Falling for Her Curves

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by Emma Lark

  Falling for Her Curves

  A New Year’s Romance

  Holiday Heat Series

  Book Three

  By Emma Lark

  Copyright © 2020 Emma Lark.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  First published, 2020.


  Chapter One


  “I can’t believe you got me this,” I say as a soft giggle escapes my lips. “Are you really going to make me do this?”

  I look over at my daughter, Blaire. She’s sitting on the couch with a huge grin on her face and holding her boyfriend Logan’s hand tightly. He also looks over at me, smiling.

  I’ve known Logan for most of his life. He and Blaire were childhood friends and reconnected last Christmas. They’ve been inseparable ever since. I haven’t seen Blaire this happy in years, and it thrills me to see her so in love. She didn’t exactly have the best example of a loving marriage growing up. Her father left us when she was about five years old, and while I have dated some, I’ve never met anyone worthy enough to introduce to my daughter.

  I met Blaire’s father in high school and ended up pregnant at seventeen. While having a baby so young was not exactly the life I had envisioned for myself, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Blaire has been my entire life, and she makes me so proud to be her mom.

  “Yes, you are definitely doing this,” Blaire says back to me. “Mom, I love you, and I love that you have always put me first. You’ve provided me with such a good life, but it’s your turn now. I’m twenty three now; I can take care of myself, so it’s time for you to take care of you.”

  “Ava, you owe it to yourself to start putting yourself out there. You just turned forty, so—” Logan starts to say.

  “Oh my god, can we please not say that number out loud?” I interrupt.

  “Ha, well, whatever the number, you’re still smokin’ hot.”

  “Logan!” Blaire playfully slaps at his shoulder.

  “What? It’s true!” He laughs.

  “Anyway,” Blaire continues. “You’ve been talking about doing something like this for years now. So, tomorrow afternoon, no chickening out. You’re doing this.”

  “Tomorrow?” I choke out. My stomach instantly ties into knots.

  I’m excited…and I’m also terrified.

  Chapter Two


  “You ready to jump, Maddie?” I say, securing the final straps connecting my harness to hers.

  “I think so,” she yells over the wind as Byron opens the door to the plane. “As long as you hold on to me tightly with those big arms!”

  When she says those last words, she grabs my hands and wraps them around her torso.

  “You’ll be okay,” I shout to her through the loud noise reverberating around us. “Okay, I’m going to count down from five!”

  I’ve jumped out of planes probably over a thousand times, but these few seconds just before the jump still send a thrill shooting through my entire body.

  Before I started jumping out of planes with my friend Byron’s skydiving company, I was jumping out of planes for the United States Marines. I served my country for five incredible years until a combat injury forced my honorable discharge. Since before I can remember, I always knew I would spend my life serving in the military, so when I was injured, my entire world flipped upside down. I loved every part of being a Marine, but what I loved the most was that feeling falling at 13,000 feet from the sky. So, when my buddy Byron started this company, I knew it would be a good fit. It may not be the life of a Marine, but at least it gives me a reason to get out of bed every morning. It’s a start, anyway.

  “Alright, Maddie, here we go,” I yell just before we leap out of the plane and into the open air.


  Fifteen minutes later, I am back in the shop zipping my things into my bag as Maddie and her friend Lacy are changing in the locker room. Byron and the pilot, Zeke, are both walking back in from the tarmac when I throw my bag over my shoulder.

  “Hey man,” I say to Byron. “Thanks for letting me leave a little early today.”

  “No problem, bro,” he responds.

  My cousin Ryan’s bachelor party is tonight, so I’m taking off a little early to pick up a bottle of scotch and take a shower before the party. He’s getting married a week after New Year’s Eve in Hawaii, and to be honest, I’m excited to get out of Ashland for a few days. Who knows, maybe I’ll find something worth staying for in Hawaii? While I love skydiving, it’s nothing like the purpose I felt when I served in the Marines. Lately, I’ve just really been searching for something…a purpose, a meaning…I’m not really sure, but I need more.

  Maddie and Lacy are walking out of the locker room when I hear the bell ring from the front door being opened.

  “Lip!” a voice booms from behind me. I turn around and see my old friend Logan walking up to me.

  “Logan!” I say, surprised to see him. He throws his hand out, and I grab him in for a quick hug. “What’s up, bro? What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you since—”

  “High school graduation?” Logan finishes my thought. “Yeah, man. I heard you were back from overseas, but still throwing yourself out of planes…and I see that’s true?”

  “Ha,” I laugh. “Yep, not exactly the Marines, but this is cool for now.”

  Maddie and Lacy walk up to us and interrupt. Maddie suddenly throws her arms around my neck in a hug. “Lip, thank you so much for keeping me safe today. This was, like, so amazing. The best twenty-first birthday thrill ever.”

  “Oh, yeah, sure,” I mutter out, surprised by her hands now resting on my chest.

  “So, um,” she continues. “What are you doing tonight? I’d love to show you how thankful I am for today by taking you out for a drink.”

  I grab her wandering hands before they reach down to the waistline of my pants. “Oh, well, it’s my job, so you just pay my friend Byron here, and that’s all the thanks I need. And anyway,, I have plans tonight. In fact, I’m about to leave.”

  “Oh, well that’s too bad. I was really hoping to show you my appreciation,” she says, slipping a hand into my pocket.

  When I was a few years younger, I wouldn’t have thought twice about meeting up with this chick and letting her “show her appreciation” however she wanted. But now, I’m just over that stage of my life. And the girls my age just don’t do it for me anymore. They get so clingy and jealous so easily, and I don’t need that in my life right now.

  I start to shove her hands off of me when my attention is quickly drawn to the front door as two women are walking in. The first is younger and beautiful, but she is not who I am drawn to. The woman walking in behind her is where my eyes are immediately pulled to. And suddenly, everything goes quiet. It’s like the world has stopped and it’s just me and…her. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. She’s older and it shows in the way she carries herself—so confident and mature. My eyes travel from her gorgeous blonde hair falling down below her shoulders to her hypnotizing brown eyes. Then, I gaze down at her body; she has voluptuous curves in all the right places. I don’t realize I’m staring until Logan snaps my attention back to the present.

  “Lip? Yo, Lip,” he says.

  “Huh?” I mumble out.

  “So, you’re done for the day, man?" Logan asks. "Dang. I was hoping you could take my friend Ava up today for her first jump.”

  He gestures over to the women walking in, and once I get a second look at her, I realize the first girl is Blaire. She was a co
uple grades below me in high school. So, Ava must be the other woman. The one that is suddenly making my stomach feel like I’m jumping out of an airplane even though my feet are firmly planted to the ground. And then my heart kicks into overdrive as the two of them walk over to us.

  “Hey Logan,” Blaire says in my direction. “I’m Blaire, I don’t know if you remember me or not.”

  “Yeah, yeah, of course,” I say, my eyes not leaving the gaze I have fixated on Ava. “How’s it going?”

  “Ahem,” a voice beside me says, and I suddenly realize Maddie still has her hands all over me. “So, if you’re not available today, how about our first date for tomorrow night?”

  Maddie pulls a slip of paper out of her pocket and writes her number down using my chest as a surface. I can feel the scowl creeping across my face when I notice Ava averting her eyes from the blatant flirtation happening before her. Before I have time to say anything, Maddie shoves the paper in my pocket and grabs my ass before heading toward the door. I turn back to Blaire.

  “Jesus,” I whisper. “Sorry about that. How are you, Blaire?”

  “I’m fine,” she says with a hint of sarcasm behind her voice. “I see you’ve still got a way with the ladies.”

  “Oh my god, no, no it’s not like that at all—” I insist looking directly at Ava before Logan cuts me off.

  “Yeah, sorry guys,” he turns to Blaire and Ava. “Looks like Lip is about to leave, but maybe Byron could take you up."

  “No!” I blurt out before even realizing I’m saying it. “I’m taking her. I mean, I’ll take her. I mean, I don’t have to leave right now. I’m happy to take her.”

  I turn to face her and take a deep breath before telling her, “I’m happy to take you on your first jump, Miss.”

  “Okay, but only if you don’t call me ‘Miss’ ever again,” she jokes. I can feel the heat flushing to my cheeks, and I’m wondering if she feels it too or if this is going to be one-sided. Whatever the case, I can’t wait to wrap my arms around that curvy body at 13,000 feet in the air because even if it’s just for sixty seconds, I’ll get to hold her in my arms. And for those sixty seconds, she’ll be all mine.

  “Okay,” I laugh. “Then, what should I call you?”

  “Oh, sorry,” Blaire interrupts. “This is my mom, Av—”

  “I’m Ava,” she says, reaching her hand out to me. The instant she puts her hand in mine, I know I’m done for. She’s got me, and there’s no going back.

  Chapter Three


  I can’t believe I’m doing this. This is insane. What have I gotten myself into?

  I’m in the locker room of the Skydiving shop putting on an extra thermal shirt before I start pulling on the jumpsuit. I can’t believe I’ve let Blaire talk me into this. Especially in the middle of winter! I’ve already tried getting out of this and one of the excuses was it was too cold. But Logan quickly shot that one down insisting that with enough layers, the best time to skydive was in the winter because the skies are clearer and the view is incredible. So, here I am, layering up, about to jump out of an airplane with…


  Those eyes…those arms…that body…

  And there I go again. From the minute I walked into this place, my heart has been beating at double speed and it’s not just from the excitement of the jump. It’s him.

  What did he say his name was? Lip? Must be a nickname…he certainly has nice lips. Those lips…oh my god, stop it, Ava!

  Jesus Christ. What has gotten into me? This guy is young enough to be…well, he’s young. Too young. And even so, what would he want with me? He already had a pretty girl hanging all over him right when we walked in. I’m sure he has women falling all over him all day. No, I just need to focus. Focus on buttoning up this jumpsuit and preparing myself for jumping out of an airplane.

  After finishing up, I shove my things back into the locker and take a deep breath. I take a glance in the mirror and give a nervous giggle at my reflection before heading out the door.

  When I walk out, I see him. He turns to me and I swear, his face lights up…or maybe I’m just seeing things. Either way, he walks over to me enthusiastically and holds his hand out.

  “Are you ready for this, Ava?” Lip says to me as I carefully place my hand in his.

  I look up into his beautiful blue eyes and find it hard to get the words out.

  “Ye-yes,” I stutter. “I guess so.”

  “Hey,” he lowers his voice just so I can hear it and places both of my hands in his which causes my body to fall into him just a little. “I’m going to take care of you, okay? Do you trust me?”

  I bite my lip and nod my head, unable to say anything more. We stand there for a few moments, staring into each other’s eyes. He opens his mouth like he is about to say something when Blaire walks up to us.

  “Okay, mom!” she grabs me by the shoulders and shakes me. “Are you ready? I’m so excited for you! Quick! Let’s take a selfie before you head up there. We’ll be waiting for you when you land!”

  She’s snapping my picture, and I’m so in my head that I don’t even know if I’m smiling or not. Then, before I know it, Lip is grabbing my hand again and leading me toward the airplane. The very, very small airplane. . .


  And just like that, my plans have changed. And I’m not just talking about my plans for the night. I’m back in the plane again, but this time, it feels so much different. It’s the same small plane I've been jumping out of for a few months now, but suddenly, I’m nervous. I’m sitting in the small chair, and I can feel my leg twitching—something I do when I get nervous. Ava is sitting across from me with her hands folded in her lap. She has her eyes closed for a moment before she opens them and notices I’m staring. I give a quick smile and then quickly look down at the ground. I don’t want to make her more nervous by being some creepy guy ogling over her before she’s forced to be strapped onto me for the next few minutes…especially if she isn’t feeling what I’m feeling.

  God…is she feeling this?

  I look back up and she has her eyes closed again. Within a few moments, Ryan announces we’ve reached altitude and that it’s time. We all get unbuckled and meet near the door as practiced a few minutes before.

  “You okay?” I say to Ava as I adjust her harness.

  “Yeah,” she takes a deep breath. “I’m…really scared.”

  I look closer and notice tears welling up in her eyes. This is torture; I just want to take her in my arms and kiss her and let her know I’ll take care of her. But, I can’t do that. So, I just promise that she’ll be just fine.

  Once we are harnessed in tandem, we scoot over to the door and Byron opens it.

  “Okay, we’re here,” I say. I can feel her curves pressed against my body and the smell of the coconut in her hair sends my heart into fits. Just before we jump, I whisper into her:

  “You ready to fall, Ava?”

  She nods nervously, so I tell her to just take a deep breath and then we will count down slowly.


  Chapter Four


  Three hours later, I am in a cab on my way to a restaurant in downtown Ashland for a blind date. A blind date. I can’t believe I let Blaire talk me into this.

  “After you jump, you’re going to jump right into the dating world,” she said earlier, quite amused with her little pun. I, however, was not that amused. I know that I need to put myself out there—even after everything I’ve been through with Blaire’s father, I do still believe in true love and hope that it’s out there for me…somewhere.

  But, not on a blind date. Oh, god. I really don’t want to do this. My date is the nephew of a sweet older woman who lives down the street from me. Blaire and I have been getting groceries for her every week since she became sick a few months ago, so how could I have the heart to tell her I really didn’t want to go on a blind date with her nephew? So, here I am: in a cab, on my way to meet this guy while the
thrill from three hours ago is still charging through my veins. And not just from the jump. I can’t seem to shake these feelings, these thoughts about the man who had his arms wrapped around me as our bodies soared together 13,000 feet in the sky. And when I say soared, I mean, I felt invincible. With his strong arms wrapped around me and nothing but the clear, impeccable view of the earth below us, I felt like I could do anything. It was such a rush…and I have to feel it again.

  “Franklin?” I say gently to a man in a pressed blue suit sitting at the bar sipping a martini. He turns around to me and flashes a smile, then I notice the gold band on his left hand. A group of younger men are coming through the door as this is happening when one of them bumps into me, and I fall onto the man in front of me, spilling some of his martini.

  “Oh my god,” one of the younger guys says as he grabs my hand to pull me forward. “Miss, I’m so sorry about my friend. He didn’t mean to bump into you. He’s had a little too much to drink. It’s his bachelor party.”

  “I’m getting married,” the boozy groom slurs his words as two of his friends straighten him up.

  “Mmm hmm,” I remark, a little irritated, but I remember being that young and only wishing I could have a wild night out like that. I never got the opportunity being a mom at such a young age. “It’s fine. Congratulations.”

  The man in front of me wipes the spill up with his napkin and says, “I’m sorry, I’m not Franklin.” A beautiful brunette woman walks over from the restroom and wraps a territorial hand around her husband’s arm and gives me a phony smile. I hold my hands up and mouth an “I’m sorry,” and turn away from them. Then, suddenly, of the younger guys in the group puts a hand on my forearm.

  “I could be Franklin,” he says with a wink. I can smell the liquor warm on his tongue, and I have decided this is all not worth it. I have to get out of here.


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