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The One Night Stand

Page 7

by Elizabeth Hayley

  “The worst idea ever?” Manny said.

  “The biggest mistake of your career?” Jace added.

  “Shut up and let the woman speak,” Gabe said. He was already standing in celebratory anticipation. He would not let a bum knee keep him from jumping up and down when Rachel said she was going to write an article about him.

  Rachel smiled, clearly amused at their banter. “I was thinking an article about retired athletes from the four major sports would be interesting to a lot of sports fans. People are used to seeing their favorite sports figures in headlines while they’re still playing, but after they retire, typically fans don’t have as much insight into their lives. I thought it would be fun to give people a glimpse into what life is like beyond the buzzer, so to speak.”

  Manny looked incredulous. “And you thought it was a good professional decision to include Gabe in an article that’s supposed to be ‘fun’ and ‘interesting’?” he said, using air quotes to emphasize how ridiculous he thought the idea was.

  “You guys are assholes,” Gabe said, but he couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I do,” Rachel replied with a nod. “My plan is to focus on athletes of different ages and places in their lives. Gabe’s still young, and he retired at the height of his career. He doesn’t have a wife or kids or anything tying him down. The possibilities of what he could do with his time are endless.”

  “And yet he’s chosen to do nothing,” Jace said. “What could be more interesting than that?”

  “I do stuff,” Gabe defended.

  Jace looked at him, obviously knowing there was no way that Gabe would reveal that he’d taken over the club.

  “You’re helping all of those animals,” Rachel said. “I think people would be surprised to know that.”

  “I know I was surprised,” Jace said, causing Gabe to mouth a Fuck you at him. At least Gabe had thought to adopt two kittens after telling Rachel about his latest way of giving back. It made him feel better knowing his claim about helping animals wasn’t a complete lie. The fact that he was somewhat allergic to cats had no bearing on his decision to suddenly share his place with Tom and Jerry—who were no doubt hiding somewhere because of all the company. There was no way he was getting a dog. No. Way.

  Gabe managed to avoid any glances toward Manny, who he was sure was wondering what the fuck Rachel was talking about. Thankfully, even if Manny was skeptical, their bro code wouldn’t allow him to call Gabe out on it.

  Rachel continued. “That’s actually what made me think that profiling you first might be a good idea. I saw that commercial with Sarah McLaughlin and all of those sad puppies, and I thought, people need to know everything you’re doing for the local community—that your contribution to the Philadelphia area didn’t stop when your baseball career ended. I thought I could do kind of like a day in the life of Gabriel Torres kind of thing and follow you around. You know, really see what you do with your time now that it’s not devoted to baseball.”

  Gabe had been so excited at the prospect of Rachel wanting to focus a quarter of the article on him that he hadn’t stopped to consider how she’d get her information or what the article might include. It would be more trouble than it was worth to let Rachel see the ins and outs of his daily routine. “That’s nice and all,” Gabe began, “but to be honest, the guys are right. I’m not that interesting. But I’m sure I could hook you up with some people who are. Manny’s got a lot going on actually, like with the…”

  He pointed at Manny, hoping his friend would help him out. Gabe should’ve known better. “I don’t know what he’s talking about,” Manny said. “Coming here is the most I’ve done in weeks.”

  “Well, I for one, think it’s a great idea to profile our friend here,” Jace said, squeezing the back of Gabe’s neck so hard he thought he might pass out.

  Obviously sensing Gabe’s hesitation, Rachel assured him that she only wanted to include Gabe in the article if he wanted to do it. She didn’t want to force him into anything.

  “Are you kidding?” Jace said. “Gabe’s been waiting for the day when someone would devote pages to him, right buddy?”

  Though Jace obviously didn’t want Rachel finding out about the club, he also probably knew that Gabe could prevent that from happening. It would just be a huge pain in his ass. Which was exactly why Jace was suddenly on board with the idea.

  And since Gabe was never one to back down from a challenge, he found himself giving Rachel a wide smile and saying how he couldn’t be more excited. Add that to the list of ridiculous lies he’d told her.


  Rachel hadn’t been lying when she’d said that it would be like she was one of the guys. She’d watched the second half of the game with Gabe and his friends and had thoroughly enjoyed herself. They’d discussed who they all thought would make it to the finals, and Rachel had easily taken part in the conversation. After Jace and Manny had left, she’d teased Gabe about how awestruck he’d looked while she was interacting with the guys. But he’d simply said that he’d never been more turned on talking about sports before.

  “So maybe I’m not one of the guys after all,” she said, laughing.

  “No. You're way hotter than Manny. I promise.”

  “You’re crazy,” she said with a shake of her head as she opened Gabe’s recycling and put her empty bottle inside.

  “And you’re beautiful.” When she turned back around to face him, his normally easygoing expression had transformed into something more serious. She could feel the weight of his stare on her, his eyes heavy with the same desire she felt whenever she thought of him now. “I mean it,” he said, moving closer to her.

  “You’re drunk” was her only reply.

  He shook his head. “Uh-uh. No such thing as beer goggles when I’ve only had three beers. You’re gorgeous.”

  Rachel wanted to roll her eyes but managed to stop herself. Gabe was being incredibly sweet. She didn’t know why she felt the need to tease him about the compliment. Though when she thought more about it, she realized it probably had something to do with the fact that she rarely received such overt compliments from the men she’d dated.

  Wait, was she dating Gabe? They’d had sex once and gone on one date. That hardly qualified as dating. But she found herself wanting more—whatever “more” meant.

  When they were in college, Gabe had always been so free with his compliments, and she’d attributed it to his “player” lifestyle, like she was just one more girl he hoped to add to the already long list of women he’d been with. It had been the main reason she’d turned him down so many times when he’d asked her out. She couldn’t be some name he’d forget one day. Mainly because she knew she wouldn’t forget him.

  And now years later their paths had somehow crossed again when they’d run into each other at the Super Bowl after party. And then again when Rick had said that the lead to article of her career happened to be in Gabe’s town. The universe had thought it was a good idea to throw them together again, and she couldn’t pretend she was disappointed in that. She knew even if she and Kellan hadn’t run into Gabe that day at lunch, she could only avoid telling him she was in town for so long before she eventually called him. And though she hated that her true reason for being in Philly was something she couldn’t share with Gabe, she’d done what she could to rectify that by coming up with an article that she would not only actually write, but would hopefully allow her to get some time and money from Rick while she focused on both articles.

  “Why are you so nice?” she asked, her head tilting to the side as she placed her hands on the counter behind her.

  He lifted an eyebrow at her and slid a hand into the pocket of the white mesh shorts he was wearing. She found herself remembering what was underneath them and had to direct her attention back to his other head. “Um… because if I wasn’t, my mom would find a wooden spoon that reached from Puerto Rico to Pennsylvania and beat my ass with it.” Then he smiled this shy little smile that was somehow so not Gabe. “And also
because I like you,” he said. “And for the first time since I met you, I think you like me too.”

  Rachel felt herself blush at his words. “I always liked you.”

  Rachel noticed the corner of his mouth turn up as he jerked his head back in surprise. “No way.”

  “It’s true.”

  “Was it like when kids have a crush on someone in grade school and they tease and torment them to show they care?” Gabe joked.

  “I never tortured you. And we hung out once or twice after I interviewed you.”

  “We did. But you didn’t seem all that interested in taking things any further than coffee or lunch or whatever.”

  Her shoulders lifted into a shy shrug. “I was interested in you. I just wasn’t interested in being Gabriel Torres’s next conquest.”

  She hadn’t meant for her words to sting. But when she saw Gabe try to hide a wince, she regretted saying them. “I’m sorry. That’s not what—”

  “No, it is,” Gabe said quietly. “It’s okay though. I deserved that.” He brought a hand up to cup her face while he looked into her eyes with his warm brown ones. “But for what it’s worth, you were never a conquest. And you certainly aren’t now.”

  “Then what am I?” she asked.

  “Someone I enjoy spending time with. Someone who’s incredibly beautiful. And smart. Someone I wanna kiss so badly right now it’s hard for me to keep using my mouth to speak.”

  “Then you should probably stop talking and kiss me.”

  And just like that his lips were on hers, his solid body pressing against her as she relaxed into him. Her whole body responded to his touch. It seemed like every nerve, every inch of skin was alive with pleasure.

  Gabe’s hands roamed her body slowly—carefully, as if he wanted to savor every second of their encounter. It was different from their first time together, which felt rushed and frantic with need. She sucked in a breath when she felt Gabe’s mouth on her neck. He remained there for what felt like an eternity because, though she was thoroughly enjoying it, she wanted his mouth on other, more intimate parts of her.

  “I love the little sounds you make,” Gabe whispered against her skin.

  She'd been so focused on what he was doing, she wasn't even aware she'd made any sounds. “Yeah?” she said, more as a moan than an actual word.

  He let out a low “mm-hmm” against her throat as he gradually worked his way to her collarbone. He pulled her sweater to the side to gain access to her shoulder, but the shirt didn’t stay on for long anyway. Gabe pulled it over her head and set it on the counter behind her, and now kissed the swell of her breasts as he carried her toward what she assumed was his bedroom.

  Instinctually, her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her, though it was more for pleasure than it was to ensure she didn’t fall. She was practically writhing against him. She had no idea how he was able to carry her so easily, and though it made her wonder if it bothered his knee, she decided not to ask.

  Once inside his room, the two collapsed onto his soft mattress—causing his two new kittens, Tom and Jerry, to finally make an appearance by darting out from under the bed. Rachel and Gabe both laughed softly as they watched the gray furry felines disappear into the hall.

  When Gabe’s focus returned to her, the weight of his body was a welcome feeling over hers. He wasn’t quite resting himself fully on her, but was putting enough pressure against her clit to make her wonder if he would make her come from this alone. There were only a few thin layers of fabric between them, and somehow they caused the sensation of his erection to be more powerful. The way the seams of their clothing rubbed her, how thick and fully ready he was as he moved between her legs. His movements were slow, causing a gradual build deep inside her that had her aching for him to move faster, thrust harder.

  When she could feel her release creeping down her body, she clung onto him harder, sliding her hands down the back of his shorts and digging her nails into the meat of his ass. She knew what Gabe meant when he’d said he’d liked the sounds she made because the raspy and labored groan he let out had her nearly convulsing under him.

  “Gabe,” she huffed out. “I need you to…” Her brain somehow disconnected from her voice, making her unable to finish the sentence. She was incapable of any coherent thoughts as Gabe’s cock continued to stroke her.

  “You need me to what?” Gabe asked. His movements had stopped with his words and his face held concern. But for what, she wasn’t sure. “Is this okay? What I was doing? We can… I can…”

  Oh God. He thought she wanted him to stop or was unsure if she wanted him to keep going. Pulling at the back of his hair, which was slightly damp with sweat, she gave him a sweet smile and guided him toward her for a kiss that was as innocent as Rachel could manage for the moment. But despite its softness, there was a heat to it—an attraction that made her entire body crave him in a way that she’d never craved anyone before. “Yes,” she finally said when their lips parted. “This is… God, it’s perfect.” She wasn’t quite sure what could make fooling around with your clothes still on perfect, but Gabe had accomplished it.

  “Oh, okay. That’s good,” he whispered, his shy smile growing wider at her words. “Because I really didn’t want to stop.”

  “Well that makes two of us,” she said before pressing her lips to his again.

  But this time was different. The kiss was long and passionate and completely consuming. It held a power that made her lose all sense of time. The only thing that mattered was now. She thought of nothing but Gabe’s hands on her and hers on him as they explored all the parts of him she hadn’t been sober enough their first time together to pay any attention to. She focused on every freckle, every scar and soft hair. He was quite possibly the sexiest man she’d ever seen naked.

  She felt herself submit to him as one of his hands pinned both of hers over her head. She was sure she could get up if she wanted to, but there was no way in hell she was moving right now. Not with Gabe’s scruff tickling her neck as he kissed it. And definitely not when his mouth went to her breasts, lavishing each nipple with equal attention.

  Somehow there was no rush despite their need for one another, and when Gabe finally sheathed himself in the condom he’d grabbed from the table next to his bed and slid inside her, she nearly came from that feeling alone. She was so full, so ready. And with him seated fully inside her and momentarily still, she could feel how thick he was.

  His thrusts were long and slow and had her begging for more. She felt him chuckle against her ear more than she heard it, and she supposed it was because he was enjoying how needy she was. He continued his measured strokes inside her until at last he rolled her onto him so she could set the pace. She was almost embarrassed of how frantic she was as she rode him, but it was Gabe. Somehow she was able to let herself go around him and let go of all her insecurities.

  Her hands were on her own chest and then on her clit as she rubbed herself shamelessly toward an orgasm she was certain she’d never be able to replicate alone.

  “I’d tell you how hot that is, but I’m pretty sure you already know,” Gabe said, his voice low and raw.

  Too turned on, she couldn’t even respond, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she lost complete control of herself.

  “Let me,” Gabe said, taking over where she’d left off.

  Her hands went to his shoulders and then to his thighs so she could lean back and give Gabe the access he needed. Their labored breaths were practically in sync with one another, and she wondered if Gabe was as close as she was. A few seconds later her body shook with her release, and as she tightened around him, Rachel could feel Gabe follow behind her. Their moans and choppy breaths mingled in the heat between them.

  And now that Rachel had gotten to thoroughly enjoy Gabriel Torres, she was sure no one else would ever match up to him.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You look very formal,” Gabe said. He’d never thought a woman looked so hot in a suit before, but
the way the navy skirt hugged Rachel’s toned legs had him remembering what it felt like to be between them. She took off her jacket and hung it carefully on the tall chair at the high-top table, revealing a white blouse that was just sheer enough to allow him a glimpse of the bra she wore underneath. “I feel underdressed.”

  Rachel placed her MacBook on the table and opened it. Then she set a legal pad and pen beside it. “I felt like I should be professional since we’ll be discussing the specifics of your part of the article. Sometimes I’m more efficient if I dress like I’m going to work, even when I’m not.” Looking slightly embarrassed, she laughed. “That probably makes no sense.”

  “No, I get it. It’s like when people who work from home take a shower and get dressed before they start their day. Because staying in their pajamas would make them want to lay around instead of work.”

  “Yes,” Rachel said, smiling. “Exactly like that.” She started up her computer as the waitress came over to get their drink order.

  Gabe ordered a pitcher of margaritas for them and some chips and guacamole to start, but before the server left, it occurred to him that maybe Rachel wouldn’t want to drink. “Is that okay?” he asked. “I figured we can’t have Mexican food without margaritas, but I know you’re technically working, so if you don’t want to drink…”

  “No, a margarita or two’s fine. You may have to finish the rest of the pitcher on your own though.”

  “Not a problem,” Gabe assured her before thanking the server, who then left to grab their drinks.

  She returned a few moments later with a pitcher and two glasses for them. Pouring the first of their drinks, she told them their appetizer would be out soon.

  “Okay,” Rachel said. “Let’s get started.” She offered Gabe a small smile, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that she seemed a little… distant.

  “Sounds good.” Gabe wasn’t exactly sure what they’d be discussing when Rachel had suggested that the two of them meet to go over the focus of the article, and he hadn’t asked any questions, figuring that Rachel would lead the conversation.


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