon as I grab my luggage I hear Declan’s voice from behind, shouting over the crowd of people in the surrounding area.

  “Attention people, I’m looking for a scrawny little fellow, he’s about so tall,” he holds his hand up to where his head is since we’re the same height. “And hung like a horse. He’s a dashing young fellow so I’m sure one of you ladies had the pleasure of riding this fine stallion.” I see a bunch of ladies smiling and looking around while some even start to move closer to him obviously trying to get his attention. One thing about Declan, he knows how to attract the ladies. Grabbing the handle on the luggage, I slowly walk over in his direction. “There you are mate!” He pulls me into a hug. “I was starting to think that you might’ve still been on board if you know what I mean.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  “Hayley made sure I was well taken care of before I left, so there was no need for inflight entertainment. Now, as good as it is to see you, we need to get to the club. We need to get this situation under control, and fast.” We walk out of the airport and I follow Declan to the car park.

  “Don’t you at least want to stop at a pub first and grab a pint?” He grabs the keys out of his pocket, hitting a button to open the boot. Hoisting my bag, I put it in and close it.

  “No, we can do that after. I need to find out how the bloody hell all this happened.” He nods and we get in the car heading straight to the club. Once we arrive, I look at TPOT, my baby, the one that brought my beautiful wife into my life. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

  The club hasn’t been open long, but business is booming. I knew I was onto something when I realized there wasn’t a club like this anywhere near our town. It didn’t take much to get my business license, and soon after, the club opened its doors. I was upfront and honest about everything so had no issues moving forward with my plans. I knew this was going to be a lot of work so I brought in the one person I trusted the most. Declan. He’s been my best mate since I can remember. We grew up living right next door to each other and we were practically attached at the hip. We always played the same sports and always had the same taste in women. If we were gay, we’d be the perfect match. I offered a manager position to Declan and he eagerly accepted it. When I asked him what he thought a fair salary would be he told me to stop speaking rubbish. Declan is a trust fund baby and has more money than he knows what to do with. I wouldn’t allow him to work for free though, so, I did some snooping and had money deposited into his account every month. He never noticed since he has my mum, who’s an accountant, handle his money.

  As I’m walking around, I greet the regulars and introduce myself to the new faces I see tonight. I always make a point to do this to make sure they are comfortable and aren’t being hassled. I like to have a relationship with my members so they know if they feel uneasy, they can come directly to Declan or myself. I’m about to reach the corner booth, when I see the most beautiful woman sitting in the corner looking like she’s having a hellish time. She’s stirring the straw in the drink she has yet to touch, and her face has an expression of boredom written all over it. Her lips are pursed in a pout but they look adorable like that. Walking to where she is sitting, I clear my throat gaining her attention.

  “All right, love?” Looking at me, she doesn’t seem too pleased with the fact I'm speaking to her.

  “Alright what?” Her American accent is sexy as hell and even though she’s not being polite at all, I already know I fancy this one.

  “Ah, my apologies. I didn’t realize you’re American.” I wave my hand between the two of us. “I was saying hello, asking how you were? Do you mind if I sit?” I nod at the empty space next to her and she smirks but slides over just a bit allowing me to join her. “So what brings a girl like you here?” I immediately chastise myself for the dumbest pickup line ever. She’s at a swingers club, obviously she’s here for some fun.

  “Not the reasons that are running through your head I’m sure.” Her answer surprises me but I wait for her to elaborate. “Look, I’m not here looking to get laid or anything like that. There is only one reason I'm here and that’s to keep an eye on him.” She points to the fellow across the room, who has two women sitting on his lap, one on each leg. I must be daft because I’m still not following what she's trying to say.

  “So you’re here but not to get laid.” She nods. “And it’s to keep an eye on that lad over there, who is…?” I trail off, prying for more information. I have this need to know everything about this woman.

  “He’s my co-pilot. He has a problem showing up to work on time so I have been tasked with the duty of being his chaperone. It’s complete bullshit if you ask me. I say just fire his ass.” My heart drops a little as she speaks. Just knowing that she doesn’t live here guts me. I want, no fuck that, I need to know this woman inside and out.

  “Tell you what, why don’t I have my security guard keep an eye on him and you and I can get out of here. Would you like to join me for some dinner?” Her eyes move over my body, inspecting me openly before she gives me her answer.

  “Look, you seem nice and all, and don’t get me wrong, you’re sexy as hell. But I didn’t come here to get laid and buying me dinner definitely won’t get me in your bed. The only thing it will get you is a huge tab and a thank you.” I try not to laugh, loving her attitude.

  “Alright then, shall we?” I stand up and hold my arm out to her, the shocked look on her face making me smile. She just looks at it before she regains her composure, trying to call my bluff.

  “Aren’t you forgetting about something?” She points to the idiot in the corner and knowing he’s the only thing in my way right now, I do something I never thought I would do. “Don’t move, love. I’ll be right back.”

  Walking away, I circle the club until I find Declan. I fill him in on what’s going on and ask him to revoke this blokes membership. Declan tells me I’ve gone completely bonkers but does as I ask, laughing as he mutters about being a loser. I quickly make my way back to the woman whose name I don’t even know, smiling at the fact she is still where I left her. “You’re still here,” I say in disbelief.

  “You told me not to move. And since I’ve always been a sucker for a man with an accent, I decided to do as I was told.” She shrugs and gives me a smile, making my trousers suddenly very uncomfortable around the groin area. Just then, the annoying little prick cock blocking me comes storming over to us.

  “We need to leave.” She raises an eyebrow at me before looking back to him.

  “What did you do Carl? Why is security escorting you over here?”

  “Apparently some women said I wasn’t respecting them, said I kept getting handsy when they said no. Now they’re revoking my membership and I have to leave. It’s complete bullshit. I didn’t do what they are accusing me of.” The woman looks shocked but must realize what I did as she tries to hold back her laugh but fails miserably. “You know what, I’m going to head back to the hotel and catch some sleep. You coming?” I look to her with pleading eyes hoping she doesn’t leave with this bloke.

  “Actually, I’m starving so I’m going to grab something to eat. I’ll see you in the morning and you better not be late.” As security escorts this bloke Carl off, I hold out my arm.

  “Are you ready…” I pause not knowing her name.

  She stands and smiles as she slides her arm through mine. “Hayley,” she answers, finally putting me out of my misery and telling me her name. I return her smile, deciding to have a little fun with her.

  “Well Hayley, I’m Klaus, your future
husband.” She throws her head back and laughs.

  “Is that so?” She looks up at me through her eyelashes and that’s the moment I decide that she is the most beautiful woman I've ever met.

  “Indeed it is.” We start to walk and Declan gives me a thumbs up as I walk past him. I shake my head and laugh.

  That was the most perfect night of my life. Dinner was amazing and I was shocked that I was a complete gentleman. I didn’t sleep with Hayley that night and didn’t even try, but we did exchange information. I was over the moon when I found out that she was constantly coming here, the London flight being her usual route. She wasn’t into the lifestyle when I met her and I told her I would gladly give it up and commit myself to her. She said that since I would be willing to give up my lifestyle for her that she would be willing to try mine. Obviously it stuck and she even quit her job when I proposed to her. The long distance relationship was becoming too much for us and I knew she wouldn’t be happy living in London. That’s when I made the choice to leave TPOT in Declan’s hands and move to America, opening a club there and starting our new life together. I knew that’s where she was the happiest and anywhere she was is where I called home.

  I walk into the club, looking around and taking in my first love. I see Declan has done some minor renovations without telling me but it really adds to the place. “It looks great in here, mate. When did you do all this and why didn’t you tell me about it?” I continue to walk through and admire the work he put into this place.

  “Ah, I figured with all the shite you had going on with opening the new club you didn’t need to worry about the small shite.” I nod, realizing he makes a lot of sense.

  “You’re not mad about it are you?” He suddenly sounds worried and I cant help but laugh.

  “Not at all. This place needed sprucing up. I have complete faith in you, mate. I know this place means just as much to you as it does to me. I think you blew this one out of the water. Now grab your computer let’s see how all this shite happened.”

  Chapter 6

  Three Weeks Later

  We made the decision that until we were able to find the cameras and in turn who put them in the club, we had no choice but to close. We need to get this all sorted out before I get an ulcer. The one thing that holds the most importance to me has been compromised and I refused to open the doors and possibly risk anyone else’s privacy. After questioning the entire staff, I was happy to be able to say that their hands were clean in all of this, but the aggro of this whole situation has probably added ten years of stress on my life.

  Thankfully, Declan knows a bloke who’s very good at hacking into systems and taking stuff down from the web. He’s ex military and was more than happy to help since he’s an active member of our club. After disabling the camera feed and blocking the photos from as many sites as he could, he studied the images and was able to pinpoint where each picture was coming from. The next day he came in and took a sledgehammer to the wall. I thought he had gone completely bonkers and I almost had a bloody heart attack. It wasn’t until he said ‘there you are little bugger,’ that I got closer to him and watched in complete shock as he pulled a camera out of one of the walls Declan had redone. Declan was pissed off and got our lawyer on the phone immediately. He apologized, taking full responsibility for not being here at all times while the remodeling was being done. He feels so guilty and keeps apologizing, but I told him to get a grip and stop. He couldn’t have known what they were going to do. They signed a NDA for fuck’s sake.

  The lawyers have drawn up a lawsuit against the owners of the construction company. I'm determined to make sure they are brought to justice. Now we’re just waiting for the new construction company to come in and redo the whole place. We had to knock holes in the walls where each camera was, so we decided to just re-do the entire place. We’re hoping that it will give our members some comfort, knowing that we are taking this breach very seriously. Some of the members had been outed in the pictures, and even though there’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to our lifestyle, people just get so bloody judgy. I know that some prefer to keep private what others don’t understand, and we had given some of those secrets away. To help try and clean up this whole mess, Declan and I personally reached out to each and every member, offering our sincerest apologies and an explanation to what had happened. We offered to waive their membership fees for the next year, and even to allow them to bring a guest in for free. Obviously we couldn’t please everyone but it’s a start.

  I’m tired of being here and I miss my wife. Since being married, we haven’t spent more than a couple days apart and I hate not having her with me. My nights are lonely and I’m horny as fuck. Thank God for technology, I know it’s the reason I'm in this situation, but at the same time it allows me to see my beautiful wife’s face. I smile when I think about the fact that I've seen more than her face via FaceTime, the little vixen she is even did a live girl on girl session for me when I called. She sent me a message telling me that she had a surprise for me since I’ve been so stressed and naturally, I ran home to find out what it was. When she answered she had that grin spread across her face, the one she gets when she’s up to something.

  “I know that look, love. What are you up to?” I ask as I lay down on the bed, feeling myself getting hard already.

  “Well, I feel horrible that I haven’t been able to make it out there, so I figured it was time for a little fun.” I groan as she props the tablet up on the dresser in the theatre room. I have the perfect view of a very naked Katrina waiting for Hayley on the bed. Her legs are open and my attention is pulled between the two sexy women on my screen. My eyes move to my wife who is dressed in my favorite black silk robe, as she seductively walks over to the bed and crawls her way slowly over Katrina’s body. I can see Katrina’s chest move as her breathing hitches and she pulls my wife’s lips down to her, the kiss is passionate. My attention is drawn to the screen, the images there are so erotic that I reach down and undo my trousers, releasing my rock hard cock. I love Hayley, and knowing she is doing this for my pleasure makes it even hotter.

  I stroke my hand over my cock as Hayley sits back on her knees, letting the robe slip from her shoulders. I wish I was home, knowing I could have both these women screaming in pleasure under my simple touch. Hayley leans down and places gentle kisses on Katrina’s neck and over her shoulders. I can’t tear my eyes away as Katrina rolls Hayley over, kneeling between her legs. She takes Hayley’s nipple into her mouth, making her cry out in pleasure. My cock pulses in my hand, the sound making my pleasure rocket. I tilt my computer screen, making sure that I can see everything that’s happening. I'm thankful that Hayley has picked the perfect location for her tablet so nothing is hidden from me. I lick my lips as Hayley’s hand moves down over Katrina’s body, rubbing over her pussy as her own hips lift from the bed. Katrina removes her hand and pins it above her head, like I did to her, and shakes her head. “Keep your arms above your head,” she demands and my wife, being the good girl she is, listens and keeps them there when Katrina lets go. I watch as gentle fingers are run over Hayley’s skin, her panting getting louder as the fingers get closer to her core. Katrina pushes her legs open and she lowers her head, licking over my wife’s pussy. I zoom the video in, getting the perfect view of the tongue that is making love to Hayley, making her back arch in response to the pleasure. I tighten my hold on my cock, the friction making me think of taking one of the women, imagining how wet they are as they play with each other. I close my eyes and I can hear the sucking noises, the sounds of pure pleasure, and it’s getting me close to release but I try to hold on. When Hayley cries out in pleasure I lose all control, coming all over my hand as my wife finds her own release. I open my eyes and focus on the screen as Katrina moves up to Hayley’s face, kissing her on the lips. “Your turn,” Hayley says as she moves down under Katrina’s body until she is directly under her pussy. I would love to watch, but after all the stress of the last few weeks and an amazing orgasm,
I'm knackered. I decide to leave them to have a little fun on their own, but before I hang up I tell Hayley I love her. I get no response but I know I was loud enough when Katrina looks at the camera and winks. I hang up as she throws her head back and moans. I smile as I fall asleep, knowing I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

  Chapter 7

  One Week Later

  Everything has finally been worked out with the new construction company doing the make-over for TPOT. These past four weeks have really been an eye-opener for me. Hayley wasn’t able to fly over since Infinity is doing so well back in the states. I have never been away from her for this long, and even though we have an open marriage, it doesn’t make me miss her any less. I haven’t even entertained anyone while I’ve been here, Hayley has been a very attentive wife, FaceTiming the shit out of me. She’s had her fair share of nights though, but she’s always open and honest about it and that’s what makes this work between us. I just hate the fact that my favorite couple to swing with is in town and I’m not there to join in on all the fun.

  The biggest surprise was to hear that Katrina had offered to fill in at the club until we found a suitable replacement for Freya. I want to make sure I’m there when the interview process happens so I can get my own read on the person applying for the job. Besides Hayley and Skye, I’ve been out of touch with everything back home and the homesickness is setting in. After hearing that the construction was going to take at least two months to do everything we want, I decided it was time to let go of my first baby.


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