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Immortal Lord (Immortal Protectors Book 4)

Page 8

by H. M. McQueen

  Dropping his hand, she remained speechless. Fallon sunk onto a nearby chair. “We’re mated,” he told her, not meeting her gaze. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I don’t think it’s legal,” Tonia began but stopped when he looked up and gave her a “get real” look, she shrugged and gave up.

  “This is a different world,” Fallon told her, rubbing his face with both hands. “After this binding, you and I cannot be with another, we are bound for life—you’re now my life mate.”

  “Oookay, look I can tell you totally believe this. But I decide when and who I marry, not some Italian boss man with freaky powers.”

  Fallon gave her a defeated look. “Fine don’t believe me, test it if you wish. Even a kiss with another will sicken you. Especially right now, so soon after the ceremony.”

  Tonia placed her hands on his shoulders. “I have a hard time understanding how you can believe all this mumbo-jumbo. I tell you what. Watch this.” Tonia jumped up and hurried from the room, Fallon on her heels. She entered the kitchen where Logan and Kieran stood by the coffeepot. She grabbed Logan’s arm and turned him to face her. “I need you to kiss me.”

  “Huh?” Brows scrunched the cowboy looked to Fallon who nodded.

  His arms against his sides, Logan allowed Tonia to pull his head down and bring his mouth to hers.

  Logan’s wide eyes met his the entire time their lips were joined. Fallon could only shake his head when the beast inside growled furious, but it didn’t force him to react, seeming to understand that she needed to learn this lesson.

  “Auck!” Hearing Tonia squawk, he almost laughed, but the temporary levity was lost when she ran to the nearest bathroom and began to throw up. He followed her, not sure what she’d do next.

  “What the hell was that all about?” he heard Logan asking Kieran, who laughed.

  “I’m not sure, I think the bride is reluctant.”


  Chapter Ten

  Gerard stalked past several buildings, not bothering to search for a victim in the lighted areas. He’d spent the last few hours looking for the British Protector without avail. Seemed the male was staying home this night. Too many people were at Fallon’s house for him to flash there.

  The ability to control more than one mind at a time now took too much out of him. He wouldn’t try it and fail when surrounded by Protectors. Yet another nuisance of his weaning strength.

  Spying a lone female walking toward her car, he flashed to her. At her startled gasp, he couldn’t help but smile. Next, she’d look at him with appreciation, noting his good looks.

  The female scrutinized him and then she hit the car alarm. He growled. How could she resist him? Hand extended, he blasted the car with an energy force deactivating the noisy blaring. The woman took a step back, preparing to run. He grabbed her arm and slammed her back against the car. Leaning into her, with his body, he was able to block any onlooker from seeing anything. She trembled, her mouth opened to scream, but was unable to when he covered it with his. Taking her ability to speak, he lifted his head and turned her head roughly to the side. Fear spiked and blood quickened, the beautiful vein at her throat pulsing, calling to him. The snap of his incisors’ fast descent made the woman start. “In a moment, you will be crying out for me to take more from you.”

  The rich liquid flooded into him when he bit into her neck. Her blood was rich; the feisty female provided strong energy so he couldn’t stop himself from gorging. When she went limp, he was forced to stop. He opened the car door and placed her into the seat and strapped her in to ensure she stayed upright. The woman would survive. Maybe.

  He walked away. Now on to the next.

  When a man turned into a darkened alley, Gerard hurried behind him, only to stop when his intended victim entered the back door of a restaurant.

  Frustrated, he continued on, hoping to find someone who exited through a rear entrance for a smoke break. Moving from the side of a building, a shadow formed straight ahead and Gerard stiffened.

  The air changed at the scent of leather that came from the Protector who stepped into the alley. His long duster pushed back to showcase two revolvers, the new Texas Protector completed the ensemble with western boots and a black hat. Gerard’s mouth watered at the thought of drinking from an immortal.

  Before he could react, shots rang out, two slugs hitting him in the chest. Gerard flashed sideways as a third whizzed past his head.

  “Bullets don’t kill me idiot,” he hissed at the male, whose glowing eyes followed him, his gun pointed at him. Another bullet grazed his arm as Gerard flashed again.

  “Yeah, but it’s fun to shoot you,” West replied with a lazy drawl.

  Furious, Gerard drew his sword and flashed to the male, slicing down toward his throat only to be blocked by the Protector’s own blade.

  The Protector’s gaze pinned him when he flashed a short distance away. He couldn’t afford a fight right now, he’d not had enough blood and the gunshot wounds didn’t help.

  “What’s the matter demon, not in the mood to die?” The cowboy stepped closer, his eyes narrowing when spotting the wet stain from the bleeding on Gerard’s shirt. “Well I’ll be damned. Never seen a Master leak before.”

  “You’ll live to regret this.” Gerard threw a dagger at the Protector as he flashed away, satisfied when he heard the Texan holler.

  “Ow, shit!”

  Chapter Eleven

  Tonia paced in the guest bedroom, not sure what else to do. Thankfully her stomach finally decided to settle, but she still felt woozy. If a kiss caused this much discomfort, she didn’t want to know what going further with another man would do.

  Another Man. Was Fallon even human? She’d seen fangs. What the hell was he? A vampire?

  Frustrated, she went to the bed and picked up her cell phone. She had to get away, too much was happening too fast. A knock on the door made her hesitate. Not sure she wanted to face him now, she waited before answering, “Yes?”

  “It’s Fallon, may I come in?”

  How could she find it so difficult to turn away a man who could possibly be some sort of hellish beast? “Yes.”

  Fallon walked in, his gaze meeting hers only for a moment. “How are you feeling?”

  “I don’t think I have to tell you how I feel right now,” she replied. “You can probably see it. I’m still green.”

  “It is my duty as your mate to protect you, at all times.” He eyed the cell in her hand. “You can’t leave this house now Tonia, you will have to live here.” He remained in place, just inside the door.

  She stalked to stand in front of him. “What? Will I begin throwing up again if I get too far from you? I can’t believe this shit. By the way, you didn’t have to look so horrified to be tied to me. Obviously, you’re not happy, so why don’t you help me leave?”

  Other than a slight tick at his jaw, he remained outwardly calm. “It’s not what you think. I could not wish for a better mate. And if you go far from me, you will not get sick. Not exactly.”

  What choice did she have? The more information she got, the easier it would be to deal with the situation. Tonia stepped back to allow him to pass. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

  His demeanor changed. With flared nostrils and voice tight, Fallon’s demeanor finally snapped. “I didn’t want this anymore than you did Tonia. If ever there was a worse time to be mated, I can’t think of it.” He raked his fingers through his hair, which of course fell back into place perfectly. “Unfortunately, it’s done. We’ll be mates for the rest of our lives. We must accept it.”

  He took a deep breath seeming to calm and switched back to the old perfectly in control male. “I will be a good husband to you. You will never have to worry for anything. I will provide anything you need. You don’t have to work unless you wish to.”

  She wanted to yell in frustration, but kept quiet and waited to see where this was heading. His violet eyes reflected her anxiety, at being thrown into an unexpected situation. “The n
ext few days will be hard for the Protectors, but once we get a certain situation under control, we can spend time getting to know each other, maybe even go on a trip.”

  She went to the fireplace and stared at the logs. “I’m sorry Fallon, but I can’t allow this relationship to go further. We were nothing more than casual lovers. But now…I saw your fangs down there when you became angry. I lost my husband to a demon. I won’t be in a relationship with one or whatever you are.”

  When he closed his eyes and hung his head, she faltered. “I won’t lie, I find you very attractive and our chemistry is strong, which is what got us into this. But I’m leaving. I have to.”

  Fallon rubbed the back of his neck, his forehead pinched. Letting out a breath he motioned for her to move closer. “Sit…please let me explain.”

  Ensuring not to sit near him, she chose the smaller chair and watched him lower to the love seat opposite her. Of course, her attention was drawn to how the pullover—cashmere no doubt—sweater stretched across his well-formed chest. Her breathing hitched. A strong need for him burned making her wonder if she’d developed a fever. Tonia forced her eyes up to his.

  “I’m not a demon. All Protectors have fangs, we developed them for protection and for…er other things. Think about it, would a demon live with slayers?”

  She studied him, the handsome man actually looked contrite and immediately an overwhelming urge to soothe him filled her. Clenching her hands, she kept from moving to him. Get the facts Tonia. “What happens if I don’t stay here?”

  “Mates weaken if away from the other too long. As a matter of fact, what you’re feeling right now is normal, it’s imperative that we…bond, and soon. We must touch, be in contact regularly, otherwise we’ll deteriorate, lose our ability to think clearly. Physically it’s torture, but mentally, it’s worse.”

  “I can’t afford that.” Her voice hiked. “My job requires me to remain sharp.”

  “Obviously I can’t either,” he told her, his voice dull.

  “Can we compromise?”


  “After we finish, here.” When he looked to the bed, Fallon actually blushed. “You can move into one of the guest cottages on the property. We can meet every morning as you leave for work and I return home. To…er to touch or something.”

  “What exactly do you mean by touch?”

  “It has to be intimate.”

  “What?” She glared at him. “This crap just keeps getting better. Can’t we do something else?”


  “Hell, I don’t know, how about if we hold hands?”

  “Hold hands?” He stared at her, eyebrows raised. “That’s not intimate.” He exhaled sharply. “Last night, it didn’t seem to be such a stretch to be intimate.”

  He had a point, yet her choice was taken. “I had a choice.”

  Flat eyes met hers. “A kiss may suffice. I’ve never been through this either.”

  “Is this why Wendy flings herself at Kieran every morning?” she asked.

  Fallon shook his head. “No, they actually love each other.” He leaned forward in the chair opposite hers, but didn’t move to touch her. “Can we try what I’m suggesting?”

  Not feeling she had a choice she nodded.

  “Come here.”

  Tonia trembled at the husky request, her mouth opened to allow air into her lungs. Lifting from the chair her body detached from her brain, it would not be denied.

  The Protector waited for her to near, and then he stood and pulled his sweater off over his head, eyes on hers, he began to remove his pants. Tonia shook, but began to undress as well. If he wanted to keep it clinical, then she would do the same. If this were just a fuck to ensure they would remain sharp, then she’d take that. Use him.

  Fully nude they both stood facing each other, neither wanted to give in first, which she found almost comical, if not for the damn thick erection between his legs she’d swear he wasn’t turned on. A drop of cum appeared from tip and glistened. Good, he wanted her just as badly.

  Fallon took her hand and pulled her to him, his mouth crushed hers and she grabbed his butt, her nails digging into the plump orbs. A deep moan came from deep in his throat, the rumble in his chest vibrated into her.

  With quick motions, he lifted her and rushed to the bed.

  “Fuck me.” Tonia grabbed his cock and guided it to her, irritated when he pulled back.

  “No.” His breathing was fast, his chest expanding with each breath, but his movements were slow, his lips pressing kisses down her throat until finally closing over her nipple. When he sucked it into his mouth with force, she arched into him.

  Her core pulsed with yearning. “I-I need you now.” Once again she reached between them, but he grabbed her hands and held them over her head.


  Helpless to move as his large body pressed over her, Tonia closed her eyes and lifted her hips grinding into him. The friction helped.

  With one hand holding hers in a tight bond, Fallon moved the other between her legs. His darkened eyes bore into hers. “I want to make love, not fuck.”

  A smart response stuck in her throat when he began to caress her now throbbing center with his thumb while slipping a finger into her. She opened her mouth for him taking his tongue into her mouth with greed.

  At the precipice of release, her body strung so tight, Tonia cried out. The nudging between her legs could only mean he would finally enter her. For fear he’d stop, she wrapped a leg around his thigh. “Please.”

  “Yes!” She cried out when he finally thrust in, stretching her, filling her completely.

  The bedding around them combined with his heated body formed a nest Tonia didn’t want to leave. She was tucked under his arm, her head on his chest, and her arm around his waist. Once the haze of their lovemaking lifted, she could not ignore the cold truth. The sex had been intense, almost as if they’d shared each sensation. The climax taking them damn near to blackout. God she could become addicted to it.

  “I can’t stay in this house with you, I will take you up on the offer of the cottage.” Tonia spoke, unsure if he was awake or not.

  The only reply was a deep exhalation.

  “I need my things. I am wearing borrowed clothes from Wendy, and she is a lot shorter.”

  “I’ll drive you to your townhouse.”

  They went downstairs into a garage that housed a varied amount of vehicles, which included several huge motorcycles, a Jeep and a small red sports car. Fallon directed her to his silver Jaguar and held the door open for her. After she slid in, he went around and climbed in behind the wheel. Wearing jeans and a long sleeve dark blue polo, he could walk into a magazine shoot and be perfect. His elegant fingers slid across the radio buttons while he set it to a jazz station. Tonia swallowed when his gaze flicked to her.

  “So is Trent your original last name?”

  “Yes, my name is Fallon Ashton Trent.”

  Fallon Ashton. It suited him.

  “So, what did you mean when you said, this was the worst time for our mating to happen?”

  A muscle at his jaw tightened. “Our mission, the war with the demons…it’s not a good time to be mated as it puts our mates at risk. Targets for our enemy.”

  “So other than Wendy and Kieran, no others are mated?”

  “Its actually rare for so many Protectors to be mated, most choose to remain unattached. Kieran’s brother Cynden and also Roderick, the one who treated you, are also mated.” He signaled and turned.

  “Why did Julian do that to you? Is it normal for him to do this? To punish in that manner?”

  “No, only me.”


  “It’s between Julian and I.”

  “So he doesn’t like you?”

  He reached for the radio and turned up the music. End of convo looked like. She sat back and crossed her arms. Oh yeah, he definitely kept something from her.

  For the duration of the drive to her home, they remained quiet
, each deep in thought.

  Upon arriving at her townhouse Tonia realized she didn’t have her keys. “Crap, I don’t have my keys.”

  “It’s not a problem. I can get us in.” When they reached her front door, Fallon stepped forward and placed his hand on the smooth surface. The locks clicked and he opened the door.

  “Ever consider a career in crime?” she asked him, staring at the open door, not looking forward to going in and facing the bloody mess.

  Inside her townhouse, nothing seemed disturbed. As a matter of fact, the space had been thoroughly cleaned. Tonia noticed several articles missing however and began looking around to see what else was amiss.

  “They were here. The demons destroyed some of your things.” Fallon told her, remaining by the doorway. “I put everything back that was not broken.”

  He’d cleaned up her place. She pressed her lips together. No, she would not allow her heart to soften toward him. He was still hiding something from her, she knew with unmistakable certainty.

  “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that.”

  Moving past the bathroom, she could not stop from looking in. It too had been cleaned. She had a hard time picturing the wealthy hunk cleaning up her bathroom.

  Once in her bedroom, she pulled a large suitcase from the closet and began packing. When that one filled, she grabbed a second one.

  “Do you need any help?” Fallon asked some time later, from the bedroom entryway, he eyed her already bulging suitcases. “Should I hire a U-Haul perhaps?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Two days later, Tonia kicked her blankets off her too sensitive skin. She’d barely slept, tossing and turning all night, her body hummed with need. She’d dreamt of Fallon both nights and had almost thrown herself at him that morning when he stopped by for a kiss after returning from work. She’d noted circles under his eyes and it helped somewhat to know that he didn’t seem to be having an easier time of it either. Lack of sleep, a side effect he’d conveniently left out.


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