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Goddess of War

Page 15

by Waverly Scott

  “You look lovely, dear.” Mom hugged me.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “This must be a special guy. I haven’t seen you wear that dress yet.”

  “I see. You do look beautiful, sweetheart.”

  I smiled meekly.

  “Are you okay, honey?”

  “I’m fine, Mom.”

  “Did something happen?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “When all that stuff was happening, with the gods.”

  “No, it’s just hard to process everything. First I’m just a normal teenager, and then I’m a goddess and fighting in an epic battle after you guys are killed. The world is nearly destroyed and I had to save it. That’s a lot for a nineteen year old you know.”

  “I understand. I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Not your fault, Mom. You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “I should have told you,” she cried.

  “You couldn’t and if you had I wouldn’t have believed you. I mean I still don’t fully believe this all happened. It’s like a bad dream.”

  “But it’s not,” she said.

  We ran into Adrian and Adronis at the elevators. Adrian looked even more remarkable now than he had the first time we went to the Tudor. His blue shirt and black, silk tie stood out against the black suit he wore. His hair was still a tousled mess, but an organized mess. Adronis was dressed identically except with a red shirt. My mouth dropped open and I stopped walking for a minute.


  “Um, coming.”

  I stood there, staring. He slipped his arm around my waist holding me close.

  “You look absolutely gorgeous,” he whispered into my ear.

  “You, too.

  The Tudor looked the same. Nothing was out of place. We were led to the same table outside as before. It was mixed emotions sitting there staring at the acropolis. I didn’t want to stay mad and bitter because it was an amazing night, with an amazing man, my family and an incredible view. On the other hand, they used me. I was only the solution to their problem.

  I couldn’t stay mad. They were desperate and had no other choice. The waiter brought us a bottle of wine, something I would miss back home. The food was just as good the second time around.

  “Cara, how’s your dinner?”

  “It’s great, Mom.”

  “You’ve barely touched it,” Dad said.

  “Just taking my time. It’s so good I don’t want to rush,” I lied.

  Adrian looked at me. The concern in his face forced me to look back at my food.

  “Listen, guys, I’m fine really. It’s just a lot to take in. I’ll be perfectly okay in a few days. I’m still getting used to the fact I’m a goddess, immortal and one day everybody I’ve ever known will be old and gray while I’m still young and fighting off threats to the world.” I also didn’t want to tell them about Cronus. I still didn’t know what to do about him. He would be back. That much I already knew.

  “We understand, just don’t like seeing you upset,” Mom told me, taking another sip of wine.

  “I’m not upset. I’m just trying to let this all sink in.”

  The subject was dropped, thankfully. I listened to their conversation, sipping at my wine and never taking my eyes off of the Parthenon.

  I wonder if Athena is there or at Olympus.

  The evening was perfect. Once we’d finished desert a small band began to play. It was soft music, a piano, guitar and saxophone made up the band. Adrian grabbed my hand and led me to where they were. He put his hand on my waist, held my hand with his free one and twirled me around the room. People began getting out of their chairs and making their way to where we were. A few watched while others joined us. I’d never really danced before, Adrian was the perfect leader. We spun and twirled around the room for what seemed like hours. I didn’t want the night to end. It was the best night I’d ever had. Adrian managed to keep my mind off my worries and only in the moment. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten. By the time the band stopped playing we were one of the few couples left in the restaurant. My parents and his brother had already gone back to the rooms. We headed toward the elevator; I didn’t want to go to bed yet.

  We stood at our doors, the same as before. This time though, the feeling was different. I wasn’t looking at a man I’d just met, I was staring at a man that I fought with and fell in love with. It might have only been a few days, but it was as though we’d been together for years.


  “Yes, Adrian?”

  “I love you,” he murmured, moving closer to me.

  I took a step forward, reaching up to touch the side of his face. His cheek was smooth and warm. The blood rushed to his gorgeous face staining them a light pink. His soft lips parted slightly as his breathing sped up. His breath felt so warm on my forehead and smelled so sweet. Abnormally sweet. I looked up at him confused.

  “It's ambrosia and nectar. It makes our breath a bit sweet.”

  “I see. When was the last time you had some?” I asked.

  “Last week.”

  “How long can you go without it?”

  “We can go forever but once we stop drinking it, we start to age.”


  “Yes, and rather quickly which is why once you go inside your room, Adronis and I have to make a quick trip to Olympus.”

  “Tonight?” I sounded desperate.

  “I won’t be gone long. I promise.” He cradled the back of my head in his hands.

  He leaned down and planted his lips on mine. The warmth from his body flowed into mine. It was like the same warmth when I walked into Helios’ flame. My entire body felt like it was on fire.

  “That was weird,” I said breathing heavily.

  “What was?”

  “My entire body felt like it was on fire.”

  “Hmm, that is weird. You better get inside before your parents come looking for you.”

  “I want to go with you,” I pleaded.



  “We only have Pegasus to take us back, and you need your sleep.”

  I stuck my bottom lip out, pouting at him.

  “Stop that,” he commanded.

  “No,” I snapped.

  “Cara, you can’t go. We’re just getting our ambrosia and coming back.”

  “What if I want to drink it now?”

  “You want to be eternally nineteen?”

  “Well, no.”

  “Then get inside and go to bed.”

  I glowered at him as I stormed into my room. I didn’t say anything to my parents, just grabbed my pajamas and went into the bathroom. I was looking forward to just collapsing on my bed. The soft pillows beckoned to me, calling my name. I listened and let my head fall into their feathery softness. My eyes slowly slid close and before I knew it I was snoring softly.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The following days were better but worse. Adrian spent a majority of his time with me but he was so distant and cold until eventually, he quit talking to me all together. I didn’t understand why. I was determined to find out what was going on. He was treating me as though I had the plague, being only close enough so I wouldn’t complain. I’d finally had enough after three days. After we finished dinner, he walked me to my room. He leaned down to kiss me on the cheek but I quickly ducked into my room while mumbling goodnight. I shut the door in his face before he had the opportunity to say anything else. My parents hadn’t returned yet so I changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and covered up, pretending to sleep. It was only forty-five minutes later that Mom and Dad came into the room. They were being uncharacteristically loud until they saw me under the blankets.

  “Shh, Cara is asleep,” Mom whispered while giggling.

  She was drunk.

  “That’s odd. I wonder why she’s back already. It’s only eleven.” Dad was sober and sounded worried.

  “I’m sure she’s just tired.”
  “Yeah, probably.”

  They semi-quietly changed and climbed into bed. Dad was up watching television but I could hear Mom snoring away. I knew Dad would understand why I had to go. He wouldn’t question me. I threw the blankets off and slipped my sneakers on.

  “Going somewhere?”

  “Dad, yeah, I’m, uh, going to Mt. Olympus.”

  “It’s two in the morning, Cara.”

  “I know.”

  “Don’t you think everyone will be sleeping?”

  “They’re gods, they’ll get over it.”

  “Is there something wrong with Adrian?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m going to find out.”

  “Be careful and be back before your mother wakes up.”

  “I will. Love you, Dad,” I called as I slipped out the door.

  “Love you, too.”

  I’m not sure why I did, but I tiptoed past Adrian and Adronis’ door and into the elevator. Instead of pushing the button for the lobby, I headed to the roof. I walked down the narrow hallway and pushed open the heavy metal door. It screeched against the gravely tar, warning me not to go out. Warning me that the answers I sought might not be what I wanted to hear. I never listened to warnings. I gave a low whistle and waited. I didn’t even know if Pegasus would respond to my call. I searched the night sky. All I saw were the brightly shining stars. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes again. I was turning into a real cry baby. The tears were about to spill over when I saw a streak of white tear across the vast darkness. I heard the delicate hooves touchdown and prance toward me. He tucked his wings in and nudged my arm.

  “Pegasus! You heard.”

  He whinnied softly and head butted me. His silken fur felt wonderful.

  “I need to go to Olympus,” I whispered while stroking his fur.

  His massive wings flung out from the side of his body and he turned sideways, bending his left front leg so I could climb onto his back easily. I smiled, grabbed a handful of his silvery white main and swung my right leg over his body. He took off at a full gallop, the golden shoes on his hooves creating sparks across the tarred roof. He dove off the edge and sped through the night. Once we left the city and were in the safety of the wilderness, Pegasus flew closer to the ground where he could let his hooves skim over top of the weeds and wildflowers. Athens quickly disappeared behind us as we entered the isolated area near Thessaly. Olympus wasn’t too much further away. I’d have my answers. The mountain loomed ahead of us, menacing and uninviting. Pegasus did a ninety degree turn and ran up the side of the mountain. I tightened my legs around his belly and held onto his mane for dear life. The last thing I wanted was to have my body splattered on the rocks below us. We burst through the clouds and the city of Gods was right there. It was so bright, how did the world not see it?

  “Zeus! Zeus!” I shouted.

  “Cara? What are you doing here child?”

  “I need answers.”

  “About what?” he asked.

  “You know what.”



  “I figured you would eventually be coming back,” he said

  “Why is he acting so weird? What did you say to him?” I screamed.

  “I talked sense into him. The two of you are not meant to be together.”

  “Says who?”


  “Who do you think you are dictating my life? Or his?”

  “I’m lord of all the gods and goddesses. I have a say over everything.”

  “Now you sound like Cronus. I don’t care who you are. You have no right to tell us who we can and cannot love.”

  “You are the new goddess of war. He is the new god of love. You cannot be together.”

  “Why? Because we’re opposites? Love and hate can’t coexist together? He and I can love each despite what we are.”

  “What you are? You were created to protect us. Your role here is to defend the gods and oversee battle, not fall in love,” he shouted furiously.

  “I am not here solely for whatever purpose you decide. I am a living being. I grew up in the human world. I have a family and friends. And I love Adrian. Despite what you say, I will be with him.”

  “You cannot disobey me.”

  “I will do what I want.”

  “You’re a goddess, you will obey me.”

  “Then I don’t want to be your goddess of war. I’ll take the power stripping potion again and it will be the end of me. I’ll gladly be mortal than have you dictating my life!” I screamed.

  “Cara! No you won’t.” Athena put her hand on my shoulder.

  “Watch me.”

  “Stop being stubborn and acting like your father.”

  “My father is back at the King George Palace.”

  “We understand your frustration, Cara.” Ares stepped out of the crowd that grew around Zeus and I.

  “Understand? How can you understand? You have no problem being his little errand boy. I do mind. I’m not having him tell me I can’t be with Adrian. I’d rather become mortal and die than live for eternity like this. Under his dictatorship.”

  “It’s how we all live.”

  “Not me. I refuse to have someone tell me that I can’t love someone and that I’m only alive to keep his old ass out of trouble.”

  “You are too much like Ares,” Zeus spat at me.

  “Well I’d rather be like him than you.”

  “Zeus, the child does have a point,” Hera finally spoke up.

  “What?” he said, looking at his wife.

  “What greater bond would there be than for love and hate to be joined? Imagine the power their child would have. Another great defense for us should anything ever happen again.”

  “Woman, you have a point but I still don’t like it.”

  “You have all eternity to get used to it,” she turned to me, “that is if you plan on remaining a Goddess.”

  “As long as he stays out of my love life and leaves me alone.”

  Zeus glowered at me. “Fine.”

  The others went back to what they were doing and I went to Pegasus.

  “Either your extremely brave and in love, or just plain stupid.”

  “What do you mean,” I snarled at Ares.

  “You risked enduring the wrath of Zeus for some boy. You’re either really in love or you’re stupid.”

  I glared at him, mounted Pegasus, and left. I got what I wanted; now it was time to get back to the hotel and get some sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I quietly slipped back into the room shortly before sun up. I stood on the balcony watching the sky for any sign of Pegasus. I didn’t see anything. I quickly threw on my pajamas and slipped under the covers. The clock slowly ticked away. It was so early and I was so exhausted. I lay there forcing myself to stay awake. I couldn’t wait to see Adrian and tell him what happened. Mom and Dad woke up shortly after I shut my eyes. I could hear them rustling around and getting ready to leave. The door opened and clicked shut without them trying to wake me up. Dad must have convinced her to let me sleep. I didn’t though. Despite being beyond exhausted I just lay there waiting to hear Adrian’s door. I heard the soft clicking of a door opening and the slam of it shutting. I jumped up and ran to my own door. Peering out the peephole, I saw one of the twins standing there. He was glowering at my room. I stepped back and to the side. If I didn’t know better I could have sworn he’d actually seen me. Taking a deep breath, I returned to the peephole. He was still there. I slowly opened the door and peeked out at him.

  “Can I help you?”

  “What did you do?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked innocently.

  “You went to Olympus,” he snapped.

  “Yeah, so?” I replied.

  “Have you lost your mind? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? What kind of trouble you could have gotten into? Or gotten me into?”

  I flung the door open and glared back at him. “I did it becaus
e I thought that was the reason you were being such a dick. Apparently it wasn’t just Zeus who didn’t want us to be together. Forgive me for standing up for what I thought we had!”

  “Didn’t you ever think that maybe it was what would be best? We’re from two completely different worlds. I grew up a god, you grew up a mortal.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It really wasn’t only Zeus who wanted us apart. My chin began to quiver and I had to bite my bottom lip to hold the sobs back. My vision became blurry as the tears welled in my eyes.

  “You’re not going to cry are you?” he teased.

  “Fuck you, Adrian! I meant it when I said I loved you,” I blinked, allowing a stream of tears to furrow down my cheek.

  I slammed the door in his face and went back to bed. I felt like such an idiot for believing what he told me. I let sleep take me over. The blackness washed over my body and enveloped me. It was a restless sleep. The vivid dreams had me tossing and turning. In my dreams everything was so dark. There was a dim light over top of a man’s head. It was Adrian. He smiled, turned and walked away. I could hear his footsteps echoing off of the darkness that surrounded us.

  “Adrian!” I called.

  I began to run after him but the fast I ran the further he got. I woke a few short hours later. It was dusk and I was alone. The silence echoing throughout the room was deafening. All I wanted was for Adrian to be lying with me. His arms wrapped around my body, keeping me safe. Maybe he just needed time. That’s what I kept telling myself. Just a few days and he would be back to normal. Maybe he was upset because Zeus listened to me. Maybe he didn’t fight for us and just gave up. I hated him. I wanted to hate him. No, no matter how hard I tried to hate Adrian I never could. The reality of the situation began to sink in.

  Adrian doesn’t want me. He doesn’t love me. It was all a ruse to get me to battle Cronus.

  I flinched at the thought.


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