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Arena Book 7

Page 11

by Logan Jacobs

  “I am glad to see I could help you work up a formidable appetite today, Bruce,” Li Jun-fan said with a smile. He wore a very simple black tuxedo, and his jet black hair was pulled back from his face and parted to the side which gave him a very debonair look. Which was why I initially didn’t recognize him.

  “Li,” I said and held out my hand. Li took and shook it firmly. “How’s the shoulder?”

  “Well,” he said as he rolled it around a little. “Since Earth has been a part of the Forge of Heroes, and our champion, Marc Havak, I’m sure you’ve heard of him, has won us many medical advancements. I have an ultra-sonic muscular regenerator that will have this arm good as new tomorrow.”

  “Uh, yeah, that guy is pretty freaking cool, huh?” I said as I nearly choked on a last bit of shrimp scampi.

  “That he is,” Li said and smirked at all of us. “As is his teammate, PoLarr Inarra, the mighty Val’Keeyre warrior.”

  “Ha ha ha ha,” PoLarr laughed way too loudly.

  “And Nova Qwark,” Li continued. “Do you not think the competitor form Ukraine reminds you of her, just a bit. Granted without the orange skin.”

  Thomas made a motion as if he were going to move over to Li and try to escort him away from us but I held my hand out to stop him.

  “It’s okay, Steve,” I said. “Li here seems like a good guy who can keep a very important secret that could get a shit ton of people killed. Like, maybe a planet’s worth.”

  “That I can,” Li smiled. “I just wanted you to know, that whatever the reason is, if you need help, I am here.”

  “Why would you trust us, or us you?” Thomas asked skeptically.

  “They say you cannot truly know the heart of a man until you have faced him in battle,” Li said quietly, but his words were full of knowledge and conviction. “I believe that Mr. Van Damage and I know each other very well now.”

  “I think we do, Li,” I nodded.

  “Please, call me Jun-fan,” he replied with a slight bow of his head.

  “Well, Jun-fan,” I continued. “Keep that watchful eye of yours out, and you may get the shot. It typically tends to go that way for us.”

  “Ha ha,” Jun-fan chuckled. “That it does. I shall let you all get back to your night. Wǎnshàng hǎo.”

  “Wǎnshàng hǎo, Jun-fan,” Thomas said in perfectly accented Mandarin as Li walked back into the crowd. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say Jun-fan is, or was, a member of Hong Kong’s PD Special Duties Unit, or the Flying Tigers.”

  “What have we missed?” Tempest Dirk asked as she and the rest of our team walked up to our tables.

  They looked hot enough to stop a clock.

  Tempest was decked out in a red long sleeved deep V backless evening gown with a slit up the side that practically came to her waist and matching high heel pumps.

  Nova was drop-dead gorgeous as she showed off her impressive physique and incredible curves in a hot pink, sleeveless, bandage style dress with a slight v-neck and playful fringe on the bottom. She completed the ensemble with a pair of strappy mid-heel sandals.

  “Pull up a chair, girlfriend,” Chaz replied excitedly. “And let me get you caught up--”

  “Hey, sugars, ya’ll might want to get up here,” Aurora’s voice sounded in all our ear-pieces. She sounded out of breath and heightened as if she’d just had a really good ‘meal’. “Floor one hundred fifty-seven, penthouse two.”

  “We’ll head up first, you guys follow behind in five,” I said to Thomas, Nova, and Tempest.

  “We just got here, and I’m starving,” Nova said disappointedly.

  “Grub down for five minutes then, go for the lobster,” I threw over my shoulder as PoLarr, Olivia, Chaz and I headed for the elevator.

  We moved through the crowd easily, but I did notice that we caught a few odd glances from a few of the other teams of fighters. I put my arm around PoLarr’s waist and began to stumble a little as if I’d had a touch too much to drink.

  “Come on, champ,” PoLarr said in her Phoebe persona without missing a beat. “Let’s get you up to bed. You can kick a mean ass in the ring but you sure can’t hold your top-shelf liquor.”

  “Ouch,” I whispered to her as we got to the elevator. “Why you gotta insult my manliness like that?”

  “Please, you’ll live,” she scoffed. “Plus, you’re kind of a lightweight when compared to the rest of us.”

  “I can’t help it if your weird alien physiology makes it so you guys process alcohol faster than I do,” I shot back as the elevator doors opened, and we all stepped in. A few other patrons made like they wanted on the elevator as well, and I turned and planted a sloppy kiss on PoLarr. “Babe, I don’t know if I can wait to get back to the room…”

  The other party-goers waved us off as the elevator doors closed. Chaz hit the button marked 157 and the elevator shot up several floors very quickly.

  When the doors opened again, we stepped out into a hallway suspiciously empty of guards and made our way quickly to Penthouse 2. Once there I knocked gently on the gold-gilded door.

  A second later it opened, and we all walked in.

  Aurora stood before us practically glowing. I could tell she’d fed, and fed quite a bit.

  “Oh boy,” I asked nervously. “Please tell me you didn’t kill the Sultan?”

  “Sugar, please, I can control myself,” Aurora replied in mock indignation. We walked further into the lavish corner penthouse and saw three of the Sultan’s bodyguards sprawled out on one of the white leather couches. I was pretty sure they were no longer breathing. “Well, most of the time I can.”

  The Sultan of Savages himself was tied to a dining chair near a huge, carved wood dining table that could have easily sat twelve with what looked like HDMI cables. In the bedroom, I saw that the large, flat-screen TV had been knocked to the floor.

  “I take it the Sultan put up a bit of a fight?” I asked.

  “No, not so much him,” Aurora answered. “His bodyguards really didn’t like it when I started to siphon a bit of lifeforce from him though.”

  A moment later there was a light knock on the door. Olivia moved to it quickly and peered out the peephole before she opened it, and the rest of our team walked in quickly.

  “Oh boy,” Thomas said as he saw the Sultan tied to the chair and the presumably dead bodyguards. Everyone turned to look at him when he did because it sounded almost exactly like when I said the same thing not two minutes ago. “Well, okay, how long is he going to be out for?”

  “Oh, sugar, I can go wake him up anytime,” Aurora bragged.

  “Then let’s do that, we need to get info from him ASAP,” Thomas said as he checked his watch. “We just hit the thirty-hour left mark.”

  Aurora walked over to the passed out Sultan and traced her finger across his shoulders and up and down his arm. She then leaned in close and a tendril of light blue life-force flowed from her mouth into his. A moment later his eyes snapped open.

  “Oh, thank God above, you were not a dream,” the Sultan said when he saw Aurora.

  “No, sugar, if I come from anywhere, it ain’t above,” Aurora drawled evilly, then turned to Thomas. “Ask away, sugar, the Sultan here will answer any questions you might have, won’t you Sulty?”

  “Oh, oh, yes, Ms. Moonswan,” the Sultan replied eagerly.

  “What is your arrangement with the Skalle Furia?” Thomas asked point-blank.

  “I am to give them a large sum of cash tomorrow after the competition,” the Sultan answered without any hesitation.

  “Why?” I blurted out.

  “They agreed to help me out with a rival,” the Sultan admitted. “My cousin, Ralph. He had garnered several of my family members' favor to try to take my power from me by seizing control of the oil fields we own. I came across the Skalle on a dark web forum, they needed money and I needed my cousin… disposed of. It was a win-win for everyone.”

  “Why the hell are the Skalle Furia acting as mercenaries for hire here on Earth?” Oliv
ia asked Thomas incredulously. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” Thomas answered. “Once the DOTUS is back, I sure as hell plan on getting to the bottom of it. We have enough homegrown mercs on this planet without having to deal with off-world ones as well. Okay, Aurora, send the good Sultan back to the sandman, would you?”

  “Sure thing, sugar,” Aurora replied and leaned in close to the Sultan who strained against his bonds to get to her. She stopped a hairsbreadth from his lips and took just enough life-force to put him back to sleep.

  “Okay, so what’s the play?” I asked. “Pretty sure we can get rid of the guards without too much fuss, but how are we going to convince the Sultan there to let us into the meeting?”

  “Well, I might have a plan,” Thomas said with a somewhat unsure look on his face. “It’s crazy and probably won’t work in a million years.”

  “Hey, that’s Team Havak’s bread and butter,” I bragged with a cocky grin.

  “Son, you have no idea,” Thomas said with a shake of his head. “Chaz, pop back to Area Fifty-One and grab the Polymetric Molder would you?”

  “Yes, sir, Colonel!” Chaz said crisply with a salute and then bamfed away.

  “So, not sure if you guys noticed,” Thomas continued. “But PoLarr and the good Sultan there are roughly the same size and build. That’s a negative for him, not you, PoLarr.”

  “I know,” PoLarr said simply.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Nova asked.

  Before Thomas could answer Chaz teleported back into the room with a rather large electronic case in his hands. He plopped it down heavily in front of us.

  “There you go!” He said proudly.

  Thomas popped the top and folded out several very complicated looking robotic arms and a something that looked like a scanning gun at a grocery store.

  “Oh shit,” I exclaimed. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Polymetric facial molding three-D printer?” Thomas rattled off. “Yeah, it is. Welcome to Mission Very Much Now Possible.”

  “I am confused,” Nova said.

  “This device will map the Sultan’s face and hair structure and then print a completely lifelike complex polymer latex mask that PoLarr is going to wear to impersonate him tomorrow for the meeting,” Thomas explained.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” Tempest called over from where I thought she had been asleep the entire time on the couch next to the dead guards.

  “Sweet!” PoLarr said. “Call me Ethan Hunt.”

  “No, you’re going to be the Sultan of Savages,” Thomas countered. “A microchip in the mask will duplicate his vocal signature so… with any luck, we’ll find out where the President’s daughter is being held.”

  “Awesome, so, what do we do now?” I asked.

  “You and Nova should get some sleep,” Thomas said. “You both have fights you’ll have to compete in tomorrow to keep up our covers. I’ll stay here and get the ball rolling on the printer. It takes a few hours to complete so… despite our ticking clock, we’re going to have to take a breather.”

  There wasn’t much more to discuss after that so we all said our good nights. PoLarr, Aurora, and Chaz stayed with Thomas to work on the mask while Tempest said she was going to hit the casino for a bit.

  Olivia and I headed back to our room several floors below.

  “Well, night, Olivia, see you in the morning,” I said as I headed to my room. I was exhausted all of a sudden.

  “Yeah… see you,” Olivia said somewhat disappointedly.

  I walked to my room, stripped out of my monkey suit and flopped down onto the bed without even turning on the light.

  A few moments later my door opened and Olivia stood, backlit from the living room light, but not so much so that I couldn’t tell that she was completely naked.

  “Okay, that is some bullshit, Marc,” she said as she walked slowly into the room and closed the door. Once the backlight was gone and the full moon from outside the large floor to ceiling window in my room played across her body, I found I was no longer tired. “I’ve been wanting to fuck your brains out since yesterday morning… longer actually, and you do not get out of it that easily.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said playfully as she crawled into the bed. The soft skin of her body rubbed up across mine as she took her time before our lips finally met. The kiss was hot, wet and full of pent up passion.

  Before I even knew what was happened Olivia straddled me and deftly guided my now hard cock into her warm pussy.

  “Oh, my god, that is good,” Olivia panted as she began to grind her hips into me. My hands reached up to cup her breasts.

  “Yeah, it is.” I rolled her hard nipples between my fingers.

  “Yeah, that’s it,” she groaned. “Pound into me.”

  I began to thrust up into her harder and harder as her eyes rolled back into her head, and her body tensed as an orgasm ripped through her.

  With a twist of my hips, I rolled out from under her, stood on the edge of the bed, and pulled her hips to mine as I entered her from behind.

  “Fuck yes, Marc,” she gasped. “Fuck me so hard. I’ve wanted this for so long. Take me.”

  Our pace increased as I felt my own orgasm well inside me until we couldn’t take it any longer, and we both let go completely. As soon as our climaxes hit, I pushed as deep as I could into her clutching tunnel and came like a fire hose. She gasped when she felt me start to fill her, and then she whined when the feeling of my cum filling her womb caused her to spiral into a third climax.

  After the waves of pleasure had crested I collapsed next to her on the bed.

  “Why captain, I had no idea you were such an animal,” I said between breaths.

  “And I had no idea you could pour a gallon of sperm into me,” she sighed as her fingers reached down to wipe a bit of the cream that was leaking out of her pussy.

  Then she licked it off her fingers and let out a sigh of pleasure.

  “I aim to please,” I whispered as my cock started to harden again. “And I wouldn’t mind pleasing you twice.”

  “You mean three times,” she giggled. “Damn. Been a while since I’ve orgasmed like that, but you need to save some strength for tomorrow, champ.”

  “You got it, Captain.”

  “But when this is over I’m going to show you exactly how much of an animal I am,” she panted.

  And with those tender words of sweet nothings ringing in my ears, I fell into a deep and satisfying sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  The next morning started with Chaz seeing Olivia and I completely naked. Brilliant desert sunlight had just started to play through the large windows like a slow, warm caress when I heard the telltale bamf as air from some weird dimension drifted into ours and smelled the lovely smell of brimstone, which should have just been called rotten-egg-stone.

  “You have to fight, Nova!” The little now-not-blue alien yelled at the top of his lungs. “And oh my god you are both naked! I’m sorry. And I’m staring. I can’t seem to close my eyes. Oh, oh lord you are both so incredibly attractive!”

  “Chaz!” I yelled as I tried to cover the two of us with a sheet. “You’re good buddy, the damage is done. What was that about having to fight Nova?”

  “Your match for today,” Chaz blurted out as he covered his eyes yet still managed to peek through his fingers. Olivia sat up and didn’t even pretend to try to cover herself. “Good lord, Captain, your breasts are spectacular… especially in this morning light.”

  “I am well aware of how spectacular my breasts look in any light, Chaz, but thank you,” she said as she sat up in bed and yawned.

  “Typical,” I said when I was able to pull my gaze away from Olivia’s chest. “Just what I wanted to do this morning. Fist fight Nova.”

  “The colonel wants to meet in their room in ten minutes,” Chaz explained.

  The next few minutes was a flurry of activity as Olivia and I got dressed and ate a
fast breakfast from the lavish room service spread that arrived without us having to order it. We then went, as quietly as we could, to Thomas’ room. He let us in and we took a seat on the sofa in the living room area of the penthouse.

  “Where are PoLarr and Aurora?” I asked.

  “That show has already started,” Thomas said as he sipped from his own steaming mug of coffee. “They are up in the Sultan’s quarters. Aurora is using her many skills to help smooth over any rough edges in the facade. I’m looking forward to seeing the fight this morning.”

  “Yes,” Nova said as she came from her bedroom. “And this time I won’t fall out of the elevator.”

  “Ha ha,” I laughed nervously.

  “Should I ask?” Thomas asked.

  “Nova and I had to fight each other once in a training exercise,” I answered as I remembered Grizz’s Gauntlet.

  “He only won because I fell out an elevator,” Nova smiled.

  “Sounds like one hell of a training,” Thomas nodded.

  “You have no idea,” I sighed.

  “Well, try not to kill each other, we have a long day ahead of us,” Thomas said. “And, as always, the clock is still ticking.”

  “We’re going to head to the box and start getting ready,” Olivia said. “The match starts in a half hour.”

  “Sounds good,” Thomas replied. “Everyone stay on comm. With a little luck, we may just pull this off.

  “See you in the Oval,” Nova winked at me.

  “Oh, boy,” I sighed as Olivia and I walked out.

  “That was a great night last night, Marc,” Olivia said while we made our way to the elevator.

  “Yeah, it was,” I grinned.

  “We should do that again,” she grinned back. “Soon.”

  “I heartily agree,” I said as I leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

  “Hey, enough of that,” Olivia said after the kiss was over. “You need to keep your mind on the task at hand. Which is going to be kicking Nova’s butt bad… but not too bad.”


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