Falling for Her Curves

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Falling for Her Curves Page 2

by Emma Lark

  “Ava?” I hear a voice call from behind me.

  “Shit,” I mutter under my breath before turning around. There is a very tall, thin man waving at me from a few tables away. He is dressed in a nice button-up with a pair of khakis. He has dusty blonde hair that he has swept across attempting to cover up the very apparent spot of hair missing from the top of his head. “You’re not fooling anyone, buddy, just embrace the balding,” I think to myself. But instead, I say out loud, “Franklin?”

  When I get to him, he pulls the chair out for me, and I take a seat. I notice right away how blue his eyes are.

  “You look beautiful,” he remarks.

  Okay, Ava. He is polite, complimentary, and he has very nice eyes. Give the poor guy a chance.

  And I do…for about forty-five minutes. And after forty-five minutes of this man rambling on and on about the “incompetent” younger generation he works with at some tech company, I can’t take it anymore.

  “Would you excuse me?” I say and politely rush off to the bathroom. After reapplying some lipstick and trying to come up with an excuse to leave this horrible date, I am almost run over again by the group of younger men outside the bathroom door.

  “Woah!” I shout out to one of them as he almost steps on my foot.

  “Hey, it’s the hot lady,” the arm-toucher says to me. “Hey, hot lady, remember me?”

  He then reaches his arm out again, but this time, it is headed straight for my ass. And then, out of nowhere, I see a guy from the center of the group reach out for his friend’s hand before he can touch me. The guy takes his arm and twists it behind his friend’s back and starts yelling at him. That’s when I realize it’s…

  “Lip?” saying the name out loud sets my mouth on fire. I can’t believe he’s here.

  Lip turns to me, still twisting the guy’s arm, “Ava?”

  “Lip, fuck, man, let me go,” the guy moans in pain.

  Lip lets go of the guy’s arm and gives him a playful shove, and then turns his attention back to me, “Sorry about him. He’s an idiot. . .what are you doing here?”

  “Franklin,” the drunk friend shouts out before the rest of the group walks away. “She’s here with Franklin.”

  Lip gives me a confused look, “Franklin? Is that your husband?”

  “Oh god, no,” I blurt out and then start nervously rambling. “No, no, not at all. He’s not my husband--I don’t have a Franklin. I mean, Franklin is not my husband. I don’t have a husband. Or a boyfriend. Franklin is a date type thing...he’s my date. It’s a blind date--”

  “Oh, so you’re on a date?” he asks. He genuinely sounds interested, almost a bit...jealous?

  “Um, yes, actually. And...it’s not going so well,” I give a laugh.

  “Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that,” he says and then shakes his head. “Actually, I’m not sorry to hear that. I’m glad it’s not going well.”

  His mouth forms into a slight smirk as he stares into my eyes. Before I can say anything, he says, “Do you need me to rescue you?”

  My stomach flutters and my knees go weak. I can’t form any words, so I just nod my head furiously.

  He gives a slight laugh and says, “Okay, I’ll rescue you. Go back to the table and I’ll get you out of this date. Just give me five minutes.”

  I giggle before replying with a confused, “Okay?”

  I take my seat back at the table across from Franklin and he is already going on again about his job when Lip walks up to our table.

  “Excuse me, do you own the Blue Suburban parked out front?”

  I give him a confused look before catching on and replying, “Oh, yes, yes, that’s my car.”

  “Well, it’s being towed,” Lip says, I can tell he is trying not laugh.

  “Oh no! What a shame! I have to go stop it!” I hop up out of my seat and turn to Franklin before rushing out of the restaurant following Lip’s lead. “Thank you for a lovely time! I’ll call you!”

  “Wait...I thought you took a cab?” I can hear Franklin’s voice fading out behind me as I follow Lip out the front door. We are practically running away from the restaurant when we fall into a fit of laughter after turning the corner. I’m laughing so hard, I almost fall over onto him.

  “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I just did that! I’ve never done anything like that before!” I am out of breath and have to grab on to his arm to calm my laughter.

  “And your first time jumping from a plane? You’ve had quite a day, huh?” he smiles at me. I can tell he’s teasing me, so I swat at his arm.

  “I know, I know. I live such an exciting life.”

  His face turns from laughing into a genuine smile. He reaches out and brushes the hair from my face, “Well, I think you’re pretty great…”

  The moment his hand touches me, my cheeks are on fire. He can’t be feeling the same way I am. He’s much too young for me.

  “Well, thank you...for that. For rescuing me from that awful date. I hope you have a good time with your friends,” I quickly throw my purse over my shoulder and start walking away.

  “Woah,” he says after I turn my back. “Where are you going?”

  I turn back around, “What do you mean?”

  “You’re just going to leave? Come have a drink with me.” His face lights up as a huge grin spreads from cheek to cheek.

  God. That smile. He wants to have a drink with me?...well, I guess one drink won’t--No, no, no, no, Ava, be smart, this is a--

  “Bad idea,” I blurt out.

  “What?” he looks crushed. “Look. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’m too--”

  “Young,” I finish his sentence, placing a hand on his wrist. “You’re so young, Lip. Look, you could probably have any girl you want…”

  He brings my hand up to his lips. My heart is racing. He softly kisses my hand...those lips…

  “But I don’t want just any girl,” his eyes are sparkling. “I want you. I think you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

  I can feel the heat flushing to my cheeks, and I can’t help the smile that starts to spread across my face. My head is trying to force the words from my mouth, but my heart...my heart is winning this battle.

  “Please,” his eyes are pleading. “Just one drink. That’s all I’m asking.”

  One more look into those eyes and before I can think, I’m nodding as he takes my hand and gently leads me to a bar down the street.


  I can’t believe my luck. The minute I had my arms wrapped around her and we jumped out of that plane, I knew I never wanted to let her go again. I haven’t stopped thinking about her. And then, just like that, she was there, standing in front of me again. I didn’t believe in signs before this, but this has to be a sign. I know she cares about the age thing, but I don’t care, and I’m going to convince her that I may be almost twenty years younger, but I’ll be the best she’s ever had. And I’m going to prove it tonight.

  Damn. That dress. Black, tight, and clinging to those curves in all the right places. I have to fight every urge to just pull her into a corner and rip that dress off with my teeth.

  As I’m leading her to the bar, every guy in this damn place turns around and looks over as we walk by.

  Yeah, get a good look, but she’s mine.

  I don’t usually get jealous, but there’s something about her that makes me puff out my chest to let every guy in this bar know she’s with me.

  I pull her around so she’s in front of me and throw a protective arm around the small of her back as we find a spot at the bar. Standing this close, I take in her scent again. She is intoxicating, and I can feel the bulge in my pants begin to throb. I lean in to ask what she’d like to drink, being sure to brush my lips close to her ear.

  “What do you want to drink, beautiful?” I whisper.

  “Hmm,” she thinks. “Red wine?”

  “You got it,” I say and then turn to the bartender. “Can I get two glasses of Malbec?”

  “Malbec?” she says with a smile. “I’m impressed.”

  After he pours two glasses, I lead her to a table in the back. It’s dimly lit with a tapered candle flickering between us. We are just a few feet from the fireplace that divides the bar in half and she looks almost ethereal in the glow from the flames.

  “This is a really nice place,” she comments looking around. “I’m surprised this is where you wanted to go.”

  “Ouch,” I joke, clutching my hands to my heart.

  “No!” she reaches out apologetically. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry. I just meant...you know…”

  She lets out a gentle sigh and takes a sip of her wine. I reach over and grab her hand.

  “Ava,” I say gently. “Look. I get it. I understand I am a lot younger than you, but...tell me you don’t feel this between us. Please, give me a chance. Just get to know me and if you still don’t feel comfortable, then I will walk out of here and never bother you again.”

  She looks up at me with those brown eyes and sighs again. I know she wants to say something else, but instead, she nods and says, “You’re right...okay, Lip. Tell me about yourself then.”

  “What do you want to know?” I can’t help the smile plastered to my face.

  She takes a moment and then replies, “Lip: Where does that name come from?”

  I give a nod and then tell her about my grandfather Philip and how I am named after name. Lip has been my nickname since before I can remember. My grandfather was also in the military and I’ve always looked up to him, so before I know it, I’m telling her all about my family, my time in the Marines, my injury, and my life. Without feeling like any time has gone by, we are talking for over two hours, and it’s like I can see the walls she has built up slowly falling one by one. She’s opened up and told me all about how she got pregnant at seventeen, her relationship with Blaire’s father, and how it’s always just been the two of them. I can’t believe how easy is it talking with her.

  Just as she begins to tell me about her job, her phone starts ringing.

  “Oh,” she says looking down at the phone. “It’s Blaire. I better take this.”

  I nod my head and can’t help but take in every inch of her as she turns her back to me and walks away. A thrill churns through me as I think about the possibility of this actually working out.

  ...if I am so lucky.

  Chapter Five


  “Mom?” Blaire says on the other end of the line.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” I say in a whisper, quickly realizing my fear that Blaire would not approve of what is going on between me and Lip. At least, I don’t think she would...would she?

  “Everything okay? I haven’t heard from you, so I take it the date is going well?” her voice sounds giddy, and I can’t help but feel her excitement, as well. Only, it’s not exactly the date she is picturing in her head. This is not with our neighbor's nephew. This is with someone different. Someone very different.

  I look down the hallway at Lip and my stomach sinks. My head is a rollercoaster of emotions right now--not only is he so much younger, he is also the friend of my daughter’s boyfriend. My head is telling me to end this right now before anything else can happen and to just get home. But...my heart.

  My heart.

  “Um,” I hesitate. “It’s, um, been interesting. It’s been really great. Actually, Blaire, I should probably tell you something--”

  “Oh mom! I’m so happy for you! I knew if you just put yourself out there, you would have such a good time!”

  “Oh, well, yes, but--”

  “Also, I am staying at Logan’s tonight, so the house is all yours.”

  She giggles into the phone before telling me she will see me in the morning. I don’t get the chance to tell her that the person I am with is not our neighbor’s nephew, but it’s:

  Lip. Lip.

  I look over at him. He is staring at me with those eyes and even if I let my head start doing the talking, one look into those eyes and I am done for.

  When I walk over to him, he stands up and before I can say anything, he says, “Ava, can I…”

  And before I can answer, he has pressed his soft lips into mine. Any doubts I have about this are momentarily abandoned because all I can do in this moment is kiss him back. Nothing feels more right in this moment than his lips locked into mine. I want to melt into him. When he pulls away, the voices in my head are slowly trickling back into play. I know if I don’t end the night right this second, things will get carried away.

  “Um,” I stumble over my words. “I think it’s time for me to get home.”

  He looks disappointed at first, but then he takes my hands and says, “Of course.”

  When we walk outside, I wave a cab over when he says, “Would you please allow me to ride with you just to make sure you get home safely?”

  “Oh,” I say imagining him sitting next to me in the backseat of a cab for the fifteen minute ride to my house. Can I manage another fifteen minutes alone with him without keeping my hands off of his hard body? “That’s really sweet of you. Yes, thank you.”

  Five minutes later, we are in the back of a cab and though my head is still screaming at me to end this now, I can’t stop thinking about that kiss. I planned on saying goodbye to him when we reach my house, but that kiss. His touch. I can’t take this. I abandon all my plans and decide right here, right now, that I will live in the moment.

  That kiss. I need more. I have to have more.

  Before I know what I am doing, I slide over to him, my hand resting on his thigh. He looks over at me and sucks in a breath. He glances toward the front seat--the cab driver has his headphones in and isn’t paying any attention to what is going on in the backseat. Inch by inch, I crawl my hand up his thigh toward the bulge that is throbbing beneath his pants. I slowly begin to stroke him and can’t believe how big he is. I nuzzle my lips close to him and slowly kiss up his neck, stopping at his earlobe. He lets out a stifled groan as I flick my tongue over his ear and grab his cock in my hand. I nip the bottom of his ear gently with my teeth.

  “Holy shit, Ava,” he whispers. I then feel his strong hand grabbing at my thigh and he is quick as she shoves his hand up the skirt of my dress. I spread my legs in response and grind my hips into his hand. Then, I feel his thumb slide up underneath my panties.

  “Mmm, you’re so wet,” he whispers in my ear. He removes his hand from my panties and brings it up to his mouth, licking my wetness from his fingers. He then gets his fingers really wet and shoves his hand back to my panties. My pussy is throbbing and my hips start grinding again at his touch. He forces his entire hand up under my panties, sliding two fingers inside of me. I clench my pussy around his grip and have to bite my tongue when he brings a thumb to my clit, flicking it just hard enough to bring me to the brink. All my inhibitions have disappeared and I am now just living in this moment. I want his entire body on top of me. I want him. I need him.


  She is still dripping all over my fingers when we pull up to her house.

  “This will be the only stop,” she says to the cab driver and tosses a twenty over the front seat. I’m practically stumbling out of the cab after her as she saunters up the walk to the door of her house.

  When we reach the door, I ask her, “Are you sure about this? I don’t want you to feel…”

  As I’m saying the words, I’m praying to god she doesn’t change her mind because all I want to do is rip those wet panties off of her.

  She responds by grabbing a chunk of my hair and pulling me into her. The fire between our lips is raging as I slide my tongue through her parted lips and she massages it with her own. She grabs my hand and slides it back up her dress, rubbing my fingers into her mound. Then, she suddenly pulls away from me and fumbles with her keys in the door.

  When we get inside, she walks over to her mantle and lights two candles atop the old fireplace. She does the same to two other candles in the living room and suddenly, w
e are in the center of the room lit up by the soft glow. She looks angelic in the reflection of the light, but the things I want to do to her are far from holy. I give her a slow, deliberate kiss and brush the hair back from her face.

  “Ava,” I say. “You are so perfect.”

  She smiles and turns around slowly, lifting her hair to the nape of her neck to reveal a long zipper at the back of her dress. I am slow and teasing as I unzip the dress, exposing her naked curves inch by inch. After I peel the dress off, I lower to my knees so I am at the perfect spot between her legs. I grab her luscious ass between my hands and then slide my head between her firm thighs. I start kissing my way up to her panties and peel them back with my teeth. The scent of her thick pussy makes my cock throb, and I want to devour her. I lick hard between her mound while bringing a finger to her clit. I switch between flicking a tongue and a finger on her clit until I can tell she’s almost about to cum. She’s moaning my name, and I want to hear her scream my name out again and again.

  Just as she’s about to explode, she shoves me off and says, “Not yet. Not like that. I want to ride you. I want you inside of me.”

  Hearing her plans about mounting me with that thick body causes me to start unbuttoning my pants quickly. She then takes over and slowly peels my pant legs off one at a time. The anticipation is killing me...and I love every second of it. She finally pulls my briefs down, and I spring out.

  “Wow,” she says looking down at my hard cock. “You really are all man, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I think I could teach you a few things,” I say and begin to gently lay her down on the floor before she sits back up, stopping me.

  “No,” she says, shoving a finger into my chest. “I’m going to teach you a few things. Get on your back. Now.”

  With that, she shoves me to the ground and then straddles me, one leg on each side of me. She peels her lace bra off over her head and her huge tits bounce wildly in front of my face. I can’t stop from immediately taking my tongue to her and start sucking on her large breasts. She moans with each suck at her nipple and slowly slides my cock up inside of her. She feels so warm and tight. The more I suck on her tit, the harder she grinds into my cock. She’s now swirling her hips riding my cock hard, and I have to bite my lip to keep from finishing.


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