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Immortal Lord (Immortal Protectors Book 4)

Page 11

by H. M. McQueen

  “How do you …? Um, never mind.” She got up and followed him.

  The scene at the library was a déjà vu moment. Julian, standing beside the desk, stopped talking and looked up when they walked in. Tonia suppressed the urge to move in front of Fallon, to protect him from the Roman’s attack. She didn’t, only because she knew Fallon would not appreciate it.

  The room was full, five other men present. Kieran, Logan and Roderick as well as a newcomer, a dark man who studied her with distaste, by the curl of his lip aimed in her direction. Great, another barbarian. Next to him stood a blond, who had to be Kieran’s brother Cynden, by the resemblance.

  She met the Roman’s gaze head on, not looking away until Fallon pulled her to his side. “Stop it,” he whispered to her.

  Moving slowly, she cut her eyes back to Julian, who raised his eyebrows at her when she sat slightly forward on the couch, partially blocking Fallon from him.

  “I won’t hurt your mate,” the Roman told her, a slight curve to his lips.

  Fallon touched her arm, getting her attention, he motioned to the large blond. “This is Cynden Fraser, Kieran’s brother.”

  The Protector smiled at her. “Hey Tonia, nice to meet you,” Cyn said, obviously the friendlier of the two brothers.

  “The angry guy over there,” Fallon motioned to the dark male, “is Rowe.” She met the dark male’s gaze again, his acknowledgement this time less threatening, the cock of a brow.

  The doorbell rang and she heard Wendy greet someone at the door. The tension level in the room heightened, Rowe’s hand went to his sword. Tonia tensed, looking to Fallon for an explanation. “It’s all right,” he told her, standing and moving to the doorway.

  Sebastian walked in, and Fallon held his hand out to the incubus. They shook hands. With a cursory nod, Sebastian acknowledged the others and went to sit next to Roderick.

  “Now that everyone’s here, we will proceed with the plans for tonight.” Julian began without preamble. “Tonight is the cusp of the full moon which will be in full effect tomorrow night.” He paused and completed a sweep of the room. An electric current–like sensation tingled her skin. Tonia wondered if he was scanning their minds. He locked gazes with her for a split second. “Partners tonight will be Cynden and Roderick, Logan and Rowe, and Kieran will partner with Sebastian. Ignore all low-levels, unless it’s a life or death situation. Your main objective is to scan the city for the Master demon. Remember, although he’s weaker, Gerard is still a lethal threat. Sebastian has agreed to assist in finding the Master, but will not engage in fighting.”

  “What is my role?” Fallon asked scowling.

  “You will remain here,” Julian replied, his flat eyes implying he expected not to be questioned.

  Fallon did not comply. “Like hell! I will not stay here while you guys go out there and put your lives on the line.”

  “You would rather be out there?” Julian shouted, “making it easier for him to possess you?”

  “I won’t stay behind.” The Brit stood, not backing down. Stubborn man. The room was silent, everyone’s eyes darting between Julian and Fallon.

  Kieran spoke, breaking the standoff. “Can’t the demon get to Fallon here as easily as he can out there?”

  Julian stared up at the ceiling for a moment as if trying to control his temper. “I am patrolling this area.” His dark gaze went back to Fallon. “This goes against my better judgment, fine, go with Kieran. Sebastian, you’re with me.” The Roman moved closer to Fallon. Tonia felt him tense. “Let this be the only time you disregard my orders.” Julian turned to the others. “Report to your sectors at sundown.” Everyone stood, and before leaving all but Kieran neared Fallon, and sniffed him.

  “What are they doing?” Tonia asked him, giving Rowe a back off glare when he neared Fallon.

  “Getting the demon’s scent, it’s very strong now,” he replied stilling while Rowe completed his turn.

  “Okay. Weird,” Tonia told him, noting Julian didn’t do the smelling thing. “What about him?”

  “I need to have a word with Julian,” he told her guiding her toward the doorway, “I won’t be long.”

  With one last warning glance to Julian, she walked out.

  “Did you choose a successor?” Julian asked Fallon. The question made his stomach churn. He’d finally mated, and already he was forced to make arrangements for a replacement. A Protector’s mate could not be left without a mate. If he died, Tonia would feel a never-ending urgent need to find a new mate to replace her lost partner, making her an easy target for a demon as they also mated.

  He stared at the floor between his feet for a long time, having a hard time articulating the word. “Logan.”

  Julian gave him a long look. “I know this is difficult.”

  “Has this happened before? The possession?” He stalled his leader from going forward with what had to be done.

  “Yes, but it’s rare,” Julian replied. “Protectors are usually not targeted for possession, because of the length of time it takes for preparation of our body to host. This Master must have planned to use you if another plan failed.”

  “He hoped to get the key,” Fallon stated, referring to the powerful Fae artifact that Wendy guarded. The key was safe underground in Ireland, a group of Fae warriors protecting it. Wendy traveled back to her homeland monthly to ensure its safekeeping.

  “Yes,” Julian agreed. “Because he failed to procure the Key of Peace, he now needs to find another way to regain his powers.” Julian took a breath, his brow in a straight line. “I will do my best to ensure you are not taken. Prepare yourself. I will do a fortification treatment today and tomorrow.”

  Not quite sure how he was expected to prepare for the painful process, he shrugged. “I’m ready.”

  What felt like an eternity later, he lay on the floor panting and drenched in sweat. Through a haze he heard the door burst open and Tonia rushed in, Roderick behind her. Barely able to lift his head, he rested his forehead on the floor and squeezed his eyes shut. The pounding in his head barely lessened.

  Roderick waited until Tonia assured herself he was breathing, then picked him up and laid him on the couch.

  His mate pushed his hair away from his forehead and pressed a kiss to it. “Oh Fallon.”

  “Call Logan,” Julian told Roderick. Fallon forced his eyes open. “Now?”

  “Yes,” Julian replied, concern evident in his eyes when they met his.

  “What?” Tonia asked him, her hand on his cheek. She turned to Julian, “What are you doing now?”

  The closer Julian came to Tonia, the harder it became for Fallon not to react. “Stop.” he told Julian, finally losing the ability to remain quiet. “I rescind my choice.”

  Julian took a deep breath, clenching his fists. “Fallon be reasonable. You can’t condemn her to be without a mate if something happens to you. You must choose a successor.”

  “Condemn me? What the fuck are you two talking about?” Tonia jumped to her feet, standing almost nose-to-nose with Julian. “I am not some cow that gets passed from one bull to another.”

  “I assure you there’s a very good reason for this.” Julian told her, his gaze flicking to Fallon. “I will explain and allow you to make the decision.”

  Tonia sat beside him again, he could sense her mind racing, she suspected exactly what Julian was about to describe. Fallon glanced at Julian, who’d obviously also read her thoughts.

  The Roman exhaled.

  “As you ascertain, once a Protector bonds, it’s for life. In the unfortunate event that the Protector would cease to be, arrangements must be made swiftly for a successor. Otherwise, the surviving female will be in a frantic need of sexual fulfillment, in a desperate search for a mate, making her very susceptible to being taken by a demon. What makes your situation worse is that Fallon is marked for possession by a demon.”

  Tonia slumped—she closed her eyes for a moment, her mind eerily quiet. “Any minute now I expect to wake from this shitty

  Julian and Fallon exchanged looks waiting for her to say something else. When she looked at Fallon, for the first time, he saw true caring in her eyes.

  “You are trying to protect me aren’t you? But you can’t do it, release me to another.” The emotion in her gaze caused his heartbeat to quicken. He nodded, not sure he could actually speak.

  “So if you die, I turn into some sort of nymphomaniac huh?” she asked him, not looking away.

  “I’m sorry,” he told her picking up her hand and holding it to his chest. “I should have refrained from bonding with you. Please forgive me.”

  Tonia’s half smile reassured him. She stood and neared Julian looking up at him. “He rescinds his choice.” She turned back and stabbed Fallon in the chest with a hard poke. “Your ass better not die.” She stood and walked out.

  Roderick cleared his throat and looked at Fallon with a crooked smile. “She told you.”

  Fallon frowned looking at the now empty doorway. “Yes she did.”

  “Great.” Julian sat down, shaking his head. “Are all Georgia women like this?”

  Roderick laughed, “You’d do good to find a mate here too Julian.”

  Julian sputtered. “I think not.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tonia didn’t fall asleep until very late. Fallon had returned early from his patrol. He’d blacked out around midnight and his partner forced him to return to the house. Kieran had half-carried him to the bedroom. Fallon complained of his inability to shoulder his share of their responsibility, his entire body tense with barely restrained frustration. Tonia coaxed him to lay face down and gave him a massage until he fell into a fitful sleep.

  Now snuggled against him, the warmth became unbearable and she woke up dripping in sweat. Had someone turned the thermostat up to Hell level? Fallon jerked. Something was wrong. He mumbled in his sleep and his body jolted several times. She placed her hand on his face. He was scorching hot.

  She shook him. “Fallon? Wake up.” She tried again, but he did not react.

  It was almost four in the morning, she had to get help. Had someone else returned from patrol yet? She slid from the bed grabbed her discarded pajamas from the foot of the bed and jammed them on. Maybe she should get a wet rag for his brow? Not sure if immortals reacted to illness the same as regular humans, she decided it was best to go find someone to ask.

  She rushed down the stairs to the second floor, pausing at Wendy and Kieran’s doorway only for a moment before knocking.

  A groggy Wendy opened the door, her eyes widening at seeing her. “Oh God, I overslept, it’s dinner time right?” She paused and studied Tonia. “What’s wrong?”

  “Fallon, there is something wrong with him, he’s got a very high fever.”

  Wendy flew back into the room. She wrapped a robe around herself and motioned for Tonia to lead the way. “I don’t think they’re supposed to get sick. The others should be home in an hour or so.” She pulled out a cell phone and pushed a button.

  As they rushed back up the stairs, Wendy spoke to someone on the phone. “Yes I know we can’t call them while they’re on duty, I need to find out what we’re supposed to do about Fallon Trent, he’s burning up with a fever.”

  She huffed and hung up. “Stupid dispatch people. I wonder if she’s even human. When I meet her, I’m going to pull all the hairs out of her fool head.”

  “Is she going to call anyone?” Tonia could barely breathe.

  “She said she’d send them a ping, or a ding, or some shit.” Wendy shook her head. “Good thing he’s not bleeding to death.”

  They stopped short upon entering the room, the bed loomed empty, the blankets dragged halfway off the bed.

  Wendy grabbed her arm. “Are you sure he was here?” She whispered.

  “Yes,” she hissed back. “Why are we whispering?”

  Wendy shuddered, “Something feels wonky. I think we need to leave the room and wait for someone to come.”

  Tonia scanned the room, something did feel wrong. She began moving back out when movement caught her attention. Fallon lay on the floor, thrashing.

  “Oh God,” she hurried toward him, only to stop when he snarled at her, his reddened eyes taking them in, without blinking.

  With stealth-like movements, he crouched as if ready to spring if they moved.

  “Oh shit,” Wendy said, hand reaching for hers.

  Tonia eyed her dagger on a table only a couple steps away. Could she do it, could she kill him if he attacked them?

  Her voice trembled. “Fallon what are you doing? You need to get back in bed, you’re not feeling well.”

  His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t move.

  “Let me try,” Wendy told her. “Fallon, if you get back in bed, I’ll bring you some tea.”

  He snarled and they took a step back. “Don’t move,” Tonia told Wendy who pressed her lips together, not exactly looking fearful.

  Tonia raised her eyebrows at her.

  “It’s hard to be terrified of a naked Fallon.” Wendy explained.

  Just then he stood and moved closer to them. Wendy flinched. “He’s going to attack us. Okay, I’m getting scared now.”

  “Can’t you do something?” Tonia asked. “Aren’t you something other than human?”

  “Well, yeah, but I don’t do demon killing or fighting,” Wendy answered, taking another step back. “Besides, I could never hurt Fallon anyway, he brings me cookies.”

  “Let’s move back slowly.” When they stepped back, his narrowed eyes tracked their movements. They stilled.

  Fallon began to shake and stumbled backward. “He’s fighting it,” Tonia told Wendy, taking advantage of the moment to grab her dagger. She shoved Wendy back out of the doorway. “Run, lock yourself in your room.”

  “I’m going to get Albert,” Wendy said, leaving.

  Tonia gasped when Fallon rushed her, she fell on the floor hitting the side of her head on the table. After a hard shake of her head to clear her vision, she shoved him off. He snarled and tried to bite her, his fangs fully extended.

  Now the moment of truth, she had no choice but to strike. She kicked at him, once again he began to shake which gave her a chance to somehow manage to get to her feet.

  Waiting for him to rush again, she palmed the dagger, stood ready, her feet planted, and knees slightly bent, ready for impact.

  Only he didn’t move, he blinked and when his confused gaze rose up to hers, his eyes were back to normal. “What did I do?” His eyes widened at seeing the dagger in her hand.

  “You’re burning up, your eyes were red and you tried to attack me and Wendy.”

  With shaky hands, he turned away and grabbed his jeans and a T-shirt off the floor putting them on with jerky moves. His face glistened from the fever. “I need to be locked up,” he told her. “I can sense it, he’s coming for me.”

  She followed close behind as he rushed from the room, wondering where he was headed.

  They went to the basement, past the clinic. Fallon entered a small room only about ten by ten, with a thick steel door. A cell. “Tie my wrists together. Once you do, strap me to this bed and use the key over there and lock the door,” he instructed while grabbing some straps from the medical supply closet.

  Her heart pounded and mouth went dry. “Are you sure I need to lock you up now? Wendy called and they’re sending someone.” She reached for the key on a hook hesitating to take the straps from him.

  When she met his eyes, she gasped and stepped back, the red swirled around his iris. It was back. He snarled and pushed her so hard she slammed against the wall. His incisors snapped down, fully extended and she pulled her dagger from the small of her back. His head tilted to the side, the red-shot eyes taking her in.

  “Fallon don’t do this, come back to me.” He neared, his eyes locked on her throat. Saliva dripped from the tips of his fangs. Tears streamed as she stabbed him in the shoulder. He sprung away, but didn’t fall, only stumbled. Taking a few unsteady steps,
he began to laugh, the sound not at all Fallon’s voice.

  Fallon took a step towards her, and she lifted the dagger ready to strike again.

  When he came closer, she could not bring herself to stab him and lowered her hand. Tonia expected a vicious attack ending in her death. Instead he shoved past her and sprinted from the room and up the stairs. In the distance she heard the sounds of glass breaking and some crashing.

  It took a few moments before she could force herself to leave the room. On shaky legs, she went back upstairs.

  When she got to the first floor, the front door was thrown open.

  Fallon was nowhere in sight.

  Julian and Sebastian rushed in. Julian took one look at her, turned back around and burst into a sprint. “Stay with her until the others arrive,” he called to the Incubus over his shoulder.

  The cool air blew over her as Sebastian closed the door and guided her to the kitchen table. He placed a glass of water in front of her, which she ignored. She wanted to laugh at the irony that a demon attempted to comfort her at the second worst moment of her life.

  A couple hours later as the sun rose, she still remained in the kitchen, with Sebastian and Wendy, whose worried gaze fell on her once again. “They’ll find him, don’t worry. Julian is the most powerful Protector, he can’t fail.”

  “I agree,” Sebastian said, and took a sip from an endless lineup of cups of coffee. “I’m sure they’ll find him.”

  “And what happens then? I think the demon’s got him,” Tonia told them. “He’s my life mate, I’m mated to a demon.” Angry at the pitch in her voice, she slammed her hand on the tabletop and stood.

  “Hold him tight,” someone barked. Julian, Logan and Kieran dragged a snarling Fallon into the house. Sebastian rushed over and helped them haul the struggling Fallon through the kitchen going down to the basement.

  “Oh God,” Wendy exclaimed, her face pale. “He looks worse.”

  Not wanting to be there a moment longer, Tonia grabbed her purse from the counter and headed for the door.

  Bonded to him or not, she could not stay and be mated to a demon. Her Fallon was gone.


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