Book Read Free

Taking Over

Page 1

by S. J. Maylee

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 S.J. Maylee

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-383-1

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Jennifer Glover


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I dedicate this book to all the good and bad girls out there. May you let love all the way into your heart and allow it to lighten your way.

  To Jennifer, thank you for helping me smooth out all the edges. I look forward to working with you again and again.

  To Kacey and Liz, you two rock! Thank you so much for your support, critical notes, and friendship.


  Love Projects, 3

  S.J. Maylee

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Gina Fontaine walked into Club Voyage Friday night, after letting another clueless coworker drive her to frustration. Lashing out at the fragile little thing wasn't her best moment, but she'd done Lydia a favor and probably saved her from a whole heap of heartache. And she certainly hadn’t put anything into Jake’s head about Lydia that wasn’t already there. He couldn’t possibly know Lydia well. They’d only started their first project together a few days ago.

  Gina knew from experience, if a relationship couldn't handle a little trouble, it was never going to make it in the end. Gina’s ex had known her for years and he’d been foolish enough to believe the ugliest of lies. She rubbed the empty spot on her finger where her wedding ring used to sit. She'd never gotten used to wearing the nuisance.

  A tick of guilt had her second-guessing her choice of bitter words for Lydia and Jake. A quick shake of her hands and the useless thoughts flew away. What was done, was done. If Lydia and Jake fell apart then it simply wasn't meant to be. Either way, she saved them time.

  The corner filled with the spanking benches caught her attention. Several submissives were getting their backsides worked over. The smacks of paddles hitting flesh and screeching subs giving in to their penance called to her. Not that she felt she deserved to be punished.

  She found a spot at the bar and ordered a drink. The only one she'd be allowed tonight since she intended to play. A few deep breaths and one dirty martini was all she needed. The salty bite of the cool liquid zapped the dreariness from her. Life may have dealt her a bitter pill, but she'd taken a lesson from it all and learned how to cut through the bullshit and move on.

  Rob created a whole heap of rubble when he walked out of her life. What was done was done. They were both better off. It didn't matter if his reasons for divorcing her were based on truth or not. It was final and there was nothing to do but move on.

  She finished her drink, nudged the empty glass forward, and explored the room, drinking in the rich atmosphere of club members getting what they needed. The small dance floor tempted her. Several couples had a smooth groove going that matched the heavy beats pumping through the room. She thought about stepping out. A good dance always made her feel better.

  Instead, she made her way through the room and stopped at the railing near the spanking benches. A quick look around and she couldn't find a single Dom who wasn't already working a sub's bottom to a bright shade of pink, maybe she would head back to the dance floor.

  A loud whack sounded behind her and she whipped around. A Dom stood near the wall of paddles and floggers. Actually, considering his leather pants and dark shirt, he was probably a Master. He smacked a wooden paddle against his hand, placed it back on the hook, and examined another. She couldn't see his face, but between his confident stance, thick shoulders, and tapered waist, attraction was instant. The way he examined each paddle before smacking his hand had her body tingling. What would it be like to be on the receiving end of a spanking made with such care? He took a step back, a wide paddle in his hand, and turned.


  Her week just wasn't going to get any better.

  She turned before he could see her. The last thing she wanted to hear was another jab from Marcus. The man had a talent for pushing her buttons.


  Shit. She rolled her shoulders and turned around. “Marcus.” He was the epitome of male hunkiness. It always bugged her. His hair was made for dragging your fingers through and his devilish blue eyes drew her in. Both were a cover for his cruel words.

  The dark lighting must have played a trick on her. Usually she spotted his light colored locks from across the room, making it quite easy to steer clear of him. However, submissives in the club flocked to him for their training.

  “I'm not surprised you've come to the spanking benches. What have you done now?”

  “Funny. I'd say it's good to see you, but I'm not one to lie.”

  “Really?” He shifted, squaring his hips in her direction, clasping his wrists in front of him. The paddle, still held in his hand, concealed an important portion of his leather-covered bottom half. “I haven't observed that to be true.”

  “Always the gentleman.” This had to be a new record. In less than a minute, he had her loathing herself. It didn't matter he was working on incorrect data. “Hope not to see you again.” She waved as she turned to go.


  She kept moving.

  His hand came down on her shoulder and pulled her around. “When a Master tells you to wait, you do as you're told. Our personal history doesn't erase protocol. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her chest rubbed against his. From under her lashes, she looked up into his light blue eyes and, for a second, wished she could forget why she hated him.

  “I'm sorry.” He stepped back and let his hand fall. “You came to this area because you needed something from the benches. I'm the only one free right now.” He raised his hand and brushed away the hair hanging in front of her eyes. “I can give you what you need.”

  Once again, Marcus showed himself as the good guy. She didn’t like him because he had a tendency to call her out on her mistakes and she was certain he thought her supposed latest was a doozy, since it ended her marriage.

  “That's nice of you, but it's okay.” She took a step back.

  “I can see that it's not.” He took a step forward. “We can push past our history and live in this moment.” He grabbed her hand. “Let me help.”

  Warmth gathered in her core. She'd seen this side of him, but they'd never scened together. She tilted her head to the side and examined him. The first time she gazed into his blue eyes, she knew he'd cause her problems. He could see the truth through all the mess, not that he ever tried to understand her. She didn't want to know what he'd see if he ever took a closer look at her. Fear ticked up her spine. She had a feeling that he alone would be her undoing.

  Desperate to let go, she knew the sting of a paddle was what she needed, but sometimes it was hard to separate feelings discovered at the spanking bench. She laughed out loud. Since there was no way she'd start to care about Marcus now, she decided to take him up on his offer. After all, she was determined to reach the kind of release only a good reddened ass could provide.

  “Thanks, Marcus.” She walked to the only free bench and bent over the apparatus, putting her forearms on the padded rests and grasped the holding bar. Her short skirt would already be giving him quite a show. For the first time, she wished the club allowed submissives to wear pant

  “Since we've never played together, I won't be restraining you. We certainly don't have that kind of trust. You understand how important it is not to move, correct?”

  “Yes, Sir, I understand. I won't move.” It pinched her last nerve to call him sir, but he was doing her a great service. For these few minutes, she'd give him the respect any Master in this club deserved.

  He flipped her skirt up over her back, exposing her round ass. The paddle brushed over her lower back, across her hip, and down the length of her leg to her knee. His hand followed the paddle with a feather touch, allowing a soothing bliss to spread over her skin.

  The room either quieted or she'd blocked out the noise but she welcomed the peace, needing to remember why she was there. He repeated the pattern on the other side, drawing her in with his tenderness. She swallowed against the unwelcomed thoughts threatening to break her concentration.

  “I'll give you twenty swats. I expect you to count them.”

  “Okay. Thank you, Sir.”

  The paddle rubbed over her right cheek and then smacked against it, rocking her whole body. The force behind the swat surprised her, this was not her first mistake. What had she been thinking? Submitting to Marcus was on her list of things to never try. She had to give him more credit. He'd caught her off her game.

  “We'll start back at one each time you forget to count.” He smacked her other cheek.

  “One. Sorry, Sir.”

  “Not as sorry as your ass will be if you forget again.” He dragged the paddle along her skin in the same figure as before, spreading the sensitivity. “I have no problem paddling your ass all night.” He smacked her right cheek again.

  “Two...three...four.” Somewhere over the next couple of swats, Gina remembered why she'd come back into the club tonight. Her knuckles turned white with the force of her grip. She gulped in a breath of air and waited for the next hit to land with its punishing kiss of heat, but none came. Marcus stepped into her line of sight, just out of reach. The paddle was no longer in his hand.

  “I'll keep counting, Sir. Please, I need this.”

  He lowered himself beside her and reached out to caress her fingers until she released her strangle hold. “I'll finish, after I've determined you're in the right frame of mind.”

  She dropped her head and squeezed her eyes shut to force the pressure to retreat. She would not break, not here, not in front of Marcus. She lost her balance and slid sideways.

  “Whoa.” He reached under her arms, lifting her. “I've got you.”

  He held her tightly, chest to chest, and her resolve crumbled. Guilt consumed her like a fire racing across an empty field. She melted into him, not wanting to know why he felt so right. The emptiness that had been filling her life drifted away as the strength in his hold swirled around her. She exhaled and let go.

  “There, that's better.” He sat and settled her on his lap. “What was that all about?” He pulled back and gripped her shoulders.

  “Nothing.” A million different thoughts flew through her mind. The temptation to tell him the truth ran rampant. She swallowed against the ball of pain forming in the back of her throat. The truth. Not that he'd believe her.

  “I can tell it's not nothing.” His focus remained on her and his grip remained unyielding.

  “If you're not up to finishing my spanking, I can find someone else.” All her energy was concentrated on keeping her focus steady. The last thing she wanted was for Marcus to see her weakness.

  “I'll finish what we started, but I need you to know you can talk to me. I'm a Master here, Gina. No matter our personal history, I'm here for you.”

  “Sure, I get it.” Nothing like knowing he was looking after her because he had to.

  “I've known you a long time, just as long as Rob. I may not understand much of what drives you but if you open yourself to me, I know I can help.”

  “You'd like that. Wouldn't you?” She shifted off his lap and took a step back. “A peek inside what makes Gina tick. You can stop wasting your time. I'm not here to be fodder for your standup routine.”

  “That's a cop-out. I've never known you to be chicken.”

  “Hardly. I can handle anything you're able to dish out.”

  He stood and removed all distance between them, forcing her to look up. Light danced off the golden hues in his hair and his enticing woodsy scent almost knocked her down to her knees. She held her breath.

  “Are you done?” His gaze dared her to back down and justify everything he’d ever thought of her. Marcus thought he had her pegged, but it was a mistake to count her out.

  “I'm far from done.” She stepped back to the bench and got back into position. “I'm ready, Sir.”

  “The invitation will remain open. If you ever want to talk, you can come to me.”

  “Understood. Can I get my spanking now?”

  He whacked her on the ass with his bare hand.

  “What was that for?” Fire lit up her backside. The delicious sting silenced her next retort. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Better.” He flipped up her skirt and rubbed both cheeks. “I won't make you count this time. As long as you stay focused, I'll continue.” He teased between her folds.

  Warmth pooled in her core. She came to the benches for punishment, not expecting to get off. Marcus was the last person she expected to pleasure her. Warning bells rang through her thoughts. What was he after?

  He circled her clit and pushed inside. “There we go.” He pumped into her repeatedly and then circled her clit again. “Nice and wet.”

  She wanted to rock against him. Taking the pleasure would be easy, but she needed the punishment. It silenced the reminders of the mess her life had become and forced her to accept her part in the wreckage. In the end, she was to blame. She deserved the punishment. Pleasure coursed through her and the need to give in rose. It took all of her control to remain still. Punishment was what she needed. It was what she wanted.

  He smacked the paddle across each buttock repeatedly. The strength of each hit fell harder and harder. She gasped. No Dom had ever hit her quite so hard. She was certain she'd feel the sting tomorrow. All day long she could relive the spanking.

  Once again he swiped through her folds, around her clit, and then inside her pussy. He pumped two, then three fingers, curling them before pulling out.

  The titillation was too much. “No, I don't need this, please.” A cold sweat dampened her skin when she realized her first thought tomorrow would be of the pleasure Marcus forced to her feel.

  “I'll decide what you need.” He smacked her ass, caressed her pussy and then flicked her clit repeatedly. “Come for me, Gina.”

  “No.” Her fight was useless. She slipped further into the luxury of pleasure.

  He hit her ass twice on each cheek. “Let it go, Gina.”

  She screamed as waves of bliss spread through her system, forcing out all reason.

  “That's it. Let it go.” He pumped into her pussy and she squeezed him. Pulses of pleasure continued as he steadily moved his fingers within her. “Beautiful.”

  He rubbed her ass, awakening the sting. She melted onto the bench as a quiet burning contrasted splendidly with the pleasure. At that moment, she needed nothing. Her needs were met, except it would all be ruined if he insisted on giving her aftercare. He gave her no choice in the pleasure. She could handle Marcus spanking her but there was no way she'd accept his gentle touch. It would certainly spoil the night.

  “I'll give you another minute and then you'll sit with me.” He rubbed a salve all over her backside and flipped down her skirt.

  “You don't need to. I'll be okay.”

  “This is not a discussion.” He took hold of her elbow and helped her off the bench. “Can you walk?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She'd crawl to the couch before she let Marcus carry her through the club.

  “Good. Follow me.” He handed the paddle to the sub working clean up and headed to the nearest set of couches. “You can sit nex
t to me or at my feet.”

  Neither option appealed to her. Sitting at his feet seemed the least appealing, but would negate conversation. She slid to the floor and accepted the bottle of water he held out.

  “Thank you.” She sipped the water.

  Marcus rested his hand next to her shoulder. Many of the Doms there liked to play with her hair. The long locks were worth all the trouble. His hand didn't move though. It was just enough to assure her he remained with her. It wasn't intrusive. Simply reassuring. Throughout the whole damn scene, he'd delivered what she'd needed, not what she wanted.

  She closed her eyes and tipped her head back. Tension fled from her body and for the first time in weeks she felt lighter despite the burden she carried.


  At any moment he knew she could break from the spell and go back to being a pain in the ass. Her silky hair blanketed his fingers. He cursed himself for wanting to explore her further. She had no need for him. It was just one scene and nothing more. He reminded himself he didn't know the alluring woman at his feet. At one time, he thought he knew everything. Those were the days he envied his best friend. For years, he believed Rob was a lucky bastard. That was until this vixen had cheated on her husband and broken Rob's heart. She relaxed against him, leaning her head back and allowing him the space to caress her cheek. He always imagined her skin to be soft, but nothing compared to its actual silken texture.

  “How are you doing tonight, Marcus?”

  He looked up and found Keller, the owner of the BDSM club and his new boss at Voyage Industries. “Pretty good.”

  “Mind if I sit?”

  “Not at all. I think she's going to be out for a bit.”

  “I think you're right. I haven't seen her orgasm in the club in a long time. It's good to see her finally let go.”


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